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All-Out Battle! Luffy, Mikey and Pinkie Pie Vs. Zoro, Raph and Rainbow Dash, Mysterious Grand Duel!

In Whiskey Peak, Igaram was firing his bullets at Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine while Zoro and the others were watching.

"Aw, dammit. Luffy’s trapped, I better go do something about it." Zoro said.

"Right behind you!" Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Go on, Princess Vivi! You have to escape!" Igaram urged.

"Igaram!" Vivi shouted before Mr. 5 flicked something, causing an explosion on Igaram, before he fell down. "Igaram!"

"Don’t bother, aha! Ahahahaha!" Ms. Valentine laughed as she floated down and swung a kick at Vivi, who dodged while her hairband was split in half, causing her hair to fall down, before she took out her Peacock Slasher, attacking Ms. Valentine, who dodged it while laughing before the smoke cleared.

"Dirty monsters!" Vivi growled.

"You mean you’re really a princess, Ms. Wednesday?! Oh, wow!" Mr. 9 awed in amazement.

"A very busy princess right now, Mr. 9!" Vivi hissed in anger.

"Well, I’ve had enough fun for one night. See ya!" Zoro said.

"Later!" Rainbow Dash added as she and Zoro dragged Luffy’s body away from the area.

"Let's get everyone and get out of here!" Raph urged.

"Princess Vivi…" Igaram groaned.

"Oh Igaram… You’re hurt." Vivi said in worry.

"Vivi, please… forget about me. You must get away from here! For our… homeland. If you were to be harmed, Alabasta Kingdom would suffer. Please Princess, you must hurry!" Igaram urged as Mr. 5 started picking his nose.

"If you think you can escape from us, you’re mistaken." Mr. 5 said as Vivi brought out her other Peacock Slasher.

"Let’s see if you can take me!" Vivi growled before Mr. 9 stood in front of her, looking at Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine, wielding one of his bats.

"This whole Princess thing is pretty confusing, but we’ve been fighting together for a long time, so get going! I’m going to buy you some time for a head start!" Mr. 9 said.

"Thank you, Mr. 9." Vivi responded in gratitude.

"Heh. Pretty manly of me, don’t you think? Bye-bye, baby!" Mr. 9 bid farewell as he started flipping towards Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine. "I hope you’re prepared for this!"

"Mr. 9!" Vivi said as Mr. 5 picked a booger out of his nose.

"All that is asked of us agents is to do our job and do them well. Bonds and such pathetic friendships is for the weak. It’s time that you learn that. My Nose-Fancy…" Mr. 5 started off.

"Bloody Bat!" Mr. 9 shouted.

"…Cannon!" Mr. 5 finished as he flicked his booger towards Mr. 9 and made it explode, sending him flying right into the water.

"Oh no! Mr. 9!" Vivi gasped in horror while Zoro and the ninjas though were pretty disgusted from seeing that.

"Wait, hold on a second. Did that just come out of his nose?" Zoro noticed.

"Ewwwww!" The Dazzlings gagged.

"Okay, that’s a whole lot more gross than eating algae and worms." Raph admitted.

"Let's get out of here." Rainbow Dash said before Igaram grabbed Zoro’s leg.

"Hey, what’re you doing?!" Zoro asked.

"Taking you down." Aria sarcastically answered.

"Warriors, I have a most unreasonable request, but I need someone with strength such as yours!" Igaram requested.

"Yeah, right. You gotta be kidding, would you let go of me?" Zoro said.

"You and your men attacked us!" Raph added.

"Both of those villains possess Devil Fruit powers, and there’s nothing I can do to stop them! That is why I’m begging you all now, please protect Princess Vivi of Alabasta in my place! Please!" Igaram begged.

"Let go! Huh?" Zoro said.

"Princess?!" The Dazzlings gasped as Mr. 5 picked his nose again.

"Heh." Mr. 5 chuckled.

"Ahahahahahahaha!" Ms. Valentine laughed as Vivi got onto Karoo.

"Karoo, run!" Vivi said, responded by Karoo giving a nod as he started running away with Vivi on her.

"And off she goes." Ms. Valentine noted.

