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Deliver Princess Vivi! The Luffy Pirates and Ninja Rainbooms Set Sail!

Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine were sent flying by Luffy, Pinkie, Mikey, Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph’s attack as they growled while the two agents crashed into buildings.

"Damn pests." Zoro scoffed.

"Talk about annoying." Rainbow Dash growled.

"Definitely." Raph agreed.

"Messing with our fight?!" Luffy said.

"That’s cowardly!" Pinkie angrily added.

"Who does that anyway?!" Mikey asked as Vivi and Karoo were shocked however at their strength.

"They took down two Baroque Works agents! Unbelievable!" Vivi awed.

"Shall we… continue?" Zoro offered.

"Yeah!" Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey answered.

"Good." Rainbow Dash and Raph smirked. The six of them prepared to strike as veins popped up on their hands while an intense aura surrounded them as they all growled. When the auras collided, Luffy, Mikey, Pinkie, Zoro, Raph and Rainbow Dash roared as they were about to attack each other, before three silhouettes appeared behind them, revealed to be Nami, Leo and Princess Twilight.

"STOP!!!" Nami, Leo and Princess Twilight roared as they punched the six, knocking them to the ground.

"You guys! What the heck do you think you’re doing?!" Nami growled.

"We could ask you the same question!" Pinkie responded.

"Why were you fighting each other?!" Princess Twilight asked.

"It’s lucky for you that you managed to keep the girl safe! You almost lost us all a million Berries!" Nami said before Princess and Leo nearly comically fell over in disbelief.

"Seriously?! That’s what you’re worried about?!" Leo deadpanned.

"What are you talking about?" Luffy asked in confusion before Nami picked up him and Zoro.

"Do you two understand?!" Nami said.

"What do you mean? What Berries? I don’t understand. Why did you save me?" Vivi asked in confusion.

"About that, we need to have a little chat. You see, I have to work out a contract for a reward." Nami answered while Luffy and Zoro kept fighting.

"What?" Vivi said in confusion.

"Knock it off!" Nami yelled as she hit Luffy and Zoro again, knocking them out.

"You're greedy." Leo pointed out with a straight face.

Later that night, Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey were laughing.

"Oh! Why did you just say so, Zoro! I was figuring you, Rainbow Dash and Raph beat up all those guys because they didn’t make any good food you three liked!" Luffy guessed.

"Us too!" Pinkie and Mikey agreed.

"WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD THINK THAT?!" Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph asked in complete and utter disbelief.

"Hahahahahaha! What a funny mix-up!" Luffy, Mikey and Pinkie laughed.

"Guys! Shut up!" Nami shouted as the six went silent at that.

"You guys are strange." Vivi said.

"You’ll get used to it." Leo responded.

"Well, there you have it. In exchange for taking you home, I’d like one billion Berries. You saw how strong they are, and the others are strong. If you ask me, it isn’t a bad deal." Nami offered.

"No, I can’t." Vivi politely refused.

"Don't worry. We'll help you for free. Luffy and the others, too." Sunset said with a smile, before Nami's ear twitched at that.

"What was that?!" Nami gasped in anger.

"You heard me!" Sunset growled as she and Nami started butting heads against each other. "We'll do it because it's the right thing to do. Not for payment!"

"Listen, I appreciate the help you’ve given me so far, but no." Vivi said.

"Why not?" Leo asked.

"Do you know much of Alabasta Kingdom?" Vivi checked.

"No." Leo, Sunset and Nami answered.

"Alabasta is a great nation, a peaceful kingdom. At least it used to be." Vivi informed.

"Maybe we can help." Leo offered.

"But what happened?" Sunset asked.

"We’re in the middle of a civil war. For recent years, signs of discontent began to appear. Finally the people revolted, and the kingdom fell into utter chaos. Then one day, I learned of a secret organization… called Baroque Works! I found out that my people were being manipulated by this organization. But that was the only information I could gather about them. I didn’t know what to do, so I went to Igaram for help. You see, he’s kept a close eye on me ever since I was a child." Vivi answered.

"Old tube hair man?" Luffy noticed.

"Tube? Oh, yes. I asked him if he would help me infiltrate Baroque Works so I could see who was pulling the strings behind the scenes and what exactly they were up to." Vivi said.

