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TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous

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  • 32 weeks
    Collabing with my editor...

    who doesn't want to be anonymous anymore for the foreseeable future. Refer to the new tagged story and go say hi to him.

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  • 33 weeks
    It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?

    Despite my deafening silence, i still lurk this place... yet a recent proposition from my anonymous editor, who plans not to be anonymous much longer, will have me coming back to this place more and more in the future. What's the deal? You'll see eventually.

    Also are Private Messages broken? I can't PM any of my site friends. :raritydespair:

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  • 107 weeks
    Dealing with suicides is never easy.

    It really isn't.

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  • 118 weeks
    Taking 2 story commissions (both slots filled)

    Meant to start this last month but never got around to doing such thanks to life being too busy to focus on side projects, however with March around the corner and things easing up, I've decided to open up commissions again. Much like how I usually take commissions, I'll open myself up to writing any genre and/or fetishes my customer is interested in at a rate of $16/1,000 words. I will

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  • 119 weeks
    Gift from my editor in regards to Verity

    Sometimes the smallest of gifts are ones that you'll cherish for a long time.

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Marenheit 451 Art Pack · 12:48am Jul 17th, 2020

One thing before we begin... Congratulations to those who tried to cancel Aryanne... your actions only made more art of her.

What is this?
Higher ups on the site have deemed it is safe to send the link via PM. If you wanna make a purchase, shot me a PM.
Simple, back when the censorship nonsense started up on Derpibooru, a fair amount of people decided to fight back against it. The purpose was to promote free speech and the end result was over 200 images that mainly feature Aryanne.

How much will it cost?
It's donation based and will be pay-what-you-want.

What charity?
Days End Farm Horse Rescue.

Does the pack contain NSFW?
Both SFW and NSFW stuff are included.

I'll be posting my story contribution up tomorrow.

Report TittySparkles · 3,723 views ·
Comments ( 161 )


It's amazing how much spite does.

Georg #3 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 3 ·

5310726 I think we got a president out of it. (Which may or may not be bad, depending on how you look at it.)

Wydril #4 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 1 ·

It's been out for an hour and already raised about $3,000 for charity.

Edit: as of 7/22, over $12,000 has been raised, with most of it going to help actual horses.


Honestly? It feels like nothing really changed with Trump in charge.

And I feel like the last few years and covid would have played out probably the same if it was Hillary.

In other words, we've a president who was like the last several presidents: full of hot air and no action. Yes, I include Obama in that.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I'm buying this on principle.


Huh. I'll need to look at that later.


~Skeeter The Lurker

Looks like the Streisand Effect, the Cobra effect, or the Forbidden Fruit effect. Draw attention, try to fix, or forbid it, and the situation gets worse. Honestly, its like nobody who makes decisions has ever been a child, because if they had been, they would know that human nature is to do whatever you are told not to.

Aquaman #10 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 33 ·


You realize in this metaphor, all of you are the children, right? The stubborn still-developing minds who insist on being contrary even potentially to their own detriment?

Under normal circumstances I would be defending my president tooth and nail, however while I still support him I just can't bring up an argument at the moment because now's not the time for that. I think Trump has done more for America than Biden has in the 40 years he's been in government, and that's all I'll say in the matter.

Glad to have my art go to a good cause. Both comical and lewd. Kek.

I was completely indifferent to Aryanne (political ponies in general aren't my cup of tea) before this debacle blew up, but pleading her case against the censors caused her to grow on me. I suspect I'm not the only one.

Yeah like, people have ponfied worse, and she was moreso a parody of Nazis than meant to be "Heil Hitler let's support the Fuhrer!"

Oh, nice! This is actually really cool! The fact that it all goes to charity is also a good bonus lol. Definitely buying this on principal alone. I suppose I also put myself down for Fimfiction gold out of the same principal; figured I would finally show some financial support to the site that has been my life for the past 8 years since they haven't done the same bullshit that derpi has. Hopefully it stays that way, would hate for this site to be ruined by the actual fascists that are actually censoring stuff.

The only reason I want Him to win again is because that means I win a $200 betting pool.

