• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2013
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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

More Blog Posts279

  • 3 weeks
    All Things Seem Possible in Paul Rudd

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  • 11 weeks

    Yee Haw! It's me from The Big Sticky House! And we at The Big Stick would like to wish y'all a HAPPY 11TH ANNIVERSARY FOR UNIVERSAL MAGIC! HAPPY 11TH!!!! IT'S THE 21ST!!!!....


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  • 15 weeks
    You Take My Paul Rudd Away Baby

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  • 15 weeks
    Season 30 Part 3 of Universal Magic

    Ok.... so I reached the 100K character limit again.... so here we go.... again....

    SEASON 30 PART 2

    Back to Plans

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Hello everypony, sorry for the absence of blogs or anything...just was busy for a while but...

MY LITTLE PONY: UNIVERSAL MAGIC IS TURNING 6 NOW! Now I'm not sure what date the idea was conceived, but like I said before, it's around this time. However the official 6th anniversary is until March 21st, but I like to celebrate both dates. When the idea was conceived and started writing and when it was first published on this site. But yeah...can't believe it myself...6 years old and still going. Of course the only thing I've managed to add was the Halloween episode, but still it's amazing to know my story is six years old and still going. I mean...wow...little Universal Magic here is 6 years old and season 1 is still not finished...fuck me, right?

Well I just want to say, thanks for six lovely years guys. I know I'm not the best, and for those that stick around and read it...all I can say is thank you. You don't have to, I know it's small compared to others, at least on here, I'm pretty much a nobody, underground more or less. But for those that have found me and the story and enjoyed it and still continue to enjoy...all I have to say is thank you and I hope to continue writing this and hopefully I manage to make you laugh or have a good episode for you guys.

I know I don't post much, it's because Universal Magic has evolve over the years. Back when I first started it, if you take a look back, I had the first 20 episodes come out within 6 months. But over time I've slowed down. Not that I've lost interest but I have more ideas, I have learned to write a bit better compared to my first time writing the now gone prologue for it. That and some of the episodes have gotten big in scope, something I never expected. It's because the original plan was that every episode (back when they were still referred to as chapters), was going to be somewhere around 10,000 words each, at least that's what the forecast predicted that is when Episode 20 was in production. But then like I said, things changed and evolved, I rewrote some episodes and did some other side things and now you have what probably is the longest episode (chapter...I guess if you want to call it that...) on this site being Episode 23-2 capping at 206,000 words.

That I never thought would ever happen. I remember years ago, back in 2013, thinking of a chapter being 100,000 words long or something that big in scope and wondering to myself if that was even possible. Well...I can safely say yes, it is...I've done it three times. With 200,000 words being oddly enough achieved once. I mean, I never plan these things to be this long or complex or anything, they just sort of happened. Hell, Episode 23 as a whole wasn't supposed to take this long, but one thing led to another and things just...changed...evolved...

And with that in mind, I can only do so much. Especially when it comes to this big, long episode. If I'm going to do these big, long episodes, I like to try and take my time and make sure it is the best that it can be. So that's why with the next one, the non-prologue one, it's going to be big. How big? Well...the forecast is a bit fuzzy. The forecast puts it somewhere over 100,000 for sure, but anywhere beyond that is questionable. It might be over 200,000 words again and it might not. Hell, there might be a chance where it'll get so big that it'll have to be split int two parts...but that's a stretch. Hell, if the forecast is correct what it's saying right ow...this next main one might be the one that puts me over 1,000,000 words, but it's unclear as of right now. All I can promise you is the main next big episode is going to be a big undertaking for me and will probably be bigger (at least in scope) than episode 23-2, so it's a good chance it'll my biggest one yet. In terms of scope of course. And being that I only that seems to write this stuff as well as editing and proof reading...it's going to be a while but I'll try my best to get it going. Of course like I said once before I had to go back to the drawing board which means back to the outlines and it's getting there to the writing process.

So my plans is that while you guys wait, I'll try and have the Christmas special (late) out as well as that prologue for you guys. I'll get those done first and release it whenever it's ready, and we'll continue with what I'm doing.

I just hope you guys can still stick around and read with what I have to show. So with that being said...thank you all for a wonderful six years, even though I'm not the best one to offer stories here on this site. And with that being said, happy 6th birthday Universal Magic...

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