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Recently i've noticed that some of the members took it upon themselves to create more additional units for ED. I'm happy with that, and I have to say I quite like most of them (not that it matters anymore).

I decided to share some tips on creating various units for the houses, which will hopefully help you guys with coming up with new designs, while staying in-spirit with the theme of each faction.

Fist things first - The Theme. Each faction has a theme that makes them unique and lets you separate them from the rest the moment you look at their units. The Theme can be further divided into two parts - the aesthetics/visuals and the combat style/tactics. Let's have a look at one of the factions:

House Whitegold
Theme - Renaissance Italian City-State with mercenaries and magic.
Aesthetics - well-groomed and polished, proper and stylish, mercenaries bring in a lot of colorful flavor and diversity to their ranks (units such as Ponies of Fortune, Dogs of War, Griffon Marauders or Zebra Janissaries).
Combat Style - heavily focused on defence, heavy use of trickery and illusions, lots of heavily specialized units (Arqueteers are great at range but absolutely suck in melee, Nighthooves are a fantasitic stealth and sabotage unit, but die like flies in open combat, Gem Golems are great at tanking damage but don't expect them to dish it out etc.)

With that in mind, it should be relatively easy now to come up with a new Whitegold unit that could fit into their ranks. It's obvious the new should look clean,slick and well-equipped (apart form the Daimond Dogs). Grotesque monsters are out of the question. The unit should also have a heavily defined role on the battlefield, whether it's pure combat, stealth or support. It should also be very good at it, but pretty bad outside of its element (the only true generalist units in Whitegold are the Militia, Ponies of Fortune and the Praetorponies).

Second important thing to consider when creating a new unit is the correct unit type your troops will fall into. There are several unit types:
1.Basic Troops - exactly what it says on the tin, the backbone of your army. Now, I personally think the basic troop choices for each house have been covered pretty well and don't need any additions, but of course fell free to experiment with ideas.
2.Basic Ranged Unit - self explanatory. Notice that some factions aren't supposed to really have a basic ranged unit (the Cult).
3.Basic Flyer - again, self explanatory. There are two factions at the moment which do not have this unit type covered (i'll let you guess which ones). It would be awesome if somebody made an effort to create them.
4.Heavy/Elite Troops - the badasses in your army, they're all about heavy melee and taking a lot of punishment. Again, the Cult stands out as they don't really have (or need) a heavy troop choice.
5.Elite Ranged Unit - some factions have, them some don't. In case of Whitegold, currently only thing they have is an elite ranged unit.
6.Heavy Flyer - stuff like ponycopters, manticores, sky chariots.
7.Elite Flyer - like the basic flyer but better (Euphories, Lightning's Finest, Griffon Prowlers etc).
8.Support Unit - a unit whose purpose on the battlefield is to support (duh) your units. They cannot fight themselves, but they still are a valuable asset and often can turn the tide of battle in your favor.
9.Siege Unit - unit type dedicated to laying waste to enemy structures and enemy formations. Most of them are ranged by default but not all.
10.Monster - a curious unit type, that is defined mostly not by its role on the battlefield, but by its different approach concerning things like morale, control, tactics. Basically, every monster-type unit need some sort of a handler to fight properly, and those who don't, usually have their roles restricted to just being there and tanking damage. Monsters have the potential to be as devastating to your army as to your opponent's. This category also includes magical and undead constructs.

Some of the units can pull off double duty, acting as a two or more unit types at the same time, for example Stormwing Hoplites are both Basic Troop and Basic Flyer, Earthborn Battle Buckers are both Basic Troop and Basic Ranged Unit. Whitegold Airships are Siege Unit, Support Unit and Heavy Flyers all at the same time.

Now, not all factions need to have access to all types of units. Some units just don't work for certain factions from the flavor perspective (for example, monsters in Earthborn army is a no-no).

With that in mind, look at the unit sheets we have now, and try to analyze what unit each house is desperately needing, and what kind of unit would you add to plug the gap. The tricky part about this is making it so that the factions don't end up having the same boring unit roster.

