Comments ( 4 )
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Want to read a comical love/hate story? 'Course you do! :scootangel:

TTwice the Gem You Are
Graduation is coming up, and Apple Bloom couldn't be happier. Well, she could, if Diamond Tiara wasn't such a pain in the flank.
JackRipper · 3.6k words  ·  279  14 · 5.3k views

Y'know, normally I roll my eyes at these sorts of posts. Random self-promotion in mostly dead groups (of which I am a member of far too many).

I actually do kinda want to read that though.


You can if you want, I can't make you though. :scootangel:


Hey, with over 700 members, this is bound to show up in some people's group feed. Case in point: Us.

I actually just clicked on this thread because I didn't recognize the group icon. (Though I did catch the story via the Self-Promotion group.)

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