"Well, we'll take you home and help stop this war. No charge." Raph offered.

"Besides, that was pretty awesome, even though you’re a princess. So did you find out what that goal was?" Rainbow Dash asked as Vivi nodded.

"To create an ideal nation." A familiar voice said as everyone turned around, seeing Aria and the others except Usopp and Sanji. "That’s how Igaram described it. Was that it?"

"It’s not. That was a cover story the boss was using, it was a lie to cover their tracks. Their true goal is to take over Alabasta Kingdom! I have to get back somehow, to warn everybody, to tell them the truth, and stop the fighting! If I don’t do something… If I don’t tell them…" Vivi dreaded before she whimpered in fear and sadness.

"Okay, I get it. I see how it is. Yeah, it’s all starting to make sense now." Nami noted.

"Oh, here here." Rarity agreed.

"Well, forget about the payment. We'll help for a trade of supplies." Adagio said, much to Nami's dismay.

"Hey. So did you find out who’s in charge?" Luffy asked, making Vivi gasp.

"What? The boss’ identity?! You shouldn’t ask that!" Vivi dreaded as that got everyone’s attention.

"But you know, don’t you?" Luffy noticed.

"Ask me anything but that! If I tell you, your lives will be put in danger too!" Vivi refused.

"Ha! Yeah, I’ll pass! This guy is trying to take over an entire country after all! I don’t really want someone like that chasing after me, thank you!" Nami said.

"Um… me too." Fluttershy agreed.

"Maybe we should just get Big Sis Boa's help." Sonata noted.

"But how? It’s still risky to go through the Calm Belt." Aria pointed out.

"No you don’t want the boss after you! I don’t care how strong you people are, you wouldn’t stand a chance against one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, against Crocodile!" Vivi said, before silence flowed through the air.

"Who now?" Luffy and the Goofball Trio asked in confusion before Vivi, Nami and Fluttershy gasped at that as the princess closed her mouth with the latter two’s jaws dropping in shock with blank eyes.

"You had to say it." Zoro, Rainbow Dash, Raph and Aria deadpanned.

"One of Boa's associates?" Adagio said.

"Wait, what?" Vivi asked before everyone noticed an otter and a vulture on the roof right next to them, then the two animals flew away.

"Why did I just see a bird and a sea otter?!" Nami growled as she angrily shaking Vivi with tears.

"Hey! A Warlord?! That’s cool!" Luffy said in excitement.

"Not too bad!" Zoro smirked.

"I didn’t mean to! Really! It just slipped out!" Vivi apologized with tears.

"Oh, a lotta good that does us now! You just had to open you mouth and say it, did you?!" Nami asked in anger as she was still shaking Vivi while Luffy laughed before Nami let the princess go and started sobbing. "Being hunted by a Warlord in the Grand Line, that’s more than I can handle!"

"It's not so bad. The three of us are actually close friends to one." Adagio said.

"Really?!" Luffy awed.

"So when do we get to see these people?" Zoro asked.

"I wonder what they look like!" Luffy smiled.

"Shut up, you!" Nami angrily shouted.

"We'll meet her some day." Adagio said with a smile before Nami turned around and started to leave.

"It’s been nice knowing you idiots! Thanks for everything!" Nami bid farewell.

"Where are you going?" Luffy asked.

"They don’t know what I look like yet! I’m leaving!" Nami answered before she encountered the two animals again, as the sea otter showed pictures of everyone present perfectly. "Wow! That’s so lifelike!" Nami said while clapping before the the two animals left again, as Nami turned around in fury. "No use in leaving now!" Nami growled as she started rambling.

"I’m really sorry!" Vivi apologized again.

"She’ll get over it." Luffy said.

"Besides, we have friends on the other side of the law." Sonata pointed out.

"Where was Nami planning on going anyway?" Zoro asked.

"You're stuck with us now." Rainbow Dash said.

"And we're helping Vivi. Free of charge." Applejack added.

"Well then, looks like all of us are gonna be sitting right at the very top of Baroque Works’ hit list." Zoro smirked.