Here's a couple of my suggestions, based on my own analysis and my unfinished work:

- they desperately need some kind of a flyer unit to protect their airships, and generally to cover the sky above. My suggestion: Griffon Marauders (basically griffon mercs).
- another thing they need is a better siege weapon. Trebuchet is ok and all, but when Earthborn are rolling their huge cannons onto battlefield, you want something that has more punch. My suggestion: Negotiator Cannons (basic cannons, slightly bigger than Bucker Cannons and adorned with the usual Whitegold heraldly).
- heavy flyer such as manticore (easy)
- additional ranged troop(s). I've come up with Death Blossoms (carnivorous plants that serve as sort of sentry turrets for Everfree) and Thorners (earth ponies that can shoot huge thorns from the ground, often impaling the victim)
- some sort of support unit.
Moon and Star:
- a siege unit that isn't connected to either of the guilds. Of course, for that reason it should be weaker than the Sunray Cannon and the Ursa Minor
- some kind of heavy flyer to make them have a better shot at Stormwing and Earthborn
-More Inquisition units, because why not.

Other three factions don't really need any additional units, but if you want to give them a shot, be my guest. Just try to keep it true to the themes of each army.

See ya later.

and Thorners (earth ponies that can shoot huge thorns from the ground, often impaling the victim

I love you. Seriously, I love the concept of Earth Ponies being some sort of druids, and you made it possible here in ED :yay:

This helps a LOT. Thank you, PY.:pinkiehappy:


Death Blossoms really were carnivorous plants, my suspicions were correct. Everfree is still my favorite house for units like that.

Sweet now somethings are covered for what is needed and not needed, at least for now.

The Thorners shoot thorns from the ground? Similar to how that unit from Starcraft worked, Lurkers? Or do they simply shoot the thorns as ranged artillery?

I imagined them stomping the ground with their front hooves and making a bunch of thorns/roots suddently shoot up from the ground beneath their enemies. They would be ranged but without the need for projectiles. One of their strong points would be the ability to attack enemies behind cover, or otherwise out of their line of sight. It would be balanced by their rather short range and the inability to attack flying units.

Ahh, the way they deploy said thorns/roots suggest heavy influence from the Everfree Liege. In saying that I have one more question to feed my mind. How would their personailty come across, feral or civil?

1708317 Chances are they would be more on the feral side of the Everfree.

Well considering that suggested unit the Markpony of Everfree who are portrayed as being more toward the tactical nature of warfare rather than the "let loose the dogs of war" mannerisms of the other Everfree units I just wanted to know to get a feel for them. PY did say that Thorners are deployed more so by the Wild Roses who are more ritual sacrifice oriented than blood-thirsty cannibalism and mating orgies... though who doesn't like the occasional orgy. :facehoof: (oh yeah I went there lol)


And now i'm thinking of an everfree pone covered in roses ivy and weeds a walking garden if you will they just sort of wander around lashing out at anything incredibly durable able to inflict melee and ranged damage to many targets.

The down side would be their cost no just initially as they tend to attack everything. meaning deploying one within your ranks or behind your ranks is very risky.

A reminder this is off the top of my head from the shooting thorns idea (being their ranged attack) actually maybe it should be a cult unit since in my head the garden is basically a controling parasite of death thing. everfree necromancerS? IDK

I have a idea on how to further continue ED in face of all the head canon and fanon.

Core and Supplements.

We first build what is the "Core" rules and canon for ED, which we all agree is the baseline.

Then for the supplements, we modify the baseline and add in the fanon faction.

If for example one Fanon has more rapid technological progression, then the baseline would be altered so the more techy units might be more common.

Such like, Earthborn Juggernauts carrying assault shotguns and flamethrowers into Whitegold Militia Trenches while Moon and Star magically cloaked airships watch.

So this way we can easily account for many tastes.

assault shotguns


The tech here is WAY to primitive to even involve truly automatic weapons much less a SHOTGUN BEING FULL AUTO! (chain-guns don't really count)

Remember that electronic devices are shown in the show. It's not THAT farfetched really, but for the sake of story it can be dismissed, sort of.

