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MLP-Destiny's Play Reviews: Chapters 1 and 2 · 9:59pm Oct 31st, 2020

Video belongs to Toei.

Happy Halloween fillies and gentlecolts of the night. We have something special today, as we once more delve into the world of Kamen Rider fanfiction, but this time we need a little background.

Kamen Rider Kiva was the 18th Kamen Rider series and the 9th series of the Heisei Era. Telling the story of Wataru Kurenai, a shy young man who spent most of his life, up until the show, isolated from the rest of the world. Wataru along with the other Riders, are fighting against the Fangires, a, variation of Vampire that are based on a mixture of animals and stained glass. Wataru is half-Fangire himself, the son of the old Fangire Queen who had a relationship with a human man.

Now, the thing about Kiva is that it has a rather unusual structure. Instead of being fully set in 2008, it's split between 2008 and 1986 with the past part focusing on characters connected to the present day characters in one way or another, including Wataru's father. It's not something that you really see in Kamen Rider, even in Zi-O and Den-O the very time travel heavy seasons. It's a fairly unique approach to Kamen Rider, and a rather interesting one.

Kiva is not the darkest Kamen Rider show, and not necessarily completely horror based, but it's essentially a tribute to the classic Universal Monsters. Except for Mummies, because no one remembers Mummies for some reason, except in the movies. The Fangires are predators who attack and feed on humans, and my views on them are more in line with this. But that's for when we start talking about the Fangires themselves.

I also want to say I love this cover image, that's Kiva with the reflection of Kamen Rider IXA in the visor right here. Anyway, shall we begin?

Chapter 1: Bad Moon Rising

So we start on a quiet night in Ponyville, not a dark and stormy night thankfully. However recently it has apparently been the source of peculiar activities with ponies being attacked late at night. And, well... I'll let it say it itself.

Now these ponies, they’d been found aside from being drained of blood and shattered like glass, on occasion with a strange symbol beside them. One resembling two massive wings with a half-moon above it.

So yeah, here's what they're talking about:

So yes, something has been attacking ponies and shattering them into glass. That's pretty ominous, don't you think? So, let's see where this actually goes. There doesn't really seem to be any explanation for what's going on, at least until Kiva showed up. A scholar living in a tree (gee, I wonder who that is) , found a reference to Kiva from hundreds of years ago. So yeah, Kiva is now who everypony blames, I'm sure that won't be a problem at all going forward.

Apparently his victims included pillars of the community such as Spoiled Rich (no real loss there) and Cutting Axe, a local logger. So yes, Kiva is the main suspect in these killings, and no one knows who it is and everypony is living in fear of him, sort of.

The ponies of Ponyville were a defiant -some might say stupid- lot and they couldn’t let themselves live in fear of a monster.

No, life had to go on. It was a unified decision by the town’s populace, to show Kiva that they were not afraid of him or anything he could do to them. One had to respect that decision. Sadly for them, killers didn’t exactly pay much attention to defiance, or particularly care really. No, they had this need to hunt once more, and that time would be coming soon. Very soon as a matter of fact.

So yeah, things are pretty peaceful tonight as a pony named Iron Shaft is working on a construction project. He comments that he's been having to stay up too late lately because of the venture and its throwing off his sleep schedule. Hard Knock, another worker tells him to stop complaining and it sounds like these two have gotten into trouble in the past and the boss doesn't care. Yeah, these two are both former criminals, though neither of them are killers at least.

We also get this line:

“So, what do you think of these Kiva rumors?” Hard Knock had to ask. “Think there’s any truth to them, or are ponies just sniffing one too many shrooms and seeing things?”

With Ponyville, you never know to be honest.

Iron says they can't ignore the dead bodies, but isn't so sure about the rumors of Kiva, saying that it sounds more like something from a comic book. He even suggests that a Unicorn may be using illusion magic to cast an image of Kiva, but Hard Knock thinks that's a dumb explanation and he wants to stick with the drugs explanation. Fair enough really, but in Equestria you never know.

We also learn that they're the only two working tonight and that they shouldn't be scared of Kiva. Iron Shaft insists that there's something creepy about this with how Kiva operates, but he has an alimony check to pay so he has to keep working. We also learn that Iron Shaft's ex-wife was an alcoholic, and a lawyer. Well, if there's one thing in any world that's more evil than the Fangires, it's a lawyer. And also Hard Knock points out the irony of a Criminal marrying a Lawyer.

However Hard Knock has some good news, he's saved up bits for Songbird Serenade's next concert for Iron Shaft to go to. Hard Knock assures him that they're the real thing and... yeah, this just gets a little weird. The two have a good natured argument about it and their respective terrible singing abilities. They get back to work on the project they're working on, but are soon interrupted again.