"That sounds awesome!" Luffy cheered with a snicker while Nami however, gloomily sat in a corner in a fetal position with Vivi trying to help her.

"Um… I do have five hundred thousand Berries in savings that I could give you…" Vivi offered.

"Keep it. We're all helping you free. Including Luffy's crew." Leo responded.

"Unless, someone prefers us telling Crocodile about Cocoyoshi village." Raph mischievously added.

"Don’t even!" Nami growled before Fluttershy punched Raph at the back of the head.

"That wasn’t nice, Raphael!" Fluttershy scoulded.

"It's Nami's call. Give in to greed and we tell or do the right thing for free." Raph responded.

"Hahahahaha! You’re gonna be fun to have around, Raph!" Zoro laughed.

"Got that right, Z. Well... What's it going to be, Nami?" Raph asked with a smirk.

"Grr…!!! Fine! But you owe me, Raph!" Nami responded.

"Not likely." Raph said.

"You have nothing to fear!" A familiar voice declared as everyone turned around, only to see Igaram dressing up like Vivi, even having her ponytail and wearing lipstick, while he held a bunch of dummies as a few of the group recoiled in horror at the sight. "It’s-Ahem! ~Ma-ma-ma…~ It’s going to be alright, dear princess. I’ve come up with a plan."

"Igaram! What are you…?!" Vivi gasped.

"MY EYES!" Mikey dreaded.

"MY WORD!" Rarity wailed in horror.

"Heh! That’s a really funny outfit, old guy!" Luffy laughed.

"…An entire parade of idiots…" Nami gloomily said as Sonata threw up.

"Why do I have a bad feeling this isn’t the last?" Adagio dreaded.

"Princess Vivi, please listen to me carefully. Once Baroque Works’ intelligence network learns what happened here, agents will be sent after you immediately. And since they’re aware that you’ve learned the boss’ true identity. You must-" Igaram started to inform before Vivi finished it.

"Yes, knowing them they’ll send a thousand agents after me." Vivi said, scaring Nami.

"Thus my plan. Disguised like this, I will pretend to be you. I’ll take all of these dummies on board with me, and I will sail a straight course to Alabasta." Igaram added as Luffy poked a dummy.

"So these things are us?" Luffy asked.

"Oy, vey." Aria groaned.

"Agreed." April nodded.

"Yeah." Applejack agreed.

"Decoys?" Spike and Dog Spike asked.

"While Baroque Works is busy chasing after me, the rest of you will head with Vivi to Alabasta Kingdom following a less direct route." Igaram answered.

"What? Take her where?" Luffy said in confusion.

"Where have you, Pinkie and Mikey been, Luffy? The old man here wants us to take the Princess back home to her kingdom." Zoro informed.

"Oh, is that what all this yelling was about? Sure thing!" Luffy responded.


"Relax. We got a Warlord Friend who will buy us time." Adagio assured.

"Cool. But is this Crocodile guy really that dangerous?" Luffy asked.

"One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. He is a legally recognized pirate, and because of that fact, there is no bounty on his head. However, long ago his bounty was worth eighty million Berries." Igaram informed.

"Whoa." Zoro simply said.

"Big deal. Our friend will give us time." Aria shrugged off.

"Eighty million?! That’s four times Arlong’s bounty! There’s no way!" Nami dreaded.

"Will you do this for us?" Igaram asked.

"Sure! It sounds like it’ll be fun!” Luffy smiled.

"And completely free. Right, Nami?" Raph smirked as Nami sighed in defeat with a hand in her head.

"We are forever grateful. One last thing, the marines have been informed that the Siren Sister Pirates are alive." Igaram added.

"No worries. It was bound to happen." Adagio said.

Later, at a ship docked...

"~Ma-ma-ma…~ Now I, Vivi, will leave here." Igaram said while imitating Vivi’s voice.

"Hehehehehe! Great imitation, old guy!" Luffy laughed.

"Imitation of who?!" Zoro asked.

"Let's get out of here." Leo said.

"Princess, please give the me the Eternal Pose." Igaram requested in his normal voice as Vivi gave him a compass, much to Nami’s confusion.

"You three sure this Warlord friend of yours will buy us time?" Donnie asked.

"You bet." Aria answered.

