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Oh my Gosh, I can add Emojies? đŸ”đŸ™ˆđŸ™‰đŸ™ŠđŸ’ Kofi

More Blog Posts139

  • 42 weeks
    SMoTE Update

    Next chapter isn't going to be uploaded this Friday. Sorry, I usually try to have three chapters prepared before posting but I got lazy and some personal things came up. I'll try to get them all ready quickly though. Thanks for your patience!

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  • 42 weeks
    GoFundMe for Majin Syeekoh.

    Majin Syeekoh has been going through a tough time and they need help, They’re a third of the way to their goal right now, and if you can spare a dollar or at least wish them well, it’d help them a lot. You can find a link to their blog post for more details below and decide what you want to do then.

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  • 82 weeks
    And I Thought Kevin Smith Ruined MOTU...

    Masters of the Universe has a new upcoming toyline... The Crypto toy line.

    4 comments · 363 views
  • 86 weeks
    I'm Not Dead, Just Dead Tired.

    I live in constant pain, but I live none the less!

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  • 102 weeks
    Life Update.

. Yeah.

    Long story short, quite a few things happened. SMoTE is still not getting regular updates, at most I can try to squeeze a chapter out a month. This isn’t because I’m too busy with my new job or anything, because I apparently don’t have one.

    So yeah, if you read my last blog post then you know I was planning to delay SMoTE updates because of some amazing job opportunities.

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Tales From the Trash Bin #4. YSAY-Adopted · 6:29pm Nov 27th, 2020

-This story has been adopted. A new blog update will be posted when the author publishes their first chapter.

Well, it's that time of the week once more. For those of you who don't know, I try to post every incomplete and unattempted story that I have on my desktop to see if anyone wants to take them. One man's trash is another man's treasure after all. These stories were before I knew much about writing, and so they're not up to par with what I want to release. Also, I always have trouble with most of these stories and I can't find a way to actually make them work. So, instead of letting them collect digital dust on my desktop, I post them here. If you're here, then you're likely a Follower already, so thanks for that! Now, on with the post. Enjoy it, hate it, ignore it, do whatever, I just hope you all have a good day.

Your Symbiote and You.

We are Venom, the apex predator turned pet lab rat to a bunch of cute ponies in lab coats.
Before we were Venom, I was Vincent Josiah, a normal human who went to comic con dressed as the infamous Symbiote. Now, I’m in another world of mythical colorful creatures and neanderthalic humans. This is our story, our life, my prison.
A Displaced Your Human and You story.

Chapter 1.

Recorded by Doctor [DATA EXPUNGED]

Item-#: SCP-299 and SCP-299-A.

Object Class: Thaumiel.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-299 and SCP-299-A are to be contained in a airtight plexiglass container at sight C. SCP-299 is to be constantly monitored by [DATA EXPUNGED] and all movements are to be reported to the proper personal in case of a breach in security.

Items are to be teleported in and out of their enclosure, nopony is currently permitted to enter SCP-299’s cell, and all tests are to be performed under the supervision of three personal with level-4 clearance or higher.

Description: SCP-299 is an amorphous entity comprised of an unknown black colored substance. Substance is a carbon-based life form that can morph to fit SCP-299 needs or desires. A sample of SCP-299 was removed and shall henceforth be refereed to as SCP-299-B. Despite SCP-299’s ability to shape shift and augment its form, several features seem to be prevalent whenever it takes form. SCP-299 will usually form with the following.
1. Two white splotches where an average healthy human’s eyes would be. SCP-299 appears to use these markings as eyes, but it is unknown if SCP-299’s “eyes” actually work or if SCP-299-A can see through them. Further study is required.
2. A series of sharp fangs that line the top and bottom jaw. SCP-299’s teeth are comprised of a hardened variety of SCP-299-B and appear to be sharp enough to tear through flesh. SCP-299 also has a long tongue that secretes a green bile which will be henceforth referred to as SCP-299-C. SCP-299-C is a green liquid with fluctuating Ph levels. While the substance is acidic, analysis has shown that the Ph levels have never risen above that of a lemon’s Ph levels, meaning that a great amount of SCP-299-B would be needed to pose a threat. Several scientists have volunteered to taste SCP-299-B, though all volunteers have been denied. Even though SCP-299-B does not appear to be poisonous, consumption of the byproduct has been denied for fear of the effects it will have on subjects. Note, this is not up for debate.
3. A humanoid appearance. SCP-299 has the ability to replicate a human appearance, though it is unknown if this is the only form it can take. If SCP-299 were to contact a pony then it is theorized that SCP-299 could replicate their appendages. Application of SCP-299 to any volunteers or prisoners has been denied and any further requests to have SCP-299 applied to a pony will result in termination of employees.
4. A white silhouette of an Arachnid on both the front and the back. SCP-299 has shown the capability to conceal this feature, but does not do so often.
At the time of recording, SCP-299 is attached to a male human host named “Eddy” who was reported as lost by its owners at the [DATA EXPUNGED]. The family has been compensated for their loss by the [DATA EXPUNGED.] This human host has been labeled as SCP-299-A and is considered to be at a SAFE level.

