The Veterans of Fimfic 89 members · 20 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Group Admin

Okay so first things first......we need a banner.

Second, we need to do something as veterans.

Thirdly and lastly, got any good stories?

Nathan Traveler
Group Admin

As veterans, I nominate we sit on our front porch and wave our fists at the youngsters that dare to trespass on our lawns.

Group Admin

539468 Good idea....*Notices fic by new user* GET OFF M..OUR SITE!

Group Admin

I second that motion! No one, no one messes with our lawns and gets away without a good 3 hours of lecturing! :moustache:
The future looks quite 'quite' indeed :moustache:

Rainbow Dash
Group Contributor

539456 your in for a treat Ice i found pony on earth batman story Batman Marekham city It's actually quite decent

edit: our banner should be us sitting on a porch and yelling at little kids. (thanks for the idea Nathan!) Dont expect me to do it... i suck at drawing.

Group Admin

Hmm, considering how many of us there are, I doubt we'd be able to fit all of us on the porch, perhaps a more general thing of elders vs aspiring youths? But then, while humorous, that might not accurately show what we represent. Perhaps an alternate suggestion for a banner?

Bronyhood of steel
Group Admin

Tell stories of how things cost less and perhaps the banner can be an old time class photo?

Group Admin

539838...See, now I'm thinking of the Greybeards from Skyrim fighting the children.

539838 Perhaps a gazebo then?

540088 And of course let's not forget to complain about how everything was better back in 'our day'

Oh, and lastly I'd like to suggest we wake up ridiculously early to get to an early bird special.

Group Admin

540455 Heck with that, I am distinctly a night pony.

But in response to both you and Ice, there still is the fact that there are 50 of us, while possible to do one of those long pictures that features absolutely everyone in sequence as a banner... it might be a bit much. That's why I was seeing if there is anything else we could do, not just if there was something else we could be perched on. We are not just about acting like elders are we? We are veterans, we are still here. Many of us are still doing what we love. Maybe something along those lines?

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