• Member Since 28th May, 2019
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Oh my Gosh, I can add Emojies? 🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒 Kofi

More Blog Posts139

  • 37 weeks
    SMoTE Update

    Next chapter isn't going to be uploaded this Friday. Sorry, I usually try to have three chapters prepared before posting but I got lazy and some personal things came up. I'll try to get them all ready quickly though. Thanks for your patience!

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  • 38 weeks
    GoFundMe for Majin Syeekoh.

    Majin Syeekoh has been going through a tough time and they need help, They’re a third of the way to their goal right now, and if you can spare a dollar or at least wish them well, it’d help them a lot. You can find a link to their blog post for more details below and decide what you want to do then.

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  • 78 weeks
    And I Thought Kevin Smith Ruined MOTU...

    Masters of the Universe has a new upcoming toyline... The Crypto toy line.

    4 comments · 342 views
  • 81 weeks
    I'm Not Dead, Just Dead Tired.

    I live in constant pain, but I live none the less!

    10 comments · 414 views
  • 98 weeks
    Life Update.

    So…. Yeah.

    Long story short, quite a few things happened. SMoTE is still not getting regular updates, at most I can try to squeeze a chapter out a month. This isn’t because I’m too busy with my new job or anything, because I apparently don’t have one.

    So yeah, if you read my last blog post then you know I was planning to delay SMoTE updates because of some amazing job opportunities.

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    11 comments · 610 views

Adoption and Celebrating over 150 followers. · 6:15am Oct 31st, 2020

I think my blog is slowly turning into a bin of unfinished stories that I have no intention on touching. Anyway, I thought I'd do something to celebrate over 150 followers, so here's the skeleton of a story if anyone wants it. I tried going back to it a few times, but I'm not good at second person stories. If you want it, leave a comment below or send me a PM and boom, it's yours. In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy what I had written to this point.

(This originally was titled celebrating 90 followers, I was an idiot and mixed up my Following and Followers. I'm a fucking moron.0

Prologue: Needless Exposition is Magic

Your story starts where all mediocre stories begin, at the beginning. And, as is tradition, your story must be told fully so you and the audience have a clear understanding of who you are.

Your name was Day Quill, and yes that was your real name. Your parents were kind of sadists and decided it would be funny to name you Day Quill and your twin brother Knight Quill. Could have been worse… Actually, no that’s a lie, you were named after cold medicine. The only thing worse than that would be being named Failure.

You were relentlessly teased for it growing up, with kids asking if you remembered to take your DayQuill whenever you missed a day of school. You hated almost every second of school because of your name, and you were only ever really happy when you retreated to the recesses of your mind.

That's when you were truly happy. When you forgot who you were, where you were, what you were doing, or even why you were doing it. Your brain is just on autopilot, and you love it. But then reality snaps you out of your blissful state of ignorance with one word. Your name. And suddenly you would remember everything.

High school wasn’t all bad, but you were grateful to finally be out of there. It had been a few months since you finished high school, and you already forgot 75% of what they taught you in those classes. You’d be starting college the next month and you wanted to make the most of what little break between semesters you had left.

With college fast approaching many questions plagued your mind, the most horrifying of which was what career you should pursue. You had, at most, another four years to make up your mind and find out what your place was in the world, and that terrified you. Soon you’d have to pay taxes, move out, start a family, raise a kid, it was… Well it was overwhelming.

That doesn’t matter anymore though because you were determined to put that off and leave it to future Day Quill. Present Day Quill was too busy trying to enjoy himself at comic con to be worried about things like that.

You were dressed up as Scott Howl, one of the love interests from the monster dating game, Monster Prom.
You wore a varsity jacket, a pair of blue jeans, a fake beard, a fake wolf tail, and a muscle suit underneath it all to make yourself look more buff. You hadn’t played much of the game since your friends were usually too busy to play with you, and it had fallen out of popularity as more games like Among Us began to take the center stage, but what little of it you played definitely peaked your interest.

Maybe you could become a game programmer? Then again, learning code was like learning Spanish backwards, not to mention game design probably wasn’t a safe career choice and— No, no, never mind that. You were at Comic con for fun, not worrying about the future.

You walked from stall to stall admiring some of the items for sale and the people buying them. While some of the more questionable and revealing costumes had you question the difference between naked and nude, a good number of them were also stunningly detailed and intricate. A lot of cosplayers went above and beyond to make amazing costumes of various characters from comics and other forms of media.

