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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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Alternate Timeline, but with Spoilers · 9:09am Nov 10th, 2019

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TF kills Knight

TF kills knight- At the end of Season 9, instead of Knight winning the fight, he gets killed, gets sent to be judged, is found out who he really is and gets sent to his mother who then rejoices with him and shit and TF and shit....only plot idea I guess

Evil Knight

Evil Knight- In this one, Knight hasn't gone to the official MLP universe yet, however before he does go through, Celestia and Luna sense an evil force is coming, what happened in this alternate timeline is that Knight was born in his universe he was supped to be born in, however he turned evil along with Luna but both got sent to different areas as punishment. However Luna wasn't that bad, but Knight...was even worse. So they dread the day he comes back and Fausticorn is waiting too, sad that she has to hurt her own son, but she has to do what needs to be done, so they all get together along with the Mane 6 and prepare in Ponyville for his coming and evacuate the village. So Knight and TK go through the portal and they don't go through with the events with TF and shit, and they end up in Ponyville wondering where everyone went. So then the others surprise attack them but Knight is confused as to why this is happening since he has no memory of ever being there in the first place. So eventually TK beats the ever living shit out of them, not kill, but beaten and calls FD over as well. So the others eventually wake up and wonder what has happened, they talk shit, and the evil side of Knight comes out, Black, and they fight that shit and end and shit..,..

Evil Fausticorn

Evil Fausticorn- This one is the same as the last one except instead of Knight not remembering, he remembers and instead of him being evil, it's Fausticorn and she doesn't want him there and a big fight ensures...

Mother AI

Mother AI: So in this alternate story, instead of Fausticorn being this alicorn god, she is actually a very smart and big computer and yes, Knight and his big sisters are still her children, it's just a little what if Fausticorn was a computer AI that was god instead of an alicorn...


Mum: This, along with another one, will be my only non-mature related stories...as in it will be ok for kids to watch...read...whatever...you know unless something else comes up, but you get the idea. The idea for this one is where a what if in an alternate universe part of Knight's life where Celestia and Luna have grown up and such, but Knight hasn't been born yet. Well, the idea is that many years after since Celestia and Luna left the nest, Fasuticorn decides to have another child, so she makes Knight...or at least picks the soul and stuff...you get the point if you read the other plans blog, but the idea is that Knight, or in this case Inca is born into the family, starts off as a four year old of course, and now he is part of the family but it's much later than it is in the main story where it is that Inca grows up with his big sisters. Instead, he's by himself and Fausticorn has to be a mother again since it has been years since and times has change and it's not alicorn, but a unicorn and shit like that. Also this one will be a big long story for this one. Inspiration: Wolf Children.

I explained it better in the Plans blog...

The Three Kids

The Three Kids (Working Title?): This is the other non-mature related story; however this one will also get multiple episodes type thing. The idea and I came up with this and haven't thought about this very much. In fact I get a feeling that if this were to ever be animated, I feel like this would be made for pre-school kids or some shit like that...you know...for the kids to learn and shit like that. But anyways, the idea is that it's Knight, Inca, Celestia, and Luna, and they are all fillies and colts. Inca being the youngest while Celestia being the oldest, like two or three years apart from Inca. They're in Heaven, just like the main story, except Fausticorn is their teacher and every episode she sets up a lesson for the three to learn, say like it's morning, everypony is at the table and Fausticorn has a task for them to learn something or do something and then the three kids go outside and do what they're told and maybe solve a little mystery or something and by the end of it they learn something and report back to their mum, Fausticorn and shit like that...you know...a nice little thing and suit like that. Like I said...didn't think much about it, but it seem interesting enough to work on...

(Yes, it'll be episode based)

What if Knight wasn’t the son of Fausticorn

As the working title suggests. (Yes, it'll be episode based)?

Untitled thingy

Alternate Idea: Knight is turned into a 4 year old again by Fausticorn…but is also turned from a boy into a girl…because reason…Fun Fact:…did you know…I got this idea from a dream?...yeah it was a weird dream…but the best part about it is once I saw the idea…I said it out loud in my dream… “This is needs to be put in Universal Magic!!!”…I know it sounds retarded, but that’s what happened as I recall…


Alternate Idea: Grandparents: What if the grandparents that Knight met were good and not a bunch of jerk dicks? What if they were still alive and they come back to see their daughter? How does Knight and his two sisters react to this? And what does the grandparents say to Knight? Boom, a nice what if idea… And for the hell of it, it’ll also include the “father” that was divorced after 6 month of marriage, have one big happy family reunion…that is not canon to Mane… Also the EoP is in it too…

Alternate: Knight’s Wife:

The first in a trilogy of sorts, here we take a look at a concept that would never be touched in Mane. And just so we’re clear, I have been thinking about this idea for the past seven years and questioned what if Knight had a girlfriend legitimately and got married? But after thinking about it for a while, I just thought it was stupid and don’t believe that Knight would ever do it. Sure, he would maybe question the idea, like a planed in Episode in Mane and perhaps question it, but nothing serious, rather just a big joke. But I suppose since this IS alternate after all, we can maybe play around with the idea of if he were to get married. My idea for Knight’s marefriend / wife, a purple colored mare that has a nice figure with a green colored, not too dark but not too light, mane that is in the style of…I forget, but something curvy, beautiful, lushes, I don’t know the right words to describe it. I’ve seen the style on those flash pony generators before, I just forget is all, but I have the picture in my head. Not sure of the name, but the idea here in this Alternate story is that Knight comes across a Mare that sort of takes his heart away, kind of goes after her, they flirt, go on a few dates, the guys help him out, and soon they are getting married and are let in on the whole secret thing. And this all takes place during ACT III of course, so after the twist.