"What’s an Eternal Pose?" Nami said in confusion.

"Hmm? You’ve never heard of it? You can say that it’s like a permanent version of a Log Pose. Whereas a Log Pose will always lead sailors to the next island on the course, an Eternal Pose will forever remember the magnetic energy of the island that is stored inside it. So it will always point to that island and none other, and this Eternal Pose is set to Alabasta Kingdom." Igaram informed as he showed an Eternal Pose that said “Alabasta.”

"And you’re going to use this to set your course home?" Vivi noted.

"Princess Vivi, please take the indirect island-hopping route to Alabasta. I have never gone that way myself, but you should only have to pass two or three islands if you follow the Log." Igaram responded before he turned to the Straw Hats and Ninja Rainbooms. "Please, take care of the Princess in my absence."

"Yeah!" Luffy answered.

"Igaram…" Vivi noted as she and Igaram looked at each other, before the disguised guard smiled.

"I expect that your journey is going to be a difficult one. Please be careful." Igaram said.

"Iga-!" Vivi started to say before she stopped herself to think, then smiled and shook hands with Igaram. "See you soon!"

Later, the ship set sail with Igaram and the dummies.

"May we meet again safely in our homeland. It’s up to you to save our country, Princess!" Igaram thought as everyone smiled at that tender farewell.

"And off he goes." Luffy said.

"You're really up for doing this for free, Nami?" Zoro asked as Nami didn’t respond while she just turned around.

"Haha! He was such a funny old man." Luffy laughed.

"Once more, he’s a very reliable old man." Vivi added.

"Zoro, I have a feeling you and I are going to be close friends." Raph smiled.

"Heh. Sure. We could spar sometime." Zoro agreed.

But as the ship sailed away, much to everyone’s horror, it exploded right all of a sudden, eradicating all of the dummies.

"Oh no!" Nami thought with dread as the Eternal Pose to Alabasta fell into the water while Luffy's hat flew off his head and onto the ground. "They’re already after us?! That’s impossible!"

"Don't underestimate the warlords." Sonata said as Luffy turned around and picked up his hat, before putting it back on and giving a roar as he ran, with Mikey, Pinkie, Princess Twilight, Sci-Twi, Sunset, Karai, Leo, Adagio and Sonata following him.

"Nami! The Log!" Zoro requested as Nami checked the Log Pose.

"We’re fine! It’s all set!" Nami answered.

"I'll get the others!" Raph responded.

"Nami! Rarity! Donnie! Get the girl! Come on, let’s go!" Zoro urged.

"Vivi, we need to go now!" Donnie declared.

"It’ll all be for nothing if they catch us now!" Rarity urged before she, Donnie and Nami noticed that Vivi was biting her lower lip so hard, a trickle of blood spilled from it, before the navigator hugged her.

"Don’t worry! We are going to get you home! I know they don’t look like much, but they’re all strong! Luffy, Wolflood, Rena, Zoro, Croven, Sanji and Usopp saved the East Blue, just the seven of them! The ninjas defeated the Shredder, even after he mutated himself! Baroque Works? Give me a break! Crocodile? Ha! *Smile* Those guys are the ones who should be worried!" Nami said.

"And we're doing it for free." Raph added.

"Would you give it a rest already?!" Nami asked.

"Not as long as it makes you mad." Raph smirked as Nami growled.

"A princess is worth... A small island. And we're not asking for anything. Pretty funny." Aria giggled.

Meanwhile, with Luffy, Mikey, Pinkie, Princess Twilight, Sci-Twi, Sunset, Karai, Leo, Adagio and Sonata went into the house that Usopp and Sanji were in, before the pirate captain grabbed them and dragged the chef by the leg and the liar by the nose.

"Come on!" Luffy urged.

"Kinda forceful, Luffy." Karai noted as Sanji and Usopp then broke the walls from being dragged by Luffy.

"Owowowowowowow! My nose is gonna fall off!" Usopp panicked.

"Hey! What the hell’re you doing, Luffy?! Stop it! What’s going on?! I said let go, dammit!" Sanji growled as the group then started dashing back to the Going Merry.

Meanwhile, with Nami, Rarity, Donnie, Shini, April, Fluttershy, Spike, Dog Spike and Vivi, they were running back to the Going Merry themselves.