Please just limit weapons to simply what was originally presented. Some tech can exist within reason like flamethrowers, airships, copters, siege engines, and trains. But let us forget about automatic weaponry.

Well the core is what was originally presented by PY. Anything other than that really is up to if the community. You can present your story but if others find your-canon units weird or nonsense then your story will simply fail in presenting a unreasonable/mary-sue/OP fiction.


The repeater hoof cannon, that is just a few steps back from the Gatling gun and Maxim Gun.

Just saying, that if you want to dial it forward, or dial it back, it is possible.

Plus computers and modern hospital equipment and that pony security guard in the episode RD was in hospital had a flashlight and belt radio.

The original American assault shotgun was the Trench Gun in WW1. The Germans hated it. Just saying. Sorry if I was implying something else,


The Maxim gun was in 1884, gatling guns 1861, and puckle guns in 1718. So in terms of guns it looks like House Earthborn is about one hundred and forty years away from destroying trench warfare.


I know, but they have a engine powered helicopter and steam powered super heavy tanks. It is not they are going to destroy Trench War far, they are going to invent it. Not field works, which is probably already in use, but actual Trench Warfare. They have juggernauts that can assault trenches, and flamethrowers to burn out bunkers. They have heavy weapons and firearms manufacture to make a three line deep firing line in a trench a devastating force.

Whitegold may even make better, if smaller, trenches due to their Diamond Dog connections and more accurate firearms.

I am just saying, if you make what Yorrick did baseline, it will be easy to deal with all the fanon stuff by calling them supplements. Like for example the Tech Up Supplement. You would have a more later 1890+ feel, Earthborn rifle ponies with lever action rifles and Whitegold with semi-auto rifles. Their Juggernauts are mobile machine gunners. Moon and Star are using tesla coil style defenses and insane mysticism mixed with super technology.

It just assumes a higher and faster level of tech progression on the war. They already have hydro electric dams, and fireworks in bulk in canon. A railway system and manufacture base. Filthy Rich's Barnyard Bargains implies a super store style brand.

As it is, they are a hop and a step away from American Civil War level technologies.

Another Example would be...

Baseline Core+Caravan means that there is the Caravan faction and elements that make the Caravan a useful faction. Then you could add in another RP faction, just need to compare what changes would conflict. I am not saying anything like make that stuff canon, just that we could lock down the baseline core and just mention what changes one's own work would bring to the table.

The final thing that the community needs to finally finish up the Core supplement of ED is the additional units for Everfree, which after Lisboa's presentation I think is done, and I guess M&S who I believe is probably the more difficult. Though I support Lisboa's Ithulian Guards the other add-units leave me a bit wanting. However, if the community wants those add-units to become the final official canon I will gladly back it up.

After that all we have left is merely the Changelings and the Southern Zebra tribes along the Emerald coast. Myself and others, i.e. Trotter, have pretty much suggested that they be treated as the Ottomans. They just don't have a formal name for whatever their sovereignty is called. Here was my suggestion: "Emerald Emirate"

The Assault Shotgun is too advanced for this AU which has only progessed to a Military Technology Level mostly in the High Medieval Period. Throwing in Great-War era technology would only make things seem contrived and unbelievable, and would make whichever faction that controlled it hideously overpowered. It would stop being a Civil War similar to the War of the Roses, and more like the British Empire putting down revolting Hindus during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Hell; actually, it'd resemble the Zulu Wars just with a much larger population to pacify.

Plus, while I have no doubt that the Caravan would make for a good faction in it's own right, the fanmade army list is simply too expansive for them to be a viable faction.


...I think you are missing the point. Plus I added that by assault shotguns, I meant just trench guns. Pump action shotguns at best, not full auto shotguns. They are just shotguns used for assault is what I meant.

Plus no one faction would have the monopoly. I mean, either everyone would have the tech up(aside Everfree obviously) or no one. It would be work detailing the particulars, but just because on the face it makes Earthborn look overpowered doesn't mean that is the case. In such a situation you may have Moon and Star just throwing conscripts and slaves into the grinder as they move Magitech monstrosities into play. The Cult pack explosives into undead suicide bombers and broadcast over loudspeakers what Ponies were never meant to know. Just some thoughts.