A conga line of Deadpools marched past a group of people taking selfies with a person on stilts dressed as Slenderman, several people dressed as batman exchanged compliments near the bathroom, and a black guy with a pink wig dressed up as Goku Black, clearly taking inspiration from the dub.

Aside from the familiar costumes that filled the sea of people at the convention center, there was also a plethora of people dressed up as characters you had never seen before. Most of them were probably from different anime that you hadn’t watched or were from video games you never played.

As you continued people watching from your seat at the designated eating area, passively eating the crab fries you bought as your eyes roamed the crowd. You eventually found yourself at a booth run by a man in a large black trench coat and hoodie with a big purple scarf covering his face.

“Oi, what’re ya buyin’?” He asked in a terrible impression of some type of British accent.

“Just window shopping,” You replied as you looked at his booth. Most of the items had already been picked clean, and the things that did catch your interest were far out of your price range. You did see a mystery box on the counter, but after checking your wallet, you realized that you had just spent the last of your money on food, because you’re one of those morons.

Dammit, I knew I should have brought snacks instead of buying from the venders. You thought to yourself before you looked back at the mystery box.

The Merchant noticed your sudden change in disposition and caught a glance at how much money was in your wallet. With a sigh, he scrounged under his table to get something out.

“Well… I might have something in your price range,” after he said that, the Merchant pulled out a pair of bright pink shutter shades that had a marked down label saying they were five bucks.

Whoa, you hadn’t seen a pair of those in forever. They used to be a really popular fashion accessory, until everyone realized how stupid it was to hinder your vision by putting shit in front of your glasses. Then, without much hesitation, everyone universally agreed that they were one of the most unfashionable glasses in the world.

You wanted to tell the guy you weren’t going to spend five bucks on a pair of shitty glasses, but they were so ridiculous that they were actually kinda funny in their own twisted way. Not to mention it was also probably the cheapest thing at that guy’s entire booth. But despite that, you still weren’t sold on it.

The man behind the counter seemed to notice your hesitation and decided to sweeten the preverbal pot a bit by pulling out a red present with a green bow.

“Tell you what, I’ll include this mystery box with the offer too. Who knows, maybe whatever’s in here is worth the cash.” He informed you.

Fuck, a mystery box too? You had always wanted to get one, but they were always so expensive. But a mystery box for five bucks would be worth the money compared to those fifty-dollar mystery boxes.

Deciding that it was worth the asking price, you pulled out five dollars to hand to the man and grabbed your glasses and mystery box. You were about to rip it open then and there when you suddenly felt extremely nauseous and keeled over.

When your body fell down, your head hit the table, knocking you out cold before you completely fell to the ground.

Chapter 1: Narrated by the Narrator

A sea of darkness completely enveloped you mind, leaving you in a coma like state for God knows how long.

As your consciousness slowly returned to your body, your senses took in the environment around you. First was the sensation of grass pressing up against your bare arms, second was the sound of a soft and gentle breeze flowing through the air above you, a song of serenity easing you into a state of calm relaxation that—

“Who the fuck was that?!” You asked in a panic as your body shot upright and your eyes darted around. To no one’s surprise, the only thing to answer your question was the silent wind that drifted in the air.

You turned around to look at the tall wilderness that was around you. Tall pine trees surrounded you in every direction, leaving you completely alone in the middle of a seemingly vast forest.

“Vey fucking funny asshole, who are you? Where are you?!” You cursed loudly to the wind, once again receiving no response.

“You just talked! Where the fuck are you?! Where did you take me!” You screamed with a boiling rage. You quickly stood up to your full height and let out a low growl as your narrowed eyes searched the trees around you for any signs of human life.

“Show yourself! Where the fuck are you?!” You shouted in a assertive tone as your eyes glanced over your shoulder briefly before looking at the tops of the trees around you. “Shut up!”

Deciding that the silent forest wasn’t about to answer any of your dumb questions, you began to sprint in a random direction to find a way out of the unfamiliar woods. Trees raced by you as you ran at inhuman speeds, but you were too busy running for your life to notice it.

Your senses went into high gear as you ran, hearing every twig snap, smelling every scent, and—


As you screamed out at the tree tops in rage you accidentally ran face first into one of the many trees that littered your path, causing you fall to the ground and hold you nose.

