• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."

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"Imposing Sovereigns" Challenge Report: First Draft Complete! · 10:40am Oct 7th, 2021

Blog Number 157: Whammy Edition

Just posting to tell ye I have done writing! Yay! And finished it! Double yay!


All right! My entry for this year's Imposing Sovereigns challenge is (technically) complete! :pinkiehappy:

True, it'll still need checking, editing, and general pedantic fiddling, but I am muy chuffed I managed to pull this off, and just wanted to... to shout about it! :yay:

OK, that's all for now. Till next time! Impossible Numbers, out. :moustache:

Report Impossible Numbers · 190 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

So... is that image just an example or your chosen prompt? Just curious.


Oh, it's my prompt, all right. I don't usually take much interest in Flurry Heart, but a very specific idea struck me after seeing your announcement, so I shrugged and thought: Why not?

Turned out it was actually quite a cool learning experience, so thanks for that. :coolphoto:

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