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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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Yo...it's yo boy...dead meme here...someone please give me the Clorox bleach... · 9:08am Nov 12th, 2018

Ok so I had been meaning to do a it of an update, especially since I got the Halloween special done and all...but I got busy writing something for someone else. Pretty much I was commissioned tow rite something, but I didn't get paid for it...so to make up for my absence on here...here's what I wrote. I would post it as a story but it's not MLP related at all whatsoever...so here's some fucking stupid story that I had to write for someone about Bugs Bunny...enjoy my filth...also i'll be giving you guys an update soon...ok goodbye...for now...

Bug Bunny

It was a sunny day. The sun was shining bright in the sky as the warm glow covered the forest below. It shined through the trees as the rays of light cut through the trees and its leaves. The leaves themselves were starting to turn different colors from brown to yellow to even the color red. The birds were out, singing their little songs of nature through their little beaks as they flew about.

All the while, a bald man was walking through the forest alone. He was in his brown hunting outfit, a tad bit camouflaged to blend in with the fall colors that were coming in. And in his hand, he had a hunting rifle, holding it firmly with both hands and making sure the end where the bullet comes out was pointed towards the ground. The bald man that was walking through the forest was hunting for some game. And he had hoped to catch a fine animal to bring back as a trophy to show off to all of his friends.

However, he wasn’t at all confident in what he was doing. He had problems, especially a speech issue where he couldn’t even pronounce his R’s right. But in the end, as his hunting boots walked along the dirt floor of the forest, he had some hope left in himself, to try and catch him an animal and bring it back. The forest he was at was particularly an odd one to him. The forest was far from any form of civilization and there were no trails whatsoever. The bald man wasn’t even sure if he was the first human being to walk through the forest.

This scare him, as it was the unknown, as he couldn’t tell what he could potentially come across in the forest. His fears in his head started to create a cloud of doubt within him, making him feel uncomfortable as he trudged through the forest and looked at his surroundings.

He was starting to become a little bit scared. But he then started to cast that cloud of doubt aside as he started to use logic. He had a gun with him, and as long as there wasn’t any bears or wolves out there, he would be fine. For all he knew, he could come across a deer or an elk, maybe even a tiny, harmless grey rabbit even.

As the bald man walked along and got deeper and deeper into the forest, with no clear indication as to where he had been, the bald man came across an odd hole. A hole that was on the ground, that looked strikingly odd to him. The bald man just stared at it, as it was the first thing that he really saw that was worthy of note through his entire journey thus far. And so the bald man decided out of his own curiosity to walk towards it.

Of course he walked slowly towards as he was afraid as to what it could be. But the bald man was brave enough to take a few steps at a time and to get his rifle ready in case if anything were to come out of it that could possibly harm him. As the bald man got closer, something deep within the hole sensed the bald man’s presence and started to come out. And soon the bald man stopped in his tracks as he started to see something pop out of the black, darkened hole. And what he saw were two, elongated, ears. Soon the ears slowly started to rise up from the ground and then what came out of the hole was a creepy, disturbing looking rabbit’s head that was too big for it to be a rabbit’s head.

The rabbit however didn’t stop coming out, as it climbed out of the hole full body and all. And from there, as the bald man was standing ten feet away from the hole, he started to look terrified as he looked out onto the rabbit. The rabbit’s head wad disproportionate as the rest of the body was very slim to the bone it appeared. The rabbit had a dark, grey fur color to it that looked soft to the touch, but at the same time it looked rough as if it hadn’t been cleaned in months.

The bunny itself was standing up like a human being and was even standing taller than the bald man himself with big, elongated feet that looked like it belonged to a clown costume. The bunny had arms that hanged low down to the bunny’s waist as he wore white gloves that looked like it covered a human’s hand. There were parts to the bunny though that added the color white to its fur and it had looked much softer than the grey fur. But these features weren’t the part that started to scare the bald man. Instead, it was the bunny’s face.

It’s creepy, nightmarish face. The bunny’s eyes were completely dark and looked like it caved into its skull with only a slightly, microscopic white pupil, if you call it one that is. Its cheeks stretched out in an uncanny valley kind of sense with its mouth being way bigger than any bunny he had ever seen before. But instead of having pointy teeth like a monster, it had normal, human teeth with two buck teeth that protrude out and was very noticeable towards the bald man. And as the bald man looked upon the details of this bunny, the big eyes that looked like black holes just stared at him, as if it was staring deep into his soul.

The bunny’s mouth was opened a little bit, as if it was going to say something to him, but didn’t. Instead, as the bald man was frozen in place and was unsure what to do, the bunny used its right arm and reached towards its back, and then from what seemed like out of nowhere as if the bony had pulled it out of its ass, a carrot appeared in the bunny’s hand. And then the bunny slowly brought it up to its mouth and slowly used the power of its two buck teeth and chomped hardly on the carrot, taking a bite and chewing it. And as it was eating the orange carrot, the bunny spoke.

It said to the bald man, “Eh…what’s up doc?”

The bald man was frightened. Not because the bunny spoke, but the way the bunny spoke. It didn’t sound natural; it sounded more like it was a demon than a friendly rabbit. It had a growling kind of tone in its voice as it spoke to the bald man, as if it was aggressive towards the bald man and was out looking for blood.