"She won’t get very far." Mr. 5 said as he took his finger out of his nose. "Let’s go, Ms. Valentine!"

"Right behind you, Mr. 5!" Ms. Valentine responded as she and Mr. 5 started chasing Vivi.

"Surely you’ll all be rewarded, if you can deliver the Princess safely to our noble home of Alabasta Kingdom. *Cough!* I am just a humble servant, but I’m begging you to do this! Please protect the Princess! I beg you!" Igaram begged.

"Forget it! I’m not helping you! Whaddya think we are, fools?!" Zoro growled.

"Let's get out of here." Adagio agreed.

"So, about this reward…" A voice started off as everyone looked up and saw Nami. "I’ll take it. Alright, how does a billion berries sound?"

"Nami?" Zoro and most of the ninjas asked.

"What did you say? *Cough!* ~Mah! Mah! Mah!~" Igaram gasped.

"I thought you and some of the others were asleep." Zoro noted.

“I had a feeling this was a Bounty Hunter Nest. Besides, you gotta give me some credit. Who in their right mind would go to sleep in a town that welcomes pirates like Whiskey Peak? It was all an act, a charade, a pretense. ‘Oh, I can’t drink anymore, but I have to win the contest.’” Nami answered.

"Whatever." Zoro groaned with sigh.

"She's good." Aria noted.

"~Mah! Mah! Mah!~" Igaram cleared his throat.

"So why don’t you go ahead and promise us that one billion berry reward, huh, Captain? Because if we don’t agree to help your precious Princess, then she’s probably gonna die." Nami said with a dark smile.

"She doesn't speak for all of us. 300,000 is good enough for the Siren Sisters... Each." Adagio added.

"I am just a simple soldier, I cannot promise such an immense reward." Igaram responded.

"We could settle for 300 each." Sonata revised.

"Come on, surely you guys weren’t suggesting that the Captain’s Princess life is worth less than that? Right?" Nami asked, making Igaram start sweating in worry.

"Doesn’t really fight fair, does she?" Zoro noted.

"Can you be anymore greedy, Nami?!" Raph growled.

"*Cough!* I can’t promise anything! But if you’re willing to deliver the Princess to Alabasta, then you had best negotiate the terms of the reward directly with her." Igaram informed.

"Heh. Which means I have to save her first, huh?" Nami assumed.

"Please understand. Her life is in danger." Igaram begged.

"Oh alright, I’ll go ahead and save your darling princess for now." Nami said as Igaram smiled in relief while Zoro looked uneasy. "Well Zoro, Raph, Rainbow Dash, get her!" Nami ordered as the trio struggled not to attack Nami.

"SCREW THAT!!! NO!!!" Zoro, Raph and Rainbow Dash hissed.

"If you wanna make money, then fine! But you don’t have to involve me in it!" Zoro said.

"Us too!" Raph and Rainbow Dash agreed.

"Don’t be stupid AND stubborn." Nami responded as Luffy, Mikey and Pinkie started to wake up, but no one noticed. "The money that I make is certainly mine, but the contracts that I land benefit all of us. Why can you three not see that?"

"Do you seriously expect me to buy any of that crap?!" Zoro asked.

"How did Cocoyoshi Village think they could trust you?!" Raph added, causing even Zoro to flinch at the hornet nest the mutant just poked.

Raph was on the ground with his head full of lumps from the beating Nami gave him.

"Anyone else want to say that?" Nami asked in anger with the fist she beat Raph up with clenched.

"No! We’re good!" Zoro and the ninjas answered, waving their hands in front of their faces.

"Then how's about following my orders?" Nami added.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What? All you, Zoro and Raph really have to do here is cut up a few guys." Nami said.

"Oh, really? Is that all? Don’t boss me around like you do that idiot cook!" Zoro said as Luffy, Pinkie Pie and Mikey woke up, yet still no one noticed that yet.

"Oh, I see. You and your friends are just afraid that you’re gonna end up losing to them." Nami mocked as that made Raph get back up on his feet in anger.

"You wanna try saying that again, you greedy brat?!" Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph growled.

"Bathroom." Luffy, Pinkie Pie and Mikey simply said as they got up and walked away, yet not one person even noticed that!