“FUCK!” You exclaimed as you held your hands over your possibly broken nose. After nursing your nose for a few seconds, you decided to get back up and keep running like your life depended on it.

You kept running for what seemed like hours until you inexplicably made it back to thee spot where you started running. Completely exhausted after running for so long, you fell to your knees and looked at the trees wearily.

“Who… Who are you?” You asked the air once again. Just like every other time, it refused to respond.

“I can… I can hear you… You just said the wind didn’t talk… WHO ARE YOU?!” You roared out in anger causing your tail to stiffen as you crouched down.

“The fuck are you talking about, I don’t have… a…” You trailed off as you began to realize that there was a new sensation at the base of your spine, one that was moving on it’s own accord.

“What the fuck…” You muttered as you turned around to stare at your new appendage.

A short tail made of long brown fur swayed from side to side right above your butt. You quickly grabbed it to tear it off, only to let loose a yelp of pain after tugging on it too hard.

“Fuck! Ah, that hurt… Holy shit that hurt…”

You looked at your new tail with a terrified gaze and then start to inspect the rest of your body. You were still wearing your Scott Howl costume, except the muscle suit was replaced by actual muscles, and all of the fake fur was turned into body hair on your arms and chest.

Your hands quickly flew up to your face to grasp any part of your head in a fit of worry and panic. Your jaw was much more defined, and your kninnes were more pronounced than they were before. You pressed your hand to your chest to feel your racing heart as your eyes darted around you.

“Who are you? Just… Please, I-I’ll give you whatever you want!” You begged to the forest. You would definitely need to call a therapist if your delusions continued.

“Call… My phone!” You shouted in a moment of joy.

You quickly drew your cellphone out of your back pocket and dialed Nine-one-one. It only rang three times before something finally answered, but to your dismay it wasn’t an actual person.

“We're sorry, when placing this call it is now necessary to dial an area code and a seven digit telephone number….” The robotic voice replied.

“What the hell?” You questioned as you look at your phone to make sure you called Nine-one-one. After making sure that you didn’t fuck up pressing three numbers, you dialed it again to get help. Pressing it to your ear, you heard the same robotic message play again.

“Please, please just… Who are you?” You pleaded. Once again, silence was the only reply that the forest gave you.

“Stop pretending like I can’t hear you! You just said that the forest was just being quiet!” You shouted.

You waited for a few moments for something to reply, as if there was an entity that could suddenly prove all of your delusions were true. But, sadly, you were still alone in the forest, then again being alone in a forest was better than being with whatever imaginary creature your mind cobbled together. You stubbornly continued to wait for something to happen, causing your eyes to twitch in frustration as you allowed the seconds to tic by.

“… Alright. Fine, I’ll play you’re fucking game!” You shouted one last time before you stormed off in a random direction, unknowingly walking away from a dirt path that would lead you towards civilization.

You suddenly came to a stop in your tracks and turned around to glance at the trees behind you with a suspicious glance. After debating for a few moments about whether or not to follow the intuition of your delusions, you decided to walk that way while holding your middle finger in the air.

Like a flag waving in the wind, you allowed your finger to dance in the air as you sung it an anthem to vent your frustrations.

“Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Fuck. You.”

Chapter 2-?

You spent close to an hour walking through the mysterious forest,

“Aaaand I see you’re back again,” you lamented, as if your delusions had left your side for a moment.

You took out your ID to take a good look at it. You were Scott Goodboy Howl-“I refuse to be called that.”

Your old name was Day Quill, deal with it. Anyway, your new name was Scott Goodbye Howl, male, twenty one, born- “Hold up! WHAT?!Twenty-one? TWENTY-ONE?! Why the hell am I a High schooler if I’m Twenty-one?!“ You shouted, seemingly forgetting that every character in Monster Prom was over eighteen for legal reasons.

“Oh right… That’s really weird now that I think about it,” you muttered to yourself. You glanced back at your ID to see if there was anything of use on it. Unfortunately, it didn’t give you anything more than that so you decided to tuck it back in your wallet and counted how much cash you had.

You only had seven bucks left after buying those sunglasses and that mystery box and, as if some omnipotent voice reminded you of your purchase, you realized you didn’t have either the box or the stupid shutter shades.

“And why should I care?” You asked, as if they weren’t the last items you had on yourself when you suddenly appeared in the forest. For all you knew, maybe the mystery box held a clue as to why you were a few miles north of Bum-Fuck Nowhere.

