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  • 248 weeks
    Episode reviews: Uprooted/ Between Dark and Dawn/ A Trivial Pursuit

    Okay, quick talk about three episodes. I know I haven't been doing these weekly but I am behind on mlp. Season 8 wasn't... as good as I would have hoped so I stopped keeping track each week. My bad. Season 9, from what I've seen, has picked up the slack. So there's some positive. I'm going to try and watch at least 2 or 3 episodes a day until I get caught up. Don't worry, I'll be ready for the

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  • 258 weeks
    Episode Review: Father Knows Best/School Raze

    1: Father Knows Best

    Well this is it folks. I have finally finished season 8.... I think it's my least favorite season. Not entirely bad, but just not as good as others. I'm surprised really. I never thought I'd see a day I'd like a season less then season 4 but here it is. So let's start off by going over the last two episodes of this season shall we?

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  • 259 weeks
    Episode Review: The Road to Friendship/The Washouts

    1; The Road to Friendship

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  • 259 weeks
    New Chapter coming soon (The Greatest Treasure/Fate Pony)

    Heyo everyone. It seems I've got my writing mojo back. Well now I've finally started the next chapter of TGT and my Fate pony fic. They should be done by the weekend if not tomorrow. I hope it'll be worth the wait.

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  • 260 weeks
    (Spoiler review) What Lies Beneath

    Still need to catch up on season 8. Don't worry. I won't be out of the loop once season 9 ends. I plan on binging the show until then. So hopefully I'll get a review done a day. So let's start with this one.

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{Episode Spoilers} Sounds of Silence / A Rockhoof and a Hard Place · 1:37am Nov 27th, 2018

Phew, it has been a while since I've done much of anything on fimfiction hasn't it? Sorry about that. This year hasn't been an active one for me and ponies. I think the whole 'episodes out of order' and long space in between the season combined with me not really caring much for most of the episodes killed a lot of enthusiasm I once had. Or maybe it's just been a bit of a decline for ponies and me. I still need to get around to watching the rest of the season which hopefully shouldn't be too long. However, I will try and finish a few projects I have started or want to start before the end of this year. Perhaps I'll get my drive back by season 9. Hopefully I will. Still, here are my two short reviews of

Sounds of Silence was honestly the episode that got me back into watching the rest of the show. Why? Because it involves kirin. I was wary of it since, as some might see, I haven't been really caring for season 8. It just might beat out season 4 as my least favorite season. However, I will say that there have been some episodes that have broken the mold in my view and that I really enjoyed. This would be one of them.

Sounds of Silence was a really enjoyable episode. A large part of that comes down to Autumn Blaze. She is one of the best new characters this season if not the best. She's hyper and wacky but not in a bad way. In a way that I found myself chuckling and also feeling sympathetic towards her because of the reason she was acting like that. Her song has to be one of my all time favorite pony songs and I couldn't help but listen to it on repeat for days after hearing it. It had the same reaction on me that Smile! did back in the day and that just put a smile on my face.

Applejack was also really enjoyable in this episode. I bring this up as, well, Applejack honestly isn't the best in her showcase episodes. Not bad but they can be a bit boring. Here though, it showed off her strengths while giving us some good character and comedy by her bouncing off Fluttershy and Autumn. She and Autumn's conversations were certainly the highlight of this episode alongside the song. Reminds me of how AJ and Pinkie are, which is another duo that I really enjoy watching.

Now though, I have to come to my one real complaint with this episode. It isn't a deal breaker and isn't something I consider terrible but it did bring the episode down a tad for me. Before I do, I'd like to quickly explain something about the kirin. As the episode opens up, it starts to talk about the Nirik. Basically fiery, hatefilled creatures that destroy everything they come into contact with. Now later in the episode, it tells us that the Kirin could transform into the Nirik. Because of this, and the fact they destroyed their home, they decided to use the convenient stream of silence that bottled up all of their emotions so they could never talk again.

And I do mean all of their emotions. They cannot 'feel' anything. They have it all bottled up inside and are unable to speak. In all honesty, that is nightmare fuel in of itself. It does raise the question on why that didn't happen before but in all honesty, I'll chalk it up to the song not showcasing the real argument because I sincerely doubt there hadn't been arguments and smaller incidents before then. As well, given that Twilight has a legend, it's safe to say that it has happened before.

Unless of course that the kirin are extremely long lived because Autumn was quite alive when it happened and she mentioned it happened years and years ago. So that could also be possible as well as the stream's magic just stopping their aging. I didn't seen any little kirins, unless I missed them, so that could be something.

Now when the Nirik/Kirin thing comes to light, we see AJ talk and have it explained to her by Autumn. How Autumn was being driven crazy, understandably so, and found a cure but then forced to leave unless she gave up her voice again. Cruel choice but it makes sense as to why Autumn is crazy. I'm honestly glad that there weren't any little kirin. I really don't know how they would be able to function given that their most crucial social ages would have been defunct of any facial or vocal interactions.

Now that wasn't a problem. It worked well with the story and characters. No, the problem I have is with Fluttershy. I'm going to be honest, the only reason Fluttershy is in this episode is because she can talk to animals and they can find more of the plants needed for the cure for the kirins. Otherwise, I felt she wasn't really needed and the fight between AJ and her near the end really felt off.