Alternate: Knight’s Children:

So the second part of the trilogy, Knight has some kids with his wife. He has to try to settle down with this new life of his and get used and get use to fact that he won’t be able to be part of the EoP for much longer and might have to do his duties as the prince to Equestria and what not. And as for the children, two to three, not sure the genders either, so maybe two girls one boy, two boys one girl. Who knows… All I know in the end is that he disappears mysteriously in the end, the end for now…

Alternate: Knight’s Great Great Great Not So Great Great Grand Child (Alt Title: Knight Jr.):

The end of the trilogy, and truth be told, this is the only reason why this trilogy exists for this one alternate story I kid you not. I wanted to do this idea, but it would have been weird just doing it right off the bat, I mean still could but it would be a bit ehhhh-ish so to make it feel more of a complete story, there’s a trilogy for you.

Anyways, many years have passed since Knight disappeared, pretty much all the characters you know are gone, and the Legacy of Knight sort of lives on in myth and legends. And Knight Jr. named after his Great Great Great Not So Great Great Grandfather, Knight, as he sort of looks like him, but not one hundred percent of course. And surprise surprise, he doesn’t have Knight’s Magic, for obvious reasons, nor is he royalty or knows of God and Celestia and what not, since all of that is gone by this point. Knight Jr. just lives in a normal home in Stalia or elsewhere, with a normal family and life. Knight Jr. is like maybe seven years old by this point keep in mind. That and he is also a sort of weakling that can get bullied at school. And as he goes through the attic looking through Knight’s old stuff, he comes across Knight’s Legacy and believes the legends to be true and is happy and eager to know that he is related to him. So he goes tells his parents, but they just think he is making up stuff because he’s a kid, but then they start to come down with a terrible, unknown disease that puts them on their death bed, so he goes back home and cries about it. But in the Legacy, it is said that Knight once made a spell that could sort of grant a wish or two perhaps to whoever found a ball that attached the spell to. Why? Because Wolf bet him he couldn’t do it, thought he was retarded, but did it anyways because they were both high and drunk at the same time during the bachelor party since it was his last night to be a free stallion.

Or at least that’s what the legend says. So he goes on a journey to find Knight’s old home in Stalia, so his current home is somewhere else I guess, and travels the lands all by his seven year old self. And along the way he comes across life’s challenges like dealing with unforgiving strangers and the like, and perhaps a monster or two. Nothing too serious or dark or crazy I mind you. And perhaps he meets a kid that he knows along the way. And by the end of his journey, he makes it to the abandoned home, tries to find that ball, and make that wish all with a smile of hope on his face as he wishes to give good health to his dying parents and help somepony else that needs help along the way or something…like it was his fault or something. But then nothing happens, so he tries again, this time more desperate, but no answer. And then he tries a third time, but with a plea from his soul and tears in his eyes, yet no wish. And then he gives up and believes to be a failure, and then Knight sort of shows up from nowhere, and calmly explains things to him that he doesn’t have his magic to use the ball, but not to give up hope as he has came a long way and that he has something just as strong as his magic and sort of points him in the right direction for what he seeks, and in the end all is well and a happy ending. Oh and Knight says that he did something and that’s why none of the guys are there and such. He also disappears when Knight Jr. isn’t looking, so the question whether he was really there or not. That and he says to Knight Jr. that he has been keeping an eye on him too so…yeah, a whole some fun kind of ending to the trilogy…

Uncle Knight:

Celestia and Luna eventually gets married and have children, and so Knight has to learn to become an uncle. …………. “WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!?” ~ Bubsy...


Instead of being the Son of Fausticorn and the baby brother of Celestia and Luna, he is instead finds out to be the long lost husband to Fausticorn and / or the long lost father to Celestia and Luna. The story is that many many many years ago, he was there, became the husband / father, but then something happened that took his soul, made him forget, and is now there. And he has to somehow be a father even though he doesn’t want to be, especially with how weird and awkward it is to two alicorn. And maybe trying to get back into a relationship with Fausticorn… maybe. I might cut her out of it. Why this idea? Well a long… long… long time ago before I came up with ACT III in Mane; I was tossing some ideas around. And this was one of them, but then after thinking about it, I thought how much it was fucking dumb and went with the son / baby brother idea. But I figured hey… if we’re doing Alternates… why not pick up this left over idea. It’s kind of weird and interesting. A little… what if…

Are you There God? It’s me, Knight:

So what if god wasn’t Fausticorn and instead just some guy. Like god or something. And he got bored, took the form of a pony and went down to Equestria to mess with ponies that Knight and others have to deal with. Also Knight has regular parents in Equestria like brothers and sisters that god messes with or something… and I guess maybe to keep with the lore a little bit that Knight was born in the universe still, but his soul got lost somehow… maybe… maybe he is just human after all…

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