The Collab Cage 651 members · 141 stories
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Hello I'm unimportant.

Basically it's all in the name, I haven't had any even remote success in writing stories. Which is really annoying as i have roughly 40 word documents each with a different idea and I haven't been able to write any of them. I saw the album and thought that it was a wonderful idea thus joined the group and now here i am posting in its forum.
sooooooo yeah

So heya.

This looks interesting and quite different from what I've seen before. My writing tends to lean towards either nothing happening or ridiculous happening. I'll be going looking aorund now.

Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

I liked Cid better...

Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

I suppose that's fair, heh. I put a lot of thought in my own, after all. LiX it shall be!

Friend of mine is on here, so I thought I might as well join too, since I'm doing a collab with him. Veteran writer myself in both original fiction (unpublished) and fanfiction (Pokemon, Red vs. Blue, Super Smash Bros. and Bioshock), though relatively new to MLP and the brony fandom. I hope someone here will enjoy my work, and if I get to work with any of you I hope you'll find me agreeable.

Hey I'm Snug-Brony I'm still improving my writing, but I have gotten a lot better since I first began writing Mlp fanfics. I can't to start writing in a collab! :pinkiehappy:

Yo! Hey, what's happenin' dudes?! I'm a guy with a rep for being rude!


Not really. I've just been listening to too much Mike Jackson. ;P

My name's EStatic, though some call me Vadell (my other pen name), or just Static (for obvious reasons). I'm currently writing a solo fic, but I also have ideas for a collab fanfic (which I'll post later). Anywhoo, I'm glad to be a part of the group, an hope to collaborate with some of you soon!

Hi everypony!
I'm Ruins (my sister, Xai, is sleeping right now), and I am a complete psychopath. I cannot write fanfics for the life of me because I get distracted way too easily and I enjoy breaking the Fourth Wall.
I hate pies unless they're pink and annoying.

(Note: For some reason sometimes I comment from the perspective of my OC, well, Ruins, on pony-related stuffage. Just try to deal with it.)

Ignore her. She just shows up sometimes for some reason.

(...Wow. I really am insane.)

Hey everypony still new to the whole FiMFiction thing I've currently started trying to write a FiM story. I would love to sit here and type it all out but I think I'll just paste the summary here so it's easier.

MLP Friendship Is Magic: Fractured Loyalties

Ignis has spent the last 2 years building a life with his love Twilight. Now married and living together in Poneyville, they are now expecting their first foal. Ignis is one of Luna’s personal Knights a pony in a select few chosen by Celestia herself. He’s honor bound to protect her with his life but that doesn’t leave much time to be with Twilight.

But when a threat is made to kill Twilight and her unborn foal, all hooves are soon on high alert. The life of a Knight is frought with danger and hardship. How far is Ignis willing to go to protect the love of his life and their unborn child while still protecting Luna?

Yeah that's sort of the gist that I've come up with so far but with my current work schedule it makes it hard to get some work don on it so I'm hoping to find someone that's willing to Co-Write this with me and be willing to put up with my crazy work schedule and make this an awesome story. Please everypony I need all the help I can get on this one.

This group intrigues me...I SHALL JOIN:pinkiehappy:

Hello everpony the name's Luckey Spades and I have a serious problem when it comes to writing and thats typing the INTRDUCTION. Other then that coming up with ideals is easy for me. So if you ever need ideals for a stoy don't be afread to ask

Greetings and salutations everyone.

I'm Zervziel, though I'll answer to Zerv. I've been a writer on this site for more than a year now and have become pretty well versed on pony fiction in that time. Long story short I tried a collab once. I spent a crap ton of work on worldbuilding and fleshing it out. Things went well for a few month until things went south. First one author couldn't do a chapter for some reason so another author took his place. Then another was similarly inconvenianced. Finally one couldn't do a chapter because he had started a project of his own so he dropped from the effort. A group of five authors came down to two. Myself and a friend who made it through half a chapter before losing his pony muse almost completely for several months (If you're a Millennium Wake fan you'll remember that time)

Finally I'm the last man standing and now it's been delayed. So I came here to see what I did wrong with the collab that caused it end up like this.