SCP-299 and SCP-299-A were located outside of the Everfree Forest near [DATA EXPUNGED] when the warning bells were rung. At the time, a young unicorn filly who has since been identified as [DATA EXPUNGED] sister, [DATA EXPUNGED.] was near the Everfree forest when an infected human entered the town. The infected human went to attack the unicorn filly but was stopped by SCP-299 after SCP-299-A released a series of rapid chirps.

Once the infected human was apprehended, SCP-299 proceeded to [DATA EXPUNGED] which caused the infected human to die. SCP-299-A showed a great deal of interest in [DATA EXPUNGED] well being, while SCP-299 seemed to be less than interested. After that incident, the two retreated into the Everfree forest and were missing for [DATA EXPUNGED]. Both SCP’s were then located in the remains of [DATA EXPUNGED] where they were apprehended with the intervention of [DATA EXPUNGED].

SCP-299 showed an impressive ability to resist the telekinetic grab of [DATA EXPUNGED] telekinesis, and would have likely escaped if it wasn’t for the sleeping spell that was quickly placed on them.

The relationship between SCP-299 and SCP-299-A is still being theorized. If their bond is a symbiotic relationship then is it unknown what SCP-299 has to gain from their relationship? SCP-299 is able to give SCP-299-A immense strength, amazing dexterity, and even an enhanced immune system and has not been observed to receive anything in return for their relationship. If they have symbiotic relationship, then either SCP-299’s needs aren’t being met or we haven’t properly seen how their relationship benefits SCP-299.

Their relationship could possibly be a parasitic bond, but if that is the case then it would explain the changes to SCP-299-A’s body. An enhanced immune system and increased muscle mass could be the result of SCP-299 making a proper home or vessel, perhaps to lay a clutch of eggs or to multiply inside the warmer temperatures of SCP-299-A’s body. However, this theory fails to consider SCP-299-A’s memory and free will. If SCP-299 were a parasitic entity similar to Black fungus then why would SCP-299-A still have free reign over their body, and why would SCP-299 be content inside SCP-299-A and not spread and multiply like Black fungus?

Further study and testing is required.


On [DATA EXPUNGED] when being relocated to site C, SCP-299 and SCP-299-A woke up inside their temporary container during transportation. SCP-299 was observed to have frantic movements, repeatedly slamming the walls of its container in an attempt to escape while SCP-299-A remained comparatively docile. According to guards at the time, SCP-299 only stopped their attempts to escape when growling at SCP-299-A, who would chirp and whistle in response. Several times, SCP-299 repeated a certain pitch of chirping for several minutes with, what the guards described, “a smile on his face.” SCP-299 grew silent as SCP-299-A continued its chirping, which the guards claimed to become grating after [DATA EXPUNGED] minutes.

Both SCP’s were given a stronger sleeping spell for the rest of their transportation.

End of Report.

