• Member Since 28th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Saturday


You can call me Cat. I'm obsessed with Rainbow Dash. She/her.

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October 2022 Newsletter · 6:17pm Oct 3rd, 2022

Hi everyone,

I hope your October is going well, or as well as it can be if you are in difficult times.

This newsletter is mainly to alert you that if The Master Mev Chapter 91 is not published in the next couple of weeks or on Halloween itself, that most likely means I've decided that chapter is when to start my attempt at daily chapters later this year in December. I know in my Author's Notes for Chapter 89, I indicated that would be Chapter 92. This change comes after a more thorough re-reading of the Chapter 91 draft.

I doubt I can throw something together before Halloween so Chapter 91 might come out then just to have something. I'm sad I couldn't get a one-shot or novella out of myself this year, but it seems that is not meant to be.

So long as I'm giving that update, I'll go ahead and note a few other things too.

Revelation Into Mercury

Chapter 17 was published sometime in September.

Chapter 17- Dynamite Show

For Chapter 18, I am waiting on one thing. For Chapter 19, I need to fix up some loose ends, but the core voice work is done. It is my hope to have that chapter ready or almost ready once Chapter 18 is done though I'll wait at least a day, maybe up to a week, to publish it. As for Chapter 20, I need to check in with a couple of actors to see if they are still interested in their roles. Regardless, that one might take awhile, either for them to send in their lines or for me to possibly take on their roles. It's a long chapter as is.

Writing - The Master Mev

Since the last newsletter in July, I have published 10 chapters:

Wow, it feels good to say and write that.

As noted above, I would still like to publish the last 10 chapters daily by the end of the year. While my current pace has made that possible, life keeps throwing things at me that slow me down. If my time and energy just aren't up for it, that will become more evident as time goes on (besides a Halloween update). You'll see more chapters sooner than later, but they might then come out two weeks apart, instead of one (which has already happened a few times the past couple of months).


If you've been wondering what, if anything, is coming after The Master Mev, I've been wondering that too. It will most likely be a solo Austraeoh audiobook project. I've wanted to do one for almost 3 years now, and I've had my reasons for waiting. My interest in the idea hasn't gone away in that time.

Then again, it is a daunting idea and maybe I'll decide on something else.

Maybe I'll focus on finishing (or at least further progressing) the TMM audiobook. Maybe I'll write a Rainbow vampire novella for Halloween 2023. Maybe I'll write some other kind of Rainbow Dash fanfiction. Maybe I'll just go back to playing video games. I can tell you that when Persona 4 Golden comes out on PS4, I am so playing that. I'm really looking forward to it. I also need to focus on sorting out things at my house. That's all things on my mind. Anyway, enough rambling from me. I hope you have a good October and a Happy Halloween at the end of the month.

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