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Memories Return! Stories of Past Adventures!

Out at sea, Vivi, the Straw Hats and the ninjas were sailing the Going Merry before it stopped.

"It looks like we lost the wind again. If this keeps up, just getting to Little Garden is gonna take forever. We won’t be moving for a while." Nami noted.

"We’re starting to run out of time… we need to go." Vivi dreaded.

"Try not to worry so much, we’re gonna get you to Alabasta as quickly as we can. The wind will pick up soon." Nami responded.

"Right! Now it's time to fish!" Luffy declared as Mikey, Pinkie cheered in agreement as Karoo quacked with them before Sanji came out with a bucket while Usopp, Rena, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Casey and Shini were already fishing.

"Hey guys, do any of you know where the bait went?" Sanji asked.

"The bait? Oh, you mean the stuff in there? Yeah, I ate that." Luffy answered as those around Luffy on the deck dropped a bead of sweat at that.

"Wha?! You ate it?! Those were bugs!" Sanji said as Luffy grabbed a grub and ate it.

"That right? They were good." Luffy smiled.

"Oh yuck! That's gross!" Usopp gagged.

"Even I wouldn't eat that." Rainbow Dash said.

"Same here." Shini agreed as a tick mark appeared on Sanji.

"Well done! How are we supposed to fish now that you've scarfed down all of our bait!?" Sanji growled.

"Try using this." Luffy suggested as he brought out a random object.

"We can't fish with that!" Sanji, Rena, Applejack and Casey yelled.

"Those are some picky fish. How about him?" Luffy asked, pointing to Karoo.

"That could work." Sanji answered as Karoo paled before running around and circles as Luffy and Sanji followed him while Rena and the ninjas back away. But while the two were chasing Karoo, the duck ran over Zoro.

"Ow! Dammit! Knock it off you guys!" Zoro growled.

"I guess it's too much to ask, for you guys to be worried!?" Nami said as everyone one the deck froze and payed attention to Nami.

"What should we be worried about?" Luffy asked.

"Alabasta." Pinkie and Mikey answered.

"Ah, you are simply beautiful when you're angry, Nami!" Sanji swooned.

"Come on!" Nami groaned.

"We understand how you feel, Nami. But we've learned to accept it." Rarity said as Nami started to walk off to calm herself down. Sonata was sunbathing as Nami passed by her.

"Hey Sonata." Nami greeted.

"Hey Na..." Sonata started to greet back before she sniffed a familiar familiar scent.

"Sonata?" Nami asked before Sonata suddenly pinned her down.

"WHERE IS HE?!" Sonata roared as she was about to snap Nami's neck.

"He?! What are you talking about?! What’s gotten into you?!" Nami panicked in concern as everyone ran towards the commotion and saw what was happening.

"Don't play dumb! His scent is all over you!" Sonata growled.

"Sonata! What’re you-" Adagio started to ask.

"Sonata! Get a hold of-" Aria started to say before she and her big sister caught the same scent that Sonata did and pinned Nami as well. "What are you to him?!"

"Aria?! Adagio?! You too?!" Nami asked in shock.

"What are you to Arlong?! His concubine?!" Adagio hissed, leaving Nami shocked.

"A-Arlong…?" Nami noticed.

"Let's see how that monster likes it when we snap his lover's back in half!" Aria threatened.


"Hallow words. His scent is all over you." Sonata responded as Nami sniffed her arm.

"I don't smell anything." Nami noted.

"Right. You don’t know this, but thanks to the devil fruit powers that me and my sisters have, our sense of smell became a whole lot stronger." Aria informed.

"Interesting. But... Who's Arlong and why do you want to kill Nami?" Leo asked.

"He's a Fishman pirate captain who held mine and Nami's home village hostage." Croven answered.

"What?" The Dazzlings gasped.

"That monster murdered my caretaker when I was little and held me against my will drawing sea charts for years." Nami informed as the Dazzlings then felt sorry for doubting her. "How do you know him?"

"He nearly killed us." Adagio answered.

"What happened?" Usopp asked.

"We were relaxing one day when Arlong's pet monster visited us. Let me tell you, that thing looked delicious." Sonata informed.

"No doubt about it." Adagio and Aria agreed.