My nom de plume, as you can see, is GeodesicDragon — but everyone calls me 'Geo', probably because it's easier to pronounce. But I don't mind. In fact, I encourage you to call me the same.

I have been a member of Fimfiction for 35 weeks and have been writing for that same period of time. So the fact that I've churned out 35 stories in that time amazes even me.

I am more well-known for a series of stories set in what I call the 'Geoverse' — which is basically a collection of self-insert Human in Equestria fics which turned out more popular than I expected. As well as this I have also written several comedy one-shots, plus a a trio of WoW/MLP crossovers.

I am open for collaborations, but I have to admit that I'm not one for ideas.

Anyway, that's my intro. You can stop reading now. :twilightsmile:

Hey! Name's Solar_Flicker (formerly Brightwarriorz if that name means anything) and I've recently tried organizing a collab. Then I saw this group!
I'm writing two stories, and I edit a few stories.
That's it for now!


I'm still an unknown but I have 20 followers and I have writen 8 stories so far...
currently working on one of them!

Hoping to start a collab one day!

Howdy! I'm Redmon Frosts (Redmon77 on the site) im a member of the B.A.P (Brony Acquisition Program) and i mainly work on art on GIMP and my writing. i go by many names, the Administrator, Qwerty Words, and Red being the more common.
i've only posted four fics, many still needing to be finished/edited on my flash drive
im joining this group because, honestly, i need AAAALLLLL the help i can get:twilightblush:

Yeah, so I'm Twi-Guy. What can I say about myself... well for one thing I really suck at introducing myself. I'm a really nice guy once you get to know me, but at first I tend to be a bit shy. I have a lot of free time and since my xbox broke I have even more free time, soo much so that I constantly find myself wandering through the house. Maybe that's a good thing because with the micro charges on the new systems and the fact that the games are getting better in graphics but not in story (in general and in my opinion, some games are ok) and I've had the same games for about 7 years now and can play them in a coma... Yes, well... as for writing this is really just a hobby for me, but I take everything I do seriously and once I start something I always finish it. I guess another important thing to understand is that I think differently from most people so a lot of what I say may come at you a little left field. But it's like I always say "you laugh at me because I'm different, I laugh at you because you are all the same." That said, I don't tend to make friends easily but when I do they are always really special people who understand my weird sense of humor and because of that it makes the friendship special.

This group sounds like fun to me because, well... I can't come up with ideas for a story to save my life. It always comes off as cliché or flat, or not enough, or meh... interesting but only worth a few hundred words or so. It just sounds like a really great place to meet some new people, and have a good time. I would be more than happy to write fics with people who are not the greatest writers but have really good ideas. Just sayin... people like that always make me smile with their wild imaginations. Kind of a disclaimer, I don't really want to get involved in super crazy long fics at the moment, although that is subject to change. I want to get a few stories out there relatively quickly so the fandom can see my writing style and I can make changes to the really big fic I am currently working on.

Basically I'm looking for something fun to do while improving my writing because that's one of the few things in this world that I seem to have a knack for and I want to see what I can do in a creative environment, rather than an academic one.

Hopefully that was enough, although to me it seemed like a little bit too much fluff in there. Why are you still reading this? Huh, I guess you are as bored as I am? Wanna be friends? Or at least pen palls? Do people still do that? Yep, it's time for bed... night every pony.

Hello all my name is Orion Star I i'm pretty new to writing, but I have wrote two story. Um, ya ones not done yet. Anyways I think I had a really good Idea for a story and well I did want it to be destroyed by my amateur writing even though I think it would be fun as hell to write anyway. :twilightblush:. I personally just write whatever I feel like which is good and bad. I don't often work in groups because i normally get over shadowed by others because i'm so quiet, but I hope I will find it a good experience:twilightsheepish:. Well yeah that's all I can think of you can message me if you want to know more.:twilightsmile:

I'm Erebos I have written 5+ stories ( one of mine is a bunch of stories bottled together) with degrees of varying success I figure 2 heads are better than 1

My personality can be described as laid back

Hi. I'm funkyferret. I'm a 24 year old pegasister from Missouri. I've written a couple of stories that are modestly popular. I mainly do crossovers and slice of life. I run my own group, where I am in way over my head. I worked on a collab for a while, but the writer I was working with disappeared a few months ago. He did say I was good at taking someone else's outline and breathing life into it... I guess that's about it.