Suddenly, something clattered in the background. Something metallic really, and an odd squeaking sound came from somewhere beyond the two’s field of vision.

“What was that?” Hard Knock remarked, the dark-coated pegasus beginning to look around in suspicion.

That is the sound of you two not making it to the concert... or to anywhere.

Hard Knock asks what that was and Iron Shaft dismisses it. Hard Knock is concerned that someone might be trying to steal something from the construction site.  Iron is hesitant at first but agrees that they should check it out just in case. Hard Knock thinks that maybe it's just some punk kids as they make their way down the hallway. Iron also suggests that maybe it's Kiva,  but Hard Knock says not to joke about that kind of thing, and Iron basically dares him to go check it out.

Hard Knock makes his way down the hall and tries to turn on a light, only to find that it won't, wow that's not ominous at all. He comments that he needs to have them looked at as soon as possible. He also realizes that he's talking to himself, which he's pretty sure is a sign he's going crazy. However when he turns he swore he saw something move, and he grabbed a nail gun, but can't see anything, and then there's a crash behind him.

“...What the…?” Hard muttered as he kneeled down towards Smelting. “You alright man? Please tell me you didn’t overwork yourself into exhaustion again.”

“Z-Zapapple h-he,” Smelting croaked out, trembling like a leaf. Hard took a moment to examine the pony, finding marks on his neck. The instant he found them, Smelting cried out and his body shattered like glass.

“Smelting…” Hard whispered, fighting back a sniffle. “Okay, Kiva… Where are you?” he growled out, reaching for his nail gun once again, and gripping the trigger.

Hard Knock starts making his way down the hallway with the nail gun. He wonders what Smelting had meant, had he been referring to Zapapple Strike, their boss maybe? He wonders if maybe Zapapple was Kiva, but he dismisses the possibility, commenting on Smelting's tendency to complain about not being paid enough. He figures that he actually meant that Zapple didn't pay him enough, an odd thing to say before you die though. He picks up his pace when he wonders if maybe he meant that Kiva was attacking Zapapple.

However, Zapapple finds him and is most definitely not being attacked by Kiva. Hard Knock tells him that Smelting had been attacked and he's afraid that the company is under attack.

Bad news Hard Knock... this is about to go really badly for you.

“Well… yer not entirely wrong there pardner…” Zapapple Strike smirked, as veins that resembled stained glass began to appear all over his face, and he took off his Stetson and tossed it aside. “Bit unsightly, that there damned thing was anyhow. Never fit me properly.”

Hard screamed at the top of his lungs, finding himself standing face to face with what could only be described as a walking sea star, mostly dark-colored but with various stained glass detailing in various places. He wanted to run, but his hooves felt like they were made of cement. He closed his eyes, either to concentrate or to prepare for the end he couldn’t tell.

Then it happened, two transparent fangs appeared above his head and jabbed themselves into either side of Hard Knock’s neck.

Hard Knock let out a strangled scream, his life feeling like it was being drained away before all went dark and he slumped to the floor his entire body seemingly turning into crystal.

And we get our first Fangire. Fangires are split into several categories based on types of animals. The first one we have here is the Seastar Fangire:

As I said, Fangires are vampires who drain the life essence out of their victims and turn them to glass or crystal. They are predators, hunting their victims, usually more out of an animalistic impulse to hunt. There are exceptions, and the exceptions are the ones you really have to look out for. This in many ways sets them apart from some other monster factions such as the Gurongi who hunt as part of a twisted game. That's not to say they aren't monsters, but there is some more rationalization to them.

Anyway, Iron Shaft  heard the scream and came to find the Fangire standing over his friend's body. The Seastar Fangire goes after him next to remove any witnesses. He also mentions that he had hoped that Kiva would be there,  and Iron turns and runs with the Fangire close behind, firing bursts of electricity at him. But now he sees a pony in the shadows, and a small bat creature on their shoulders.

Now... it is time... HENSHIN!

“Kivat!” the stallion -At least, Iron thought it was a stallion, he couldn’t really tell in the darkness- ordered, and Iron’s brows furrowed. He’d sworn he’d heard that voice somewhere before, but he just couldn’t place it as to where exactly. The figure raised his/her arm, and the bat creature bit down on it before a strange sound -impossible to describe, maybe like a distorted violin- filled the air before the pony stated: “Henshin.”

A strange wave filled the room, the figure’s silhouette distorting. In a moment, shards of what appeared to be glass shot out and Kiva stepped out from the shadows, his yellow eyes flashing for a split second. Iron swallowed nervously, and let out a murmur of: “Oh fu…” as he realized what he’d landed in the middle of and the gravity of the situation, the young pegasus being caught between Kiva and another monster of some sort.