I mean, seriously, just because there is now more tech, doesn't mean whoever has the most will still win the day be default. I mean, even the Everfree can be beefed up a little. One would just need to work on balance issues.

Sorry for the rant, I should probably move this into the successor seeking thread, I meant it only as a example of thematic supplement...and High Medieval Period? I don't remember the Franks in the Middle East during the Crusades having steam engine powered super heavy tanks and helicopters. I mean in canon they have Hydro Electric Dams, Railways, and what looked like a Mechanical Sewing Machine(scene in Rarity's shop) and Gas Main Ovens(Seeing in Sugar Cube Corner). Flim and Flam throw the curve even more. Trixie and Iron Will even further. I mean if Vinyl Scratch is included, that means she is a DJ of Electronic music, which means there is a electronics industry.

I am only advocating, so no one "fanon" gets top spot, that we make a core baseline that we all agree is a starting point, and then treat everything on top of it as a valid supplement. Dark Carnival, Winterspell, Caravan, Tear in Reality. They can all get treated as valid, and there is no trouble with people thinking whoever takes over is giving their own faction a overly favorable billing. And on top of that, we can have some fun with different themes. Maybe there is a theme that makes it more Lovecraftian, or something.

...I don't know what you mean by the Caravan thing, what do you mean expansive?

It doesn't change the fact that despite both Canon and ED's Equestria's Industrial Technological Level, they are still using weaponry from both the Late Medieval Period and the Renaissance save for the Elite Units and a few early Tank's and Artillery in ED. Trench Warfare and Maxim Guns from the Great War simply have no place in this setting; indeed, turning this into the Great War or World War II+Ponies would ruin it a bit. Again; I'll make my stance clear: let's not drastically change the setting to a Great War-era setting (which would require a assload of rewriting) and instead have ED maintain it's Eberron-esque Surreal Fantasy feel.

If you want to see Ponies with modern weapons, just read Fallout Equestria. :pinkiesmile:


...I am just saying that in future, if we agree to use a "Base Core Plus X Supplement" system, it would make things easier and safeguard from accusations of favoritism.

I was in no way advocating that the Base Core be upgraded like that. Only that if people want to spice it up on their own, that it could be okay to do so and then share the result.

I mean, if I had used a different example, would it have been more understandable? I am sorry of I am causing you confusion. :fluttershysad:

This is the aeolipile, a steam engine built in the 1st century AD.

Just because one technology exists in a setting does not mean that other technologies that post-medieval Europe and the Americas possessed around the same time as the tech in question have to be present.

Also recall that ED draws a lot of inspiration from Warhammer, where steam tanks and repeating arquebuses are experimental weapons.


First off, I am not advocating that the baseline core "rules" be altered for more technology. That is not what I am saying, I was only using it as a example on how people could supplement the base setting with things. Like with the Dark Carnival or Caravan factions. It was attached to a suggestion on how to prevent favoritism among fanons so we can just figure out a leader already.

I am fully aware of the aeolipile.

The thing is, the Ponies should have that knowledge(scientific and industrial) to get there quickly enough. So you just need to tweak it a little so a "Tech Up Supplement" could work. Not that it matters to the Base Line, since it is only a option for people doing their own thing. (edited out stuff)

...You know, let's drop the tech up from the discussion. I posted my idea on how to do a Base Core Plus X in the Thread Yorrick set up for picking a successor.

I feel like either I am not articulating myself properly, or you may have missed the point.

Group Admin

Moooovin' this over here~

Chart Key: Italics = Multiple Roles. A siege weapon can only dual as a support unit
Bold = transport unit
Underlined = Unlockable (see separate unit entries for details)
* = Allegiance (Banner, doctrine, way, etc.)
X = Requires a sacrifice or upgrade an existing unit
? = Placement up for debate
- = Assigned to two or more units in a faction; when one unit is on the field the other(s) cannot be fielded

Please, head to the top of the thread to PY's initial post to see the details on unit types. I've altered them sliiiightly, but nothing ground breaking, rest assured. I referred to this constantly while constructing the chart, and of course, things may still move around.