"You’re big babies who are afraid of losing to guys who are stronger than you three." Nami simplified

"You better shut your mouth right now!" Zoro, Raph and Rainbow Dash hissed.

"Besides, did you forget, Zoro? You still owe me some money from a while back." Nami reminded.

"What? I don’t owe you anything." Zoro responded.

"Low blow." Raph noted.

"You do owe me, Zoro. I lent you a hundred thousand berries for some swords in Loguetown." Nami said.

"And I gave you the hundred thousand back almost right away. Someone gave me the swords, so I didn’t even need your stupid berries." Zoro retorted.

"Point, Zoro." Adagio commented.

"Maybe so, but Zoro agreed to pay me 300%, bringing his total to three hundred thousand berries." Nami reminded.


Zoro: *Sigh.* I need to borrow some money.

Nami: Sure, for 300% interest.

*End Flashback*

"And you agreed to it, Zoro. You still owe interest." Nami said.

"That's robbery." Rainbow Dash growled

"I gave you the hundred thousand back the same day, you can’t really expect me to pay you interest." Zoro added.

"Sure can." Nami retorted, making Zoro flinch. "Come on, can’t you even keep one little promise?" Nami asked as that took all of Zoro’s strength to keep himself from attacking Nami. "Now just do what I say and I’ll call us even."

"She's good." Aria noted.

"We know!" Raph and Rainbow Dash hissed.

"Someday, you’re gonna die a horrible death." Zoro growled.

"Oh yes, and I’m sure I’ll go straight to hell." Nami agreed.

"Damn woman!" Zoro cursed as he, Rainbow Dash and Raph ran off to find Princess Vivi.

"Hahaha! Thanks, you guys!" Nami laughed.

"Shut up!" Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph shouted.

"And us?" Adagio asked.

"Your choice." Nami responded.

"You're nasty, Nami." Aria said with a mischievous smile.

"Thank you." Nami relied in gratitude with her own mischievous smile.

"I'm heading to the Going Merry." Sonata said.

"I'm so ashamed..." Igaram groaned.

"Hmm?" Nami and the ninjas wondered.

"If I had been stronger, I could've protected Princess Vivi like she deserves." Igaram said.

"Oh, she'll be fine. They may look stupid, but they're really strong." Nami responded.

"Heh, not gonna argue with that." Applejack agreed.

"Uh, anyone have any problems with me staying on the ship?" Sonata asked.

"No." The ninjas answered as Sonata started heading back.

"If anything were to happen to Princess Vivi, the kingdom of Alabasta would be... It would be done for." Igaram dreaded.

"Huh?" Nami and the ninjas asked in confusion.

"She must escape. She has to." Igaram whimpered as his eyes started leaking tears.

"Hey, take it easy." Applejack said, trying to calm Igaram down.

"Oh dear. I hope they're alright." Fluttershy noted.

Meanwhile with Vivi and Karoo...

"Run quickly... Run Karoo! There's a ship docked right behind the Cactus Rocks! We're going to take it and escape from this place! Then we'll be on our way to Alabasta!" Vivi urged as Karoo kept running.

Meanwhile, with Luffy, Pinkie Pie and Mikey, who were still considered human boulders due to how much they ate from the party, they finished taking a leak as Pinkie came back from her own private place.

"Ah... Much better." Luffy sighed.

"Definitely." Mikey and Pinkie agreed.

"Now back to the sleep." Luffy said.

"Uh-huh." Pinkie and Mikey responded in agreement as they and Luffy started to walk away, but quickly came back and looked to their left, only to be shocked.

"What the heck happened here?!" Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey gasped in absolute shock.

"Hey, guys." Sonata greeted, but Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey didn’t notice her as they ran right past Sonata.

"Hurry, Karoo!" Vivi urged as she and Karoo ran before Vivi saw an explosion in front of them. "Karoo, stop!" Vivi said as Karoo did that, as they both saw who was responsible in the smoke. "Oh no, it’s Mr. 5. They found us. Hurry Karoo, move!" Vivi urged, responded by Karoo's quack as he turned right and started running again while Ms. Valentine laughed as she landed.

