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The man who likes ponies but also likes monsters... so what's wrong with him combining the two? ;P

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  • Wednesday
    Question of the Week #152 (Even more NS)

    Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week.

    So, tying into last week's questions (feel free to look at that question if you haven't already), I wanted to talk more about Neo Somnambula: Desert Lotus.

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  • Sunday
    Could Sea Pods/Cities be a great starting point for an Island Adventure?

    Hello everyone, so as I try to motivate others to participate in the amazing Tropical Post-Apocalyptic Story Contest, I stumble upon various videos that give me some ideas. One such video is the one below:

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  • 1 week
    Question of the Week #151 (More NS)

    Hello everyone and welcome back to the question of the week. Admittedly I've had a hard time figuring out questions to ask and the fact that I've been wotking on other non mlp related projects doesn't help much either.

    I've been having trouble focusing on my mlp projects as of late. I've even been having trouble working on Act 3, so I've decided to try to read through the whole story so far.

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  • 2 weeks

    Sorry for not being frequent with my Questions of the Week. I've been busy with some projects as well as homebrewing DnD 5e content. :twilightblush:

    Yeah, that's not a great excuse, but it is what it is.

    Hopefully I'll have an idea for a question or two later (that's the other problem, thinking of questions I haven't already asked), we'll see. :rainbowwild:

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  • 4 weeks
    Neo Somnambula: Desert Lotus... And Question of the Week #150

    Hello everyone, today I released the 1st chapter of my shortfic, Neo Somnambula: Desert Lotus, which I wrote for the Scifi Story Contest III. Which you can see right here:

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Well, here is some more DnD 5e Homebrew stuff. · 9:15pm Apr 17th, 2022

-Image can be found: here.

So, this is a concept I've had for a while, giving players mutations by the use of feats. Feel free to look at this and offer your advice, either on ways to improve these mutations or suggestions for mutation feats to add.

Mutations (Feats)
While inspired by mutations in video games, this feature functions like powerful feats that possess both quirks and drawbacks. However unlike other feats, the amount of Mutations you can have is equal to your Constitution Modifier (minimum of 1). So a character with 20 Constitution can have a total of 5 Mutations (assuming they have the ASI for it). 

Also depending upon the world your DM presents to you, these feats may not necessarily fit or make sense. Please respect your DM’s decision to either use or refuse to use this addition. However, if your DM does decide to use this feature, they could potentially form the player’s experiences around these Mutations. 

One suggestion is to have all the players be human (variant) and to have them start off with a Mutation if you wish for a party of mutants.

DM Advice: Mutations and Societies.
In most societies mutations are viewed as odd or frightening things to have. Therefore it is possible that a character with a mutation might suffer disadvantage when trying to perform a Charisma (Persuasion) check against someone who is aware of the mutation.

On the other hand, you might have a city or civilization where perhaps mutations are the norm. In that situation, characters with apparent mutations might have straight rolls (or perhaps even advantage) while an ordinary character might have disadvantage instead. 

Mutagenic Metamorphosis
Your body has been altered by magical, scientific or otherworldly means. Because of your altered genes, your body is prone to adaptation. 

  • Increase your Constitution by 1 to a maximum of 20. 
  • By expanding one of your hit dice, you can cast the Alter Self spell. When you cast Alter Self this way it doesn't use concentration and you gain temporary hit points equal to the number rolled on the hit dice. You can do this a number of times equal to half of your Proficiency Bonus (rounded up) and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
  • You can now take Mutation feats, as long as you meet the prerequisites. You can have a number of Mutation feats equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1).

Aberration’s Tendrils
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat. 
One or both of your arms has been transformed into a swarming mass of tentacles. You may use these appendages as if they were hands. 

  • This is a Mutation Feat for the purposes of the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat. 
  • You can use these tendrils to pick up and interact with items within 10ft of you. 
  • As a bonus action, cause the tattoo to extrude into inky tendrils, which reach for a creature you can see within 10ft of you. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your constitution modifier, or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage (you may choose not to inflict damage if you wish) and be grappled by you. As an action, the creature can escape the grapple by succeeding on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The grapple also ends if you halt it (no action required), if the creature is ever more than 10ft away from you, or if you use this tattoo on a different creature.

Aquatic Gills and Membrane
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
You have grown gills and a membrane that allows you to survive underwater. 

  • This is a Mutation Feat for the purposes of the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
  • You can breathe both air and water. 
  • You gain a swimming speed of 30ft. If you already have a swim speed, then increase it by 10ft. 
  • When you attack another creature either while you're underwater or after emerging from water, you can roll the attack with advantage. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and you regain expended uses when you finish a long rest. 

Argus's Gaze
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
Numerous eyes appear on a part of your body. Not only can you see through these eyes, but they are enhanced, allowing you to see in dark places. 

  • This is a Mutation Feat for the purposes of the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat. 
  • You now have darkvision with a range of 60ft. If you already have darkvision, then the range of your darkvision is increased by 30ft. 
  • When you are performing a Wisdom (Perception) check, you may expend one of your hit dice and add the number to the result, before knowing whether it succeeded or failed. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. 