Hi PC!

Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

I would've sworn you were already here. I can't believe you only just now joined us.

Sorry. I forgot to hop in after the Album. :twilightblush:

Peregrine Caged
Group Admin

Better late than never! Welcome, lass.

Hello, my name is Zoltanthemagnificant(ignore the incorrect spelling of magnificent). I'm a fairly unknown writer who has written one non-pony story back in 2009. I have recently gone back to writing with my incomplete story, "Royalty". I have never collaborated before and I am interested in doing one. I'm also willing to edit; I'd like to think I have a good enough grasp on the english language to be a somewhat decent editor. I have edited 2 stories for Alchemystudent, which are Friendship is Eternal and Story for a sick pony.

I hope to learn a lot from this group and I'll be glad to get to know some of you.:pinkiehappy:

Wow, this is a little late...

Hi, I'm Sushi. I knew FIMFiction for a while before deciding to join and I am still pretty much unknown although I am working in one fanfic at the moment called Light of my life. I've wanted to do colab with somebody for a while now and when I found this place I thought it would be an interesting idea to try out!
I like to write in both dark and comedy, which is funny because they are complete polar opposites, but would love to write in other genres as well.

Yo I'm Shadowmist as you can see by me username to left of the comment here and I am looking forward to at some point making a collab with come individual. I have one successful story which is The love of three also Pinkie is my favorite mane 6 character. Wait before I forget punctuation is not my strong suit

Hello my name is Quad Ruple and I'm a newcomer to this group. I've been with the site for quite a while now and have already met tons of other people and I am actually in another collab working on a current project. When I found this group, I considered for a while on whether or not to join this group or not. In the end, I decided that it wouldn't hurt to try and that it would be better to than forget about something as big as this. Hope to be friends with you all.

Yo. Meesa Blazer. I've only written one collaboration before, and that ended before it could get good with everybody eventually dropping out. Mostly read crossovers since I'm a hardcore fan of quite a few games, although Halo and Bioshock universes are my fields of expertise. I'm down for most collabs; look forward to sneaking into some in the future.

I hadn't realized this introduction thread existed... Anyway, I am toastman. I keep fiber intake at reasonable levels by supplying toast to the masses. I think it's important to maintain a healthy diet, full of crunchy bread and a hearty helping of butter. As long as everybody treats their toast with the respect that they deserve, we'll get along fine.

hey guys collab hows it going collab i just wanted to say hey collab and get ready to meet some new people and write some fiction. i would collab consider myself a strange strange lunatic who's brain can think of some of the most disturbing things and it would seem normal. (i asked someone what they thought it would be like for when you twist your nipples dub-step comes out) my style of writing is more of a speed writing where i write down the story as it makes sense without worrying about spelling and grammar until i do a basic runthrough. although i guess my grammar isnt to terribly good :twilightblush: i like to try and keep a shred of my dignity though and avoid sad storys. but if you come to me with an idea id be happy to give anything a shot. also i tend to put references in things (just last week i put hulk smash on a science report because i saw the word gamma ray) so yeah that's me. anyway just message me if you want to do a collab id be happy to give it a go :pinkiehappy:
480606 you me. things need to happen :rainbowlaugh:

*scratches head*
Not sure what to say here. My names to the left. I've written a few stories since I first started writing back in January of 2013. First story I've ever 'completed' was a soarin-dash clopfic. Not sure if I'm proud of that or not... But anyways, I'm just a guy learning to write by writing pony fics.

Drakkith out.

I'm Mr. Anonymous and I like to write complex stories! :rainbowwild:

Check out my profile to see them (only one at teh moment)! :pinkiehappy:

I am Piefan, as you may have guessed. I didn't write anything for 'The Album'. Not much else to be said.