Group Admin

Okay…some disputes that I will settle by first stating simply; don't take the chart so literally. It's complex as it is, when it was meant to serve a simple purpose. Yes, in some units, pony types mix (mainly Whitegold, Cult, and Everfree). However, I placed units based on their primary function. A militia pony *could* be a pegasus, yes…but the unit type is a ground unit. A spellcaster qualifies as range, but unless they have a higher accuracy than normal, they're only particularly accurate over mid-range, so they're placed in ground.

As for the Nighthoof, I am so glad Lazo brought it up. It was a support unit for the longest time, but when I had limited "support" to "no direct combat", I had to move it since people have different interpretations of "direct combat." I am also leery about non-siege and monster units dualing support roles, for the same reason I didn't place Ponycopter in Heavy Flying; it's a siege weapon. You'll notice Airship has a question mark next to it, for this same reason.

Also…why hasn't anyone pointed out I accidentally put the Iron Bull in bold in one spot? :twilightoops: :pinkiegasp:

EDIT: Wait…on the same note as the Nighthoof, the Iron Bull is used as a handler for the monster units in some cases (just check its description). Hm, if I had at least 2 units to dual support roles, I could totally justify making the exception and changing my rule. As it was before, only the Nighthoof really had any notable support capabilities, so casting it in dual support would've unnecessarily muddled things up.

EDIT 2: Sorry for not answering the Wraith question, but I cannot do so until I've conferred with L2L later this evening. For now, I've moved it to the monster category (which is staying a category, yes)…It wasn't there before because it doesn't need a handler, so it didn't meet the parameters.

Group Admin

And, of course, the solution to my Nighthoof dilemma is at the top of this thread. Goodness me, that was there the whole time wasn't it? I've been working on this thing for over a month, you'd think I would've seen this;

"…Nighthooves are a fantasitic stealth and sabotage unit, but die like flies in open combat…"

Nighthooves = support :facehoof:

I think this is great. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

1987456 Thank you~! :pinkiesmile: *insert hug/brohoof emote here*

this is brillant

Now, that's an interesting chart right here, but I see some things that I do not quite understand. I will adress them in a faction basis, so it's easier to follow.

Moon and Star - firts things first, where are the Firebirds? I don't see them anywhere in this chart. Second - I really think you should make the Ursa also be a siege unit, since that's mostly why I put them in the troop chart. See, the idea was that whichever banner is chosen, there's always a siege option avaiable. In case of the banner of the Moon, it's Ursa Minor (besides, Everfree Ents should also be siege - they're basically walking tanks throwing huge boulders at the enemy).

Earthborn - I've always though of Hoof Cannoneers as more of an elite range troops, definetely more elite than Battle Buckers (they actually have to learn to operate a firearm with hooves:ajbemused:),
stat-wise they deal bigger raw damage than any other pony-held ranged weapon (except when a Thunderer decides to discharge their, well, Discharger). IMO, if M&S have their Marksmages as Elite, so should Earthborn have their Hoof Cannoneers. Also, I'm thinking that Wing Cannoneers should be both ranged and flying (but i'm not 100% sure).

Stormwing - All is good, except Keythongs should definetely be Heavy Ground instead of Elite - they're savages from the deep north and lack both discipline and higher understanding of battlefield tactics.

Whitegold - Nighthooves and Arqueteers certainly cannot be basic units. That's the problem with Whitegold Unit sheet - I focused so much on highly specialized, very effective and costly units, that I forgot to give them basic dudes. However, I think it makes Whitegold more unique - they lack basic cheap ranged units, but Arqueteers are so good that it doesn't matter anyway. Same for Nighthooves (which are really a stealth unit). Also - the Airship is Whitegold's ultimate, I don't know why so many people seem so averse to that idea.