As the bunny continued to chomp on its carrot, the bald man was still stuck in place but decided to ask the bunny, “Y-You can talk?”

The bunny then said slowly, “Of course…Doc. Haven’t you seen a rabbit before?”

The bald man then said, “Not any wabbit that I’ve seen.”

The bunny’s neck then stretched out a little bit and said to the bald man, “Well then…Doc…you know now…Doc…”

The bald man then said, “I-I suppose so. D-Do you ha-have a name?”

The bunny then said as it was finishing up its carrot, “My name is Bugs Bunny…Doc…”

The bald man, unsure what to say next, then asked, “Why th-that name…Bugs?”

Bugs then said to the bald man, “That’s what they call me…Doooooc…”

Bug’s voice started to become darker in tone as the conversation continued on and it started to startle the bald man. Not only that, but Bug’s neck continued to be stretched out long and every time Bugs spoke. Bugs would stand in the same spot, ten feet away from the bald man, and as it spoke, Bug’s neck would stretch out towards the bald man, as if Bug’s neck was made out of Pladoh.

The bald man then asked Bugs, “W-Who are they?”

Bugs then said to the bald man, “Those that come walking through this forest…doc…those come looking for some game…dooooooc…those that see me…doooooooooooooooooooooooooc…”

The bald man was starting to become even more scared than he was before. In his mind, he knew this was a mistake coming out into the forest all alone. The odd part it wasn’t at night. This was all happening in the bright daylight where he thought he would be safe. The light to many people, especially in their childhood see the light as safety as the darkness of night is to be seen as dangerous. But here he was, standing in front of what seemed to be a threat to him, something that wanted to kill him out in bright day light.

The bald man’s hands started to shake a little and Bug’s noticed. Bugs then said, “You starting to get nervous...doc?”

The bald man then said, “N-N-No…I’m not afraid of a wascally Wabbit.”

Bugs then started to take a bit of an offense to the bald man’s words as he then said, “Rascally…huh…doc? Is that what to think of me…dooooooc?”

Bug’s voice started to become even more darker and deeper, to a point where not even the bald man would even think it would go.

And then, Bug’s neck stretched out all the way towards the bald man’s face with both faces being very close to one another as bugs said, “I DON’T TAKE THAT KIND OF LANGUAGE HERE…DOOOOOOC!”

The bald man was stricken with so much fear and confusion as he saw bug’s neck stretch out so long and his face being right up to his face, he fell on his back and was ready to start running. But then he remembered he was holding a gun, so the bald man quickly took aim with his hunting rifle and aimed it at Bugs as Bug’s head went back to its normal position. However, nothing happened to Bugs. It was as if the bullets never fired out of the gun, but the bald man was sure that he was aiming at the big, anthropomorphic bunny.

But Bug’s knew what the bald man’s intentions were and he said, “You think you can kill me Doc? You think this is Rabbit Season…doc? Well let me tell you something…doooooc. You should have saved that bullet for Duck season…doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc!”

And then Bugs started slowly walking towards the bald man, like a serial killer of some kind. The bald man saw this and immediately got up from the floor and started to run away in the opposite direction, hoping to find where he came from. But as the bald man kept running and running through the forest, he was starting to become confused as everything started to look the same to him.

He was simply lost in the forest and was no sure of getting back to where he started from. The worst part though wasn’t him being lost and running away from a creepy, bi-pedal, talking rabbit. Site, he could hear Bug’s voice through the forest as he was running.


And as the bald man was running, he came across another black hole right in front of him. So the bald man stopped in his tracks and started to look around, making sure he didn’t just run in a circle. He didn’t. Instead, it looked like he was getting closer to the edge of the forest, but yet he didn’t recall a black hole being there. And the bald man was right, it wasn’t there. It had just appeared there, and then the grey, elongated ears popped up from the black hole once again and soon popped out bug’s disproportionate head as well.

And as soon as the bald man saw this, he started to run the other direction as Bugs started to climb out of the hole once more. However unfortunately for the bald man, he kept running but had his head turned to his back, wanting to make sure he was far from Bugs. But as he was running and not paying attention to anything in front of him, he was knocked out cold as he hit a low tree branch pretty hard on his head. And so as he hit nature’s ground floor hard and went into an unconscious state, Bugs cached up to the bald man and stared at him without a single word. And then Bugs went over to the bald man’s legs and started dragging him as a nearby black hole appeared in the ground.

As Bug’s was dragging the bald man’s body, he staid to the unconscious bald man, “Your soul’s mine forever…doooooooc.”

And so Bugs dragged the bald man’s body into the deep, black hole, never to be seen or heard from again.

The End.

Comments ( 5 )

really?...because I thought it was shit...but ok then...

Huh...well if that's the way you see it...I guess...I don't think it's SFW...sure there was no cursing or description of blood or gore or crude jokes of any kind, not even dark humor...I see it as NSFW...but hey...to each their own...not that you shouldn't give up on me on doing SFW...because this year's Christmas special for Universal Magic will be SFW...for the most part...

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