Recorded by Doctor [DATA EXPUNGED]

SCP-299 has been observed to hiss at doctor (redacted) whenever he passes by, causing SCP-299 to “laugh” at doctor (redacted)’s panicked expression. SCP-299-A has been shown to have a negative reaction whenever SCP-299 has startled doctor (redacted) but has not been openly hostile to SCP-299. As a possible byproduct of SCP-299 ’s ability to display joy SCP-299-A has, quite disturbingly, learned how to laugh and smile. Several scientists have petitioned to place a muzzle on SCP-299-A to hide his face so they wouldn’t see him smile, all petitions have been rejected by Doctor Mac Griffon and myself, whom has started a petition to find ways to make SCP-299 and SCP-299-A laugh. His proposal was accepted after he explained that, "By finding their differences in humor, we could see the personality of these two specimens. The black creature clearly derives joy from the suffering of others, but we have yet to see how far this extends. Will it feel sympathy when a pony trips on a banana peel, or will it cackle as a pony slowly bleeds to death? Finding out how, as some of you idiots put it, 'evil' it is will be very important to our research."

Date: Redacted.

SCP-299 possess the ability to cling to a variety of surfaces, allowing it to scale walls and crawl on the ceiling of its container.

SCP-299 has no latent magic inside of it, in fact, it seems to have the ability to nullify magic. Spells such as levitation and teleportation do work on SCP-299, though a great deal of effort is needed to properly manipulate the area around it in order to transport SCP-299 via teleportation or magic.

Note: SCP-299 does not like to be held with magic and has lashed out at several unicorns. SCP-299 has caused no major harm to any scientists above flicking their horn with one of its tendrils.

Chapter ?: Pick your Poison.

Idle chatter about things that ranged from the mundane to the mildly interesting filled the air of Comic Con as the last of the convention goers started to look for ideal purchases or photographs. All of the celebrities were gone, the costume contest was over, and most of the venders has packed up shop the day before. It was the absolute perfect time to do some last-minute shopping since the venders that were left were either desperate to sell off their goods or were just there to see if they could turn a good profit.

The somewhat pleasant odor of old comic books hit my nose as I leaned in closer to the white cardboard box. My fingers flicked lazily through the collections of comics left at the stall after everyone else nearly picked it dry. I had taken off my black gloves to let me move the comics without fumbling with them for a good five seconds and put my Venom mask down next to them. Like many of the other boxes at the stall, this one didn’t have anything too interesting for me. I wasn’t a guy who just bought comics and resold them, I bought comics I genuinely liked so that I could enjoy them and resell them later. After finishing the Chew series by John Layman and Rob Guillory, I was trying to scratch that itch for a good story with a weird premise. I didn’t know what was weirder than a cannibal FDA Agent, but I’d be damned if I didn’t find something bone chilling and wacky to read. An odd combination to be sure, but definitely an entertaining one.

I spent the majority of the day going from stall to stall, looking for more comics to add to my growing collection, and later resell as lots on Ebay once I completed the collection. I was currently in-between series waiting for the latest releases of Absolute Carnage and the SpiderGwen comics, and I needed something to read while I waited. I let out a sign as I finished looking through the final box at the stall, once again absolutely nothing peaked my interest. I reached down to grab the black gloves and mask I left on the floor only to find that they weren’t there anymore.

“God dammit.” I muttered under my breath. Of course, someone stole them, just another thing to add onto the list of inconveniences. Thankfully my costume wasn’t anything too fancy, just a halloween costume or Venom I repurposed for Comic Con, I’d be able to find a replacement for them pretty easily.

Throwing a final glance at the floor in the vain hopes that I was either blind or had just misplaced them, I left the stall and made my way through the crowd of people as I looked for another stall selling cheap comics.

Comics were good but they weren’t worth the space they took up in my opinion. Not to mention that I didn’t think having boxes of comics at my apartment would help my chances with anyone. Comic books already ruined one relationship, granted it was a shitty relationship but what if ruined a good one later on? Now that’s not to say I didn’t love comics, I just chose to read them and scan them into my computer if I liked the artwork or the story enough. That way, I’d be able to look at any picture or read any story I wanted without having to dig through a dozen boxes or go through some shady website to read them for free. The last thing I wanted was a messed-up laptop on top of all my other problems.

Hmph. Maybe it was too hard for humans back on Earth to be decent, quiet frankly I don’t remember much about Earth humans. I remember I was human, I remember my moms face, my old face, and a few other things, but each day it feels like I’m forgetting something minor. It started off small, like forgetting dietary habits and stuff like that, but then I started forgetting names, what was a normal name and what was a weird name? It all just became
 muddled. I forgot normal human facial expressions, I forgot that most living things needed organs to live, and for a terrifying moment, I forgot my own name.

