• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
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More Blog Posts126

  • 24 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 48 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 72 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 80 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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  • 87 weeks
    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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Today's my 28th birthday · 2:40pm May 19th, 2020

Yaaaaaay- well not really a "yay", don't really celebrate birthdays. But considering that the last time I made blog post about my birthday 3 years ago and it was a bit more pessimistic, I figured I could make this one, celebrating my 10 years of being an adult, seeing how it should be mostly optimistic this time.

Soo yeah, ten years of being an adult. Wow, being an adult SUCKS xD Well, don't get me wrong, I have a stable job, and even though I still live with my mom I do have a roof over my head and quite comfortable living, so I can't really complain. Granted, the longer I live the more bullshit I see in the world, in politics especially, but it would all still be there if I was a kid right now.

Also, on a hilarious note, a huge majority of my adult life was basically dedicated to a show about talking colorful ponies xD So yeah, try and figure how that works xD

But anyway, as I said, unlike in my post 3 years ago, I have a stable job now, and last year I finally got a driving license, so I guess I'm not as useless as I made myself in that post. Still don't have a girlfriend, but now that I had time to recover after that awful experience I bitched about 3 years ago this doesn't bother me THAT much. That being said I am thinking more and more about just trying out Tinder or something, on the off chance I'd somehow find a girl that would be messed up enough to date me somewhere close by, but considering current events I'll probably wait a few more months (will have house to myself for a few weeks in August so maybe then). Oh, and still don't really have friends, but now I basically talk everyday with people at work and been even bawling with them, we would have gone a second time but then the epidemy starter so we had to cancel. And I've been making blog posts more frequently and bothering all of you with my shit telling you about stuff, so thanks for reading and special thanks to the few who comment under them^^

Soo yeah, that's about it. Don't really have that much to tell. I do have a few updates about shows I watch and games I play and stuff, buuut I'll write them down when I make a blog post about a chapter being done. On that note, chapter for Infinite Potential is about half-way done^^ So you get that to look forward to, I think I should get it done before the end of May, then a week or two for the team to look over it and it will be published^^

Comments ( 17 )

Happy birthday :twilightsmile:

Wait! Seriously!? My 28th Birthday is on the 24th of this month!

Congratulations dude.

Congrats on another year of livin'! Good to know life is doing you well better than in the past anyway. :twilightsmile:

happy birthday ! (sorry if i am late :facehoof:)

Happy birthday catxBorsuq

Happy(?) birthday? :)

"but it would all still be there if I was a kid right now"
Yeah, I do wonder what it's like being a kid right now. I mean, so many things seem so different than when I was one.

"Also, on a hilarious note, a huge majority of my adult life was basically dedicated to a show about talking colorful ponies xD So yeah, try and figure how that works xD"
Same here! :D

Good luck with the relationship thing.

You're welcome for reading (and commenting). :)

And thanks for the update!

HB Borsuq. Yeah, being an adult sucks ass. Hang in there :twilightsmile:


Ah dammit, planned to reply on the exact date, sorry, forgot :twilightsheepish: Anyway, Happy (late) Birthday^^


Thanks, no worries about being late, see how long it takes me to get around to reply to comments :twilightsheepish:




Oh man, I am glad to not be a kid right now, actually. You have NO idea what kind of bullshit my goverment is doing to schools, having reformed educational system from 6 years elementary, 3 middle high school, and 3 highshool (like in Japan (?) I think), to the more common 8 years of elementary and 4 years of high school. Which I could get behind with, always though this system is better... but they made this change within THREE YEARS after they came up with this shit, not preperring the schools properly and leaving this all to teachers and municipal goverments. Then there is all about raining shits on teachers (because hey, smart people don't vote for them anyway, so why give shit about teachers, right?)... still, not as moronic as what they are doing to Sex Ed, which wasn't the best in this backwater country to begin with, there is a book they recommend where it reads that "sperm is good for woman skin" or something along those lines :facehoof: Oh, and lately the pro-life fascists pushed a project into parliament to have sex ed be punishable by 3 years in prison :facehoof::facehoof::facehoof:




No problem^^



Ah, sorry.
(Interesting regarding the year divisions; the American district I was in did 5-3-4.)
Ah, yeah. "Hey, here's a massive change to the educational system we're forcing you to make; get it done right away! What? No, you figure out how; you're the teachers, after all!"
I'm not sure whether yours Sex Ed classes would still be better than what I had in the rural United States, though (though I don't remember details from them).
...Three years, in prison, for teaching sex ed? ...Okay! Even having that getting proposed in parliament? I think you "win" that contest above after all! Congratulations?


And :), :), and :). :)

Oh really? I thought in America it was 8-4 :twilightsheepish:
Yeah, that's exactly how they do things, when things don't work out or work out poorly they put blame on municipal level and their "lack of cooperation", but when stuff does work out, they claim it's thanks to them and don't even mention municipal or whoever else played part.
Well, I'm 90% sure that I didn't have Sex Ed at ALL when I was in school, I vaguely remember having HIV and AIDS talked over but not sex in general, so everything is debatable ;p
Actually I oversimplified this a bit. Their project doesn't specifically say that Sex Ed teachers would get sentenced for 3 years in prison, rather, that "encouraging minors to engage in sexual activities" will be punishable up to 3 years in prison. However, teaching Sex Ed falls under the definition those facist catholic morons put in their project for "encouraging minors to engage in sexual activities" -_- But of course, still nothing is being done about priests who molest children, despite having now TWO documentaries (that came out within a span of a single year) revealing many cases and how church in Poland protects those fucks! (no seriously, my mom has a friend that had been molested by a priest when she was a kid, and after she told my mom about it - after realizing that she had been molested; took watching the first documentary for that to kick in, apparently - my mom asked her how she can still send her daughter to attend religion class in school, she replied "Why shouldn't I?" THIS IS HOW RETARDED MY COUNTRY IS ABOUT CHURCH!!!)
Sorry about the little rant, but just thinking about this bullshit makes me angry :twilightsheepish: Anyway, fortunately, the project hadn't been outright accepted by the parliament, the fucks send it to some subcommittee to look it over, so that they won't piss off half of country by accepting it or the other half for rejecting it right before elections for president.

I think it varies from district to district? I'm not sure; I do know mine wasn't that, though. As I recall, my middle school (6-8) did have an elementary school next to it, but they were separate, and I myself went to a different elementary school in the area.

Ugh. Sorry.

[shrugs] I don't recall much from the class either.

Ugh. Sorry.

No, really? Hypocrites actively protecting child molesters while declaring sex education evil makes you angry? I can't imagine why...

Ah, well, that's... good? Not as bad as it could have been, at least, sounds like.

Ah, I see.



[shrugs] ;p

It honestly is hard to tell sometimes if it's hypocrisy or sheer idiocy sometimes, but oh well.

Yeah, but I fear that if they win the presidential election they will do accept it, since they'll have a few years before next important elections comes up and will start to pretend to care for everybody. Oh well


"It honestly is hard to tell sometimes if it's hypocrisy or sheer idiocy sometimes, but oh well."
Sorry either way.

Annd about that too. Good luck...

Yeah, well, what can you do. I mean, I do have this idea to allow people to vote based on their IQ level, but I somehow doubt such project would pass any parliament... I mean, moral issues aside, politicians want stupid people to vote xD


Heh, aye. :)


Happy late birthday

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