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Story Notes: Quarantine · 5:09am May 29th, 2022

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/195808

I caught covid-19 at the end of April and I quarantined until Mother’s Day. Thankfully, I tested negative that day so I was able to go over to my parents'. Not that I hadn’t already exposed them – I’d been in contact with them before getting tested. That also meant I was good to go for SeaquestriaFest, which I was afraid I might have to miss.

Before anyone panics, this story isn’t based on my experience with covid-19. I’ve been that sick in the past, but this wasn’t my experience with covid. I had minor congestion. If not for a friend testing positive I wouldn’t have thought I had anything more than allergies. However, we’d traveled in a car together right before he tested positive, and sure enough, I had it too. I’m vaccinated and boosted (my next booster was supposed to be at the beginning of June, I need to talk with my doctor to see if I should still get my next shot then, or if I have to wait a bit).

In the grand scheme of things, I felt fine. In the days before covid-19, I would’ve still gone to work like normal. Obviously, I didn’t do so. I’m a homebody in general, so the hardest part about quarantining was acquiring food. My parents went shopping for me, and of course my Mom refused to follow my directions of ‘leave it in my car’ and insisted on bringing it in. My wagon was in the driveway, unlocked. The only two things that got left in there were the cases of water because they were too heavy for her to carry in. :facehoof: Thankfully, despite the lack of precautions, neither of my parents caught it. They’re also vaxxed & boosted.

So if you take nothing else away from this, vaccines are good. They’re helpful to prevent catching diseases, and in my case, also made for a much milder case. I’ve had colds that were worse than this. My friend was knocked out for the count with this, partially because he does manual labor and tried to work through it. That backfired on him bigtime.

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/1306492

If you’ve been following this series since the beginning (Car Wash) I guess I don’t have to tell you that I’m rather eccentric. I have a lot of quirks, many of which have been revealed to the world as the series has continued.

I’m technically not a technophobe, though it would certainly appear this is the case from my stories. I don’t have a cell phone, or GPS, or a multitude of other modern conveniences. This is partially because I don’t have much use for them, and partially because I have absolutely no patience when it comes to technology. I’ve used GPS devices, often when someone is traveling with me. I have a policy – the minute it starts arguing with me (and it’s wrong), my passenger has exactly one minute to unplug it or it goes out the window. Obviously I wouldn’t waste money on a device I’m likely to destroy on the first trip.

As for cell phones, I did have one. Briefly. I didn’t even make it a month, and when I called to disconnect the poor rep couldn’t believe how little I’d been using it. I think her mind bluescreened. I’m not paying $50+ a month for something I’m not going to use. Furthermore, I’m not what one would consider a people person. If I’m out and about, I don’t want to be bothered unless it’s an emergency.

The other thing is… technology really doesn’t like me. I have IT folks who can attest to this. The first laptop my workplace issued to me when covid-19 hit broke while the IT person was still standing there after giving it to me. It literally split in half at the fold as I was closing it. The computer committed suicide rather than go home with me. We both stood there looking at it in disbelief, and then he got me another one. …I have lots of stories like this. None of them are particularly believable, yet they’re all true.

Keep in mind I wrote a story prior to the above incident called Trotting Blackout. This is obviously exaggerated, but not nearly as much as you would expect it to be.

Source: Screencap of Misty (G1 Bon Bon’s older sister) from My Little Pony Tales

For those of you who don’t have landlines and are too young to even remember such things existing, they’re phones that you can’t take with you when you leave your house. :pinkiegasp:

They also have an annoying habit of beeping to let you know they’ve been left off the hook. I have three phones in my house, of which two are corded and one is cordless. The cordless phone will keep beeping until it’s turned off, but the corded phones both stop beeping after a minute or so. Even if they didn’t, one of them is in my basement and that one could just keep beeping until the cows come home and I wouldn’t care. :raritywink:

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/2862640

I’m very much a bad cook. This is why I leave the cooking to professionals most of the time.

That wasn’t an option for those few weeks, so I made do with cheese sandwiches and pasta. And orange juice, lots and lots of OJ (at the advice of my pharmacist). Despite the fact that I don’t normally like orange juice, I was thankful to have it. At least until I started on the third gallon of it – by that point I really didn’t want to drink any more of it. Those three gallons were spread out over a week, along with water. Lots of water.

Also, I’d purchased two big bags of Swedish Fish right before getting sick (each of them was 1 pound, 12 ounces). Normally they last me about three days each. They went faster than that this time around…

Photo: AlwaysDressesInStyle
Vector: https://derpibooru.org/images/2629568

There aren’t many vectors for Nurse Sweetheart. It was either the extremely cheery version here, angrily lunging, or pushing a wheelchair.