I’m getting ahead of myself. Don’t worry, I’m fine right now but I wasn’t as
 calm as I am now. Anyway, back to my origins.

My eyes wearily struggled to open as I regained consciousness. I winced in pain as I felt every part of my body screaming in unholy agony.

“Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi.” He went on for an entire hour.

“SHUT UP!” I screamed at him, causing the weirdo to stop
 for five seconds before he started repeating me again.

“Shut up. shut up. up. shut. shut up.”

“I’m Vincent, what’s your name?”


“Yes. The thing people call you, what’s your name?”


“No! That’s not-! UGH! What’s wrong with you?!”



“Forget. Forget. FORGET!”

“God dammit

Also, Eddie was also apparently unkillable. I’m not even joking, the amount of cyanide in his system was actually terrifying, it was like he drank pure cyanide day in and day out!

“Red food.”

“Red food?... Like tomatoes?”

“Am this tomato?” Eddie asked as he pointed at the scar on his thigh.

“No, that’s an apple. Do you eat anything besides apples?”

 Brown food?”

A zebra? What the flying fuck was a zebra doing in the woods? Fuck the lion bat thing, the wooden wolves, and the crocodiles made of rocks, this was officially the weirdest thing I had seen in the forest.

And it was also the most delicious looking.~

My mouth watered as I looked at the Zebra, it’s thin and slender form wouldn’t offer much in terms of meat, but it’d be better than the skunk meat we were eating almost regularly.

“No hurt.”

“Are you kidding me?! You draw the line at this? You were okay with eating Frankenstein’s Furry OC, but this isn’t okay? Eddie, I’m so hungry that I could literally eat a horse! Literally” I argued. I wouldn't do that now, don't worry, it was an expression from my world, where we don't eat horses or ponies.

“No. Hurt.” He said firmly as he glared at me. Our eyes locked in a silent battle, waiting for the other to admit defeat based on eye contact alone. I could have ripped him apart with ease, but I wasn’t about to become a murderer over a disagreement and an upset stomach. I finally relented my stance and bitterly placed the stripped creature back down. It probably tasted gamy anyway

“Good.” Eddie said with a smile.

“I don’t understand why you care, it’s just a dumb zebra thing.” I grumbled under my breath. Speaking of the aforementioned zebra, it apparently wasn’t trying to run away from us after I let it down. If anything, it seemed almost mesmerized by us, staring at us with eyes the size of dinner plates.

 What the hell is it doing? Why is it looking at us?” I asked Eddie causing him to study it’s face for a few seconds.

“She know me? Me see her at big place.”

“Place? What place?”

“Big place where me sleep and do thing with others.” He told me. Wow, truly that explains everything. I’m glad he was so descriptive. I thought in a sarcastic tone before I turned my attention back the the zebra. I wasn’t sure how he knew it was a girl, but he probably knew better than me since he grew up in the forest.

“Whatever. Let’s just go and get something else to eat. I’m starving. Maybe we’ll find whatever this, ‘big place’ is.”

“Okay.” He replied as we walked off in search of a decent meal.

The town itself was disturbingly colorful, as if the construction crew behind Sesame Street decided to expand and take LSD while they built a new town.

“Protect tiny!” He shouted as he rushed over to the small white unicorn. As he went to grab the unicorn, I lunged at the zombie and attached to him. In moments, I myself wrapped around the disheveled human in a flurry of moments. My body twisted and turned to accommodate his form, allowing me to bind his arms and legs in the process.

He struggled inside my personal prison, violently thrashing and flailing on the forest ground as I studied his body out of instinct. The blood flowing through his body was almost still, as if molasses and tree sap were the only things running through his veins. His heart and other organs functioned with all the capability of a 90 year old smoker, only letting him shuffle about. His brain however, that was fascinating.