“...Please, by Celestia’s name spare me…” Iron prayed before the Seastar Fangire grabbed Iron by the neck and pulled him close, laughing all the while.

I have to admit I love this design. Kiva is a straight up brawler in the base form and the design is pretty well done. The bat motif shows itself well, and yeah it looks a bit edgy but they can kind of get away with it in this show. This show is meant to be a bit darker, and the suit reflects that well.

Kiva takes out a green whistle and activates it as his body turns green and a gun came to him. The fight between Fangire and Kiva begins, he changes to a sword, but the Fangire says he should've stuck to the gun. However as the fight continues, Kiva is driven off  an edge and the Seastar Fangire comments that was easy and that the King will be happy. But he turns to see that Kiva is being held aloft, by two butter yellow wings.

“Time to finish this…” Kiva thought to himself. He lowered his saber to Kivat’s mouth, the bat biting down on the blade.

“Chomp!” Kivat cried, his eyes flashing as the full moon turned a deep shade of blue in the background before Kiva leaped into the air as Kivat shouted “Wake up!” and Kiva launched himself at the fangire before slashing him right through the stomach. The fangire turned to glass before he began to crack and then he shattered as a ball of energy appeared from his remains and rose up to the sky.

Kiva crossed himself, as a nearby mountain shimmered before revealing a massive Gothic-style castle. But this was hardly any ordinary castle, as no castle that ever existed should by all rights have a dragon’s head and wings. But this one did, and it took to the skies and as it did so Doran -For that was the Dragon’s name- opened his jaws and devoured the fangire’s soul.

“Be sure to brush your teeth with this one!” Kivat shouted at Doran before whispering quietly: “Now, may you find peace in another life…”

Suddenly a powerful set of claws blindsided Kiva knocking him to the floor. “What? Another fangire?!” Kivat shouted, turning to face the attacker only for his eyes to widen as he saw a creature resembling a lion approaching. “Fl-Kiva, run! It’s one of the Checkmate Four!” Kivat shouted, quickly catching himself. It would not be wise to unveil Kiva’s real name to one of the most powerful Fangire alive.

“Game start.” the lion fangire laughed, before launching a flurry of spikes from his claws at Kiva, who quickly picked himself up off the floor and began running for it. The fangire laughed all the while. “Oh, isn’t this surprising! Kiva running, instead of facing me! I’m rather disappointed frankly, I’ve heard the new Kiva was supposed to be all that!”

Meet, the Lion Fangire, the Rook... remember when I said that you have to look out for those who are more than just animalistic? He's one of them.

Kiva runs off at that, realizing that he can't destroy a member of the Checkmate Four as they're called. A smart move as they are the most powerful of the Fangires.

The next morning, the remains of the construction workers have been found and we learn that Twilight's personal guard have been on patrol in hopes of finding Kiva. A piece of cardboard... I mean, Flash Sentry is here and has found another victim, and his boss comments that its convenient that Zapapple has gone missing. And oh look, its Tempest Shadow, always nice to see her, and she reflects on the events of the movie and the death of the Storm King. She's at least happy that people respect her more instead of fearing her.

Tempest comments about a blue moon being spotted despite the fact that Luna didn't plan any extra moons. Is that something Luna can just do in this universe? Make a moon appear out of thin air? This raises questions. Anyway, Tempest tells Grubber to check the cameras, but it turns out that something was interfering with the cameras, of course. Apparently this has happened every time Kiva has attacked.

At this point Grubber comments that Serial Killers usually have a type, but Tempest says that there doesn't appear to be any common connection between the two. This makes sense actually, victimology is an important factor in terms of hunting serial killers. That's also not completely unheard of, if I remember correctly the Zodiac Killer's victims had little in common. 

And then, we get this:

“Wild thought here,” Grubber remarked. “But what if the killer isn’t Kiva? What if it’s someone else? Someone we’re not looking at? I mean, have we ever actually ever seen Kiva kill anyone? Sure, his emblem has always been left at the scene of the crimes but how do we know the killer just didn’t plant that there to frame Kiva?”

Tempest is of course reluctant to believe that, calling Kiva Ponykind's enemy. She also mentions that Luna fought against Kiva before she was banished. Basically, all the information they have says that Kiva needs to be stopped. Grubber however isn't so sure.

All both knew for sure was that the fingers of fate and destiny were fickle ones indeed, and whatever they had in mind for Equestria one thing was for certain. There was a bad moon on the rise.

Video belongs to Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Overall, this is a good start to the fic for a first chapter. It sets up the characters and the mystery of who Kiva is. This is actually very much in line with Kiva and he general view towards him early on. So, shall we proceed?

Also yes, the chapters are named after music. I actually forgot about this until just now, whoops.