Georg #17 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 6 ·

5310748 Speaking of which, dad. Our allowance is past due again. And I've been washing the dishes, honest.
5310860 And it makes the news reporters turn such fascinating colors. I swear, one of them is going to break a blood vessel on screen some evening, Acosta in particular.
5310777 Ponyfans tend to be a dramatically contrarian bunch. I know I wouldn't want to even try to be in charge.
5310761 That's an awfully low bar to clear. :pinkiehappy:
5310732 .... You have a point.

If you want to support free speech, bail funds are a far more effective charity to donate to. Many, many protestors are being brutalized and jailed on fabricated charges for exercising their free speech rights. Getting tear gassed, shot with contact munitions, assaulted with blunt weapons, detained, jailed, and charged with crimes that incur expensive legal fees are tactics for suppressing speech that are used by repressive regimes all over the world. It is quite a bit worse than having your art deleted from a website! Bail funds help by allowing people to operate freely while they fight fabricated charges.


I realize that many "free speech" people are only interested in defending white supremacist free speech. But for those who aren't, please give to those who need it most.

Charity for horses!!!

Wydril #20 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 6 ·

Freedom of expression is not freedom from consequences, didn't ya know?

After you make this Nazi terrorism art pack, are you going to make an ISIS one to be consistent?

Oh, you mean the protestors like the ones in Portland, who stood outside the door of a federal courthouse with a hammer, waiting to bash a federal agent's head in? Those protestors? The ones who set fire to entire neighborhoods, looted those same neighborhoods, murdered innocent bystanders, violated so many laws a majority of them are lucky they're not seeing worse charges coming down the pipes on their heads? Those protestors? Yeah no thanks. Hit them with the biggest book of laws and be done with it.

Remember, the Bill of Rights guarantees your right to PEACEFUL Protestation for a redress of grievances. The moment one throws a brick, it is no longer a peaceful assembly of the people. The law has been clear on this for some 200 years now.

:rainbowlaugh: Cute nonsequitur. Really. Must of taken you ages to come up with that one.

It's not an effective usage of funds, because while it is true to some extent their freedom of speech has been hampered (if we ignore the millions in damage that simply don't make sense for peaceful protests, and I've been in peaceful protests), If you have to invest into artists supporting freedom of speech... and anti freedom of speech activists, it is clear that the second can wait.

While I respect and advocate my fellow American's right to protest, the protestors themselves must be aware and take steps to negate as best they can to counteract the individuals and factions that would use them for ulterior motives.

More to your point, many of the individuals being released themselves admitted to doing felony charges like assault, arson, and what would in any other time be attempted murder, are going free with a slap on the wrist. So no, I will not help these people out. And the actual innocent protestors either should have organized their movement better or not come out at all. It would be a very poor idea to, for example, preach about the gospels of Jesus Christ in an Iranian square or audibly belch at someone's wedding just as the groom and bride are about to kiss. There is a time and place for everything.

I realize that many "free speech" people are only interested in defending white supremacist free speech.

This is quite interesting. White supremacist free speech is not a thing that exists. It's like saying that a ball that is only one solid color, is both blue and yellow at the same time. These two things cannot coexist in parallel. Additionally, free speech isn't for white people due to their being no descriptors in the Bill of Rights or elsewhere that state something along the lines of "only white people are permitted to enjoy free speech". Everyone in America is permitted free speech, and actively benefit from it regardless of any individual traits they may or may not share with others.

I'm happy for all those who participated in this pack. Definitely a good cause.

Im not donating to any fake cause relating to recent events, especially not when in the disguise of bailing terrorist out of jail. They aren't fake charges, the dumbasses record every crime they commit and put it on twitter.
Protestors get arrested then get out with a slap on the wrist. Rioters need to be charged. Unfortunately, these mayors are refusing to do so. So now we've got people being arrested 3 or 4 times and just being released. No consequences
The riots would be long over if certain local leaders did their damn jobs.

Free speech is all speech.
Hate speech, supremacist speech, don't exist under that. Just because we defend the right for them to speak, doesn't mean others can't. It's just that every other group gets the pass but the white people when it comes to racist shit. No need to defend what the public refuse to condemn.