Three pounds of smooth muscle packed tightly into a cramped skull. Most of the brain was functioning at half capacity, but the hypothalamus was working overtime, pumping the body full of energy so the corpse could actually move. A strange from of fungus had made the human’s brain it’s home, digging its black tendrils deep into the flesh of his brain. It was disturbing, but also

Seeing the brain pulsate and move, sending signals of energy across his entire body, it made my non-existent mouth salivate. Out of nowhere, a new temptation, a strong desire, an unyielding need demanded that I took what I could get from the dying man. It felt terrifying, I wanted to leave his body, go back to Eddie and just eat some more of those lion things to sate my hunger. But, my body refused to move until it’s needs were met, and I feared what would happen if I went back to Eddie with this hunger still burning inside of me.

 One bite couldn’t hurt. One bite and then it’s over. I reasoned, as I felt my jaws form inside the unknown human’s skull.

The unicorn filly squirmed under our arms, it’s legs futilely kicking in the air in a vain attempt at escape.

“Don’t worry Little Fella, We’ll take you back to your owner and then you won’t have to see us ever again.” I told the little animal as I turned myself into a black t-shirt, a black pair of pants, and black boots for Eddie to wear.

Alright, Eddie, just act natural and blend it. I told Eddie with my telepathy.

“Okay, me blend
 What blend?”

 Just let me do the talking and move your lips to match it.


“Is that the same zebra from yesterday?”

“Me think?”

“I“ I corrected.

“You think.” He responded. I resisted the urge to face palm as I continued to look at the zebra and the orange miniature horse next to her.

Noise, Noise, NOiSe, NOISE!


For the purposes of better understanding the subjects, the Canterlot Institute for Human Research, the Animal Studies Society, and the Foundation of Anomalies, Rarities, and Theoretical Species have temporarily merged so that we can work together more efficiently.

Doctor Mac Griffon, the head of the Canterlot Institute for Human Research, Annon Mouse, the lead scientist of F.A.R.T.S., and I, the director of A.S.S. will be working closely with the subjects. Any and all requests for experiments done on the subjects will be passed by the three of us and then sent to the princesses after going through the treasury, the ethics committee, and/or the Royal Guard. Tests deemed too stupid, i.e. volunteering yourself to have sex with the subjects, will be automatically rejected and the personnel who submitted the request will be barded from summiting requests for two weeks.

Just to reiterate, nocreature is to attempt sexual contact with the subjects, not even for the, “Benefit of Science.” You horny bastards.

The bird thing was probably the most annoying one of them. The prick grabbed our face like it was a snow globe.

He sat in a steam punk looking wheel chair that had a joystick on the right arm of the chair.

I couldn’t see his legs because of the red blanket on his lap, but judging from the noticeable bulge in the blanket I could guess that he only had one leg under there.

Date: (redacted.)

We have made an
 interesting discovery about SCP-299. SCP-299 does not appear to have a one way or two way digestive track but is able to secrete bodily waste. Examination of the subject’s green colored droll has revealed that it contained partially digested food particles, leaving us to believe that the subject is able to excrete waste through it’s saliva.

Examination of saliva has also revealed a high Ph level similar to lemons. It is unknown if Ph levels can be increased or decreased or what affect that would have on SCP-299 or SCP-299-A.

 Where could we go? The optimistic answer would be anywhere and everywhere, but what would that mean? Would we try to find a way back to our respective homes? Could I even find a way home from here?

I could only stare at the setting sun as I thought about everything that happened. We were alone, left in a world that wasn't my own, a place that would keep me prisoner even in a wide open field.

SCPs-299 and 299-A have been returned to their containment cell. Neither subject has shown any desire to repeat their escape attempt since being found.

(To clarify, this would have been the Peter Parker that died in Into The Spiderverse, sent to Equestrian via the comic book that Vincent bought at Comic-Con, because why not?)

"I think he deserves a reward," one of the colorful equines said before she whistled to get Venom’s attention. When she had it, she tossed him a piece of chocolate which her caught in his massive jaws. The pure look of ecstasy on Venom’s caused me to accidentally snort as I tried not to laugh. Venom noticed it almost immediately and, to my surprise, actually seemed to pout a little as he glared at me.

“My princesses, he can smile too!” The blue creature said enthusiastically as she got closer to my face. “Absolutely remarkable. This specimen seems to share many attributes with SCP-299-A, I wonder if this is because of previous exposure to SCP-299. Wait, but if that’s the case then maybe this is what SCP-299 is trying to achieve. We may actually have an idea what it’s doing to SCP-299-A!”

