• Member Since 13th Jun, 2017
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Darth Severus

Brony, Star Wars nut, Former Marine, BA in English, minor in creative writing, OCD and on the Autistic Spectrum

More Blog Posts335

  • 2 weeks
    My Family is Suffering, Please Make it Stop God

    If you haven't heard my situation, my five-year-old nephew has been diagnosed with Retinoblastoma, a cancer of the eye. Years ago, my three-year-old died from leukemia, and shortly after, my sister in-law miscarried because of an injury she sustained in a mugging. My family has suffered enough already, and it just never seems to stop. I can't take this anymore. I'm not suicidal, don't worry about

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  • 2 weeks
    God Bless The Broken Road

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  • 4 weeks
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  • 4 weeks
    My First Joint

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New Fan Fiction Off Site · 4:18am May 23rd, 2022

So, I've started streaming one of my favorite childhood shows on Netflix, and it got me thinking of making a new fan fiction. It's not a MLP crossover, so I'll have to do it on FanFiction. If you're interested in it, give me a shout and I'll give you a link. Of course, I haven't even mentioned the fandom. It's a Danny Phantom fan fiction titled "Danny Phantom: The Phantomverse" although my original title idea was "Danny Phantom: Into the Multiverse" I believed Phantomverse sounded better. I was inspired by some of Butch Hartman's YouTube content that he uploaded after the finale of the series. Of course, there are multiple different universes involved. Here's a list of some of the universes I've decided to include, along with some official images from the YouTube content

Role Reversal
In this universe, Jack and Maddie were already married when they were in college, Jazz was very young, and Danny was a newborn. In the accident that gave Vlad his powers, Maddie blames Jack and divorces him, and ends up remarrying to Vlad. Much like the alternate timeline that Danny created by changing the past involving the accident, Jack becomes cold and bitter towards Vlad and tries to recreate the accident to give himself the same powers but continues to fail until he starts experimenting on Danny. Danny is given ghost powers and ordered by Jack, he uses his powers to try to get his parents back together. Sam and Tucker are both still Danny's friends, and they are still on his side. Vlad on the other hand doesn't use his powers for evil, instead becoming Amity Park's invisible hero, although Maddie is none the wiser, she doesn't know her second husband has powers. Similar to how she was in the show, Jazz doesn't know about her step-father's powers at first, but she still helps him from the sidelines, and eventually she does learn about Vlad's powers and is more involved in his activities. She does try to get Danny to come to his senses and renounce his evil ways, which is mostly in vain.

Danny Phantom 10 Years Younger
As the title of this implies, Danny gets his powers when he is 4 years old, instead of being 14 like in the show. This leads to multiple differences, for one, he has even less control over his powers as he did during the early episodes of the actual show, although his family is still blissfully ignorant. When Jack and Maddie listen to Jazz's concern over her little brother not fitting in at school, they enroll him in a private school for unique, troubled youths, where he becomes friends with a younger Sam and Tucker. Sam is still a goth, but because she's only four, she isn't old enough to argue with her parents regarding that they make her dress like a ballerina. Tucker is also a tech genius who customized his tricycle to make it into an awesome upgraded ride. Anyway, the private school has Spectra as the teacher, who is also the school therapist. Unlike in the show, where she makes students feel depressed in order to keep herself looking young and beautiful, she's more comforting towards the students, and when she discovers Danny is half-ghost, she secretly teaches him how to use his powers properly, becoming a sort of a mentor to Danny.

Sam Phantom

In this universe, as the title implies, Sam is the one with half-ghost powers, not Danny. In this world, Sam was the one who went into the Fenton Portal when Danny's parents revealed it to him, Sam, and Tucker. Danny and Tucker are not interested and leave the lab after the portal doesn't work, but Sam is still curious, and turns it on while inside of the portal, causing her to become half-ghost, similar to how Danny did in the opening theme. There would be some changes in certain villains, and others would stay the same. For example, Skulker would still have the same motives he did in the main universe, he hunts Sam for being a unique half-ghost. Some of the female villains, like Ember, Spectra, or Valerie, might treat her differently not because she's a girl, but because they are the same gender as her. This would not be done in a sexist way, but more of a social dynamics of gender, such as certain female villains who may have the desire to be the "queen bee" among the ghosts and humans. And there might be a few male ghosts who will refuse to fight Sam claiming that they "can't hit a girl" but this would likely be for comedic effect only.

These are just a few of my ideas, I'm also brainstorming new powers, and while I have a scene planned with an OC, I don't have a lot of details yet, but here's a sample, it's not elaborated, but these are the basics. Scorch is the son of Danny and Ember, if that wasn't obvious from the scene. Ember settled down and became less of a rebel in this universe, and Sam and Danny didn't get into a romantic relationship, but still stayed close friends. Skulker on the other hand would become jealous over Ember dumping him for Danny, and would become more active as a villain, not only hunting Danny because of being a unique half-ghost, but also seeking revenge against Danny for stealing his girlfriend. Chances are I might make Skulker fuse with Technus like he did in Dark Danny's future from "The Ultimate Enemy"

Ember: calls Danny "Danny, we need to talk."
Danny: answers through earpiece while fighting a ghost "Can this wait? I'm a bit busy with work"
Ember: "No, it can't wait. I got a call from the school, Scorch got caught drinking a beer that he snuck in when I made his lunch."
Danny: "He did what!? Put him on the phone"
Ember: "Sorry, he's out cold, he finally stopped puking though"
Danny: "I'll get home as soon as I can"

Comments ( 4 )

i like all of these ideas but my favorite would have to be the Sam Phantom one

Thanks, and a friend of mine rewrote the scene involving my OC and underage drinking. They said that the best way to make Ember and Danny work as a couple was to compromise, Ember settles down a bit, and Danny becomes a bit of a rebel. Specifically, Ember stops causing trouble, and Danny lets the fame go to his head a bit and becomes a bit of a rebel. Like I said, they also rewrote the scene involving my OC being caught drinking at school

Danny: calls Ember "Ember, we need to talk."
Ember: answers on a phone while recording "Can this wait? I'm in the middle of recording"
Danny: "No, it can't wait. I got a call from the school, Scorch got caught drinking a beer that he snuck in when I made his lunch."
Ember: "Ha. that's my little guy."
Danny: "Ember this is serious."
Ember: "Ah come on babypop. One drink ain't going to hurt him."
Danny: "It wasn't, just one beer. It was half a case. He's only just stopped puking."
Ember: "Shit. All right. I'll be home as soon as I can and talk to him."

I haven't started it yet, but once I get it up and upload it, sure

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