"It’s kinda cute the she’s trying." Mr. 5 said before Karoo stopped as Vivi saw someone familiar.

"Ms. Monday!" Vivi noticed.

"Go on, you can reach the ships by going through here. I’ll stay here and hold off the others." Ms. Monday said.

"You sure?" Vivi asked in concern.

"After losing to that green-haired swordsman and his friends, we’re all going to be punished for failing our mission anyway. At least if I do that, I can go down while helping to protect a friend. What are you waiting around here for? If you get killed or captured, Mr. 8 and Mr. 9 will have sacrificed themselves for nothing! Now get going!" Ms. Monday urged as Vivi was hesitant, but accepted that as Ms. Monday grabbed a ram of wood.

"Thank you." Vivi said in gratitude before Karoo started running again as Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine showed up.

"First, Mr. 9 defected, and now you. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Ms. Monday…" Mr. 5 tsked as he rolled up his right sleeve.

"I am not going to let you pass! Because I made a promise to a friend!" Ms. Monday declared.

"Ahahahahahaha! That’s adorable." Ms. Valentine laughed as Mr. 5 started running towards Ms. Monday with his right arm pulled back.

"You are an utter disgrace…" Mr. 5 started off as Ms. Monday readied her weapon and prepared to thrusted it at him, only for Mr. 5 to dodge it and pull a lariat on her neck. "…to the name of Baroque Works!"

Vivi heard a huge explosion behind her as Karoo stopped and turned around, both of them seeing Ms. Monday and Mr. 5 surrounded by flames as she fell down onto her back from that blow and explosion. "No… Ms. Monday… How could they?"

"Heh heh. That’s why they call me the Bomb Man. You see, I can make any part of my body explode, and thanks to my Bomb-Bomb Fruit power, there hasn’t been a single mission that I have failed to complete." Mr. 5 informed as his right fist was smoking while Ms. Valentine laughed, making Vivi look up and see her floating in the air.

"And thanks to the Kilo-Kilo Fruit power that I possess, I can bury that traitor, Ms. Monday, in the ground forever. I can change how much I weigh whenever I want. Right now, I’m light enough to be lifted by a slight breeze. But I think it’s time to start gaining weight. 5 kilograms. 50 kilograms." Ms. Valentine started as she started to fall, and started to go down faster and faster. "A hundred. Five hundred. A thousand. 10,000 Kilogram Press!" Ms. Valentine shouted as she fell right onto Ms. Monday, causing the ground to crack as a dust cloud erupted while dirt covered half of Ms. Monday’s broach. When the dust cleared, Ms. Monday was gone. "So, do you really still think you can escape from us?"

"You don’t have a chance of getting outta here in one piece." Mr. 5 boasted as Vivi saw the broach, biting her lip.

"I will survive, I will escape. I will make it back home, to Alabasta Kingdom." Vivi declared as Mr. 5 picked his nose again while three people were rushing towards Vivi.

"Take this! My Nose-Fancy…" Mr. 5 started off as the three people jumped off the rooftop towards Vivi. "…Cannon!" Mr. 5 finished as he flung his booger towards Vivi, until Zoro appeared and sliced it in two while in front of Vivi, as Rainbow Dash and Raph appeared at both her sides while Rainbow Dash used her wind slashes to cut up her half and Raph turned his arm into flames and fired at his half, burning it to ash.

"Mr. Bushido and Team Nindo!" Vivi gasped.

"So who are these clowns?" Mr. 5 asked.

"GAH!!! I just cut someone’s snot!" Zoro said in disgust.

"Gross!" Rainbow Dash gagged.

"You did that too, Dash. And I burned up the half on my side." Raph pointed out as Vivi brought out her Peacock Slasher.

"Dammit! I don’t have time for this, don’t you three ever give up?" Vivi growled as she was about to strike Zoro, only for her weapon to be cut by Zoro’s sword before it was pointing close to her neck.

"We’re here to help, so just calm down." Zoro said.

"Yeah, we're the good guys." Raph agreed.

"Besides, you’re not the first princess we helped." Rainbow Dash added.

"What? You’re helping me?" Vivi asked in surprise.