“S1, please deposit the new subject in your container.” She said as she tapped on the glass. A quick conversation with the other human apparently got her point across, and I was once again surprised by Venom gently putting me down. The Venom I knew would have tossed me like a rag-doll and laughed, just what the hell was going on with him? Did these creatures do something to him?

“Pfft. Ha! Yeah, right. S1 eats brains, that makes sense. Listen, I’ll admit that S1 might look a bit scary, but they’re a real sweetheart when you get to know them.” She said with a warm smile. Venom? A sweetheart? The only way that makes sense is if you added "is absolutely not" in between.

A scribbled out another note to tell her that she couldn’t trust Venom. That he was a monster that killed people, but she just gave me a skeptic look.

“Really? If S1 or ‘Venom’ as you call them is a murderer, than I’m a princess. For Princesses’ sakes, he plays with foals on bring your child to work day, I doubt a murderer would do that.”

[Then he’s acting.]

“And why should I believe you? S1 and S2 have been complacent since arriving at this facility, granted there were a few incidents, but I assure you that murder and eating brains weren’t on that list. Besides, what do they have to gain from deceiving us? It seems like lying would be more beneficial to you than it would be for them.” She concluded. I couldn’t believe it, I’m Spider-Man, I’m like the most trustworthy guy around.

“Well, he claimed to have been bitten by a radioactive bug that gave him powers similar to a spider, including a sixth sense that allows him to detect danger.”

 That’s the dumbest thing I heard all day. Wouldn’t a radioactive spider kill him?”

“Right?! That’s what I said! For a tiny bite to cause such a beneficial transformation like that in a matter of days is unbelievable, S1 worked for several weeks to manipulate S2’s DNA, and even S2 isn’t crawling on the walls by himself."

“Venom is an oddly good name for them.”

“In what regard?”

“I dunno, it just feels right, you know? It’s like, why do we call the sky the sky, or the sun the sun? It just has a ring to it.”

“Venom? What an odd name. I prefer the name I gave him
 Come NightFury, we must return to your containment chamber,” Princess Luna commanded, escorting her unofficial pets back into their chamber.

The portal opened up and

and it was all gone


Venom and I stared at the portal to Earth with tears welling in our eyes. There was nothing there, everything was gone. I didn’t understand, I couldn’t understand! Everything was just
 No, no that’s not it, it wasn’t gone. Everything was dead.

Clouds of ash and sulfur danced over the wreckage of of destroyed buildings and mangled cars. Trash and corpses littered what remained of the streets.

 That wasn’t Earth, that couldn’t have been Earth. That wasn’t it, right? Something went wrong with the spell and we saw a different world, right?” I asked desperately, trying to find out what had happened. New York was just... dead. Everything was gone.

---Note, for those of you unfamiliar with YHAY, spoilers In this world, Discord wouldn't have been turned into a draqoneques by Celestia, and instead be sent home where he would make an active impact on the war, a really REALLY bad impact that caused their world to die. The scene above would have been a glimpse of Max's world from the original story and not the Marvel universe or Vincent's universe, but of course neither of them would know that until later on.




“And he’s not alone!” Another voice shouted. I turned around and stared in awe as Peter came to stand by my side. “THIS IS OUR WORLD! THESE ARE OUR FRIENDS! MY FAMILY! AND IF YOU THINK WE’LL LET YOU TAKE ANY OF THAT AWAY FROM US, THEN YOU’RE OUT OF. YOUR. DAMN. MIND!”

And that's it! I had NO IDEA what to do but I wrote out all of this on a whim after reading a short RGRE story and then tried to combine it with a YHAY story. If you've read the entire post, then I hope you've enjoyed it to this point, because this is all you'll get unless someone else picks it up. I am washing my hands clean and clearing my desktop. It's time for this story to go to my Trash Bin. Thanks again for following me, and have a wonderful Friday.

Tales From the Trash Bin. (Dani Phantom. Pt. 1)

Tales From the Trash Bin. (Dani Phantom. Pt. 2)

Tales From the Trash Bin. (Scott Howl)

The First Tales From the trash Bin. (Pearl)

Tales From the Trash Bin 2. (Zurg)

Tales From the Trash Bin 3. (Two-Face)

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