So. I started a project and was wondering if you or anyone that you know that would be interested. THIS is my idea. A community written story. I started it and it is up to the community to decide what happens next.

My names Mathybrony, but my friends call me crazy. Im new to FiMFiction, but I have already read tons of fanfics because I read at the speed of light. I am looking for a co-author to write a TwiDash story with, because I fail at life. Nice to meet you!


Hi! I'm Nexosaur!

I've never done a collab with anyone, and it would be awesome to do so! I'm still small on Fimfiction, but I have had a story featured without it being part of a group called Of Bone and Steel.

I am still a very novice writer, having only been serious about it since last June, and have no help or guidance on my improvement as a writer other than the fact that I read many books.

,Hello, um, just Saying hello, Blaze Song here, Pyro-pony with a song in his heart, I have several storys, sitting, collecting dust. That just, need, A new mind, or that boot, to get it rolling, I draw influence from meny things.
I'm more of a visual thinker, I find it hard to get those movies out of my head, and on to paper, but I do try, I just drives me crazy that I can't capture it right, or not come off as... And Overpowered Gary Sue, :twilightoops: damn it, but I'd love to see how I work with others in a team effort. :pinkiesmile:

Hello, I'm Beanzoboy. I've never really been a great writer, but I've always wanted to write something good. I've got a story started on here, it's at chapter two right now, but my own perfectionism is blocking me from posting more of it. I'm not satisfied with it anymore, even though I'm on chapter 9 with a final chapter written. I've also got a sequel story started, and a separate story at Chapter Two. I've also got another idea for a Celestia & Luna story, but my inability to write is holding me back. I'm looking for help cleaning up my chapters to make them better, or even a coauthor who would be willing to collaborate with me to make something good. :)

Hi my name is, Moonlight Champion. I have written extensively on under the name Readerpal. At the moment I am working on two different MLP story-projects:

The first one is an alternate version of the original 80s "My Little Pony" TV series called "My Little Pony: Successors of the Moon".

Basically the story is what would happen if the 80s MLP was a serious fantasy cartoon with a consistent main cast and character development. The plot of the story series is as follows: For millennia the nation of Ponyland in Dream Valley was threatened by wave after wave of powerful beings who for one reason or another to tried to subjugate the land. However, the country was defended by a powerful demigod called Stormwalker and the cunning sorceress known as Princess Majesty.

Although the waves of threats ceased Stormwalker mysteriously vanished without a trace. Now 1000 years later, old threats have returned, With Majesty busy with important peace negotiations, seven highly trained specialists have vowed to finish the job Stormwalker started. They are known as The "Successors of the Moon"!

The second story ls called "Journeys In Equestria".

Story summary: For thousands of years the Royal Pony Sisters ruled over, guided, and protected their subjects but then the younger sister reluctantly parted ways with her older sibling out necessity. Now with the sinister threat of Discord looming over the land the siblings reunite as six friends must work together to stop the Wicked Mare of Darkness from plunging half the world into chaos and starvation.

I need a co-author/collaborator for "Journeys In Equestria", as I need help with character development among other things.

Hello everypony,

Name's johnnycajxrt, I've been a part of this wonderful community for about a year and a half and I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything.

I'm a single dad of a handsome 2 year old boy (that knows all the mane 6, plus a few background characters and a certain princess of the night). I'm currently in college to get a degree in radio, and I live in Houston, TX.

I thought I might join because, hey, why not have some fun in collaborating with some other wonderful brony authors while I work on my own story.

Hello, my name is Leo Valkenhein, I've been here for a little while, but have just recently (meaning today) started joining groups. My OC is Rain Flare, a Royal Pegasus Guard to Princess Luna whom I ship with both Luna and Twilight. My main story which is still in production is A Series of Unexpected Events, starring Rain Flare and Twilight Sparkle, as well as the mane six, the cmc, both Luna and Celestia, and Discord.

Anyhow, enough self promotion. I am very interested i working with other writers to write a collaborative piece, as I enjoy working in groups and am capable of both following someone else's ideas and leading my own.

