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On the Sliding Scale Of Cynicism Vs. Idealism, I like to think of myself as being idyllically cynical. (Patreon, Ko-Fi.)

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'verse-to-date sexuality: because we need all the '!UNFOLLOW!' information in one place · 2:25pm Jan 4th, 2020

As the final scene in the latest story seems to have created both some confusion and a chance to get people really angry with me, I thought this would be a good time to review the established sexualities of the cast.

...and down by two already. I meant the sexuality of the cast as established within the 'verse.

...and down by four. Let's see if I can finish this blog post before reaching zero.

The Mane Cast

Applejack: heterosexual (but had some early minor experimentation)
Fluttershy: 'through the window, streaking towards the horizon'
Pinkie: pansexual
Rainbow: reciprosexual
Rarity: bi-curious
Spike: pony-curious (but it's the crush stage: he's too young for hormones)
Twilight: "Given recent events, I really don't want to talk about this right now."


Apple Bloom: "Ah said 'Drop it.'"
Bon-Bon: homosexual
Cakes: "We're married with three children. What do you think?"
Caramel: heterosexual (but nearly experimented once) with pegasus focus, vaguely griffon-curious
Diamond: "There's too much changing without having to think about that too."
Dulci: "Not again."
Flitter: "Like anypony's good enough."
Flower Trio: "Sex is scary! It's part of how They get you!" (but all three have cuddled with each other)
Goldie: heterosexual with BDSM fetish, might experiment with 'the right mare'.
Joyous: bisexual/repressed
Lyra: bisexual
Macintosh: homosexual
Marigold: heterosexual (but willing to flirt)
Mr. Rich: heterosexual
Ratchette: "I had The Caramel Experience. That was enough to make me rethink everything, and that was before that earth pony attacked."
Snails: heterosexual
Snowflake: heterosexual
Sweetie: "...Fleur's really pretty..."
Zecora: currently celibate


Celestia: heterosexual/celibate
Chocolate & Vanilla: little bit married
Cluster: homosexual
Fleur: bisexual with pansexual leanings, has some experience with other species
Luna: bisexual/celibate
Nightwatch: "Not centaurs. Um. And you're not funny."

Report Estee · 1,918 views ·
Comments ( 87 )

vaguely griffon-curious

If that's not a fic it needs to be.

Zecora: currently celibate
Celestia: heterosexual/celibate
Luna: bisexual/celibate

Luna and Celestia I kinda understand, but why Zecora? Sure, being in the middle of the everfree doesn't help, but there's ponyville... Oh.

Well, you have my support still.

I could have sworn that Celestia was at least vaguely bi, based on a conversation she had with Luna in Mark of Appeal, or am I remembering that wrong?

Author Interviewer

Not knowing who many of these characters are, I really appreciate "little bit married" XD


Well, everypony within a quarter mile of Joyous was into mares.

Estee #7 · Jan 4th, 2020 · · ·


When you're twelve hundred and ninety-four years old and one of the most important entities on the planet, multiple chances to experiment can be presumed to have come along. Celestia's had both time and opportunity to define her own interests. You know an argument between the sisters has reached the breaking point when the phrase "World's oldest virgin!" signs off on the declaration of sibling war. There's also been a time-marched parade of those who dearly want to experiment with her, and more than a few ruling morons have tried to enforce national pacts via wedding. That never ends well.

Fetishes for being with alicorns exist, but the term 'alicorn fetish' is also used as shorthoof for anypony who wants what they're never going to have. There are hundred of jealous ponies who loathe Shining and if he's very lucky, he won't have to meet any more of them.

Fluttershy: 'through the window, streaking towards the horizon'

I'm going to assume that this means Fluttercord... or it's not a metaphor and it's another pony unwilling to answer the question, but that doesn't not mean Fluttercord so...

Apple Bloom: "Ah said 'Drop it.'"

It's Silver Spoon or Diamond Tiara. Probably Silver Spoon but I'm personally rooting for Diamond Tiara. Not necessarily for it to work out, but it's the funniest option and she's barely had a presence in the last few years.

Sweetie: "...Fleur's really pretty..."


Celestia: heterosexual/celibate

NOOOOOOO— Eh, I'll find a way.

It's a completely accurate description of the situation w. Doctors Bear.

Most of these are amazing. I’m super curious who Apple Bloom is crushing on. Her character growth was the best part of Duet.

Of course, everything in Anchor Foal is /the best/. Sweetie’s budding crush is such a minor part so far, but it’s adorable. I’d love to see the conversation where she confides her first fillyhood crush to Rarity.

Well, yes, but that was special circumstances. That flower had magically supercharged Joyous Release's sex appeal. EVERYONE was attracted to her

Cakes: "We're married with three children. What do you think?"

1. Pinkie is adopted, YOU weren't the birth parents
2. According to some, it means "You're in the closet"

Honestly, I thought you had published a story that I had missed.
So I was confused when your link led me to the "drunken balloon story".

People seriously got agro with you for that ??