Bioluminescent Spots
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
You have organs that can produce light around you. Spots in various patterns and shapes adorn your skin that you can activate to illuminate your surroundings. 

  • This is a Mutation Feat for the purposes of the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat. 
  • Bioluminescence: As a bonus action, you can shed bright light around you to a maximum of 20ft radius and dim light in an additional 20ft radius around that. 
  • You also know the Faerie Fire spell, which you can cast without using verbal components while your Bioluminescence is active. You choose either Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma as the spellcasting modifier for this spell when you pick this feat. You can cast this spell without a spell slot, but once you do, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. You can also use your spell slots to cast this spell if you have any. 
  • Glowing Slime: As an action, you can excrete a ball of slime from one of your glowing spots, which you can give to another character. While the character is holding the ball, they emit bright light within a 10ft radius and dim light in an additional 10ft radius  around that. The light lasts for a number of hours equal to half of your level (rounded down to a minimum of 1). The slime can also be smeared upon a solid surface and will emit light for the remainder of the duration. You can create this slime a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. 

Blight Burst
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
When agitated, you are able to release a wave of necrotic energy to protect yourself. This burst of blight energy damages the life force of creatures and plants around you.

  • This is a Mutation Feat for the purposes of the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat. 
  • Either as bonus action or a reaction, you can cause all creatures within 15ft must make a constitution saving throw, or take Necrotic damage equal to 1D6 plus your proficiency bonus and have disadvantage on ability checks until the end of your next turn, or half as much damage on a successful save. All non magical plant life within this radius wither and die. Constructs are immune to this ability. 
  • You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. 

Living Tail
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
You now possess a tail that appears to have a mouth at the end filled with razor sharp teeth. 

  • This is a Mutation Feat for the purposes of the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat. 
  • You may attack using the Living Tail’s bite, dealing piercing damage equal to 1D6 plus your proficiency bonus to a creature within 5ft of you. 
  • When you succeed in dealing damage using your Living Tail’s bite, you may choose to regain hit points equal to the damage dealt. Once you do this, you can regain hit points this way again until you finish a short or long rest. 
  • If the Living Tail hasn't fed during the last long rest you took, then you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 13), or the tail will take your action to attack the nearest creature within 5ft of you. If there are no other creatures within 5ft, you take the damage instead, you can’t regain hit points from your bite to reduce this damage. 

Venomous Gland
Prerequisites: Must have the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat.
You have a gland either in your mouth or on your hands that can spit poisonous sludge at creatures that could be a threat to you. 

  • This is a Mutation Feat for the purposes of the Mutagenic Metamorphosis feat. 
  • You now know the Poison Spray cantrip, when you take this feat, you choose either Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma to be the spellcasting modifier for this spell. 
  • The range of Poison Spray is increased to 20ft. 
  • The damage of Poison Spray is increased by a number equal to your proficiency bonus and when you cast it, you can choose for it to do either Acid or Poison damage.

Please take a look and let me know what you think.:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 8 )

Bioluminescent Spots
- The extra damage seems unnecessary to me. (Especially since it feels like a copy of the Monk Sun Soul ability. And... also has no explaination. I'd understand if it was extra fire damage maybe? But... Radiance? Isn't that only if you're touched by something holy?)
The mutation already has a lot going for it. We don't really need the extra damage.

Other than that, I like it!
It's fairly reminiscent of a module I played longtime ago. I think it was 3rd edition content? Something Something primal?

It's that one where one of the species is an Aye-Aye or Lemur type lookin' thing. I believe they could glide?

Well, either way, they had a mutations and drawbacks table. And I personally remembered the healing saliva stuff. The drawback being I was gross lookin and constantly drooled lol (I don't remember it specifically)

But I'd bet you'd have an absolute fieldday translating them to 5e, heh!

5651415 Yeah, the only reason I added the extra damage was due to the fact that the feat itself basically gives the character the light spell (but on themselves) and the faerie fire spell, which isn't much better than Mage Initiate, so I thought I should add something to make it worth it for the player.

Of course, if you have any suggestions on something else to incorporate into it, feel free to offer it. :pinkiehappy:

Ah, I see!

I guess if you wanted to add something, perhaps consider a Dancing Lights mod?

Either the connections between the orbs are non existent or just have it be a separate unique thing where ripping out a patch of skin would allow the player to have a portable light.

I know it doesn't sound like much, but I know creative players love utility type things.

If you go with the patches of skin thing, the glow would probably persist until a set amount of time (because it's detached), BUT because it's skin, it can be wrapped on things like knuckles or weapons.

We can do this a set amount of times. Perhaps tied to the Constitution modifier. I am also tempted to say that they can do this more times, but would take damage when exceeding the limit.

5651424 Well, I went back and made an edit to it. I also added an additional aquatic mutation. :pinkiesmile:

Very cool!

(I hope you don't mind, But I'll send a DM just for casual conversation stuff. Feel free to answer to it at your own time 👍)

...A DnD story with this added in could be interesting.

I want to Hold hands with that appendage.

5651867 I don't see why you can't. :pinkiehappy:

5651801 That might be a possibility. :raritywink:

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