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  • 23 weeks
    Happy Holidays^^

    Thought I would take a break from playing dead to wish you all happy holidays^^ Hope you are all safe and healthy and surrounded by loved ones, and those who aren't, well, I hope this little post makes it a bit better somehow:twilightsheepish:

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  • 47 weeks
    Yes I am alive 2

    Really, really sorry about being so quiet as of late. Been busy with work and other stuff, and that non-pony story.

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  • 71 weeks
    Yes I am alive

    Sorry I've been so absent as of late. My new project kinda absorbed me a bit :twilightsheepish: Actually, for the past year ever since I decided to write a Warriors fanfiction I couldn't really think about much else as far as writing is concerned, even right now.

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  • 79 weeks
    My Warriors fanfiction is ready^^

    Well, maybe not ready per say, but the prologue and first chapter were published on AO3^^

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    It's been 10 years!

    Yeah, it's been 10 years since I've made an account on this website and published the first two chapters of Rebirth of the Damned, my first story (you can't tell now because back then when you would edit chapters and save them then it would overwrite the date of publication).

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Game of Thrones season 8 episode 3 predictions; AKA who dead? · 9:06am Apr 27th, 2019

As some of you might have noticed, I am a huge fan of Game of Thrones, both the show and it's inspiration, the "A Song of Ice and Fire" books. As such, I decided I will share with you some of my speculations regarding the next episode, as, frankly, this is the only place people sometimes listen to my opinions :twilightsheepish:

Why am I only starting making predictions instead of before when the season started? Well, basically because back then I felt that we didn't have too much information about what would be happening this season, and all predictions would be basically saying "I want this to happen", based on our feelings alone. But now that two episodes had come, and we finally passed the last stop before shit goes down, I feel like this is when we can start making predictions/bets on who will bite it and who will not.

So, episode 3, the big battle we've been building up to. I'll start by making predictions who I think will die (starting with the ones I am most certain with) and then move on to what I think will happen in the rest of the show. I will be talking about small spoilers taken from the preview of the next episode, so be warned. Also, if you hadn't watched Game of Thrones season 8 yet, this whole thing is basically a spoiler, so what are you doing here?

Anyway, lets start. Whom I think will die?

1) Greyworm, commander of the Unsullied - I mean, when in the last episode he was telling Missandei about what they will do afterwards, how they could grow old together and all that, I practically said out loud: "Dude, you are so dead."
2) Ser Jorah Mormont - sad to see the Jbear go, but I honestly don't see what further purpose he could serve in the story.
3) "Dolorous" Eddison Toilett, the acting Lord Commander of the Night's Watch - same as above. Will be pity to see one of the funnier characters and Jon's best friends go, but...
4) Theon Greyjoy - pretty sure his story is complete, he will die defending Bran.
5) Ghost - I honestly had thought he had died offscreen after Jon was ressurected.
6) every named character that went into the crypts - as seen in the preview for the next episode, Daenerys tells Jon that "the dead are already here". Contrary to most people on the comment section of the youtube, I don't think that this is them having an argument in the middle of the battle, but Daenerys realizing that there are dead in the crypts that the Night King can raise. The crypts had been where Starks were burried for the last 8000 years. Now, I doubt that majority of them has been preserved enough to be actually able to walk as dead, even if it's cold in the crypts, but the newest ones... Shaun Bean had been said to return as Ned Stark for this season, right? Well, I won't be surprised if this is the fashion he had been brought back in, although we all assumed a flashback. But anyway, even if its just a few dead, the people who went down into the crypts can't fight, so I expect a lot of them will die, though probably not all. However, if you have your name in the credits, you are pretty much gone. So goodbye Missandei, Gilly and Sam... and that little girl Davos had talked with last episode...

Now for the characters I am less sure if they will die or not (... okay, partially because I don't want them to die yet):
7) Ser Brianne of Tarth - with her becoming a knight, I think her story is pretty much done. About the only thing I could think off that could happen to her would be Jaime confessing his love for her, but...
8) Tormund, the Freefolk/Wildlings acting chief - hope not, he's super fun.
9) Ser Jaime Lannister - I would like some more interactions between him and characters who berely got to know him, like Jon, Daenerys, Sansa, and I want to see what happens to him further if he survives, in regards to Cersei.

Oookay, that's all I can think off that I think will die in the next episode. And, you know, a bunch of people we don't know, too. Now, what do I think will happen?

The Night King will either take Bran alive, or transforms him into White Walker in Winterfell, will be killed by Jon&Daenerys, but Bran will become the new Night King. The Three Eyed Raven promised him he would fly, and bam, he gets the undead dragon mount. He will then take the army of the dead south, as they had accomplised their goal, and attack King's Landing.

I am pretty sure that at least the latter part will happen, even if the former won't. Because otherwise... storywise, it seems weird, that the Night King and the army of the dead we had been building up for so long would be just the middle boss, and Cersei would be the end boss. It just seems more linear story if the dead march south and the final battle will be a three-sides battle between the dead, Cersei forces and whoever survives in the North. But that's just my theory.

Speaking of theories, many people believe Daenerys will go mad with power and will be killed by Jon. I will be PISSED if that will happen, though I wouldn't be THAT surprised. Do you know what the song Podrick was singing in the last episode was about?

