• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013
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Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Two stories of mine will get released today and they will be my last ones. (APRIL FOALS JOKE!) · 1:52pm Apr 1st, 2019

100% April Foals-free Update: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/852143/the-aftermath-of-a-successful-april-foals-joke-and-it-can-be-like-a-hangover

Greetings, fellow readers of mine, the author known as Fluttercheer.

Today I have some news for you. One is good, the other one is bad. Let's start with the good news first:

"Critter Snow Day" is finally finished! Writing this fic was a painstaking adventure. I started planning it in December, right after Hearth's Warming Eve. But then some drama that wrecked both me and my friend happened and so, the planning only continued very sluggishly. I watched the movie I ponified, then sat down for a long time and thought up ideas on how to convert the plot and all the scenes for the fic and, due to the drama, this happened so slowly that I started writing it only at the end of January.
I originally had the ambitious and great idea to release the fic on February 2nd, Groundhog Day, to use this date in a symbolic way and to give the fic some more traction with that, but the drama still lingered a bit on my mind. Another drama scenario happened later on and, on top of that, it turned out that ponifying the entire movie in fic format resulted in a lot more words than I thought it would.

But now, after two more watches of the movie and countless hours of writing the fic (I actually stopped counting the hours, that's how long it took), my ponified reinterpretation of the movie "Groundhog Day" is finally finished!
After all this time I needed to write it and all the drama that slowed this process down, I am very proud of this story. Both about the ideas I implemented and the fact that I pulled through writing it the last couple of days, despite fighting depression and the fact that I allowed myself only very little sleep to finally get it done.
It's a, for a one-shot, very large story with almost 45,000 words, which is why I had to split it into chapters anyway. That happened only begrudgingly, because it will certainly reduce the feelings that come with seeing the same events repeated when the story is read in chunks only instead of in one go, but I also know that no one is going to read 45,000 horsewords of mine at once. So it had to be done.

And I still can't stress enough how very, very proud I am that I had the strength to keep writing this monster all the way to the end and with only short breaks in-between. It was a gigantic effort and I think it's an effort that is truly worthy for one of my last contributions to the MLP: FiM fic writing community, as I really outdid myself in dedication with writing this story. What that means exactly, I'll explain it at the end of this blog entry.
The first part (I don't really want to call it a "chapter", since it's really just a segmented one-shot) of "Critter Snow Day" will get released today and the plan is to release one part per day until and including April 5th.
Then I will skip two days, because Season 9 is starting and I don't want that my fic detracts too much from the early season hype, since it will be the last season, and I want that it gains the biggest possible attention, so I will not release something on April 6th and April 7th. The last parts of it will come from April 8th onwards then.

Now, this is not the only fic I will release today. If you read "Silverstream is homesick", you probably know that I promised another fic for Silverstream for the near future. And that near future, is today.
A new fic for Silverstream for which I have the idea in my head just as long as the idea for "Silverstream is homesick". However, it will happen a little differently than I initially had in mind.
When I came up with this idea, I envisioned it to be one very long and on-going multi-chapter fic. Now, it's only going to be one chapter anymore. But I still hope that one chapter will suffice to do the idea justice.
More infos about this story will come later today, when the release happens.

So, these were the good news..... Now, let's go on to the bad news I have to share with you today..... The one thing you probably all wait for after reading that clickbait title up there.
This is very hard for me and it even came very sudden for me, because this decision was made literally just a few days ago, when I used a short writing break to ponder over a few things that happened in the last two years.
I don't know how I should say this, because I never thought I would ever say this or that this would ever happen to me, but..... I have decided that these two stories should be my last ones.

There are several reasons for that. First off, I want to say that I still love the show. I'm not one of those moody bronies who freak out over the slighest change or new addition and then ragequit. I still love the show, I still love Equestria, I still love all the ponies and creatures I came to love in the 7+ years that I am watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic now and in the 5+ years that I am writing for them now.
I can truly say that it's a perfect show and that no future show will ever match it. There is no way how I couldn't love them all still, these ponies and creatures have given my life a new meaning, even a new home (and that not in a metaphorical way, because I really live in Equestria with my mind ever since I met them). So there is no way how I could ever stop loving them all or how I would ever let anything ruin that love for me.
But, as the things stand and as I had to realize a few days ago, I don't really feel it anymore..... Drama has happened and drama has happened plenty to me in the last two years. It started with a particular bad incident in the LoE dev team I used to be still part of back then, a run-in with someone else that I deeply regret, and ever since then, it just hasn't really been the same anymore.