Everfree - Again, Ents need to be put in the siege category - that's what they do. Think about it - Everfree forces are highly mobile and prefer hit-and-run tactics, Ents don't really fit into that battle philosophy. However, once the Everfree tide reaches a fortified settlement and decide to besiege it - their whole mobility advantage takes a backseat to slow and methodical siege operations - that's whet the slow Ents and Shamblers hit the field - to spread the forest around the besieged settlement and bombart into submission. Also - I cannot really see Wraths as elite but at the same time, they cannot really fit basic troop category either. They're a curious case - definitely better that standard Wildlings and the like, but cannot measure up against Praetorponies or M&S Knights.

The Cult - first - Carnival Contraption should be also in the support category, since each contraption can have a different role on the battlefield (read the sheet again, it has many variants). Also, Pillar of Joy is the Cult's ultimate - sorry, it doesn't matter if it has to be summoned or stays immobile - it's a unit, it acts as a unit and it's damn useful to have on the battlefield (besides, you can sorta move it around - by desummoning it and then resummoning it in a different place, of course it will cost you another priest).

That's all I have to say, overall good job with the chart, I think it will help people better see which faction needs what unit to stay balanced. Hope you don't take my criticism in a wrong way, i'm just trying to help.

Help from the crator is not help. It's canon. :pinkiehappy:
Well, at least in this case. PY is expanding on what he already did before leaving.

Group Admin

1999678 No problem! And don't worry at all 'bout hurtin' my feelin's none; you were quite polite, and took time out of your schedule and projects to offer some advice, and I personally appreciate it immensely, as this has been my pet project for several weeks.

I love the helpful input, especially about the Ent. In hindsight, it really doesn't match the requirements of the Monster category, but I'm kind'a iffy about the Ursa…it needs a handler, according to its description, which places it in that category. I slightly altered your original unit type definitions–well, simplified them, really. And as for the Firebird, yeah…I must have accidentally deleted it at some point :twilightsheepish: I noticed the previous night while my groupmates were helping me edit the chart, the final version I will put at the bottom of this post.

Heavy units has been a subject of debate, actually. It's meant to play tank on the field, taking more damage than it deals. Separating out siege units from heavy units is also something I'm sorting out. The way you originally described elite units was most easily summed up as "the badasses of the army," aka the dudes you wanna run away from really fast. The Keythong just doesn't look like a tank, it's meant for DPS, unless I'm reading wrong (which has happened before…a lot more than I want to admit). Maybe it's just sturdier than it looks…? If it could take damage as well as it deals it, it could dual heavy and elite. Either way, its beastial nature had no bearing on its placement.

The Hoof Cannoneer is Basic because the Repeater is its upgraded state, which is classified as elite. Hm…if I moved the Hoof Cannoneer (which would also move the Wing Cannoneer, by default), would that make the Repeater closer to a Siege unit…? It doesn't quite fit with the others in the lineup…but, then again, neither does the Stormbringer, so it wouldn't be too strange…I think :rainbowhuh:

The Ultimate units…I can't say much on that point, as they *were* confirmed by you personally, so moving them was bound to get some criticism anywhere. My group is still discussing those, however, so I don't have final say. They may very well return to their proper spots. The chart is a work-in-progress until each faction has been broken down entirely and final unit expansion sets have been selected.

Okay, here's the most recent revision of the chart. I think we're just about there… :pinkiesmile:

Italics = Multiple Roles. A siege weapon can only dual as a support unit
Bold = transport unit
Underlined = Unlockable (see separate unit entries for details)
* = Allegiance (Banner, doctrine, way, etc.)
X = Requires a sacrifice or upgrade an existing unit
? = Placement up for debate
- = Assigned to two or more units in a faction; when one unit is on the field the other(s) cannot be fielded

Not to "necropost," but you wouldn't happen to still have your "chart," CK-Fauxst? Judging by the key you posted, it sounds very well organized, perhaps better organized than the ones I've been working on.

Group Admin

4952399 I can take a look through my files to see if I still have something like it. I'll get back to you on that.

Awesome! Thank you.