Chapter 2: Rhapsody - My Resolve.

Fluttershy let out a whimper as she sunk down into her bed, the young mare fighting back a sob. More ponies lost to the Fangires, and to Kiva all because she simply didn’t get there in time!

Looking down from his place in the rafters, Kivat sighed to himself and shook his head the little crimson bat giving an expression of pity.

Oh boy... yeah, this is our Kiva, you know if they actually realized who Kiva was they would probably be less afraid. At least until she used, the stare.

Anyway, Kivat is watching Fluttershy sob into her pillow. He thinks about how her mother had been the previous Fangire Queen. We also learn that he had wrangled three  monsters from around Equestria to protect Fluttershy, Jiro (Timberwolf), Ramon (Siren), and Riki (Frankenstein's Monster). As I said, Kiva is a tribute to the Universal Monsters with Kiva and the Fangires themselves being Dracula. Oddly enough though, no Mummy, Mummies get no love.

Now, to actually explain this a bit, Kivat, or Kivat the Third in this case, is Kiva's transformation trinket. And here's a picture of him:

He's, well he's an odd bat machine creature. I find it kind of ironic that he winds up with a mare in this universe, Kivat is a bit of a pervert. Anyway, Kivat comments that he had wanted to save those ponies too, but says that some losses are acceptable. Fluttershy says that she won't accept any losses as being acceptable.

“Fluttershy, I wasn’t putting it like that!” Kivat stated, backing up a little from Fluttershy’s fearsome glare. “You must understand, not every battle will end in a victory, no matter how much we want them to. The Fangires, they’re fierce, relentless, and they will not give in until they are the sole remaining form of intelligent life on Equestria! Did… did I ever tell you what happened to Ramon’s race?”

He goes on to explain that it happened during the era of Starswirl the Bearded when Kivat's father was around. He also mentions the Dazzlings, and it turns out that they had been running from the Fangires who had been attacking the Sirens. Also they couldn't try to get help from the Princesses because they wouldn't trust Sirens. We also get a mention of the Blue Sky organization, which I didn't get a chance to explain. Basically, the Blue Sky organization is a group in Kiva that exists to combat the Fangires. The Dazzlings brought together an army to fight the Fangires.

So as it turns out, Starswirl done screwed up as he didn't realize what was going on and did the whole send the Dazzlings to the Equestria Girls universe thing. So yeah, the Fangires wiped out the rest of the Sirens except for Ramon, and Fluttershy reflects on when she met Starswirl and the other Pillars and that he was good underneath, that maybe he saved them in a way and didn't know everything.

Kivat isn't sure how Ramon escaped, though he has his theories that he wants to take to Ramon himself. He suggests that Fluttershy talks to him since he's had no luck getting answers from him. Fluttershy mentions that he must be lonely with only Jiro and Riki to keep him company. Apparently they play a mean game of poker so they're probably fine. Apparently Kivat even plays with them sometimes.

“...Dare I ask what you play with?” Fluttershy asked, with a small giggle.

Kivat mumbled something under his breath, something Fluttershy couldn’t quite catch.

“What was that?” she asked.

“...Porn mags.” Kivat mumbled quietly.

“What was that?” Fluttershy asked again.

“I… I said porn mags!” Kivat sputtered out. “Riki and Jiro love them, and so do I, my my, those ponies with the long beautiful necks!”

Next thing he knew, Kivat found himself smacked into a wall as Fluttershy huffed. Kivat groaned in pain and muttered to himself: “Damn pony hearing…”

Fluttershy heard that too and threw a shoe at him.

Like I said, he's a bit of a pervert.

Anyway, we cut to where Fluttershy is at the Gym with Rainbow Dash. Apparently Fluttershy ships Rainbow with Soarin', or at least suspects that she's interested in him. Apparently Rainbow Dash is trying to get rid of some excess body fat (is this a problem she has regularly?), and Fluttershy thinks that's a bit weird. Actually pretty sure she's checking out Rainbow, but that's just my FlutterDash shipping showing. She comments that Fluttershy is slender despite not getting out much and Fluttershy decides to tease her and we get a bit of music.

Your thoughts are all tangled up;
They've been overcrowding you.
Your strength produces weakness that you don't even realize...

“Sharpen up, Wake up!
I feel a special sensation!
With a keen ear you can hear it,
The future that is happening in the smallest moment…”

Apparently it's a band called Innocent Trap, no clue if that's real or what, never heard of it honestly.

Anyway, Fluttershy says that its a trade secret as she slows down her treadmill. The two continue talking as Tempest comes in, which causes a few stallions to clear the room. Tempest thinks to herself that no one seems to remember that she's put her past behind her and wonders what it would take to prove she's changed. Rarity is also there and comments that a Mare is entitled to her secrets, but is concerned about Tempest's pent-up stress.