"You too?" Luffy, Sanji and Wolflood notied.

"After we ripped off some it's skin and ate it, Arlong showed up. He wanted to form an alliance with us." Aria informed.

"We heard about what that monster was doing and wanted no part of it." Sonata added as Nami sighed in relief at that.

"Then he and his men attacked us hard. They stole all our treasure and nearly killed us. We drifted for a while until the marines nabbed us. Sorry, Nami." Adagio apologized.

"No. It’s okay." Nami responded.

"What happened to Arlong?" Pinkie asked.

"He’s in jail right now." Nami answered.

"Pretty cool ability you three got." Sanji complimented.

"It comes in handy, Red-Foot Zeff Jr." Aria taunted.

For the first time, Sanji felt insulted by this young beautiful teenage girl. "…What?"

"I didn't know Zeff had a kid." Sonata noted, making Sanji growl and Zoro laugh wildly.

"Why didn't I think of that?!" Zoro laughed loudly.

"Shut up, moss-head! I’m not the old man’s kid! He just took me in after we both survived on an abandoned island while I was the only one who had food!" Sanji informed.

"That sounds like him. The three of us owe him our lives." Aria said.

"Wait, what?" Sanji asked.

"We lost all our food during a storm and drifted for a week without eating anything." Adagio informed.

"I still can’t believe I was actually seeing things." Sonata said in disbelief.

"I swear, one time I thought Sonata tried to eat my leg." Aria added as Sonata nervously sweated at that.

"Zeff found us and gave us a feast that we scarfed down. He didn't even care if we didn't pay." Adagio finished.

"That was nice of your dad, Sanji." Sci-Twi smiled.

"HE’S NOT MY FATHER! He just took me in as a chef for the Baratie." Sanji growled.

"Jeez, he sounds like he's your dad." Usopp noted.

"Shanks was great for our fun." Aria added before Luffy grabbed her and her sisters.

"You know Shanks?!" Luffy asked.

"Yeah. We bumped into him years ago." Sonata answered.

"Your dad is a great sniper, Usopp." Adagio smiled.

"He is a warrior of the sea after all!" Usopp said in excitement and pride.

"But a heavy drinker. One time we got him so drunk, I bet Shanks he couldn't shoot an apple off of Sonata's head. Yasopp drew his pistol, stumbled and fired, it ricocheted, and nailed the apple just as Sonata wet her pants." Aria added, making everyone laugh as Sonata’s entire body blushed.

"We agreed to NEVER BRING THAT UP AGAIN!" Sonata growled.

"Not my fault you can't use a toilet." Aria mocked.

"Oh really? What about that eating contest you challenged Lucky Roux to an eating contest and lost so badly that you couldn’t stop blowing chunks for three minutes straight?" Sonata remembered.

"At least I didn't need a new pair of underwear." Aria smirked.

"At least I don’t have a weak stomach!" Sonata fired back.

"Enough you two. I remember challenging Shanks to a sword fight and lost." Adagio said.

"So, how'd you guys meet Buggy and Kuro?" Luffy asked before Sonata was up on the mast, scared stiff again.

"After we departed from Shanks, we got caught in a hurricane. I managed to stay abroad our ship, but Aria and Sonata got thrown overboard." Adagio answered.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy dreaded.

"It took me days to find them. Turns out the Black Cat pirates captured Sonata and used her as a weapon. And that was their captains idea. The crew had... On second thought, you don't want to know." Adagio changed her mind.

"Take her word for it!" Usopp agreed.

"Please don't share." Applejack said.

"Buggy and his men found me. They treated me pretty well. Buggy promised me he and his crew would help me find my sisters. I actually thought they were my friends." Aria sadly informed as Sunset had a feeling that there was more to it than that, but decided not to jumped to conclusions.

"So what happened?" Luffy asked.

"We were having a meal in a town when we heard a fight outside and I saw Buggy's Right-Hands, Cabaji and Mohji, trying to kill Adagio and Sonata." Aria answered.

"Wow." Raph simply said.

"I knocked those two out and grabbed them and left. I honestly thought they were my friends." Aria said in sadness as Sunset looked at Princess Twilight before they both silently agreed that there was more than it was to what happened, but decided still not to jump to conclusions yet.