Group Admin

4954959 I had the data, but no actual chart, so I put a new one together. Ignore the blank spaces, the data included my own work I had toyed around with in the years since and I just put it in when I was making the chart for my own possible purposes. If it looks unbalanced because of it, well, this is not the same chart as was originally posted, it's designed around the addition of units I created to round out the incomplete setting.

Chart Key:
Italics = Multiple Roles. A siege weapon can only double as a support unit.
Bold = transport unit
Underlined = Unlockable
* = Allegiance (Banner, doctrine, way, etc.)
X = Requires a sacrifice or upgrade of an existing unit(s)
- = Assigned to two or more units in a faction; when one unit is on the field the other(s) cannot be fielded

This is wonderful! Thank you for reassembling this. I was struggling to organize some of PY's units, but this is a great system of allowing overlaps and identifying certain things with formatting.

I am...immensely curious about your Whitegold Air Fortress. Airship upgraded to an ultimate unit, I take it?

Group Admin

4968044 I suppose so. The Airship probably just wasn't cutting it, imo. It's been a long while since I've really looked at all this. The Hydra has the same problem, I think. It's threatening, certainly, but…meh. I believe I had planned to upgrade the Roc beyond just "big friggin bird", too…

But! That's neither here nor there. I'm glad I could fulfill your request :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


:rainbowdetermined2: : "Yo, you're screwed now! I've got a BIG BIRD!"
:ajsmug: : "We have tanks."
:twilightsmile: : "We have mechs."
:rainbowhuh: : "………"

:raritywink: : "I have a balloooooon~"

I'm not sorry
(EDIT: Yes, I know the Idol is not a mech…it was just the closest comparison)

4969252 Nothing a little armor plating won't cure :rainbowdetermined2::raritystarry:

Besides, Whitegold is all about crystals. Crystals that can probably be used to amplify magical energies... :raritywink:


I guess I kinda treated it with Blizzard-style logic where some faction's "ultimate" units were cheaper and more easily massed (for instance, Human Griffon Riders are substantially cheaper than Undead Frost Wyrms), so Rocs and Hydras could be weaker than Fort/Beastbusters, but not as much of an investment for a commander.

Maybe in the unofficial "Crystal War" expansion Everfree could get like a "Timbertitan," a massive Timberwolf sprouting trees out of its back, growing larger with the more masonry it consumes. And I did put down some idea for Stormwing in the unit ideas thread that involved a massive weather-factory tower on the back of an electric giant tortoise.

But I suppose all that's a discussion for the Fan Units Thread.

:derpytongue2: : You mean... something like this?

:trollestia: : Just look at the size of it! It doesn't even need to be a Timberwolf! Everfree having bloody Titans as their ultimate units! Hydras? They're just big, but THIS?! THIS?!

Yes! I knew I'd seen that in drawing form somewhere!

On second thought, you think a Timbertitan might work better as a campaign boss? Or, like, a level you fight on?

Well now... :applejackunsure: *Imagining a Timberwolf pack of that size.

An army against something like that would be impractical. A small group of elites however is the opposite. In the fabled 100th episode, we were told that Bon Bon was once a monster hunter-agent. Though the agency itself is long dissolved in the canon, but what about EqDv? Something on the scale like that is worthy only for this specialized profession. That's like assassins when comparing it... So yeah! It definitely works!

Nighthooves against Titans? Now that's what I wanna see! :pinkiehappy:

Wait... level? As in the entire stage is that thing? Woo! This opens up another new perspective! If that's the case, then we would be seeing Everfree ponies on its back! That one side would be up there battling from above; the opposition below climbing up its legs to attack them! And that's just the Timberwolf Emperor we see here up above! And now imagine what the other Titans can do! The possibilities! :raritywink:

RTS-wise however, something like that should be very limited in number. And when there's such limit, each would be unique by its own right as well. This, then, would make them not only "Ultimate" units, but also a "Hero" unit as well in definition. This of course assumes that Ultimates are merely the most expensive units, not limited, but just rarely, if ever, employed en masse due to the costs which come with them.

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