You didn’t question why her skin was blue— Bullshit, I don’t question it. I’m questioning the shit out of it.

That’s it!

“What’s it?”

A suddenly great realization popped into your head. If you could successfully become prom king then that would be it, game over, just like in Monster Prom. And if you beat the game, that would be a one-way ticket back to reality and out of weird world of colorful people.

“Really?!” You exclaimed with a ho-“I can go back? YES! Thank you so so much, Narrator! Now I only need to… Become prom king… How the hell do I do that?” You asked yourself.

You checked your stats and saw that you had Seven Smarts, Five Boldness, Three Creativity, Seven Charm, Seven Fun, and Seven Money. An extra five Fun was added to your stats some time ago, probably from the shutter shades which add a +5 Fun when purchased in the game.

Not too shabby overall, in fact, it was pretty damn impressive.

You decided to put down your age as eighteen since telling everyone you were twenty-one would raise more eyebrows than if you admitted to being a werewolf. Honestly, it’d be scarier if you weren’t a werewolf, at least you could claim that the Twilight series warped your perception of age a bit.

“Fuck off,” You muttered under your breath as you tried to focus on the forms in front of you.

You should be very thankful that this world has older teenagers in High school than your old world. Since becoming prom king presumably means dating, it'd be really weird to try dating an actual high school age student. No doubt, you'd end up having a very uncomfortable conversation with Chris Hanson.

“Hey, name’s Rainbow Dash. What’s yours?” She asked. Seriously? ‘Rainbow Dash’? Wow, and I thought your name sucked.

“Scott Howl. I’m uh… new here,” you replied.

It was actually more fun than learning stuff in high school back on Earth. Your old Biology class would never have spent an entire day talking about the times when people would give babies heroin as a cough suppressant. Granted, the idea that people would actually give babies heroin was a bit depressing but is was also really fascinating. You gained +2 smarts and +1/2 fun. (but since I already hate keeping track of your score we’ll round that up to +1 fun.)

After breaking back into the school, you spent the first night sleeping under your Biology teacher’s desk with your folded up jacket acting as a pillow.

You read a book called DragonHeart that you bought for six dollars. You lost -6 Money and -3 Smarts after reading it. You’re also permanently scared after reading three pages dedicated to the description of the male lead’s shaf—

“Shut up. Don’t remind me,” you grumbled under your breath.

Anyway, the book wasn’t amazing but you did learn a few positions you could try out back at home. You gained +2 charm and +2 creativity. It was also good because the book reminded you of your last girlfriend, since they were both fictional.

“Fuck you, how many girlfriends did you have, huh?” you asked the air. If the air could have replied, it would have said, ‘A lot, and one of them was your mom.’

“You’re hilarious,” you deadpanned, as if some omniscient voice just gave you a sick burn.

Before you could continue your one sided conversation with the air, you noticed Rainbow walking towards you with a soccer ball tucked under her arm. 

“Hey Scott, how ya doin’?”

“Alright I guess. You?”

“Pretty good.

“blah blah royal blue eyes”

“Really? Huh, I thought they were Cerulean.” You pointed out.

“S-Stay back! I know kung-fu, Ju-jitsu, and-and lots of other dangerous words!” You shouted as your hands flailed about wildly in the air. Truly, you were the pure definition of brave and intimidating.

“Oh… Uh, hey Sunset,” you hesitantly said as your eyes locked.

“What are you doing here?!” She demanded as she pointed a flashlight in your eyes.

“Uh, I-Uh, well I… I shooouuuld beee asking you THAT!” You demanded in response, a full proof plan that could have no consequences.

“I asked first,” she rebutted. Drats, your plan was foiled.

“… Extra credit,” you finally answered. “One of the teachers needed me to watch… Their pet lab rat overnight, so I came here to pick it up. Now, what are you doing here?”

“… Painting,” she replied. “My uh… Painting from art class was wet, so I needed to wait for it to dry off and… I fell asleep while I was waiting.”

“Oh… I guess that makes sense,” you said as you silently berated yourself for your dumb excuse. You did know that no-one in the staff faculty had a pet lab rat, right?

“Can I tell you a secret Sunset, and this has to stay between us. Alright.”

“Don’t freak out but… I’m not from here, I was sent here against my will, and the only way I can get back home is by becoming prom king.” You admitted to her.

“So… You’re not from here either?” She asked in—Wait, what did she mean by ‘either’?