It's called "Jenny's song", and it's about Jenny of Oldstones, a commoner with whom the heir of the Iron Throne, Prince Duncan Targeryen (not to be confused with the Duncan from "Duncan and Egg" story), who was Daenerys' great uncle (uncle in the show; dunno why they skipped a generation), fell in love with and married, giving up on his claim to the Iron Throne. Aside from being a nice tie-in to the next scene where Jon tells Daenerys about his parentage (as Rheagar sung this song at the Harrenhall Tournament, where Lyanna fell in love with him), it think it symbolizes what will happen, that one of them will give up on their claim to the Iron Throne. Most likely Daenerys, when she has the time to process this information (btw, her shock is caused not by her being power hungry, but because this was the goal she had based her entire existance on, of course she needs a moment), she will come to decision that it will be better if Jon becomes the King and she marries him, as otherwise the North will never willingly follow her for example (don't get me started on what I think about that and Sansa :twilightangry2: "Oh, the North had been a part of Targeryen kingdom for 300 years, but the last few years were so bad that we don't want to bow to anybody again, bwhe."... Bet you she will suddenly be all up for it when it's Jon sitting on the Iron Throne, which is sorta hipocritical if you ask me.) Though I honestly doubt that Jon would be a better ruler than her; people like to point out that Daenerys burned Sam's dad and brother, I like to point out that they had betrayed their liege lady and we all know what Jon does to traitors (#fuckolly). Even if we agree that Jon is more honorable/fair that Daenerys, he makes far too many dumb decisions that already got him killed once! Yeah, people like to talk about how he had always been choses by the people to lead them, and forget that once he made a decision they didn't like they turned on him. In episode one the Northeners had been shown to had lost most of their respect for him for making a decision they don't agree with. So don't tell me how Jon has been chosen by the people to lead them, it doesn't mean shit if the moment he makes a decision people turn away from him.

And yes, I know they are aunt and nephew, but in their culture this was normal. Daenerys had spend about 3/4 of her life believing she would marry her brother, so she doesn't have a problem with this; heck, in the books she even remarks that if Robert's Rebellion hadn't happened, then, if she would be allowed to have a choice in the matter, she would have preferred to marry Rhaegar's son Aegon (the first one) as he was closer to her age than Viserys. (Ah, and about that, regarding the whole thing with Rheagar having two sons with the same name in the show; he was dead when Jon was born. My guess he either hadn't given Lyanna a name then, or he had been expecting a girl he wanted to name Visenya after Aegon I's sister, as he already had Aegon and the Conquerer's other sister' name, so he probably was trying to "recreate them". But a boy was born, and Lyanna probably wanted to name him after his dead older half-brother.)

But anyway, that's a long term prediction, and I meant for this blog post to focus on 3rd episode. We still have 3 other episodes to go. Hopefully, after the disappointments of 2018 (RBWY volume 6, the ending of Red vs Blue season 16 - which has been fixed for me by the newest season - and Shingeki no Kyojin) this series will conclude in satisfying manner.

But that's all for me, let me know what do you think and what's your deadpool?

Comments ( 3 )

...I don't really have anything else to add to that besides Lyanna Mormont. She's a badass and I love her, but she's also a 10 year old girl. She's not a warrior. Arya...maybe, but only if she gets completely overwhelmed and surrounded. Again, I hope not, but there's no one presnet without a solid chance to die.

As for Sansa....well, I think if Jon took the Iron Throne, the North would be more willing to follow it than if Cersei or Daenerys sat on it. The North named him King, and well...that'd kinda be similar to that? And the North has been massively screwed over by the Iron Throne recently, and everyone is always selective about their loyalties.

But top 3 to die? Jorah, Grey Worm, and Jaime. I think if Jorah died protecting Dani, he'd be super happy, Grey Worm raised like, all the death flags, and Jaime is not nearly the fighter he used to be. What was that line he said to Bronn when they were going to Dorne? Something about maybe being able to score a kill if one was slow and injured enough? Plus, he honestly should have died when he fell in the water after charging Drogon and Daenerys. Really not sure how he didn't drown there.

Ah yes, forgot about her... I don't think she is as likely to die as my first 6. And the thing with Arya is that she's more of an assasin/duelist than a warrior; the preview and trailer showed her fighting within Winterfell (well, running, whatever), so I think she will be okay. If she were to be out in the field with the army, she would definetly die.

Well they would definetly not follow Cersei, but their reluctance to follow Daenerys even though she had brought her entire army to help them? That's just idiotic. And again, they did name him a king, but Glovers already left him, just as Karstarks had left Rob. Jon and Starks might inspire loyalty, but unlike Daenerys they can't keep it. Nobody on her side would leave her, except maybe Varys.

I too think Jaime is very likely to die, but I put him lower on the list because I think there are things his character could yet do. Namely with Cersei, of course. But I would love to see him interact with Daenerys a bit more, maybe with Jon too (I think a conversation between the two would be potentially hilarious, considering the incest:rainbowlaugh:)


I think the reason the Glovers left was because Jon gave up being King in the North? Yeah, the Northerners are stupidly stubborn. The only real argument Sansa had was that Winterfell prepared enough food for the Northerners, not for the Northerners, the Unsullied, and two dragons, for which apparently eating 15 sheep or goats or w/e is barely eating.

I would love for the series to end with Jaime killing Cersei for the good of the realm like he did with the Mad King during Robert's Rebellion.

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