High Quality Spike Shipping 1,528 members · 779 stories
Comments ( 13 )
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Apparently, in this comic, Spike is the ONLY character that acts the same as his mirror counterpart in the good Equestria. It would be really fuckin' cool to see Spike shipped with the nice, granny Chrysalis, evil, Queen Luna, or bitchy, emo Cadance. Spike is more manly then Shining in this universe, he'll show Cadance a REAL man. :moustache:

Honestly, it would be cool to see Spike shipped with all the evil counterparts. :pinkiehappy: Especially with Tyrant Celestia. I can smell all the delicious, sexual abuse~:trollestia:

Comment posted by SpikeSupreme13 deleted Mar 12th, 2014


3071622 I agree with you good sir. Also I think the writes for this comic hate Spike.

3071712 The comic writers do more justice for Spike then the ACTUAL canon, show writers.

3071728 ok then. Spike teach that broken sheld how to please a mare.

Blood Brandy
Group Admin

Is it odd that the second thing I noticed and thought was, "Okay, the Doctor is still in his fourth incarnation...Is it that dangerous if he hasn't been killed that much yet?" (The first was Scholarly Derpy)


I would sense bitch-taming galore in such a fic (That and the strong possibility of bitchy Cadance using a gender swap spell on Shining to mess with him, only for the new Gleaming Shield to fall for the nice, protective Spike)

3071761 Now that, good sir, is a hands down featured fic right there. :moustache:

Blood Brandy
Group Admin


I'll have to see the comic first...

Or I could have "Gleaming" somehow end up in normal world and, scared witless at the strange behavior of everyone she knows, latches onto nice Spike

Also, I don't think it's that Spike is the same, I think good Spike just wandered into an alternate reality. Kinda want to see what the other Spike is like.

3071622 3071661 3071712
I agree with the idea for this story gentlemen. :twilightsheepish::yay:

Tally ho!

Did Spike into the mirror?:pinkiecrazy:

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