This incident is responsible for it that I couldn't write anything for Season 7, the FIRST seasons I couldn't write for, that I could write for the Movie only very late and even that I can only write something for Season 8 now, when Season 9 is right around the corner. Worse, it led to it that it was incredibly hard for me to write at all in 2017. I can even attribute the horrible quality of "The Strange Case of Dinky Hooves' Cutie Mark Curiosity" to this. This story is one of my dearest ones and it could have been so much more, but the drama and how it mentally affected me ruined that, by letting me make the bad decision of playing it safe and making the chapters much shorter than they could have been. This story might have gotten a better reception if the drama wouldn't have affected me so much to make that bad decision, if I had made the decision for long chapters, but it didn't happen like this and so I'm left with a bitter feeling about this story.

Anyway, now I'm starting to ramble and vent, but this is not what this blog entry is supposed to be for..... But what I want to say is, this drama plays a large part in the decision. There are other aspects in my life that suffered from it, too, but those are not relevant here and this is how it affected me as a writer and my stories.
And with all this drama, writing ponyfics has not been the same for me anymore ever since it all started a little more than two years ago.
I did manage to work myself out of it again. This dramatic event and what it caused to me mentally has shot my writing skill down from the high level I was on during writing "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" and "Aunt Millie" to something so low, that I'm not even sure if I ever was at such a low level with my writing skill before. But I managed to get back up, to fight myself back on a higher level again and lately, I feel that my writing is back to where it was before this dramatic event happened.
But regardless of that, it has been a very tough time, a time that was wearing at me. And it is not the only dramatic event that happened. For some reason, I am drawing the attention of drama almost constantly ever since this event and even though I have started to recover from it, there is something new happening that pushes me down a little again. Essentially, I start recovering from one event and then the next one happens, it punches me in the guts and brings me closer to the floor again. This one event two years ago has set a chain reaction into motion for me, a chain reaction of drama and bad luck that still hasn't stopped. And it came to a point where it has sapped my spirit for writing ponyfics.

Now, again, this doesn't mean I don't love the show and Equestria anymore. As I said, I still love them all, all ponies and creatures in Equestria and in the lands beyond. I am still going to watch Season 9. It will happen with one laughing and one crying eye, since it will be the last season, but I will watch it. I will also keep reading ponyfics and keep maintaining my bookshelves and give advice to pony authors less experienced than me. All of this is still going to happen and will likely never stop. But in regards to writing MLP: FiM fics, I fear this is where it ends for me.
Which isn't meant to say that I'm not enjoying writing ponyfics anymore. I am a writer at heart; I eat, live and breathe writing. But the constant drama stained it for me. Writing needs concentration and while I can bring up that concentration if I really force myself to, there is now a black stain on writing ponyfics for me. The drama I experienced and encountered in this fandom has started to paint off on my writing. For a while now, I associate writing ponyfics with the drama I repeatedly encounter and the bad things that happened to me and that affect me mentally.
And now, I have a reached a point where I can't do it anymore. I am a strong pony, I always get back up again after I have been beaten down. But even my strength is used up at some point and that point has been reached for me. Writing ponyfics is still fun, but, the old spark is long gone and has become covered by a thick layer of depressing darkness. It reminds me of the things that plagued me, and sometimes still plague me, and so I need to stop, for the sake of my mind and my health. Writing ponyfics has, as much as I hate it, become traumatic for me.

I realize that this is a disappointment for all of you. It's a disappointment for myself even. But this is how things are. One can't choose their fate and for me, this is mine. My mental health is more important so I have to let this go.
However, it's not entirely the end of writing for me. As I said above, I can still bring up the concentration to do it. It is merely the constant drama surrounding me and that seems to surround everyone else in this fandom, too, that kills my writing spirit. But I don't want to stop writing completely and, thankfully, I know what I can do to prevent that from happening.

