• Member Since 19th Jul, 2018
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Jay Watson

Fan Writer of My Little Pony

More Blog Posts29


Finally! Chapter 9 is posted; it took me long enough and I lost 2 followers!! · 2:43am Jul 5th, 2020

Hi everypony! Happy Fourth of July to you all and also celebrating the 1-year birthaversery of this story. Wow! I never thought I would still be going on this story but, here I am! I'm really sorry it took so long to get this story updated! The delay was due to the pandemic, loosing my job, getting a new job, finding a new place to live and basically get my life in order once more. My editor and I could not collaborate easily on the chapters due to the lockdown and the general panic that had gripped everypony out there.

Now that I'm working steadily again and got in some serous time with my editor finally after two months, I finally got chapter 9 edited and posted. It was almost twice the size that it is now; I had written about 500 pages while locked up in a small apartment while waiting for permission to go out and/or going to interviews for jobs. We plowed though 3 edits/rewrites in two weeks time and that's freed me up to work on later chapters material and move the story forward.

I hope everypony enjoys reading this and posts a comment to the string as I always like hearing if what I'm coming up with is interesting to read or not. I'm never sure if if sounds good or if it comes of sounding too corny or sappy in some way. I'm trying to write about 'believeable' friends and how that friendship can grow and be challenged by a difficult situation. When the flying begins, there's going to be a lot of egos on display and that's going to cause tension for sure. The next part(s) are with my editor right now and Chapter 10 should hopefully come about in the next 2 weeks or there so. Stay tuned for more, everypony!

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