• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
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Former research biologist who now spends his time dissecting electronics and rolling around in poison ivy.

More Blog Posts308

  • 16 weeks
    The last research paper I worked on has published at last.

    The process is REALLY slow. I finished all my work on this 3 years ago.


    This one uses a lot of my histology and in-situ hybridization with RNAscope results.

    But no more science for me. Now I build houses and driveways... and rip them apart too! It's a sort of yin-yang thing I've got going here.

    6 comments · 196 views
  • 22 weeks
    A comedic scene from a new Clouseua story I'm fiddling with...

    I just came up with this, and imagining Peter Sellers delivering the line had me laughing for 5 minutes straight.

    Clouseau, "For you see, the murderer was... the bullet!"

    Guy in room, "The bullet?"

    Clouseau, "Of course, no one would suspect the bullet of firing itself!"

    Woman in room, "But that... that's madness!"

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    2 comments · 144 views
  • 40 weeks

    Only the Pirate King could do it...

    It's as good as possible. You cannot do such a goofy anime any better than this, and it's GREAT! I friggin LOVED it.

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    10 comments · 235 views
  • 41 weeks
    Last call for Bronycon items up on Ebay!

    I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items Sept 1st to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP!

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    0 comments · 117 views
  • 46 weeks
    Last Bronycon items up on Ebay!

    I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items at the end of the summer to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP! Around Sept 1 is when the MLP items are

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    0 comments · 150 views

And this is how Coronachan could've been much much worse · 2:52am Mar 20th, 2020

The Great Influenza was not any seasonal flu. It killed 3% of the ENTIRE WORLD'S POPULATION. Fatality rate between 20-30% of infected people. They died ripping their diaphragms and spewing blood. Some died within 12 hours of showing the first symptoms.

The modern world would NEVER withstand such a plague today.

It is very foolish to think technology has made us invulnerable. If anything, it's allowed us to be easier to topple.

EDIT 4-16-2020 Coronachan now KNOWN to have originated from the Wuhan lab! HA! CALLED IT!! They can't keep this hidden much longer.

The real truth is that it was a bioweapon in development, and we're lucky that their safety was so dismal and it escaped before it was completed.

Think, the ORIGINAL excuse was that it was a mutant bat virus that came from a filthy wet market. That's how they excused the FACT that this virus' genetic sequence contains PIECES OF OTHER VIRAL DNA INSERTED INTO IT!! You see, the Chinese scum claimed, with all that blood and stuff from so many animals and viruses mixing in human scrapes and inhalation, perhaps the virus recombined that way! See, just natural!

But now that we KNOW ABSOLUTELY it came from this lab, the ONLY way those viral fragments could have come together is THAT THEY WERE DELIBERATE GENETIC INSERTS!! The only reason to create such a virus would be AS A BIOWEAPON, because it would be useless in the development of a vaccine against a natural virus which wouldn't contain those sequences!This fact WILL come out by mid-May. They can't hide it much longer. So they'll need a cover story. The CCP will put the blame on a 'rogue scientists' who was 'radicalized' by some group China wants to oppress more severely (like Uyghurs), and they'll execute him within days before he can proclaim his innocence to anyone. The MSM will then dutifully declare this a fact, and that we were all just victims of this one madman. China will promise more oversight, and then be much cleverer about making their NEXT bioweapon.

In fact, the foundation for the coverstory is already being manufactured. In this post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpPgqPLFEXY Note that in the WaPo story, there is a mention that they Chinese knew there was 'risky research being conducted with coronaviruses'... so they can now blame poor oversight allowing a rogue scientist to create and release the virus. Probably the scientist who's been called 'Patient Zero' for some time now. Hell, they might even take a page from Killary's book and have him 'suicided', with a convenient confession note no one outside China will ever be able to examine.

China must pay for this evil perpetrated against the rest of the world, and we cannot permit their vile co-conspirators, the traitors in our nations who cover for them time and again, to give them cover this time. Because next time, they might be able to complete the virus. Then we won't get another chance.

Major intelligence agencies have been fearing a genetically-engineered bioweapon for a long time: https://www.hsdl.org/?abstract&did=706495

The gene-editing tech and computational molecular modeling of today makes it frighteningly easy to get very close to a working bioweapon with just a few trial runs. After you've gotten your set of mutant candidate germs, it's only a matter of narrowing down the most deadly.

Comments ( 15 )

It is very foolish to think technology has made us invulnerable. If anything, it's allowed us to be easier to topple.

Until humanity perfects Nanobot technology.

Also, I prefer the six-part Extra History videos about the 1918 flu.

If 3% doesn't sound like much to you, consider that it's more people than currently live in the US. For all that Alondro is a legitimate scientist, that just means he's too smart to understand how much he needs to dumb things down for the masses.

Speaking of history, today I was at a meeting with the workers of a quarantine centre which was also attended by the doctor, who said that Spanish flu was brought to Europe by American soldiers who came here to fight Hitler. I just didn't have the heart to tell him that he got the world wars mixed up...

Going deeper into history, I told my coworkers that people are locking themselves at home like it's the Decameron, but pretty much none of them got this reference (but then, most of them fail to spot a Harry Potter reference, so I have no hopes about 14th century literature).

5224307 Or we create super-weapons who will cleanse all imperfections from the species!

Because what could possibly go wrong?


Ok, what could go wrong besides the weapons finding imperfections in everyone and exterminating all life on the planet? Come on! Where's your sense of adventure? :pinkiecrazy:

To be fair, at least one soldier in WW1 had Hitler dead to rights but didn't bother to pull the trigger.

Well, they kinda shot his ball off...

Is Decameron like 10 clones of James Cameron? :derpytongue2:

5224925 It's interesting to note that, had WWI either not happened, or taken place a few years later under different starting conditions, Hitler would've never been anything more than a struggling artist, or maybe turned to architectural design.

No one would ever have known his name.

I must invent time travel to play with causality.... :pinkiecrazy:

You'll have to stop WW1 from happening entirely. Its resolution made WW2 inevitable, and millions of people will still die. Also, antisemitism will be more socially acceptable, because the years following the Holocaust were probably the first time it wasn't since there started being Semites to anti.

5225273 Oh I'm sure I'll think of something. Anyway, time to meddle with time!

What could possibly go wrong? :trollestia:

It's surprising how much we think alike Alandro, as i was also compairing the corona virus to the blue flu.

5234362 How few people even know one of the nicknames for it was the Blue Flu, due to how people near death were hypoxic from lack of pulmonary gas exchange?

Wait... Discord used that as a joke... more proof that Discord is from OUR WORLD!! :pinkiegasp:

While I doubt that he's actually from here, he's definitely aware of us so I feel the distinction is moot even without Operation Fourth Wall acting as a barrier.

5234990 Did Discord create Coronachan to destroy us and bring about Horse World 2.0? :rainbowderp:

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