• Member Since 9th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 21st, 2022

Mr Dorito

Anime is Japan's revenge for Hiroshima

More Blog Posts816

  • 141 weeks

    So I have a few ideas of what could be better for my RWBY fic

    -Day of Judgement

    -Cursed Remnant

    -Harsh Reality

    -Judgement Comes

    Which title do you guys think is better?

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  • 146 weeks
    Ay bruh

    This Star Wars fanfic gonna be lit. Gonna start it off with a banger.

    1 comments · 260 views
  • 147 weeks

    Fairly certain I have narcolepsy after having my first sleep paralysis moment. Evident with my constant need to sleep every day when the sun is up.

    Probably should’ve disclosed it earlier. It wasn’t just school and jobs that hindered updating my fics, but also I’m constantly void of energy and having the desire to sleep.

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    2 comments · 218 views
  • 147 weeks

    Need your opinions on this. It’s clear the idea of Soldier of Three Armies wasn’t suited for a crossover. In fact, making it a crossover with MLP made it worse in my opinion.

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    11 comments · 435 views
  • 148 weeks
    Theme for General Hassan Alraml

    The true heir to the throne of Vacuo, the man who destroyed the Atlesian 6th Army, the Guardian of Vacuo and the Bane of Atlas

    Putting this here because I have a bad habit of forgetting things. Yes that includes writing down notes for ideas for my RWBY fanfic. The song’s just so fucking good.

    6 comments · 169 views

Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon · 6:42am Dec 5th, 2020

This made several heads turn lately: Indonesia has entered advanced negotiations concerning both the Eurofighter Typhoon and Dassault Rafale.

Now you're probably asking, why? Why would Mindef Prabowo Subianto do this when the Air Force is so used to American and Russian Hardware? The answer is simple: He wanted F-35s for Indonesia, no questions, no compromise.

Of course, the United States refuses and tried to compromise with both the F-16V and the F/A-18 Super Hornet Block III. That's not what Prabowo asked for, so this theory came up for some Indonesian military enthusiasts: Prabowo Subianto realizes as much as he loves the US, the American government will never give Indonesia any advanced tech that would be an advantage over either Singapore and Australia.

Russia is too risky for obvious reason, but Europe has absolutely zero problems selling state-of-the-art tech to Indonesia.

There is also the added bonus that Europe is developing a "6th Generation Fighter" and Indonesia wants to be ready for it because the US won't sell the F-35.

Now, Dassault Rafale or Eurofighter Typhoon.

They both sound good on paper, and the Rafale can fire the Exocet missiles Indonesia uses. The problem about the Typhoons that Austria wants to give us (And possibly Germany since they sent their ambassador to meet Prabowo), is that they're the more expensive and more obsolete Tranche 1 variants. So if you ask me, take the French offer for 48 Dassault Rafales. That's a lot of planes that can carry Exocets. They can pick up the duties of the Su-27s and Su-30s when they're retired in the future.

Prabowo Subianto has a high temper, so I can imagine he was absolutely furious at the politicians of Washington DC. The heads of companies like Lockheed Martin and Boeing too are equally frustrated. They've just been denied another major customer that would've given a shitload of money because if Indonesia gets the F-16Vs and F-35s, then you've just guaranteed the US as a major supply chain for Indonesia thus more money for the companies for the next several decades.

Every other major defense companies not in the US, China, and Russia have got to be watering their mouths. With Prabowo pissed at the US, that means likely no Boeing Wedgetails or P-8 Poseidons too.

This of course does not affect the A330 MRTT whatsoever. What is interesting to replaced the Wedgetail is that India's DRDO is developing an AWACs using the Airbus A330, which Indonesia already has facilities set up for this particular aircraft.