Your mind started to race as the implications of Sunset’s words hit you. She wasn’t not from here either, meaning that she was probably in the same boat as you!

“Wait… You mean…” Your words get caught in your throat as you try to

“I can’t go back without that crown.

Sunset’s reputation wasn’t the best at school, and you had zero reputation since you were the “new student”, so neither of your chances were very promising. Not to mention that her breaking up with Mr. Popular made her chances alone even slimmer. In all honesty, you had better chances going at it alone or maybe even hooking up with that Twilight girl to win and get out of this world.

But, even if that was the smart thing to do, you couldn’t do that to Sunset. She was trapped in an unfamiliar world like you, unable to get home unless she won the dumb contest to become Prom Queen.

Could you do that? Could you abandon another human and let them rot away in an eternal High school, stuck inside a weird spin off of Monster Prom that would never let her leave? Could you do it?

Your options were, Yes; Leave her and save yourself, or, No; Help her and escape High School together.

Fuck me… I… I can’t do it. You decided. You might have been a monster, but you weren’t a “monster.”

After making a hard choice that could change the fate of your destiny forever, you looked over at Sunset and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“Sunset, would you go the prom with me and become my Prom Queen?” You asked with a warm smile.

…. Are you asleep now? ….. Helllloooooo?….. Awesome, now I can narrate somebody else. Or should I say, somepony? Heh, Good one Narrator.

Thanks Narrator, you’re awesome.

I’m glad someone appreciates me, Narrator… God, I need someone to talk to. Whatever, problem for future Narrator.

Alright, now where is she… Let’s see… Ah, there she is. Okay, you can do this, Third person perspective is just Second person with pizzazz. Ahem. Red fish, blue fish, red fish, blue fish. Sally sold seashells down by the sea shore. Ahem. Alright…

Sunset Shimmer stared at the ceiling of the Gym locker room for a considerable amount of time, pondering the things she knew and didn’t know about that new student, Scott. A piece of paper laid a few feet away from her with various species names crossed out of it, a list of anything Scott might have been on the other side of the mirror.

He couldn’t have been a unicorn like her since she was a normal human and he was a werewolf, so maybe he wasn’t a pony at all? She had considered it odd that she never met this world’s equivalent of the Griffon Ambassador, the Minator King, the Dragon Lord, or the Yak… Whatever the yaks had in terms of a leader or representative. She had met them all in the past while she was a student for Princess Celestia, but never ran into their counterparts in this strange human world.

Everything back home on Terra was a piece of fiction on Earth, there weren’t any natural dragons, minotaurs, or griffons on the planet, and all of the natural ponies on Earth were tall earth ponies that couldn’t talk. Not to mention that all of the cows were dumb as bricks and… Dear Celestia, people ate cows on Earth.

As she tried to forget about that disturbing tidbit of information, her thoughts went back to Scott and his origins. There were so many possibilities for what he was that it may have been better to just ask Scott what he was, then again, did it really matter? Once they won the prom she would have the powers of an Alicorn and tear a hole straight through reality itself to get to Equestria with an army of humans. And once that would happen, she’d turn Scott into a powerful enforcer for her army so that together they could conquer all of Equestria.

Ah~. Morning.



What a shit time of day.

Needless to say, you weren't a morning person back home on Earth, and you certainly weren’t one on this weird Earth either.

Fuck it, if it meant going home then you’d play dirty.

You spent a good amount of time editing the pictures of Twilight in Photoshop on one of the computers in the computer lab, switching between Photoshop and Youtube tutorials to get the pictures juuuust right so that you could pin the damages on her.

Most of the photos looked pretty convincing, but some of them would just take an extra minute or so to realize that something wasn’t right with the angle or the lighting. You desperately prayed to the gods of Prom dances that it would be enough to convince the principle to kick her out, or at least prevent Twilight from competing in the prom.

You gained +5 creativity for your edits and +2 boldness for the plan in general. There was a real chance this whole thing could backfire and end up with you and Sunset being put on the chopping block.

“Wow, Scott, these look great!” Sunset exclaimed as she looked at the photoshopped pictures of Twilight.

FUCK! You idiot! You left the Photoshop tab open on the computer in the lab! Who the fuck does that?

“You may be a tough cookie, but I eat cookies for breakfast!” You boasted to the opposing team.

Wow! That sounded a lot better in my head.

