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Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."

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Breathing Inspiration, a.k.a. Wow, I Feel Good Again... · 12:04am Aug 9th, 2022

Blog Number 179: "Remember Why You Do It" Edition

Well, roughly one week later, I thought it would be a good idea to give you an idea of where I'm at, re: my current fanfic idea. And what my general mood is.

"Smiles at the ready, folks...?"

Spoiler: Good news!

The good news is that, after months and months of false starts and damp squibs and sheer soul-sucking nothingness, now I've come back to the site and backed one horse in this race against the ravages of time, I mean seriously, it was such a bad move to just lock myself away and wonder why the writing painfully dried up and getting frustrated at myself yet again with no clue what I was doing...

Anyway, the good news is that I have finally, finally, finally started to write again. And I enjoyed it. Quill has met paper, I repeat: quill has met paper!

That is all. I'm writing again. Yup.

I am calm.

I am calm!


:twilightblush: Sorry if you were expecting more, but seriously, it feels SO GOOD to do that again. Yeah, it's only the first step in a thousand-mile journey that I may or may not lose the trail for. Practicalities and all that pizzazz. All the same, boy oh boy do I wish every week could be like this one! :heart:

Er... and that is all for now, heh. Sorry. This is just pure indulgence on my part. I might go into more depth next time, or at least have something juicier to talk about come the next blog post. We'll see?

Till then, Impossible Numbers :raritystarry: I AM SO CALM!!!!! :raritystarry: out.

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Comments ( 15 )

Happy to hear it’s blazing out of the gate! Whatever comes next, a strong start’s always something to be proud of. Keep it up, buddy! :rainbowdetermined2:

Thrilled to hear it! Looking forward to seeing whatever you're working on.

Some writers fear starting. The rest of us, I think, revel in being able to begin again. Here's hoping you can keep going!

Really glad to hear you're in a positive headspace! Carry on and rock out!

Hell yeah!!!
Look, even if on a list it only comprises a single item, actually getting quill to meet paper? Is a pretty impressive feat. As someone who occasionally in indulges in writing as a pastime, I’m genuinely happy for you! Something about the hardest step to take always being the first or whatever.

Author Interviewer

hurrah! :D

Hell yeah, dude!

5678492, 5678495, 5678496, 5678498, 5678502, 5678503, 5678509, 5678555

Aw man, aren't you lot sweet? :twilightsmile: Been following up on yesterday's writing today, so (for now - sorry, my inner pessimist insisted) the forecast is looking good.

I think I'll see how this chapter plays out over the next few days, and then post another update. Keep track of progress, give myself checkpoints, that kind of thing.


Some writers fear starting. The rest of us, I think, revel in being able to begin again. Here's hoping you can keep going!

It's figuring out the first sentence that's a real pain. Everything after that is mostly just relief that it could have gone worse. :derpytongue2:


Look, even if on a list it only comprises a single item, actually getting quill to meet paper? Is a pretty impressive feat. As someone who occasionally in indulges in writing as a pastime, I’m genuinely happy for you! Something about the hardest step to take always being the first or whatever.

When it's a BIG item, though... :rainbowderp:

I agree: starting is pretty difficult, especially when the perfectionist tendencies shut things down completely. But now I've managed it, I'm aiming to seize the momentum and basically wing it.

Who knows? It could be fun. 😏

Huzzah! Glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Looking forward to more of your horsewords.


Thanks! Though it might be a while with said horsewords: this is a big 'un.

This is wonderful news! :twilightsmile:


Ha! Have you heard the Good News, powderjaggy? :trollestia:

I repeat: quill has met paper!

Yay! :yay:

Gosh I'm so happy to hear this coming from you! It's- its really good to know when someone is genuinely feeling good after feeling down for a while.

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