"Hurry, Vivi!" Nami urged.

"Stay with us." Donnie said.

"Coming!" Vivi responded before she looked around and realized that Karoo was missing.

"What's wrong?" Shini asked.

"Karoo isn’t here!" Vivi answered.

Meanwhile, at the aftermath of the explosion, a transport appeared, carrying a young woman. "A decoy? That’s almost cute."

Meanwhile, Zoro, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Raph, Casey, Aria, Rena, Wolflood and Croven finished getting the ship ready.

"Where are the others?" Casey asked.

"I’m sure they’re on their way." Wolflood said.

"They’re here!" Croven informed.

"Guys! I got ’em!" Luffy called out.

"Bring ‘em up! We’re ready to go!" Zoro urged.

"Huh? They’re still asleep?" Luffy wondered as Sanji and Usopp were unconscious from all of that dragging.

"Wake up!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"We don’t have time to look for him!" Nami said.

"I’m not going to just leave him here!" Vivi responded.

"Me neither!" Fluttershy agreed.

"But listen-!" Nami tried to explain.

"What’s the problem over there?" Rena asked.

"Apparently her duck’s gone missing! And now she’s refusing to leave without him!" Nami answered.

"This duck?" Zoro, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Raph, Casey, Aria, Rena, Wolflood and Croven asked, pointing to Karoo as the duck quacked and raised his right wing.

"He’s here?!" Nami, Rarity, Donnie, Shini, April, Fluttershy, Spike, Dog Spike and Vivi gasped in surprise.

"He got here before any of us did. And I’ll admit, I’m impressed by that." Rainbow Dash explained.

"Good duck." Fluttershy smiled as everyone got onto the ship.

"There’s a tributary just up the river. If we take it, we can get out to sea faster." Vivi informed.

"Good planning!" Sci-Twi said.

"Alright, let’s go!" Luffy declared as the sails unfurled and the wind blowed into them, moving the ship forward.

"You really think the world knows we're alive now?" Sonata asked.

"On the contrary, I’m sure of it." Adagio answered.

"Hey." Zoro said.

"Mr. Bushido." Vivi noticed.

"How many people do you think Baroque Works will send after us?" Zoro asked.

"I’m not sure. I know that there are about two thousand loyal employees at Baroque Works, and I heard that there are several bases like this one that are set up in the area." Vivi answered.

"They really might send a thousand people?!" Nami gasped.

"Let them come." Raph said.

"That’s a lot." Croven admitted as Sanji and Usopp started coming to.

"What? Huh?" Sanji wondered.

"Hey! The ship’s leaving!" Usopp noticed.

"We got work, so get up." Raph declared.

"So you two woke up." Wolflood noted.

"Hold on a second! Can’t we stay just one more night?!" Sanji begged.

"One night!" Usopp agreed.

"This town is full of amazingly cute girls!" Sanji said.

"Who knows if we’ll ever have this much fun again!" Usopp added.

"Even pirates deserve a vacation!" Sanji pointed out.

"Come on! It’s not even morning yet!" Usopp shouted.

"We should’ve just left them behind. Oh jeez." Zoro groaned before two "BONK!s" were heard. "Nami, will you explain it to them?"

"Fluttershy and Applejack just did." Nami answered.

"Okay. That was fast." Zoro admitted as Usopp and Sanji had a bump on their heads, courtesy of Fluttershy and Applejack.

"Sorry." Fluttershy apologized.

"They left out the complicated parts." Nami added.

As the Merry sailed away, the updated Siren Sister Pirate posters were spread. Aboard a slightly damage ship, Jango the Hypnotist saw the poster.

"CAPTAIN!" Jango called out.

"What?" Kuro asked before he saw the updated poster of Sonata. "Set course for the Grand Line. And Jango… you will go undercover as a Marine."

"Yes, captain." Jango responded.

"Time to get my weapon back." Kuro declared as the ship set sail.

Meanwhile, Beast Tamer Mohji found the new poster and ran towards Buggy while crying. "CAPTAIN BUGGY!!!"

"What is it, Mohji?" Buggy asked.

"She’s back!" Mohji answered.