"That's just harsh." Rainbow Dash noted.

"I know. I was also close to Mohji's pet lion Richie." Aria added.

"Pet lion?" Fluttershy asked.

"Don't ask." Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Wolfood and Rena responded.

"It just seems odd. For someone with a 30 million-Berry bounty on his head, your Straw Hat captain sure doesn't seem to be a particularly terrifying pirate.” Vivi noted.

"Yeah, I know that it's really tough to imagine, but he's actually beaten some of the really big names out there. Like Arlong, the fishman who was determined to rule the East Blue; And Don Krieg, the Pirate Commodore; Also Captain Kuro, a mysterious pirate who was notorious for his cunning." Nami listed.

"You forgot someone." Rena pointed out.

"That freak marine captain who had an axe for a hand." Zoro said.

"Oh yeah! Axe-Hand Morgan!" Nami remembered, surprising Vivi and the Dazzlings.

"The Axe-Hand Morrigan?" Vivi gasped.

"Yes, THE Axe-Hand Morrigan." Wolflood confirmed.

"I've heard of him before. From what I know, he's feared by sailors throughout the East Blue for his strength and cruelty." Vivi noted.

"We remember Axe-Hand Morrigan." Sonata noted.

"Really?" Karai asked.

"Yeah, he was our executioner." Aria answered, shocking everyone else.

"E-E-E-E-E-Executioner?!" Usopp shivered in fear.

"You heard that right. My little sisters and I were lucky that we had some magic left to get back to Karai's world." Adagio informed. "So Luffy beat him?"

"Right! The old axe-hand man! Speaking of the axe-hand man, I wonder what that kid who was with him is up to these days. Hmm... I wonder if he's still at the Marine Base." Luffy noted as the wind picked back up.

"Who're you talking about?" April asked.

"Oh! His name's Coby! He's a friend of mine from way back!" Luffy answered.

"Hey, you three said you're close friends with a Warlord." Donnie remembered as the Dazzlings mischievously giggled at that.

"Yeah, Boa Hancock. She's one of the Seven Warlords... And our big sister." Adagio answered.

"What...? The Pirate Empress?!" Sanji gasped.

"How'd you meet her?" Leo asked.

"Remember us mentioning being in the Calm Belt?" Adagio responded with her own question.

"Yeah." Everyone else except Aria and Sonata replied.

"What happened?" Croven asked.

"She actually rescued us from one that Sonata sailed us into!" Adagio answered as Sonata nervously chuckled at that.

"We first thought she was going to turn us in." Aria remembered.

"But she needed our help to disrupt Alvida's control on an island." Sonata added.

"The club lady?" Luffy asked.

"Yep. That’s right, Luffy." Adagio replied.

"Might as well call her Fatso Alvida" Aria added as Adagio laughed.

"Tell me about it! Just to insult her since she ate the Smooth-Smooth Fruit." Adagio smiled.

"We became close friends with Boa since." Sonata added.

"It was like we got twin sisters of ourselves." Adagio remembered.

"You really think she'll buy us the time we need?" Mikey asked.

"I’m sure of it." Adagio answered before out of nowhere, cannon fire nearly hit the Merry.

"Now what?! Usopp, what happened?" Casey asked.

"STRAW HAT, RELEASE ARIA IMMEDIATELY!" A familiar voice ordered.

"Don’t worry. I got this." Luffy said.

"You better not be what I think you’re doing." Nami worried.

"Here goes. *Deep breath* BIG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE!!!" Luffy shouted as everything felt frozen.

"No! I told you before that’s the worst thing you could’ve said to him!" Nami dreaded as the ninjas except the Dazzlings were confused.

Author's Note:

Aria: What are you doing here, showing me your face again?!

Luffy: It's that big-nosed guy!

Zoro: Tch! That Chop-Chop man.

Pinkie: Clowns are supposed to be funny!

Sonata: This isn't good!

Raph: You're gonna be in for a beating!

Casey: Hope you're ready for Casey Jones!

Rainbow Dash: I oughta turn you into jerk cider!

Spike: We won't let you hurt our friends!


Leo: On the next Equestria Ninja Girls, One Piece...

Princess Twilight: An Unexpected Reunion! Buggy's a Good Guy?

Luffy: I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!