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Bad Horse

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Upcoming writing workshop in Pittsburgh, Sept. 13-17 · 8:12pm Sep 5th, 2019

Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Sep. 13, 13-14, 13-15, or 13-17

I've blogged before about Jim Mercurio. He's the smartest story analyst I know. The book he was working on then is available now; you can buy it from Amazon for Kindle or in paperback here. I'm 2/3 of the way through it, and hope to review it on this blog sometime this year.

He's holding a scriptwriting workshop in Pittsburgh starting Sept. 13. There are 5 ways to attend:

  • Attend the morning class on Sept. 13 for $75
  • Attend the morning class on Sept. 14 for $75
  • Attend the full-day classes Sept. 13-15 for $325
  • Attend the entire week of full-day classes Sept. 13-17 for $500
  • He offered a deal where you can take the full 5 days at a slightly reduced price if you don't submit a script for him to look over, but I can't find the details now. This is NOT for a script critique; those cost about $1000.

There are still openings, so you can attend the Sept. 13 morning class, and decide then whether to continue on thru Sept. 15. On Sept. 15, he would probably let you decide then whether to stay on for the 16th and 17th, though it is easier for him if people register in advance.

Info on the short classes
Info on the full workshop

Comments ( 3 )

Oh, to be young, hungry, and wanting to make my life as a scriptwriter. Say hello to him for me, please.
(Wish I could go, but I can buy the book)

I went to one of these. They are good.

Also sorry I'll send you that pdf soon, Bad.

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