Now what about the P-8 Poseidon? Well Japan is getting closer to Indonesia, so why not Japan's Kawasaki P-1 which operates the same way? Japan wants to get close, so I believe they have no problems setting up facilities to maintain aircraft from Mitsubishi or Kawasaki. This would also open up the doors for the Kawasaki C-2 transport. It can't carry a Leopard 2 (Which Indonesia needs a heavy lifter to carry MBTs. Maybe Russian Il-76s?), but it certainly is faster than the C-130s we have. In case we need a quick insertion or quick supplies to an area hit by a disaster, the Kawasaki C-2s are certainly a good answer to it.

As an added bonus, the Japanese are creating a variant called the RC-2 which will be equipped for electronic warfare. That would be huge for Indonesia.

In Naval News, Japanese Representatives took a picture of themselves with Indonesian Representatives in Jakarta. Somebody in a forum (With god-level eagle eyes) saw a paper on a table held by one of the Indonesian Representatives showing graphics of the 30DX Frigate Variants. I think Indonesia and Japan are entering serious talks for the 30DX Frigates but are keeping it lowkey for now to avoid any fanfare or interference from competitors. 8 30DX Frigates to Indonesia plus Transfer of Technology for a bargained price.

But that's not all, Indonesia submitted interests to French Naval Group for the specifics of Brazil's Riachuelo-class Submarines which are enlarged and more advanced versions of the Scorpene-class Submarines. Considering Embargoes on Turkey from several nations, I think Prabowo's visits to Turkish shipyards for interests on the Type 214 was in vain, which is why they turned to the French Scorpenes.

Oh yeah. This is why you don't rely on one country for a supply chain. Have multiple so when one doesn't want to sell you something, you can flip the bird, burn bridges, and take your money somewhere else. There's always a choice. Just wish the US isn't picking favorites with Singapore and Australia.

FFS all that hardware Singapore has means absolutely jack shit. Do you see how big their country is? It's a fucking ant compared to others. Even if an invasion failed, they can do so much damage that it'll be hard for Singapore to recover. Hell, they're fucking economy is going to take a spiral when Indonesia completes megaport projects in Sumatra which will draw shipping AWAY from Singapore. You're probably wondering why. Well when a cargo ship from Africa, Europe, Middle East, or Southern Asia want to reach Eastern Asia and have to go through the Makassar Straits, why take the extra mile to refuel and dump cargo in Singapore when you can do so at closer ports in Sumatra? That's the line of thinking from the Jokowi Administration which will slash around 30% of Singapore's traffic. Traffic=$$$ and 30% of what Singapore was getting will now go to Indonesia instead.

Add the fact that China and Thailand are building the Kra Canal which will slash traffic even more, BOYS, Singapore is in for a rough time in the future.

Brazil's Riachuelo-class Submarine (Improved Scorpene-class)

Type 214

30DX Frigate



Kawasaki P-1

Kawasaki C-2

Eurofighter Typhoon

Dassault Rafale

BONUS: East Meets West, Indonesian Sukhois refueling from a KC-130

BONUS 2: Indonesian Paratroopers ready for Operation Trikora, Indonesian MiGs ready to fight Dutch aircraft during Operation Trikora (Soviet crews in Il-28s and Tu-16 Bombers plus 6 Soviet Submarines were on standby to sink the Dutch Fleet including the aircraft carrier Karel Doorman until the Dutch agreed to hand over West Papua peacefully)

The Dutch weren't going to win this conflict FYI against a combined Indonesian-Soviet invasion force. Americans knew it too and persuaded them to give up West Papua.

Comments ( 6 )

I am still pissed with DC for fucking this up...

When exactly has DC never fucked up? DC’s a shithole, and nobody there has any tactical minds.

But if I’m honest, I’m kinda relieved at the same time. Don’t use the same hardware as potential enemies around you. Be different. Those Rafales are actually a big factor in a future conflict considering they can all carry Exocet missiles.

What’s new in the 6th generation? I know stealth was the cornerstone of G-5 fighter craft so what does the 6th generation offer?

I dunno, that’s just wait the Europeans claim

Hopefully with the new president we will be more willing to accept agreements.

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