Unsurprisingly, your trash talk (which is literally trash) didn’t do much to inspire fear in your enemies and made you lose -3 Creativity.

“Or, oooorrr, we can hold onto that thought, hold it really tight, and crush that thought since we aren’t going to do it,” you stated firmly.

Using your “fake” ID you were able to score all of the Booze you would need to get into the party.

“Holy shit, I can’t believe how authentic this looks. Where did you get this?” Sunset asked as she admired the authenticity of your ID.

“I uh… I know some people.” You lied.

The more time you spent with Sunset, the more you realized how… Odd she was. You shrugged it off as the result of her being stuck in a prom simulator for three years, but as time went on you noticed these odd ticks she would get. For one, she seemed to like using the term “pony” a lot, like somepony and anypony instead of somebody or anybody. Maybe it was a weeb thing?

And, compared to that one magician girl that always talked in the third person, it was’t too strange.

You chugged the beer and crushed the empty can against your head as your other hand reached down for another beer.

It’s a party to remember! And unfortunately you’ll probably never remember it since you emptied like three kegs of beer. You lost a lot of memories, but you gain +5 fun and +1 charm. You also gained a tattoo of someone named Spoiled Slut on your back but you’d rather not talk about that.

You saw a very drunk Fluttershy being supported by Rainbow Dash.

You delicately tapped on Blue’s shoulder to get his attention. As soon as he turned around, you cracked him across the face with a mean right hook, knocking him to the floor in an instant. In your drunken stupor, you decided that the perfect way to finish off your impromptu and very short fight would be a kickass catchphrase.

“B-Bitches get stitches, Bitch!” You slurred out. You were obviously born to be a master poet with your awe-inspiring wit and charisma.

“What the bitch, fucker?” You eloquently replied as you mastered the art of balancing on two feet while being drunk.

“Scott, the cops are here. We need to go!” Sunset warned you. A small smile etches across your face as the memory of a famous comedian’s story plays out in you mind. Downing the rest of your beer in an instant, you raise the empty can to the ceiling, and with the spirit of Bo Fuck-King Burnham at your side, you shouted with the fury of a lion:


“I can’t feel a pulse!”

“Dammit, you’re touching your own arm!”

“That makes it so much weirder! Why don’t I have a pulse?!” You screamed… In all honesty, I worry for you sometimes.

You did such a good job that you somehow managed to kill crime itself! Or maybe you just punched a guy named Crime while in a drunken fit. Names on this version of Earth were weird.

“Okay, think of the biggest number you can imagine.”

“Sixty-nine,” Rainbow Dash immediately responded.

“Now double that number.”

“Whoa… Double sixty-nine…”

“These are binoculars. You’re spying on them too!” Rarity chastised as she held your binoculars in her hands.

“I was not ’Spying’, I was observing. There’s a distinct difference,” you defended as you glanced over at Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sitting at the fountain.

“Which is?” She asked. A moment of silence filled the air as you tried to think of a witty comeback.

“…. Say, why don’t we work together?” You asked her.

“… Deal,” Rarity said enthusiastically as she held the left eye hole of the binoculars to her right eye, allowing you to hold the right hole to your left eye. You also both shared the headphones she used for the mic attached to the little toy car that she controlled.

“I’m… My name’s… It’s Day Quill…” You embracingly admitted, earning a cute giggle from Sunset.

“I like it. Honestly, it’s a lot better than, ’Scott’.”

“… You don’t think it’s weird?” You asked.

“Of course not. Besides, I think it fits you. A person who faces the day and writes out their own destiny!” She proclaimed.

Yeeeaaah, you were never going to tell her what your name actually meant.

It was more awkward than the time your mom walked in on you jacking off to Milf porn—THAT NEVER HAPPENED!— Well I say it did happen, so ha. Anyway, the point still stands, it was super awkward.

You almost cemented your position as Prom King by this point, but Sunset still had basically zero chance of joining you as your Prom Queen.

You didn’t have many options to help you take Twilight down a few pegs. You’d need something pretty bold and daring to convince everyone that Twilight was the worst choice for Prom Queen. But what could you do?

Holy shit, that’s Twilight over there! But, she looks… different. She’s wearing glasses and a….

A smile graces your lips as you recognize the insignia on her uniform. If you managed to get a hand on Crystal Prep’s High school year book then you’d be able to show everyone who Twilight really was.