Meanwhile, back with Nami, Igaram and the others…

"Tell us… Baroque Works, exactly what kind of company is it?" Nami wondered.

"We need any information you have." Aria requested.

"It’s a secret crime syndicate. It specializes in assassinations, espionage and bounty hunting. The company is so secret, none of the agents know the boss’ name or face. But they will still do anything the boss commands them to do." Igaram informed.

"Hmm… I don’t get it. Why would any rational person listen to some big boss whose identity they don’t even know?" Nami asked in suspicion.

"Even the Shredder wasn't like that." Adagio noted.

"The ultimate objective of Baroque Works, is the creation of an ideal nation. And everyone who does well within the company now will be guaranteed high social standing within this nation. This is the promise that drives them to blindly follow." Igaram answered.

"Now that makes more sense." Nami noted.

"Glad Sonata didn't hear this." Aria said in relief.

"The agents all have numbers as their code names. The boss’ code name is Mr. 0, so the closer an agent’s number is to zero, the stronger and more skilled they are, and the higher their future standing will be. The agents from Mr. 5 and above are especially powerful, incredibly so." Igaram informed.

"Makes sense." Adagio noted.

Meanwhile with Vivi and the others…

"I take it that you three must be the swordsman, kunoichi and freak who beat the lowly employees who were stationed out here." Ms. Valentine noticed.

"Why would you wanna protect the Princess of Alabasta?" Mr. 5 asked.

"Let’s just say the we have our own reasons." Zoro answered.

"Get lost before we take you down." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, one way or another, we’re gonna have to eliminate you. Ya see, you three are in our way." Mr. 5 explained.

"Ahahahahaha! Aw, what a shame." Ms. Valentine said as Mr. 5 chuckled, picking his nose again as the three heroes readied themselves.

"I FOUND YOU!!!" Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey roared as everyone looked towards the village, as Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph smiled.

"ZORO!!!" Luffy shouted.

"RAINBOW DASH!!!" Pinkie growled.

"RAPHAEL!!!" Mikey hissed.

"What is it now?" Ms. Valentine asked.

"Luffy, thanks for coming, but we got this one." Zoro said.

"Sit back and enjoy the show." Raph quipped.

"Unless Nami dragged you three into this mess too." Rainbow Dash added before she, Raph and Zoro became confused of why the three goofballs were looking like that in anger.

"YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID!!! I’LL KILL YOU!!!" Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey yelled out.

"Huh? WHAT?!?!?!" Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph gasped in complete shock.

"What kinda nonsense have you three gotten into your heads this time?" Zoro asked.

"Guys, what's gotten into you?!" Raph agreed.

"Shut your mouths and get ready!" Pinkie growled.

"‘Cause we’re about to kick your ungrateful little asses!" Luffy declared.

"Ungrateful?" Rainbow Dash said in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Raph asked.

"Don’t tell us you don’t know!" Mikey growled.


Luffy: What happened?

Pinkie: Who hurt you guys like this?

Mikey: Please tell us.

Bounty Hunter: It was those friends of yours, the mean swordsman with the green hair, the fast kunoichi with rainbow hair, and the turtle guy with the red bandanna.

Luffy: Zoro?!

Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash?!

Mikey: Raph?!

*End Flashback*

"Everyone here was nice to us…" Mikey started off.

"They threw a welcome party for us…" Pinkie continued.

"And they gave us food!" Luffy finished.

"Wait, guys! You don't underst-" Rainbow Dash tried to explain.

"And you repaid them by beating them all up with those weapons and powers of yours!" Luffy, Pinkie Pie and Mikey growled.

"Yeah but… There’s something you don’t know." Zoro said.

"Guys, it's a trick!" Raph informed.

"JUST SHUT UP AND FIGHT US!!!" Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey roared, completely oblivious to what Zoro, Raph and Rainbow Dash said.

"Those guys are just complete idiots." Vivi said as Karoo nodded in agreement.

"Heh. And now they’re fightin’ amongst themselves, how pathetic." Mr. 5 scoffed.

"Ahahaha! If we wait long enough, maybe they’ll kill each other and we won’t have to bother with them." Ms. Valentine noted as Zoro sighed.