It's mostly because we SEE Autumn being off. We see how it has effected her. How she can't go home because of this silence pledge. How the kirin can't emote or do most anything that involves emotions. It is horrendous and AJ gets to see and hear it first hand. Yet when AJ comes back to town, Fluttershy takes up a stance opposite her and feels like the kirin losing their emotions and voice was the best call.

What? They don't even show how she came to that conclusion. She just reads a board with all that information off screen and then takes up the opposite position of AJ. Why? Oh to have an argument when there didn't need to be one. Why? Oh that's because we needed Autumn to save them and show that she can control her Nirik form.

Okay, the scene is cool and a good character moment for Autumn, but I still can't really buy that Fluttershy would be so for her own position that it feels like she wouldn't actively try to come to a middle ground with AJ or hear her out before getting snappy. Why is Fluttershy so snappy this season? I know they are trying to have a conflict here and show two sides of a coin but because we got to know Autumn and hear how it all happened and her own wishes, it just feels like AJ is the one in the right and Fluttershy is acting stupid.

On top of that, the kirin seem really eager just to throw in anyone who has an argument into the stream of silence. They are very lucky that they didn't go through with this or there would have been huge consequences.

So yeah, other then Fluttershy and perhaps the knee jerk reaction of the kirin out of nowhere, it was a really enjoyable episode and I have to say I liked it. It's a really good episode with a great song.

This episode is simple to talk about. It's something that is exactly what I wanted but takes away something that I had hoped to see. It's an episode about a Pillar of Harmony. Hooray! I haven't seen Starswirl's episode yet but I had hoped to see an episode for all of the Pillars. In all honesty, I really wish this season was about the Pillars and more of Equestria's past instead of the school stuff, but what can you do.

Anyways, Rockhoof is having trouble adjusting to the new times. While all of his actions are well meant, he tends to cause more damage then he tries to avert. In most cases, I don't find it his fault. Like at all.

For example, he tries to use the old equipment of his village from a thousand years ago. While naive I don't fault him too much for it.
I also REALLY don't fault him for trying to put a a huge fire raging from a window. I don't care if it is dragons, that is not something to be done indoors. Who's idea was that? It's stupendously stupid and Rockhoof should not be criticized for trying to stop it when any sane person would do the same.

Then a series of odd jobs and such that really don't suit him. During all of that, we see that the other pillars have found their places in Equestria.... Well, I am thankful to see them again. Yet the way they set this up really takes away the possibility of stories of helping the pillars find their own ways in the world. I really hope the other four get an episode to themselves but with this episode, it does really feel like they won't get one.

Still though, the episode gets dark. Rockhoof wants to put himself in stone because he doesn't feel welcome in the common era. It isn't something that is used as a joke or out of nowhere dark scene. I think it was pulled off well and used to showcase Rockhoof's depression. It's really poignant and heartwrenching so I have to give props to that.

It leads to a really heartwarming moment afterwards when Yona comes to him to convince him to stop. That she had grown to love his stories, as he tried to be a teacher beforehand, and they inspired her. How he reminded her so much of a yak that he had become her hero. That she looked up to him. It really settles in for Rockhoof and gives him a change of heart.

As did it with me. Going to be honest, I didn't like Yona before. I didn't hate her, but she, like most of the other student six, I find rather bland and boring to watch and sometimes aggravating. As if I'm watching a show aimed SPECIFICALLY towards the young demographic instead of everyone like the how normally does (sort of how I feel about most CMC episodes). Here though, it made me see Yona as an actual character and that's always a plus in my book. So now Rockhoof is a teacher and a keeper of stories.

Which given how nordic he is and that was how the pagans of old kept alive their traditions and myths, it is both fitting and a welcome addition to the mythos.

So overall it was a good episode but I'm just sad it sort of undercuts the potential of most of the PIllars with future stories. Hope I'm wrong.

That's it for now. Hope you enjoyed reading and share your thoughts. Until next time, take care.

Report Evowizard25 · 302 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

I like Sounds of Silence but I do have agree with you on Fluttershy and the Kirin. Also this is just me but why didn't anyone suggest that the Kirin take Anger Management classes.

I found A Rockhoof and a Hard Place to be decent. I did have a few complaints,
1. The part where Rockhoof was a mail


pony felt forced. I'm not a mailman myself but do Mailman usually know what they are delivering?

2. It seems a bit harsh to kick Rockhoof out of the Navy for one accident. Also do Stars really move over time? And why didn't they get him a job in the Equestrian Navy?

3. Rockhoof should have become an adventurer or join the army like Flash Magus.

1. They do.

2. Stars do really move with time. Mostly due to some stars dying out, other's being born, yadda yadda. The Equestrian navy... no idea. I think they just wanted to include the hyppogryphs.

3. Could be something aking to Daring Do.

1. Really? Thanks for telling me.

2. Again thanks for telling me.

3. Now I want to see him team up with Daring Do.

Autumn Breeze was played by Rachel Bloom, star of My Crazy Ex Girlfriend, a musical TV show with tons of catchy songs. In case you aren't aware of this, I figured you would want to know so you can look for some of her songs on YouTube.

I was aware she was played by a star actress, which is why I doubt she will make another appearance but I still love her voice.

4973648 Yeah, I figured if you really love her song hear you would like her YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/racheldoesstuff

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