"Who's back?" Cabaji said in confusion.

"What is he blubbering about?" Alvida scoffed.

"Look!" Mohji urged as he revealed the updated poster of Aria.

"Aria?!" Buggy gasped.

"She's alive." Cabaji awed.

"That means… Adagio’s back as well." Alvida growled.

"FORGET STRAW HAT! WE'RE FIXING A MISTAKE WE MADE, BOYS!" Buggy declared as the rest of the Buggy Pirates cheered, while Alvida looked a bit peeved.

Meanwhile, Arlong and most of his men sat in their jail cell as the guard threw their lunch and the new posters in with them.

"Hmm?" Arlong noticed.

"It's them?" Chew asked.

"Well whaddya know, it is." Arlong answered.

"First Hachi escapes, now we learn they're alive. What's next?" Kuroobi said.

"Speaking of which, you think he's okay?" Chew added.

"I’m sure of it." Arlong responded as he couldn't muster any hatred for his friend before he raised his drink. "I wish him well on his journey though life! TO HACHI!"

"TO HACHI!" The rest of the Arlong Pirates cheered with a raise of their drinks.

Meanwhile at the Baratie, Zeff sat outside as he looked at the Siren Sister Pirate updated poster.

"Heh! Well this is certainly a surprise." Zeff smiled.

"Looking at Chore Boy's poster again?" Patty asked.

"No." Zeff answered.

"You think he and Sanji are going to be okay on the Grand Line?" Carne said.

"I have no doubt about it. Especially since my girls are back." Zeff responded.

At an unknown location, Red-Hair Shanks and his crew got the poster.

"Heh. Glad to have you all back, girls." Shanks smiled.

Lastly at an island in the Calm Belt, one of the Seven Warlords got the posters.

"So they have returned." A female voice, revealed as one of the Warlords noted.

"It says they're going after Crocodile." A second female voice added.

"Quite bold of them." A third female voice smiled.

"We're going to give them time." The second voice declared.

"Very well." The Warlord responded.

Back at the Going Merry…

"We should be reaching the see soon." Vivi said.

"Hey cool! Look at all the fog!" Luffy awed.

"Finally, it’s getting light out!" Nami responded.

"So Nami is really doing this for free?" Usopp asked.

"Shut it." Nami growled.

"I’m just glad we got away from the people who were chasing us." A mysterious female voice said.

"That’s for sure." Nami agreed.

"With all this fog, we need to be careful to avoid the rocks." The voice added.

"I’ll take care of it. Wait, did you…?" Nami wondered.

"Uh… no?" Luffy guessed.

"Who's there?!" Leo growled.

"This ship is nice." The voice said as everyone turned around to see the voice revealed as a young woman in western clothing.

"What?! Who’s that?!" Zoro asked.

"It’s… It’s you!" Vivi gasped.

"Heh. I just happened to run into your dear Mr. 8 a little ways back. He didn’t look so good." The woman remembered.

"So you killed Igaram!" Vivi growled.

"You! What’re you doing on my ship?! And how did you get here?! Who are you?!" Luffy asked as everyone got their weapons ready

"Answer him! What’re you doing here, Miss All Sunday?!" Vivi agreed.

"So you know who she is?" Nami noticed.

"Who comes up with these names?" Mikey deadpanned.

"That doesn’t matter, Mikey! Which of the number guys is she partnered with?" Nami asked.

"Her partner is Mr. 0, the boss." Vivi answered.

"Gah! Crocodile’s her partner?!" Nami gasped.

"Big deal. Your boss got no chance against our friend." Adagio boasted.

"She’s a bad guy?" Luffy asked.

"She was the only one who knew the boss’ identity. That’s how we found out who he actually is, by following her back to him." Vivi explained.

"To be accurate, I allowed it." Miss All Sunday said.

"So she’s a good guy then!" Luffy noted.

"I know you knew we were there! You were the one who told the boss we knew, weren’t you?!" Vivi assumed.

"That’s right." Miss All Sunday confirmed.

"Alright, then she is bad!" Luffy said.

"Luffy, would you cut it out already?" Zoro and Wolflood growled.

"Doesn't she look familiar?" Aria wondered.