"Hold on guys. Can you just listen to us for a second? They were actually-" Zoro started to explain.

"NO EXCUSES!!!" Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey roared as they jumped straight towards Zoro and his group.

"WAIT! NO!" Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph yelled as they dodged an attack from the Luffy and his group, while the simultaneous attack obliterated a big stone. "YOU TRYING TO KILL US?!"

"Uh-huh! Die!" Luffy, Mikey and Pinkie growled as Zoro and his group couldn’t believe that as their eyebrows twitched in annoyance before they started dodging again.

"Dammit, lis-" Zoro started to say before he, Rainbow Dash and Raph dodged twice as both attacks from the other group made some stones collapse.

"They’ve totally lost it!" Rainbow Dash dreaded.

"Guys, calm down!" Raph urged as the two groups kept fighting each other.

"Well Mr. 5, it looks like they’re too busy beating each other up to cause us any trouble." Ms. Valentine noticed.

"Apparently, so why don’t we just leave those idiots to the fight while we do the job that we were sent here to complete? Eliminating Princess Vivi of Alabasta Kingdom." Mr. 5 agreed.

"Hey, tough guys! Quit running away!" Luffy shouted.

"Wait, listen to us!" Zoro said.

"Shall we, Ms. Valentine?" Mr. 5 asked.

"Yes, Mr. 5." Ms. Valentine answered as she and Mr. 5 started running towards Vivi.

"Quit screwing around, dammit!" Zoro, Rainbow Dash and Raph yelled as they kicked Luffy, Pinkie Pie and Mikey, sending them flying into Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine, as the five crashed into a building.

"You dumbasses." Zoro scoffed.

"This town was nothing but a trap." Rainbow Dash said.

"Why won't you guys listen?" Raph asked.

Meanwhile in the building…

"Ugh… Now you and your friends have really managed to get in the way of our plans." Mr. 5 growled.

"What happened? What’s going on?" Ms. Valentine asked.

"Since you guys wanna kill each other so badly, I’ll tell you what. We’re gonna do you a favor, we’ll kill you six ourselves, okay?" Mr. 5 offered.

Back outside, an explosion occurred in the building, followed by Ms. Valentine jumping into the air. "Now I’m really annoyed! I hope you three are ready to experience my Kilo-Kilo Fruit power! Hahaha! Prepare to be smashed into a thousand tiny pieces and buried a hundred meters in the ground!"

"Mr. Bushido! Team Nindo! You have to get out of the way!" Vivi urged.

"Be quiet! We have more important things to worry about right now." Zoro informed.

"This won't take long." Rainbow Dash said as Luffy, carrying a beat-up Mr. 5, appeared with Pinkie and Mikey, who were back to their normal body shapes.

"That was a good workout. We finally managed to digest some of that food." Luffy noted.

"Guys, this is a Bounty Hunter Nest!" Raph shouted, but his words fell on deaf ears.

"They-They fought Mr. 5, and won? They took out one of Baroque Works’ best agents!" Vivi said in shock.

"Alright, now let’s finish this." Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey declared.

"Okay guys, just calm down and hear us out for a second. Everyone who lives here at Whiskey Peak is really a bounty hunter, which makes all of them our enemies." Zoro informed.

"Here I come! I hope you’re getting scared, I may look light now, but I can increase my weight to 10,000 kilograms, you know. Hey! Pay attention to me you jackasses!" Ms. Valentine growled as Luffy dropped Mr. 5.


"Taste my 10,000 Kilogram Press!" Ms. Valentine shouted as she started dropping towards Zoro while laughing.

"Fine then." Zoro said as he stepped to the side, causing Ms. Valentine to crash into the ground while the swordsman grabbed his bandanna.

"Guess we have no other choice." Rainbow Dash realized as she grabbed her naginata.

"Yeah, since it doesn’t look like talking to them will work anymore." Raph agreed as he drew his sais while Zoro strapped his bandanna on his head.

"You know, you three really are morons! This time, we’re not gonna hold back, it’ll be your own fault if you die." Zoro warned as Rainbow Dash and Raph silently agreed only to fight until Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey were unconscious.