I think I interpreted that scene as you intended it - an innocent sharing of a bed. No sexual strings attached.

Wait did people seriously get upset with obvious Trollestia at the ending of the tale!?

Ah, the Internet. If it can get people mad, it will, and everything can get people mad.

Dulci: "Not again."

Ow. Understandable, but I felt the history behind those words.

We've definitely seen one Estee fic where Bloom and Silver ended up together, though the Continuum has veered away from the events that would lead to them getting together in that specific instance. Of course, it also implies certain feelings between Silver and Diamond. Mind you, I definitely recall a few comments in A Confederacy of Dunce Caps that implied that a lot of ponies will want Diamond in a few years. Which she likely views as only logical.

Nah, one guy tried to find a way to make the drunk guys into victims.

Celestia: heterosexual/celibate

The hull shuddered as it was rent open by the collision. A torrent of water rushed in through the newly created gap. Though the crew was in denial, their fate was sealed. After the crew finally evacuated in their lifeboats, it didn't take long for the stern to disappear beneath the waves.

The ship has sunk.

We will have our revenge.

Internet madness, try not to take it to heart.

Estee, if someone is so shallow as to unfollow you just because of how you portray characters in any of your stories, I wouldn't worry about you losing them, if I were you.
There are quite a number of us that appreciate your efforts as a writer and you as a person.

Feh, to the unfollowers!


...Someone tried to make the drunken, clearly disruptive, clearly not caring about anypony other than themselves frat brats into victims.



If that's not a fic it needs to be.

Caramel And The Griffon Experience

At least there would never be a question as to which partner was dominant.


People seriously got agro with you for that ??

Let's say there was some misplaced hope. A few people were hoping it was the setup for getting Celestia & Twilight together.

BTW, as of this posting: down one follower, but picked another up. So currently breaking even. However...


...it's a running joke to claim that anything definitive will remove someone.
And I have lost followers on blogs before.
Also for writing a Flash Sentry story.
No, really. Had someone walk out right there.


"So we'll just make a spell which changes Twilight into a stallion!"
"Did you see what shapechange does to ponies in this 'verse?"
"...@#$%ing writer."

You have Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, but not Scootaloo? That seems odd, especially since Scootaloo is now living with the Apples.

vaguely griffon-curious

For his own sake, let's hope he never pursues that curiosity. His relationships end with the female wanting to kill him. Having that with a sapient that is capable of literally disemboweling him, and prone toward aggression, and it may finally happen.

Although... I suppose it's also possible that she would be the dominant one of the relationship, and force him to do what he needs to, or else!


It's more that Scootaloo has never openly expressed a thought on the matter, where AB and Sweetie have given hints. (Which, BTW, is the reason I didn't list Miranda. Her first reaction to the question might be "Time for dating? That's a nice fantasy. Actually dating? I'm pretty sure that's when the Ursa Minors show up.") She genuinely isn't looking yet, and may not have even thought about it too much. Marks are so much more important!

Regardless, a good part of Ponyville is living in dread of the day they all start dating. As Macintosh noted, there's a certain concern about having them seek their somepony in that established Crusader way...

Caramel: heterosexual (but nearly experimented once) with pegasus focus, vaguely griffon-curious

There are a number of birds that engage in an activity called cartwheeling. A pair will fly together, lock talons, and attempt to get the deed done before they hit the ground.

For cats and lions, when the male dismounts, the female will turn and try to claw his face off.

I am now picturing Caramel in that fuzzy state of post-coital bliss, limping into the Ponyville hospital and just saying “totally worth it...” before collapsing.

Meanwhile Gilda tells a horrified/fascinated Dash, “Meh, I’ve had better.”

I'm curious as to how Mark-falling affects the birthrate. Probably not a huge amount, but if a chunk of the population is inclined to be hikki savants...

A phrase that is both the driving theme of a fic and its title, all wrapped up like a present.

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas,
Dear Estee gave to m~e...

I suppose some folks have very strong opinions. That's just...bizarre!
I myself just enjoy the entertainment that a good writer can bring to any story. It may not be my favorite ship or characters or subject, but It is the story and how the tale is told .


As Macintosh noted, there's a certain concern about having them seek their somepony in that established Crusader way...

I just recoiled irl

*angrily grabs scroll off the top of a pile of them and unrolls it, trailing it out the door*
Ahem, allow me to begin my dissertation on fanfics rewriting characters' sexualities, part one of thirty-four...

But in all seriousness, it's your world, your depiction, and it's always interesting to see parts of characters which might be a curiosity, but hardly the only aspect about them people like - and if they take umbrage with it for whatever reason...fine? There's plenty of fics in the sea that likely cater to their tastes, so...

Really? Granted I haven’t had time to read Tryptych yet but I was under the impression Celestia low key HATED Twilight.

Aw, poor Flutters "gives her a hug"

Thank you so, sooo much for not shipping those two. It's such a tired, weird ship.

to me

Sorry there was a bit of bother over the ending of the story.
(And I did wonder, so thanks for the information.)