Lately, I have become fond of another show a lot. It's not exactly the same as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (who would ever be able to imitate this wonderful show anyway?), but it comes pretty close to it and, even though the animation isn't up to our pony show's high standards and the writing needs serious work, I like it a lot and can see a large amount of potential in it. I even think it is amazing in its own, deserving way. Looked at it from the right angle, it's a really, really great show.
You maybe heard of it, but in case you didn't, this should give you a hint:

Artist: WillTheFilly

I wish I could show you a better picture, but recently, the Derpibooru staff decided to nuke all Filly Funtasia art that isn't crossover art from Derpibooru, so this has to do it. Not a decision I'm happy with, I really think Derpibooru should support new, promising pony shows that try to repeat the magic that MLP: FiM is, but what can you do? I hope this picture will suffice for you.
Anyway, I have to admit, I was sceptical about Filly Funtasia at first. But it has grown on me after a while and I think I actually love it now.
So, what I'm building up to is..... I will start to write fics for Filly Funtasia.
What I am in love with most are, like you can probably guess, the characters. A couple of them are even quite similar to the ponies we see in MLP: FiM.

There is Sparkle, the headmare headmistress of the Royal Magic Academy. Twilight, who is one of the teachers. And there is Antares, an epic unicorn sorcerer who likes to wear blue and teaches astronomy at the school. It even has a mermaid filly! Sounds familiar, isn't it? :yay:
I especially love Glitterina here. When I watched "The Lost Mermaid" a week ago, I immediately noticed that she is really similar to Silverstream; she is bubbly, exciteable and can get quite active if she wants to. I want to write for her the most and a story is already in the works.

Other then that, I also adore the relationship between Will and Lynn. They have an incredible dynamic, one that almost reminds of the dynamic between Silverstream and Gallus. And I also think there's more, the sparks really fly every time they are around each other. In other words, I ship them like FedEx! I am not good at writing romance, but I want to try my hooves at writing that for once, cause I really want to explore the creative potential of a romantic relationship between Will and Lynn. So, this isn't just a new show I'm writing for, but also the exploration of a new genre I haven't really tried before.
And..... well, that's about it. This is what my writing energy will be used for in the future. I can't release these fics here, but tell me if you are interested. If there is demand, I will promote the stories here and link them in blog entries.

Anyway, I think it's time to end this..... This blog entry has become way too long anyway. I didn't plan on writing so much, but this wasn't easy and I have a tendency of starting to ramble when something isn't easy for me.
All my unfinished multi-chapter fics here will not get continued anymore. Sorry especially to those who wanted to see more of "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" and those who still wait for a continuation of "Journeys and Destinations: A Friendship for Eternity" (assuming there even is someone who still waits for this story after all these years). But with my situation, there is no realistic chance anymore that these stories will ever get continued, much less finished.
Right now, they are still set to "Incomplete", but I will go and switch the status to "Cancelled" once I've sent off this entry.

Consequently, this also means that there won't be sequels to "Princess Flurry Heart, Destroyer of Worlds!" and "Aunt Millie" and my planned anthology for Brown Sugar is also not going to happen anymore. That's especially bitter, I had great plans for these stories, but the course life took for me just doesn't allow for writing them anymore. Apologies to everyone who looked forward to these stories.
Everything that I have already written, though, will remain here forever or as long as FIMFiction.net exists. And I will gradually go through all my stories and archive all of them in the WaybackMachine for the day when FIMFiction.net doesn't exist anymore. I'm not one of those authors who move on and selfishly force everyone else to move on with them. You will never lose access to my ponyfics I've written here.

And of course, as I said, I will not stop without a proper, last writing gift. You can still look forward to two fics by me before the curtain falls.
More infos about them will come in its own blog entry once I have released them. This also won't be the final goodbye blog entry I'll be writing here. This blog entry here is merely to inform you of what will happen and of the decision I made. A proper goodbye entry will get written by me and released on Friday at the latest, to wrap this up before Season 9 comes. Hopefully, at least, because it's going to be a long and teary one, maybe even longer than this one. After that is published, I will probably not write any more blog entries (unless you want to see the Filly Funtasia stuff, let me know!), since there is simply no need to anymore then, and just quietly release the remaining parts of "Critter Snow Day" before I go silent completely.
Anyway, I won't drag this out any longer..... I'll see you in a couple hours for the last fic releases! Fluttercheer, out.