"Sounds good to me!" Luffy agreed.

"Just a sec, what’s going on here? I thought you guys were on the same side." Vivi worried as both groups readied themselves and their weapons.

"Get ready for my…" Luffy started off...

"Gum-Gum…" Luffy and Pinkie began to say as they pulled their arms back.

"Boulder…" Mikey started as he began rolling like a boulder while turning into stone, building up speed.

"Oni…" Zoro began as he crossed his arms

"Jet Stream…" Rainbow dash started as she pulled her naginata back

"Fire Claw…" Raph began as his sais caught on fire while the two groups charged at each other.

"Bazooka!" Luffy and Pinkie shouted as they delivered a double palm strike.

"Steamroller!" Mikey yelled as he struck with a rolling boulder attack.

"Giri!" Zoro shouted as he delivered a triple sword cross slash.

"Slice!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she struck with her naginata, causing a burst of wind flowing forward from behind her.

"Slash!" Raph shouted as he clawed downward with his burning sais while the two groups clashed, causing a shockwave as they struggled.

"Let’s see which one’s stronger, your rubber hands or my steel. Whaddya say?" Zoro offered.

"Yeah… Let’s settle this once and for all!" Luffy agreed.

"Tatsu…" Zoro started as he flipped his right sword.

"Blade…" Rainbow Dash began as she brought out her left hand with her sharp nails out.

"Flame…" Raph started off as he flipped his right wrist.

"Maki!" Zoro finished.

"Twister!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Tornado!" Raph yelled as he, Zoro, and Rainbow Dash struck with a spinning slash attack, with the two ninjas adding their devil fruit powers into the mix, sending Luffy and his group flying.

"Gum-Gum…" Luffy and Pinkie began.

"Earth…" Mikey started.

"Pistol!" Luffy finished.

"Sickle Pistol!" Pinkie shouted.

"Fore!" Mikey yelled as he, Luffy and Pinkie threw a punch, with the two Gum-Gum users stretching their arms, as Luffy struck Zoro with his fist while Pinkie hit Rainbow Dash with her sickle part of her weapon, as Mikey formed his right arm into a giant nunchuck made of stone, swinging it Raph, sending the three of them flying into a building while Luffy and his group crashed into another building.

"Well now what am I supposed to do? I don’t know how safe we’ll be going through there." Vivi said while Karoo started quacking nervously as he began walking forward carefully, before Luffy and Zoro’s groups erupted from the buildings, frightening Vivi and Karoo as the two groups charged and clashed, fighting each other again, getting a few wounds while the two Baroque Works agents got back up.

"Dammit… Those six are making fools of us all on our own turf. The name of Baroque Works will be shamed if we fail in are mission here." Mr. 5 growled

"Mr. 5, we can still defeat them. We haven’t failed yet!" Ms. Valentine noted.

"Let’s go, Ms. Valentine!" Mr. 5 declared.

"Right, Mr. 5!" Ms. Valentine agreed as she and Mr. 5 started charging towards the two groups.

"You can’t beat us! Prepare to die at the hands of Baroque Works’ officer agents!" Mr. 5 said as the two groups stopped fighting and glared at him and Ms. Valentine.

"Shut up, and go away." Luffy, Zoro, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Mikey and Raph growled, making the two agents freeze in fear. "You’re interfering…" The two groups started off as they began to swing their fists at them, making the two agents whimper in terror, before they were sent flying from the simultaneous attack. "…with our fight!!!"

Author's Note:

Nami: Who's bright idea was it to bring her?! Now we'll have more people after us!

Adagio: Actually, I'm excited about that.

Rainbow Dash: Can't complain about that.

Raph: Yeah, we're excited too.

Princess Twilight: To think I'd meet another princess.

Fluttershy: Um... Are we in trouble now?

Wolflood: Can't fight it now, since we already agreed to help Vivi.

Rena: I just hope we get outta this alive.

Leo: On the next Equestria Ninja Girls: One Piece...

Princess Twilight: Deliver Princess Vivi! The Luffy Pirates and Ninja Rainbooms Set Sail!

Luffy: I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!