"Caramel And The Griffon Experience

At least there would never be a question as to which partner was dominant."
...You know, I wonder if that might actually work out for them? I can kind of see it.

Yeah, the latter was what I was thinking of. Griffon for some reason agrees to the date and likes him (...Not sure why at the moment, but people have all sorts of tastes...), he does his usual thing, she decides, nope, he's not getting away with that, and they end up working it out. I mean, his current approach to romance isn't really working out well for him, is it?

Well, yes, or it could go that way. :D

And that's stopped shippers when? :)

(Spoiler below is for Triptych, by the way.)
(Though I'm guessing that Celestia's feelings for Twilight are pretty complex. Twilight Sparkle as her own pony, Twilight Sparkle as a national asset and tool of the Thrones, Twilight Sparkle, fellow alicorn, Twilight Sparkle, reincarnation of Starswirl, with all the good and bad memories attached to that...)

As Macintosh noted, there's a certain concern about having them seek their somepony in that established Crusader way...

“Applebloom, did you borrow those verniers from work?”

“”Yeah, but I’m still not sure why we need ‘em.”

“Sweetie Bell, did you get Rarity’s spare tape measure?”

“I had to promise to bring it back.”

“Good. Now, I’ve heard that when stallions argue it is also known as a dick measuring contest. So, I thought that to prevent the arguments over who gets to date us, the best thing to do would be to get scientific about it. Now, I’ve looked at anatomy textbook and I copied this diagram. So, we take a length measurement from here to here. Circumference measurements here, here and here. This bit looks really small, but it is kinda the whole point of the thing, so that’s what we use the verniers on. Now, who wants to go first... Why are you stampeding away!?”

“Scootoloo, you’re an idiot.”


Hmm. Pinkie counts as a child. That fits.


'through the window, streaking towards the horizon'

And the first of the more unique reactions! Which are great! And this one's nice and fitting! She's not even sticking around for it! Good for her! 👍


Rainbow: reciprosexual

Oh, I actually missed that the first time! That's sweet! Especially given her initial evaluation in Anchor Foal!


Nightwatch: "Not centaurs. Um. And you're not funny."

But your reactions are awesome! Nice counter! 😎


And this is all sexuality, not romanti-whatever. So hmm.

I dunno, something about Celestia abusing power in a tyrannical power against the party goers, who were plucky rebels standing up for the right to do whatever they wanted, or something.

Ooh. So Ratchette's leaning heavily towards celibacy by choice? Plus she's probably be worried about that other stuff she discovered in Natural Conductors.


Caramel And The Griffon Experience

At least there would never be a question as to which partner was dominant.

Caramel Topping

But of course Caramel has completely the wrong idea about his date because while she's is lower on the griffon chain, when it comes to ponies, she's top dog griffon.

Goldie is the super-kinky one, right?

So having read the story in question? Well I can see how people got the wrong idea but I’m just as happy to be mistaken. Especially given another recent story. And more to the point I’m really glad to see Twilight and Celestia FINALLY talking. That’s a conversation that has been a LONG time coming. I hope Celestia remembers later just how worried Twilight was for her, even if she was too mad at the moment. And that they keep talking, even thought it’s awkward.

Ahhhhhhh. That explains a lot. And is certainly a thing isn’t it.

Sweetie: "...Fleur's really pretty..."

I know why Anchor Foal couldn’t be in main canon of the ‘verse, but I’d happily look past it and accept the discrepancies if it were to be reclassified...


Regardless, a good part of Ponyville is living in dread of the day they all start dating. As Macintosh noted, there's a certain concern about having them seek their somepony in that established Crusader way...

Considering Applejack’s methodical dating plan in past years involved running prospective love interests through a gauntlet of farmwork, I can see why the fears for Apple Bloom and the now Sweet Apple Acres bound Scootaloo would be up there.

The kindest way to classify the whole Celestia/Twilight relationship would be complicated. The last story seemed to move them past a lot of it, though... and while I’m glad they did get past it as I love both characters, I wouldn’t have minded more of a deep dive into the painful issues between them either.

Anchor Foal is part of what I like to call the Triptych Discontinuum, where all the almost but not quite canon compliant to the verse stories are, existing somewhere between raw probability space and stright up alternate universes.

... When did the spoiler-texted thing happen? Did I miss a story or am I just stupid?

Things are found out in Triptych. Yes, at the end of Triptych Celestia lowkey hates who she thinks Twilight is, and Cadance and Luna are pissed off at Twiggles. At the end of Triptych everyone is mad at everyone else, nothing is the same anymore, and everything's fucked.

At the end of A Duet for Land and Sky. After Miranda finds out the truth about Scootaloo's parents, she asks Applejack if her family can take the filly in.

I wonder if the crusaders find each other pretty.

Ohhhh. I wasn't aware it finished, which is why I usually wait until a story is complete before reading.

And then there's Mister Waddle, who is probably best described as Twi-Sexual. In that every single trace of whatever libido remains at his age is aimed exclusively at one slender, purple, and extremely reluctant target.

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