• Member Since 15th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 4th, 2021

Bookish Delight

I've moved on from Fimfiction. New works on AO3!

More Blog Posts498

  • 139 weeks
    Bookish Delight (FINAL)

    (sort of)

    Hey, folks. This thing on?

    So I was originally trying to write this big essay blogpost about where I've been and the future of Bookish and all that, but... it didn't pan out. So we'll do the much, much shorter version that should still tell you what's important.

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    17 comments · 1,646 views
  • 139 weeks

    Did you think it was over

    ...yeah, that's fair, so did I. Still need to talk about that when I'm able. Until then...

    ELa Famille Royale
    The Zephyr Heights royals just helped change the world. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time they've done so, and they'll have to answer for that... just as soon as they work on themselves.
    Bookish Delight · 2.3k words  ·  35  3 · 980 views

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    2 comments · 385 views
  • 139 weeks
    Ahhh, why not.

    Been long enough, I guess.

    Words (and explanations) soon. okay soonish i'm quickly reminded why i don't do essayblogs anymore

    6 comments · 412 views
  • 145 weeks
    Question For the Crowd!

    What, in your opinion, are Equestria's most significant locations? (i.e. Canterlot, Cloudsdale, etc.)

    Please keep it to... oh, top 7, and excluding Ponyville/the Everfree Forest.

    Thanks to all who answer! :heart:


    10 comments · 408 views
  • 146 weeks
    Whoever did this is my hero.

    4 comments · 351 views

My Reaction to the Dazzlings Music Video · 3:53pm Jun 9th, 2019

...is that I have no reaction. Narratively, there's nowhere near enough here for me to form one.

So yeah, still can't write 'em.

Great song and meme dress though.

Comments ( 25 )

Oh good, I wasn't the only one who noticed the sun-taco.

And yeah, I actually have more questions regarding the Dazzlings now.

Yeah, it's like EQG has afraid to do anything of committing/lasting substance pretty much after Forgotten Friendship. :fluttershysad: Once again, there's bits and pieces of genuine character here that are all but poked at with a stick.

I could analyze what we have, but at this point, why bother? It'll just frustrate me.

5071796 5071798 How much do you want to bet the place Sonata is working at is called "Taco Tuesdays"?

Them outfits are on point and i am just happy to see they arent evil anymore it seems

So I haven't seen the music video yet (I didn't realize until this post there WAS a music video XD; ) but going off this non-reaction? I kind of have a reaction ANYWAY, which is that it sure sounds an awful lot like Hasbro decided to cash in the Fan Service chip without having to make any kind of narrative consideration and thus cheapen the characters involved that much more. And, like, I don't want to sound too offended by that? Hasbro's in the business of Making Money, and this entire franchise is literally built on the premise of using Narrative as a pre-text by which to entice people towards helping them achieve that goal. But even so I always dislike when these franchises start dropping even the pretext that there might be a value to their characters/story beyond that fact (post-manga"Dragon Ball"'s use of Freeza comes to mind immediately), and whatever else its merits may be it sure sounds like that's what this video does.
Or maybe I'm dead-wrong. Guess there's only one way to find out for sure....

Wanderer D

5071870 I think you should watch it before you say all of that. I think Harwick's analysis of the video in the comments was on point:

He touches on all the valuable points of it, and the implied narrative. Sure, the music video not an in-depth story, but it's not supposed to be. It's a music video. So the song and the montage tell the story to a certain extent.

I admit that comment doesn't exactly offset my concerns but like I say I'm definitely open to being Completely Off The Mark here so we'll see ^_^

I liked that song more than anything they had from the actual movie

In Hasbro's defense: at this moment, the Dazzlings are expressly Old Toys That Aren't Being Sold Any More, so having them come out of mothballs does suggest more artistic reasons.

That said, nothing's been officially announced or leaked in full like most other things :P, and thus I don't count this video as any sort of "teaser" or "prologue" until there's official material. Meaning that for me, "maddenly vague" is an understatement.

Maddening more so for me because I come to EQG for its worldbuilding and character-advancing stories, and we haven't really had one of those since Forgotten Friendship or MAYBE Rollercoaster if you count its B-plot. Which I don't.

I genuinely miss when EQG at least tried to do those.