She also wonders if maybe, to paraphrase another fanfic, Tempest's barn door swings a different way.

Anyway, Tempest agrees that Rainbow should let Fluttershy have her secrets. She also says that Soarin' would like her just the way she is and she shouldn't focus so much on trying to improve her muscles. Gotta agree there, Liefeldian ponies aren't particularly attractive. She's new to the whole friendship thing, but even she knows that. Rainbow tries to deny it, but Rarity pretty much agrees with Tempest on this one that Rainbow is clearly trying to impress somepony. Rainbow, of course, denies it which everyone knows that if it's fiction, it probably means it's true.

Anyway, Tempest now brings attention to the recent attack and Kiva. Yes, because serial killers always make good conversation, I've always said so. She mentions what had happened at the construction site. Rarity tries to calm her down, but... yeah.

“I apologize, Ms. Belle,” Tempest sighed. “It’s just… Well, Kiva attacking these ponies in the dead of night for no reason and then us being unable to stop him time and time again, it frustrates me to no end.”

This is of course something that carried over from Kiva to a degree. It's also worth mentioning that, sometimes Kamen Riders don't exactly have the best reputation with some of the other characters. Zi-O being one of the most modern examples as his secondary Rider, Geiz, didn't trust him for a good portion of the series.

We also get this line from Rainbow:

“Bastard…” Rainbow muttered to herself. “Ooh, how I’d like to give this ‘Kira’ or whatever he calls himself the old one-two!”

Darn it Rainbow, Kira is from Death Note, get your fictional characters right.

Anyway, Fluttershy suggests that maybe its not Kiva who is the one that is killing the ponies, but Tempest points out that Kiva's insignia is left. Gotta agree, this is kind of hard to prove that its not Kiva. Rainbow agrees but Rarity seems lost in thought. Fluttershy points out that no one has actually seen Kiva do this and Tempest remembers that Grubber said the same thing. Rainbow however is a bit more blunt, telling her that yeah, Kiva is a killer totally.

Awkward... very awkward.

Fluttershy actually outright snaps at Rainbow, causing her to step back. Rainbow tries to argue that there's nothing to say otherwise, and Fluttershy says that means they'll have to find something. So, yeah Fluttershy is apparently becoming Phoenix Wright in addition to Kiva. Tempest tells her not to go looking for Kiva because he'll kill her without a second thought.

Fluttershy takes her leave and thinks that she needs to somehow prove that Kiva isn't a killer. However, a real killer is watching them, the Lion Fangire Rook is here. I'll let the fic itself describe him and how he works.

Not far away from the gym, at a nearby playground sat a tan stallion in a black leather jacket with a chessboard and a rook as his Cutie Mark, an image of this Cutie Mark being stitched into the back of his jacket.

His fur seemed to be covered in small scorch marks, and for a very good reason. Rook, AKA the Lion Fangire had this thing. These little games of his, which he called Time Plays. What he did, was find something seemingly of random and then attempt to kill ponies within twenty minutes. If he failed to do so, he would find some electrical wires and electrocute himself with them as punishment for his failure, as he had recently done for his failure to kill Kiva last night.

“So, I failed…” Rook thought to himself as he approached a set of power lines and pulled them down, before screaming out in pain as the shock went through his body. “I must atone for my sins.”

Eventually, he allowed himself release from this self-devised torment of his and continued on, wondering what his next ‘game’ would be. Perhaps it would be something truly fun indeed.

If for whatever reason he won his little game, he would treat himself to some ice cream from Sugarcube Corner or wherever.

Yeah, this is how Rook works, he's a bit crazy. He either punishes or rewards himself based on how he does on these twisted games of his. Speaking of which he asks a nearby mare what she finds fun, and she says the Gym and the stallions inside. So, yeah this is going to be his newest game. He feeds on the mare and sets a timer for 20 minutes, and is targeting gym goers.

Later in the day Fluttershy goes to Castle Doran, where the three arms monsters are hanging out. Just for reference, here's a picture of them in the show:

Ramon tells the other two to clean up their act because Fluttershy is here. Jiro is surprised while Riki just grunts, not really caring. So because I rarely get to talk about Frankenstein, which Riki is meant to reference, I'm going to talk about this here. While Riki is, less than cultured here, the creature in the classic novel is far more intelligent than he's usually portrayed as. Frankenstein's monster is able to read and analyze Paradise Lost, in French, it all ties into much of the symbolism of the story and the monster himself. Oddly this is often left out of adaptations.