"Yeah! But I can’t remember!" Sonata responded.

"Neither can I." Adagio added.

"Honestly, the same’s said for me." Aria admitted.

"You still haven’t told us what it is you’re doing here!" Vivi pointed out.

"Oh. Right. You were just so serious at the whole thing, I couldn’t help myself. A Princess doing whatever it takes to help her country? While making herself an enemy of Baroque Works? The idea was just so… Ridiculous." Miss All Sunday mocked as Vivi growled before Princess Twilight remembered what she did to stop the Storm King.

"YOU KILLED HIM!!!" Vivi roared as Sanji aimed a pistol at Miss All Sunday while Usopp aimed his slingshot at her.

"Coward!" Raph growled.

"Sanji? Uh… You do realize what you’re doing here, right?" Usopp asked.

"Nope, not a clue. I just know that the beautiful Ms. Wednesday needs me." Sanji answered.

"I would really appreciate it if you would, stop pointing those at me." Miss All Sunday said as Sanji and Usopp found themselves flying onto the deck, while the others found their weapons knocked out of their hands.

"You mean…!" Zoro realized.

"She’s eaten…!" Vivi continued.

"Devil Fruit!" Adagio finished.

"But which one was it?!" Croven asked.

"What’s her power?!" Rena added.

"Ugh… Wow! Now that I get a look, you’re beautiful!" Sanji swooned.

"You're a moron, Sanji." Applejack deadpanned.

"Now there’s no need to get so excited. You can all calm down, I haven’t been given any orders to follow here. I’ve no reason to fight you." Miss All Sunday explained before Luffy’s hat flew into her hands. "So you’re the captain. I’ve heard so much about you, Monkey D. Luffy."


"You’re a bad person, I demand you leave this instant!" Usopp ordered.

"Bad luck… Picking up a Princess who Baroque Works is already made up their mind to see eliminated… Protected by mere handful of pirates and ninjas… But your luck gets even worse, because of the direction your Log Pose is indicating. You see?" Miss All Sunday pointed out as Nami looked at her Log Pose and got nervous. "The name of the next island… Is Little Garden. We won’t even need to lift a finger; you’ll all be dead long before you reach Alabasta."

"MY HAT! GIVE IT TO ME!" Luffy roared.

"I told you to leave now evildoer!" Usopp said.

"Evildoer?" Zoro asked in disbelief.

"Beat it, lady!" Pinkie ordered.

"Seriously?" Zoro deadpanned.

"You don’t think it’s a little foolish? Allowing yourselves to be wiped out?" Miss All Sunday asked as she tossed an Eternal Pose and Luffy’s hat.

"An Eternal Pose?" Vivi noticed.

"Using that, you can skip right past Little Garden without stopping, sailing to an island near Alabasta. The Pose points to a place called Nanimonaishima. None of our agents know that course, so you won’t be followed." Miss All Sunday informed.

"What? So she’s good after all?" Nami asked.

"Make up your mind." Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

"Why are you giving this to us?!" Vivi requested.

"There’s no way this isn’t a trap." Raph growled.

"Oh, is it?" Miss All Sunday noted.

"What's your game?" Leo asked.

"What am I supposed to do? I don’t want to accept a gift from someone like her. But these people have taken me on their ship. The safest course might be best." Vivi thought as Luffy walked over to her.

"Forgot your thingy!" Luffy growled as he took the Eternal Pose. "We don’t need it!" Luffy declared as he crushed the Eternal Pose in the palm of his hand, much to the girls’ shock, except Miss All Sunday, before Nami kicked Luffy in the face.

"YOU JERK!!! She just went out of her way to show us an easier course to follow! Maybe she is actually trying to help us get away!" Nami growled

"You aren’t the one who decides where this ship goes." Luffy told Miss All Sunday.

"It could've also been a trap." Donnie pointed out.

"Well. That’s too bad." Miss All Sunday said.

"She blew up that funny old man, and he was nice. So now I hate her." Luffy growled.

"I’m sorry to hear that, and I’m sorry you didn’t accept my offer. If you survive… I hope that we’ll meet again." Miss All Sunday bid farewell.

"No!" Luffy responded as Miss All Sunday jumped onto her transport.