Comments ( 21 )

Its fine and a Funny picture. I was Really looking forward to see the reaction fic with Mille you mentioned.

Who knows, maybe you write again one day.

In any Case, Thank you for all the Stories and Inspiration! Without Mille and dinky of Yours, i probably Never had got the idea for fletcher and such


Its fine and a Funny picture. I was Really looking forward to see the reaction fic with Mille you mentioned.

Oh, shoot, I forgot about that one! :fluttercry: That would be a sidefic to "Aunt Millie" and not the sequel I had planned, but I would have written it eventually. Also forgot to mention "Aegis" and "My Little Pony: Guardians of Crystal Growth" up there, that won't happen anymore either. At least "Aegis" is barely read by anyone, so there won't be many readers who grief its loss.

Who knows, maybe you write again one day.

I doubt it. Least, not for the ponies we know. Filly Funtasia gives me an opportunity to still write for ponies, sort of, but without the stress and drama. So I guess I will stay there.

In any Case, Thank you for all the Stories and Inspiration! Without Mille and dinky of Yours, i probably Never had got the idea for fletcher and such

You're very welcome! Writing "Aunt Millie" was one of the most enjoyable times I had here. I will miss checking incoming comments and favourites for new stories and answering my readers, but I'm glad I could at least write one background pony fic that really ties in with what we saw on-screen and that shines light on it how the life of a background pony might be based on a hint.
This story alone made it worth being here.^^

Indeed. Regardless, i Hope you Enjoy my Stories when you have Time. I still got a few planned.

Actually, some go back as far as 2016/17 in Planning but i got delayed. On the other hand, i hadn't so much ideas for the them Now

Is it okay if you can be an editor? I’m working on a fanfic that takes place 3 months after Spring Breakdown.

Also this has to be an April Fools Joke.


I will still read all of them, definitely. I don't plan to abandon reading ponyfics by others, that's something I could never do, I love Equestria too much. I should even have more time to read ponyfics from now on, as I will likely not be as busy writing Filly Funtasia fics as I used to be with MLP: FiM fics, since the FF fandom is much smaller than the brony fandom. A smaller audience to write for means more time to read.


I will see. I don't read EQG fics, but if you write any ponyfics, maybe. At any rate, I am going a bit easier at things for the time being, at least for the first couple weeks of Season 9. I can get in touch with you then, if you want.

Good attitude! Looking Forward to see your Comments. Me, i just find its the least i can do, Finishing all my Stories, as i just have seen too many Good Stories being Never finished


And now I'm one of those who has stories that will never get finished..... Now I feel guilty. Especially considering how I said that I will always finish my stories, no matter how long it takes, a while ago. I'm eating my words good right now.

No, you aren't. I mean those Autors who just drop offline Forever Without A word, thus Leaving their Stories incomplete


I see. Well, I'd love to talk more, but I want to give my Silverstream story for today a few last checks. Since it's my last ponyfic (or, hippogriff fic), I don't want any embarrassing errors in it once it goes live. I'll see you soon.

It good to hear that we have another ex-author who still helps out in the community, Rather then dropping everything in the void.


Always! I'm not sure what I'm going to do if Generation 5 really becomes the dreaded reboot, but I will always support MLP: FiM (G4) fics for sure! Equestria is my life and soul.

We will miss you, Fluttercheer.

I really enjoyed your stories, they were some of my very favorites.

Peace, love, and my regards to your well-being.


Thank you! You aren't one of my readers for very long yet and we barely talked, but I could see that you developed a very high interest in my stories. I also liked the idea behind the groups that you created.
And I won't be gone completely. I will not write anymore, but I will keep lurking here, read fics and help out other authors where I can. And still answer comments on the stories I have written.
So, don't have fear of me disappearing. I will not go anywhere. I'll always be where my ponies are. :scootangel: :heart:

I understand still liking the show but not feeling the same way about it as before.


Thanks. But it's not the show I feel differently about. As I said, I still love it as much as I ever did. Actually, even more so. It's only my writing that is feeling differently these days. But not the show. My feelings for the show are fine.

Ah. You got me there.


I got myself there. More than I anticipated. :twilightoops:

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