“Attention Canterlot High schoolers! I’d like to make a special announcement to all of my Wondercolts, go COLTS!” You shouted, earning a few cheers from the soccer team.

“Now, I love our school, and I’m sure a lot of you do too, even our newest student, Twilight Sparkle. Except, she isn’t a wondercolt at all!” You revealed before you held up the Crystal Prep year book for this year.

“Twilight Sparkle’s been lying to all of us. She isn’t a Wondercolt like us, she’s a Crystal Prep student!” You revealed loudly. To prove to everyone that you were telling the truth you turned to the page with Twilight’s image in it, showing her activates throughout the school-year so far at Crystal Prep.

“She’s here to ruin the prom by becoming Prom Queen! If she wins then that means Crystal Prep tricked us into giving them our Canterlot Crown!” You told the group of assembled students. All of the students turned their attention to Twilight and glare at her as they realized her nefarious plot.

“W-what? No! I’m not a Crystal Prep student!” Twilight defended.

“Oh really? So you just so happen to look exactly like one of the straight A Honor-role students from Crystal Prep and have the same name as her?” You pointed out. Murmurs of agreement and follow up accusations rang out from the crowd of gathered students as they descended on Twilight.

“Yes! Great job, Day. Now without her in my way, I’ll be a shoe-in for Prom Queen!” Sunset beamed as she tightened her embrace around your shrinking waist.

Lungs, need… Air…

A smile graces your lips as the Prom King crown is placed on your head. After all this time you’ll finally be able to go home and live a normal life.

You waited….

And waited…

And there’s more waiting….

And… Waiting…

Nothing happens…

Um… Do I need to click my heels three times? You asked yourself.

Your thoughts were immediately cut off as Sunset laughed in an eerily evil way.

“SUNSET! YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS!” You shouted to the now demonic version of Sunset Shimmer.

“Aw, who’s a good boyfriend? You are, yes you are.” Sunset said as she scratched you behind your ear.

After battling a demon that possessed your girlfriend, you now had to face an even more terrifying figure, Principal Celestia.


You all sat in silence waiting for someone to officially start the meeting until Discord finally spoke up.

"Alright, no one else is going to say it so I will,” he said as he stood up and pushed his chair back. "We have a very serious problem...

"Mr. Howl has still not said if he will bring anything to the potluck this Sunday, and we need to know before someone ends up bringing two macaroni salads to it instead of one macaroni salad and something that isn't disgusting macaroni salad,” he said. After which he dropped back into his chair and pulled himself back to the table as everyone just stared at him.

"Discord, I believe we have bigger concerns than this Sunday's potluck,” Principle Celestia advised him.

"The only thing that could possibly be ever so slightly more important than bonding time with teachers would be our students well being,” Discord told her.

“And that’s what we are here to discuss, Discord,” Vice-principal Luna interjected. “We’ve not only found out that Scott Howl is a werewolf and… An adult, but that Sunset Shimmer is also a mythical creature that tried to invade another dimension with an army of teenagers.”

"Ok, so what if we went through the portal?" Principal Celestia asked, causing everyone to turn to her.

"What do you mean? That we just get up and walk right on in?" Vice-Principal Luna asked.

"Why not? According to Sunset it's just a bunch of ponies on the other side. And not all of us will go through, I'll go along with any volunteers,” she reassured everyone.

"This doesn't sound good Mrs. Faust,” Cherilee spoke out. "Maybe we should just tell the... um... police? Who do we call about portals to other worlds?" She asked nobody in particular. Discord surprisingly slammed his fist down on the table and glared at everyone.

"We. Tell. No one,” he practically seethed out. "Think about it. We tell the government we have two alien students, one of which is a werewolf, a group of magical students, and a portal to another world full of aliens. Best case scenario, they laugh at us and we live happily ever after. Worst case scenario, they shut down the school, study the portal, and interrogate or possibly dissect both Scott and Sunset. I will not let any of the students at this school be subjected to such torment, alien or otherwise,” he stated firmly.

"Surely they wouldn't do that. I mean, Sunset is only a child,” Vice Principal Luna stated. You kinda noticed she didn't include you in that statement but you just let it slide for the time being.

Fuck letting that slide! You silently seethed.

When you crossed over, you found out that your fursona equivalent in Equestria was some weird pony dragon thing called a kirin, which made sense since on the other side ponies became humans and dragons became dogs. It was weird and you didn’t understand it at all, but fuck it, it’s magic.

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