"Let’s go, Bunchi!" Miss All Sunday ordered as the transport called Bunchi was revealed to be a giant turtle as it started swimming away.

"W-What is that thing?!" Zoro asked.

"It isn’t a Sea King, is it?!" Usopp dreaded.

"No…" Croven answered.

"Whoa! A turtle!" Everyone on the Going Merry gasped in awe.

"Oh wow! That thing’s huge!" Luffy awed.

"Is it a distant cousin of yours?" Usopp asked.

"Not at all!" The turtles answered.

"Alright." Usopp responded as Vivi fell to her knees.

"That woman…! I don’t even have the slightest idea what’s going through her head!" Vivi growled.

"Then there’s no point in thinking about it, is there?" Nami asked.

"A few people on this boat are just like that." Zoro answered.

"Great." Raph groaned.

"Would someone explain what’s going on?! None of this makes sense!" Usopp requested.

"Oh, Ms. Wednesday! Have you joined your crew?!" Sanji swooned.

"Hey! Explain already! Whoa! Who’s ostrich is this?!" Usopp yelped as Karoo quacked. "Please! What’s going on?!"

"We fighting for food or women?" Sanji asked.

"Tell me! Tell me now!" Usopp begged.

"Nami..." Raph said.


"And that’s what happened." Nami finished.

"You're not charging her?" Usopp asked.

"Mention that one more time…!" Nami growled.

"I see. It’s too bad I missed out on all the fun, but it sounds like that there’ll be plenty of demands for my skills. No need to worry, now that your sleeping prince has awoken my sweet, you will be safe." Sanji swooned.

"Might've kept Raph from getting control over Nami." Zoro said.

"Whoa! Glad that wasn’t me!" Usopp panicked in relief.

"My dears, are you jealous?" Sanji asked the other girls.

"No." All of the girls except Vivi answered.

"Hey Nami, can you loan us some cash for new weapons?" Raph requested as Nami’s anger was reaching her snapping point while Zoro laughed uproariously. "Or I could tell Crocodile about your village.

"Sure Raph, I'll lean you enough." Nami strained.

"There's also my debt." Zoro added as Nami was gaining tick marks on her head by the second.

"Fine." Nami responded.

"Why was she so familiar?" Adagio wondered.

"Beats me." Sonata shrugged.

"Yeah, but I think we’ll find out soon enough." Aria noted.

"So, who's this Warlord friend you three trust so much?" Casey asked.

"Well if we told you, lover boy would faint." Adagio answered.

"It wouldn't hurt to tell us some stories." Leo said.

"Okay." Adagio responded.

"Excuse me. I’m sorry, but is it really alright that I’m on your ship? I’m just causing you all a lot of trouble…" Vivi apologized.

"It’s a little late for apologies, don’t you think?! If you didn’t wanna cause us trouble, you shouldn’t have told us who you were!" Nami growled.

"S-Sorry for that." Vivi apologized once more.

"Isn’t that right, Luffy?" Nami asked.

"Yeah! I’m hungry too!" Luffy said.

"That one worries me a little." Vivi admitted.

"Well, at least now we know where we’re headed to." Zoro noted.

"Little Garden, huh?" Sanji wondered as the Dazzlings gulped at that.

"Remember what she said?! Are we gonna die?!" Usopp panicked.

"Would you relax. We're practically a small army." Raph pointed out.

"Who knows? Let’s go, pirates and ninjas!" Luffy declared.

"Right." Everyone else responded as the Going Merry continued her course.

Meanwhile, with Miss All Sunday, she turned back with a smile.

"This should be fun… Little Garden… and until we meet again… Siren Sisters." Miss All Sunday said as at a different island in a jungle, a tiger encountered a giant human footprint on the ground as the earth rumbled on the island.

Author's Note:

Wolflood: I'm interested to hear about their past.

Rainbow Dash: Haha! Same here!

Raph: Me too.

Luffy: I'm in!

Spike: I wonder what happened back then.

Dazzlings: Prepare to be amazed!

Everyone except Dazzlings: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!

Leo: On the next Equestria Ninja Girls: One Piece...

Princess Twilight: Memories Return! Stories of Past Adventures!

Luffy: I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!