Anyway, Ramon comments that even Dragons are classier than these two and apologizes to Fluttershy. Fluttershy points out that Kivat had told her what they used instead of bits, and glares at them, which since its Fluttershy does scare them. Riki says that of course it had to be Kivat since he never could keep a secret from Fluttershy. Also Riki and Jiro do not particularly like each other and start calling each other names.

"But I’m still blaming you, you walking pile of flesh.”

“Timberwood.” Riki sniped back.

“Jerk!” Jiro barked.

“Bitch,” Riki grumbled.

“Mutant freak.” Jiro sniped back, not really offended by the last remark because of how technically true it was but still he hated his compatriot all the same.

Ramon comments that he is surrounded by children, despite being the youngest member of the group. He asks why Fluttershy is here, and once more its said that Fluttershy's father had befriended the three of them and made them her retainers before he died of lung cancer. This is very different from what happened to Wataru's father by the way. We also get a mention of Zephyr Breeze, I'm just gonna leave it at that. And yeah she's very withdrawn, and the comments about Kiva aren't helping matters.

Anyway, Fluttershy asks Ramon about his past and what happened with the Sirens. I'll let him explain himself.

“No, no. You have a right to know. You have a right to know,” Ramon sighed, repeating certain phrases as he had a tendency to do when he either got nervous or embarrassed. Which was more often than one might think, despite Ramon being a big scary siren which was a known pony predator. He was young, hadn’t grown into his full size and plus he knew the ongoing threat of the Fangires kept him confined to Castle Doran until they were dealt with. “How I escaped the slaughter I mean. The Dazzlings weren’t the only members of my brethren to escape the wrath of the Fangire King. No, my great-great grandmother managed to survive, and give birth to my mom who gave birth to me in turn, our family dodging the Fangires as best we could but in the end… Well, I’m the last of my race left as far as I know really…”

Well, the Dazzlings are still around... actually this would've been a cool thing to be explored in the show, or the comics. The Dazzlings are the only Sirens we actually see, but there has to be more out there, right?

Anyway, Fluttershy resolves to help avenge the Sirens and Ramon says not to make a promise she can't keep. He also says that Rook is the weakest of the Checkmate Four, and Jiro agrees, mentioning the King, Queen, and Bishop as well. So yeah, the Fangires have a chess motif... not the weirdest thing I've seen in Kamen Rider. Fluttershy says that she can try to get the rest of the Elements and the Princesses to help, but Jiro points out that they think Kiva is a mass murderer. Riki has  more faith in Fluttershy and tells Jiro to have the same, saying that she could have cracked under the pressure but she hasn't.

Jiro however thinks that she hasn't yet at least, and Fluttershy isn't so sure that he isn't wrong. She thinks back to her father lying in a hospital bed.

“Flutters, for the sake of our family, and by Faust I know you’re far too young to take up this burden, you need to protect the world.”

“P-Protect the world from what daddy?” Fluttershy asked.

“After I leave, you will learn. I’m sorry my daughter, I wish it didn’t have to be this way, I wish I didn’t have to pass on the burden I should be carrying to you but…”

“But? But what?” Fluttershy asked before she realized her father’s hand had gone limp, and the heart rate monitor had flat-lined. “Daddy! DADDY!”

It was 15 years later that Fluttershy became Kiva, and he reflects on that. However, her thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the sound of ringing bells, which apparently signify that a Fangire is loose again.

Back in Twilight's Castle, Tempest is thinking about how complicated her life has become due to everything that's going on with Kiva and how insane things have gotten. Well, insane for Ponyville, and Ponyville has a high standard for insanity. We also learn that she and the Elements of Harmony are part of the Wonderous Blue Sky Organization, which is apparently centuries old as they had been formed after Luna fought off Kiva. Also, Grubber is eating cake because the Kiva stuff has him stressed out.

Grubber tells Tempest that she needs to relax more as that scowl she has tends to repel stallions, or mares if she's into that kind of thing. Tempest thinks that he's trying to make up for everything that went on while they served the Storm King and that they had found him crying after the Friendship Festival ended. Yeah... apparently Grubber was trying to impress Tempest, and would often run away in fear, trying to hide because of his failures. But Tempest swore to keep him by her side and help him feel more needed.

Also apparently Tempest and Twilight share a stressed about a problem face. And of course this is all about problems related to Kiva, Grubber assures her that she'll find answers. Also apparently they're out of whipped cream, that's a very important thing to deal with. Tempest goes to find Twilight in her library where she's reading about Vampires and how to slay them, with many items made for repelling and slaying vampires lying around.

I actually want to comment on this, while I do compare Fangires to Vampires, they are not traditional vampires. And I don't mean they sparkle, thank goodness for that. Fangires are a case of the "Our Vampires are Different" trope done right. In fact we see them walking around in daylight quite freely, and we never see them particularly vulnerable to any traditional vampire. In fact, we actually see them on sacred ground, and as far as I can tell they don't require to be invited into a home.