Thank you for allowing me to join this wonderful group of writers and I look forward to working with as many of you as possible in the future. :twilightsmile:

Hello! My name is NorthCrusader and joined FimFiction at least two years ago. I was inspired to write stories after reading some of the wonderful ponyfics this fandom has put out. I usually write silly and comical stories, but I'm trying to experiment with other genres as well.

Aside from writing I also enjoy reading books, playing video games, watch animation (Western and Japanese), and - my favorite activity - daydream.

I've never done a collab project with anybody before, but I would like to be apart of one someday. I'll be looking forward to sharing my ideas with other talented writers here.

H-hello! I'm Cydox Nemo Willas, aka Cydox Crescent, and I'm relatively new to... everything. I have two stories, but I recommend to read my story Setting Sky, which I think needs more love then it has gotten. I've been interested with doing a collaboration for a while, although I am currently on a hiatus from writing.

Why hello there! My name is Techno Flare, but just call me Boost. This group seems like the perfect place to start something for me, and I have always wanted to try a collab. Editing, writing, reading are under my belt, now I just need a few other things to fully experience this site. Hopefully I will find something here.

About personal stuffs, I am a HUGE video game fanatic, I am in my mid-teens, I hope to be an astronomer one day, and love to sing with my brother in the car. Welp, it's time to go see the world!

Hi, my name is Alos88, I'm in my mid twenties and I write short stories, songs and I proofread in my spare time. I'm looking for a collaboration to participate in, I've always wanted to attempt writing in a group.

Hello there! I'm JInxedPuffie, but most just call me Jinx. I've written two stories so far, but unfortunately haven't published them. I thought a collab would be a fun way to get into the writing scene and try my hand at some new genres. I can't wait to get started!


I have several fan fictions:

One is set in Hope's Pony Earth Universe, Landing Silver Side up. It features Silver Spoon (my character) and Diamond Tiara (ServingSpoon) as well as Almar Zewizard's Babs Seed, as well as Golden Skies as Apple Fritter and Red Delicious.

The next one is A Gentle Breeze of Change

This story is set in the Five Score, Divided By 4 Universe, where Princess Celestia and Luna, as well as all your favorite ponies (and Spike) ended up on Earth as humans. The humans end up turning back into ponies and other creatures from the show after their 25th Birthday.

I am welcome for anyone to help with collabing with me (if they want to).

On Our Own deals with Little Horn, my unicorn filly, and her cousin Harmony as they help ponies and other friends deal with the changes they are facing in the wake of the five score curse.

PM me about any of my stories and I enjoy reading comments, good or bad.

My joke intro was stolen several times above, so now I have to introduce myself on this note. So... I've written two fics, both of which I have not posted on this site. One is awful and based on a cliché concept and the other was a comedy about a subject I didn't feel comfortable putting out there, lest I offend anyone. The latter I burned and wiped my pc after writing, so I think I'm safe now. Collab history? None, but it does sound really fun and I'd love to do one at anytime or simply bounce ideas. I once edited for a man named WaffleMuffin for story I don't remember, and I thought it took all the fun out of reading it. And I've also got an Austraeoh fetish. Check that amazing fix out. I can draw a pony pretty ok and really heavy on the reading side of the spectrum. So, yeah, can't wait to work on something. Bye.

Hi I am Rubyfire377 I have not done collab but I may need help writing stories, My first fanfic was Pinkie and the Magic Ring which if you know me, it was horrible but now I am going to change and start writing better stories my best thing about me is my imagination

Hey everypony! I'm ponyofawesome92 and I'm new here!! (This group not fimfiction lol) I've been doing some stories lately and I have a new one in mind...I will make a thread about it. :)

(It's going to be a Flutterbat clopfic!!) ^^

My name is Wolfe Windsilver.
And I am here to say,
I love writing stories but I don't think that I'm that great.
If you have the time maybe you could read,
A little fic called Elements of Unity
Cause there's one thing that makes me happy, Fills my whole day with light .
And that's when I sit down and start to write.
Anyway, I will definitely be checking out the finest points of this group because I'd love to collab with some people. See you guys soon.

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