Isn't this that woman that caved to certain groups and tried telling me that I NEED to be actively anti-racist, while also claiming to be libertarian? No thanks mate, I'll take big bad orange man over that bull. One of these days we'll get an actual libertarian politician. The dream.

I can't help but imagine the reaction of Days End Farm Horse Rescue workers when they get the money. "We have received a big donation from, uhh... people drawing a horse with a swastika on her butt" :rainbowlaugh:

"Marenheit 451... the temperature where fandoms burn!"

O judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts and men have lost their reason.

Anyone gonna point out that Mr Bradbury wrote Farenhiet 451 partially in response to Nazi book burnings so running a pun off that book in a project about a Nazi pone is probably in poor taste?


the "anti-censorship" artpack they're trying to put together has a promo image, the original sketch that was on Derpibooru (left) was a little different compared to what the final promo image is (right). this is what y'all are siding with when you support Aryanne


Trust me, they know full well what they're doing.

R5h #33 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 29 ·

Jesus Christ, TS, stop siding with Nazis for five fucking minutes.

Trump is actively suppressing the CDC's ability to deliver clear information about the coronavirus, which will undoubtedly lead to thousands more deaths in the US at minimum. His acting DHS secretary has sent unidentified troops in unidentified vehicles to snatch people off the streets in Portland, like a fascist police state would. Those are two examples of horrible awful things he's done in the past week. So when you say 'nothing changed under Trump', it boggles my mind to think of how willfully blind you must be.

I'd have at least given irony points if the charity was Life After Hate or something.

Looking at your upvote/downvote ratio, I can't help but think of that 'they hated him because he told the truth' meme.

That's what's kind of interesting about this turn of events: The pro-free speech side is supporting a nazi pony and the pro-censorship side is actively acting like nazis and attempting to abolish the art with which they disagree along with all dissenting opinion.

R5h #38 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 18 ·

So let me get this straight.
Acceptable, cool and good consequences: Police shooting protesters in the face, tear gassing them, plowing into them with cars, cracking open the skulls of innocent old men, etc. And also, unidentified armed thugs in unmarked vehicles grabbing people off the street.

Unacceptable consequences, clearly evidence of a world gone mad: Not being allowed to post Nazi propaganda on a horse-themed image website.

Does that sum it up?


Please note I never said he was a good president or person.

And citations needed.

~Skeeter The Lurker

R5h #40 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 1 ·

So, do you still say that Trump didn't change things?

This is disgusting well now we know which artist to never support again also any have a list of artist in this pack?

Wait you're part of this so you're a nazi supporter then? I thought you were just anti-censorship

Wydril #43 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 11 ·


I'd have at least given irony points if the charity was Life After Hate or something.

At least you'd have given something to charity then. :derpytongue2:
You're not very good at reading, are you? Begging the question fallacy right there.

Charity shouldn't make money like this it is actually making me feel disgusted


"Bradbury imagined a democratic society whose diverse population turns against books: Whites reject Uncle Tom’s Cabin and blacks disapprove of Little Black Sambo. He imagined not just political correctness, but a society so diverse that all groups were “minorities.” He wrote that at first they condensed the books, stripping out more and more offending passages until ultimately all that remained were footnotes, which hardly anyone read. Only after people stopped reading did the state employ firemen to burn books."

- An Interview with Amy E. Boyle Johnston LA Times May 30 2007.

He saw cancel culture comeing and was actively trying to warn people about the slippery slope of continuing to censors things that smaller and smaller groups deem offensive and how it would consume media whole leaveing behind bland, souless opiates turning people into weakminded children unable to deal with being challanged.

Wydril #46 · Jul 17th, 2020 · · 8 ·

So you want abused animals to stay abused and not receive any help?

Why do you support animal abuse?

yeah but its nazis and they is something no one should defend as they actively went to slaughter people, so defending them at all is saying you support it

5311315 I don't but there are better ways to help then supporting nazis
why do you support nazis?

Ah, yes, I'm sure the charitiy will love to recieve support from the Nazi Pony Art Pack by /mlp/ Cryptofascists. :twilightsmile:

Acting like Nazis by...wanting to remove Nazi pony pictures.
Huh. Who would've thought.

these people aren't part of the fandom they just want to bring hate

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