Basically, yes Fangires are Vampires, but in a very non-traditional sense. I don't think reading up on how to slay Pony Dracula is going to help you know how to kill a Fangire.

“You alright? Look like you’ve been up all night Princess,” Tempest asked, laying a hand on her friend’s shoulder. That much was true, Twilight’s face was baggy and her eyes were bloodshot with a nearly empty coffee mug saying ‘World’s Best Princess’ sitting nearby. Her face was resting in the pages of an open book, one very ancient tome probably pulled from Canterlot’s Archives if the subject matter was any indication.

Clearly she stole that mug from Luna because she's the real best Princess.

Twilight comments that the lack of blood suggests that Kiva is a Vampire, but Tempest points out that the turning to glass is not typically associated with vampires. She even briefly considers that maybe Kiva isn't behind the killings, but brushes it aside. She asks Twilight why she had called her here to begin with, and Twilight says that something is ready.

She pulled an obviously fake book out from a shelf, and with a small click, a painting turned around to reveal what looked to be a belt along with a white and gold knuckle of some sort.

“Fizzlepop Berrytwist, or Tempest Shadow if you prefer, I’d like to introduce you to the Intercept and Attack system or IXA for short. Version X, really.”

“Wait, so this is the tenth version of a system, and from what I’ve been gathering about you remarking about a new power, I’m going to be the first one to actually use and test this system against Kiva?” Tempest asked in shock, caught off-guard as Twilight handed her the belt and the IXA Knuckle. “I… I don’t know what to say, this… this is an honor for you to entrust me with such a weapon.”

“You, out of all the candidates the Blue Sky Organization went through, were the best choice for version 10 of the system,” Twilight nodded, taking a sip of her coffee. “However, I should feel free to warn you, while the IXA system has been refined over the years with various abilities being added or removed as time went on, there’s one problem that the Blue Sky Organization has always worried persisting as time went on. Namely, the toll this takes on the pony body. The first few users of IXA, back in its original state did wind up in the hospital from what they told me. Tempest, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to…” Twilight trailed off, placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder out of concern. That had was quickly brushed away.

“No, I have to. No, I want to, for the greater good. Even if it kills me, Kiva must be stopped no matter the cost.” Tempest stated as Twilight sighed once more.

We now have the IXA system, and our secondary Rider. I'll give my thoughts on the design when the time is right.

Twilight has also added whistles like the ones used by Kiva to the system in order to fight Kiva with his own powers that she saw in texts. Tempest is certain that Kiva won't know what hit him because now she's a Kamen Rider too. Twilight gives her a kiss on the cheek and tells her to be careful, which causes them both to blush.

“I will. Don’t worry Twilight,” Tempest stated. “And it’s Kamen Rider IXA now.”

Okay, so I gotta comment on something here. In the next scene Fluttershy goes to the Gym, but Rook clearly only gave himself 20 minutes. Its clearly been way longer than 20 minutes at this point so, why is this still going on? Anyway, she finds that Rook has killed several ponies in the Gym and is laughing like a maniac. Of course he's happy to see her and he takes on his Fangire form, and now its Henshin time.

Video belongs to Toei.

Rook was so taken aback by this, with that being Fluttershy AKA Ponyville’s meekest resident actually being Kiva he just had to burst out laughing.

“So, you’re the infamous Kiva, the Silent Killer in the Night?” Rook laughed. “I’m sorry, I just need a minute to recollect myself and rebuild the reality that you just shattered like my fellow Fangire.”

That's a fair response, she's not the one I'd expect to be Kiva either if I didn't know who Kiva is in the show.

Fluttershy tells him that he's wanted by Blue Sky for mass murder pretty much, listing off his crimes and he finishes with the extinction of the Sirens. Fluttershy's personality undergoes a shift when she's in Kiva form, and she goes all out, angry at Rook for what happened to the Sirens. Rook is gleeful however about being able to kill Kiva, and the fight begins. I still suck at describing fights, but its a pretty good one, with the two exchanging banter.

“You know, you could help me if you were ever so inclined,” Rook offered as he fired needles from his claws like missiles with Kiva rolling out of the way. “I remember the original Kiva, what he was like. A real king of the monsters.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened under her helmet, before they narrowed. “I’d rather die before I submit to helping you in your sick games Rook.”

“Oh, don't be boring. Everyone that says that dies,” Rook sighed in a bored tone. “And honestly, you really think you can keep this up forever? Endure the scorn of everyone you know and love, just to save a few measly ponies who don’t matter in the end?” he snarled, and Fluttershy faltered for a moment, long enough for Rook to kick her through the walls and outside into the small spot of woodland behind the gym. “Yeah, I thought so, you’re hardly invincible. A far cry from the original Kiva."