This is purely me but there is a narrative element to this song, in my view. The Dazzlings have decided that they've spent too long mourning what was lost and just trying to survive. They're now going to attempt to find some new magic and maybe it is going to be in attempting to touch people with their music in the way that the Rainbooms do.


But even so I always dislike when these franchises start dropping even the pretext that there might be a value to their characters/story beyond that fact (post-manga"Dragon Ball"'s use of Freeza comes to mind immediately)

DB Super's use of Freeza past the first movie is amazing though :pinkiehappy:

Honestly? Fair point. I DO think Hasbro learned from the "Transformers" franchise the value of playing the Long Game with this sort of thing, but then, that does also mean we can still GET narratively meaningful choices, so I could live with that.

My feelings on post-manga Freeza are...Complicated. But to sum it up even as I've ENJOYED some of it? I can't really say I've APPROVED of most of it XD;

This music video was something else, and I mean that in a good way. At least the song was nice like you said. It was good to see them again, but I totally understand where you're coming from. It needed more. =/

It seems like the music video wasn't just "OMG! The Dazzlings are back!! Guys! Check it out! DUDE!", but also "Yeah, we're not gonna too much with this. Maybe soothe you, make you feel sorry for them... See if we can't punch you in the feels a little."

*Hasbro looks around at fans* "We good?"

Fans: "Thanx for bringing them back."

Hasbro: "You're welcome!" *Seals Dazzlings back in the vault with other characters that need to return badly*

Huh. Didn't realize I needed to vent.

You nailed it.

Welcome to my world :pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I kinda get it. Not my first meeting with disappointment in EG, though. When I found out that Spring Breakdown was going to be a thing, I started hoping the Shadowbolts would at least have a cameo (referring to Dance Magic). They didn't show up and I suddenly experienced a dangerous spike of sodium chloride in my system. I blamed myself for getting my hopes up, then I found this:


The following is a live recording of me directly after reading that tweet:


Author Interviewer

My expectation is one final special featuring them, and this video is an explanation for why they'll show up with their amulets intact.

...For all that it explains anything, I suppose. <.<

FWIW, I think that we might not be honestly talking about an end to G4 at the end of this year (EqG is being cancelled too) if the writers had not been so completely unwilling to push for arc-to-arc continuity. Hasbro, I'm sure, wouldn't have cared less and I can't see there being any logical objection unless Big Jim had some issue about the show having continuing arcs (and nothing I've seen suggests that he had any such objection).

So I just found this. I don't know if it helps any.

Hmm. A little. It's certainly better than nothing.

I'm just glad it clarifies that it was metaphorical. I would've been confused for a moment if they made another appearance with their pendants still cracked.

I remain the optimist in this situation. If this acts as a teaser/prologue to a special/movie, I'd be happy. If they so some shorts and work the Dazzlings in the way they did the Shadowbolts or more (better), that'd be fine too.

That said, even without that all happening, I picked out a few things I liked.

First off, this is clearly post-RR. And the three are still clearly together as a group. They still have obvious chemistry with each other in order to put on this show. There is no indication that, for example, they're fed up with Sonata, abusing her, and kicking her out of the group so that she can be a homeless person for one of the Rainbooms to find and take home like a lost kitten.

In other words, this music video helps kill off some of the more obnoxious contrivances that lazy writers have been using. As a piece of new material, I hope this at least inspires some writers (notably not you by your own admission) and it inspires them to explore different stories than those low-hanging fruits that dominated the fandom before now. This is the best way to try to give me what I want. It doesn't force anyone not to do a thing I dislike, but it offers inspiration for them to avoid that while chasing after whatever it is they want or like and hopefully I like that thing they make too.

The central message of the song, of seeking out meaning and beauty and magic in their lives is a good one, and I hope it inspires people to write fanfics, even if the powers that be don't do anything more with it.

Man, I had honestly forgotten about the Great Sonata Woobification of 2014(/15/16). Where does the time go.

Anyway, good stuff to point out. And it's not as if I don't want to write fics about these three--I do. But I need something to snag onto, and what's there just isn't enough for me yet. At least the Shadowbolts had quirky archetypes I could use as a base. Also, consciences.

Optimism is its own reward. This was luck.

Time to strap in for one last ride, then!

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