The wheelchair would be overkill for covid-19, and angrily lunging doesn’t fit the tone of the story. But between the bed and her expression, the cover art looks perfect for… something else entirely. :facehoof:

Yes, that really is my bed, even if the bedspread shown is long gone. You can even see the cord for the alarm clock that I really do keep on the floor at the foot of my bed to force me to get up. My bedroom has been painted since that photo was taken.

I considered taking a new photo, one with the blankets messed up and pillows underneath to make it look like someone was in the bed, but decided that would be worse than the existing cover art.

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/248152

When pre-reading, Admiral Biscuit suggested naming the obnoxious car dealer. …Which one? I can think of four off the top of my head, and while I specifically had one in mind, I’m not willing to give them any free advertising because their ads are truly that annoying.

The person in their ads cannot sing. Period. But he does so anyway to be obnoxious (seriously, one of their ads has pointed out that they’re the second-most annoying ads in the area, and that one of the main complaints is that he can’t sing… and yet he continues to do so; no, I haven’t figured out what ads ranked worse than theirs and if they’re really that bad I don’t want to know). Yes, I do karaoke. No, I can’t sing. I also don’t attempt to sing on the radio. If you go to karaoke night, you know what you’re getting into.

Also, this dealership has the absolute worst slogan I’ve ever heard. Lastly, the brand of cars they sell is one I would never recommend to anyone.

So this hits all the wrong notes. It doesn’t help that they’ve apparently spread to four dealerships now. Gah, they’re as contagious as covid-19, but they don’t go away after two weeks.

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/2013160

Don’t worry she’s just pretending to be dead. …I think.

My HMO’s care provider of choice is Serenity Hills. This is a completely fictional funeral home. Health insurance companies exist to make money and paying out claims is expensive, hence why they’d rather see you go to a funeral home than a hospital.

The fastest way to go bankrupt in the USA is to get sick.

On a side note, Serenity Hills is a really good name for a pony OC.

I… I don’t think she’s faking it after all. We’re gonna need another Twilight Sparkle. That’s the third one this week.

Source: https://derpibooru.org/images/1802978

My Grandma really did have a singsong ‘pick, pick, pick’ when playing Uno or any other card games that requiring picking up additional cards to advance play. Another family memory ponified and preserved for the ages.

Comments ( 10 )
Comment posted by AlwaysDressesInStyle deleted May 29th, 2022

I read the story notes for Car Wash, but it's after 4am and this one's too long for me. :twilightsheepish:

The one thing I did see at a glance was that you caught Covid, and I read that paragraph. I started laughing because that's basically what happened to me. I got both vaccines and a booster, then went to BABS in April (flew over from NY) and spent the weekend with a small group of people. When I got back home I basically felt fine, but then one of the group started feeling crappy, and then sent us a picture of a positive home test in our discord chat and told us to test ourselves. Everyone was fine but me, but I was asymptomatic. If they hadn't told me to test, I never would've known I had Covid myself. Good thing, too, because I would've spent time with other people in the following few days; I isolated for about two weeks instead. I'm immunocompromised (I felt bad that I had no symptoms while my buddy felt like absolute $#!+) and was told to isolate longer (even though I got monoclonal antibodies literally two days after I tested positive), but like you I was okay for Mother's Day. I hope the holiday was fun for you! :twilightsmile:


I'm sorry to hear you also caught covid, but happy to hear you were asymptomatic! :pinkiehappy: We celebrated Mother's Day with ice cream cake, and I got her a bunch of wool for some craft projects she's working on. I hope your holiday was also great!


Thank you! I hope you don't catch it! Mine wasn't bad, thankfully.

I caught it back in December/January of 20/21 so yeah, not a fun time. The booster shot though, it really knocked me for a loop.

Yep, everyone was healthy enough in time so we got to celebrate Mother's Day, too! Three different mothers— my (and my brother's) own, my sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law's mother! With one side being Italian and the other Filipino, the spread was fantastic! :pinkiehappy:


Sorry to hear that. :fluttershyouch: For me, the booster caused soreness in my arm for a few days, and a case of the chills the day after I got it, but that was it. I haven't had my second booster yet, I was supposed to get that this coming week but that's on hold until I talk to my doctor.


Good to hear, and as a foodie, that sounds fantastic!

ooh, share some recipes perhaps?

Ugh, I wish I could, but I didn't do any of the cooking. Just the eating. :twilightsheepish:

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