“Funny, I heard different,” Fluttershy stated in a sassy tone regaining a little bit of her confidence as she grabbed a tree trunk, and pulled it out of the ground before smacking Rook with it sending him flying into a boulder. The boulder was smashed into rubble as Fluttershy tossed the tree trunk aside with a loud thud. “The original Kiva, my predecessor? Princess Luna managed to draw him to a standstill. And she didn’t even have the powers of a Rider. Guess we know who the true ruler of the night is, huh?”

Odd note really, in the show Kiva was a title and power given to the Fangire King. But hey this is a fanfic so let's just go with it.

Rook says she's lying, and Fluttershy says she made a promise to Ramon and the Sirens that she would avenge them. She goes after him with the Garulu Saber, Jiro's power, which makes her more feral. Rook says he's the hunter and one of the strongest of the Checkmate Four, and Fluttershy says he's the most arrogant. She then says that she knows she can't defeat him as she is, but that she can learn from her weaknesses and grow because of it, and break the chains that bind them.

Ah, so Fluttershy is actually a Sith, got it.

Rook taunts her more, but he's angry and it makes him reckless. The two clash again as Fluttershy keeps working to rile him up. However as she does, he manages to pin her and knock the saber out of her reach. Kivat flies up and knocks into Rook, telling him that the clock is ticking. And indeed, his watch counts down to 0, so he runs off. Fluttershy powers down, in pain from the fight, just as Tempest and some of the rest of the guard come running in.

Tempest finds Fluttershy injured from the fight and checks her over. Fluttershy, in hopes of not drawing suspicion, tells her that she had been attacked by Kiva. When Tempest asks how she survived Fluttershy says she played possum, and she notices the IXA belt, though Tempest says not to worry about it. Tempest checks on her one last time before going into the gym as another guard named Star Hunter brought Fluttershy to some medical staff to be healed.

“Hey Tempest, come look at this!” Flash Sentry’s voice had exclaimed as he picked up the Garulu Saber, and Tempest ran over to see just a little of it before something crimson flew by in a blinding blur of motion and swiped it from the pegasus’ hands.

“What the…?” Tempest murmured before she placed a hand to her chin and murmured: “Very interesting…”

Very interesting indeed.

Final Thoughts:

I really like this fic, it's an interesting take on Kamen Rider Kiva that plays a lot of its concepts straight, but still puts its own twist on it. This is actually earlier than IXA was introduced in the show itself, which is an interesting choice.

Fluttershy as Kiva as well as flavoring Jiro and Ramon to be more MLP themed makes a lot of sense. The story adapts the concepts of Kiva well without really requiring much knowledge of the source material as you can learn as you go. Overall, this is a good start to the story and I would highly recommend reading more of it. I'll try not to wait until next Halloween to revisit this, but there you have it. Destiny's Play is a very good story that shows a unique take on Kamen Rider in this setting.

Happy Halloween, and stay safe out there. Watch out for any vampires, or Fangires, on the hunt tonight.

TMLP-Destiny's Play
Ponyville, haunted by a masked killer that returns whenever the moon turns scarlet. Good ponies falling to his blade. Kiva's blade. Just one catch. The ponies? Fangires out for blood. Everyone has a devil inside. Question is, does Kiva?
The Bricklayer · 68k words  ·  38  15 · 1.9k views
Comments ( 6 )

Ooooh, thank you sis, and Happy Halloween.

...not as harsh as I was expecting really.

5389742 You're welcome, and why would I be? I do like the fic, and you should know my policy, I don't review fics I don't like, especially after the... review of fics by a certain writer that shall go unnamed. *shudders*

And of course, Happy Halloween.

I think I'll take this under consideration cuz I always wanted to read the story but for some reason the fact that Fluttershy is Kiva some reason it ruins it for me I think it's a personal preferences cuz I like it better when the actual Riders comes in and join the main five but I always wanted to give this series a try.

P.S. I agree with you with it not being the darkest kamen rider series that's obviously has to go to Kamen Rider shin

5390524 Or Amazons from what I've heard... Build is up there too... Gaim... Faiz... Ryuki... Kiva's not even in the top 5.

Personally I prefer original Riders, or characters taking up the mantle like here, but to each their own.

Ryuki and faiz definitely, build I'm not quite sure of, gaim gets dark towards the end, and Amazons honestly isn't really that dark once you get past the blood it's more or less dramatic but Shin takes the whole cake

5390535 Shin was also a movie not a full series unlike the rest of them. Still, Kiva is a good thing to visit around Halloween given its roots in classic horror stories.

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