• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2023


Just an introvert who likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I also like to write MLP fanfiction. Twilight Sparkle is my favorite pony.

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Radiant Followup #1 · 8:57pm Oct 7th, 2018

Alright, this is post has been a long time in coming. It's a followup to Radiant in addition to this blog post here. It only took several months to get Radiant out in its entirety. Spoilers below if you have not read Radiant or finished it.

There will be a second followup sometime soon, too. I'm going to wait a bit on it simply because one, to space out postings and two, to give more people time to read Radiant, if they haven't already and would like to.

Honestly, I question why I'm making this blog post since only one person participated last time, but I said I would, so I am.

Hanif Shakiba is the only person who participated in this contest. His guesses:

So, twilight’s horn and wing will grow back.

Rainbow and twilight will have sex, or it will at least be mentioned and/or implied, as this isn’t the type of story to have a sex scene.

There will be more hospital scenes (they’ve basically become a staple at this point)

Relationship advice for rainbow given by cadance, because given twilight’s mental state, rainbow is probably going to be way over her head and will need help.

Maybe some history on celestia’s past love life.

Twilight's horn and wing grew back. (1/3) This was probably something that was obvious going into the story/in hindsight. For starters, in blog posts I had made, I'm fairly certain I had mentioned wanting this to happen. Secondly, I think I foreshadowed it in the story, but I can't remember where exactly.

Rainbow and Twilight remain virgins- more on this following this section.

There was not a hospital scene- although I nearly included it. I decided against it because Twilight was, technically, okay, so she didn't need to be in a hospital following what happened. Plus, I'm a bit tired of writing hospital scenes... although I do have plans which will include more hospital scenes... More on this, perhaps, in the next followup. I may not go into many details because spoilers.

Cadance sort of gave Rainbow (and Twilight) relationship advise... In truth, I had an entire idea for how Rainbow and Cadance would sit down and talk- talking about Twilight, how she's not doing so well, and how she (Rainbow) wants to help her feel better, etc. I even envisioned it happening on a balcony. Instead, Cadance played a much more minor role than I had intended, which is a bit of a disappointment. Instead, Celestia and Luna played larger roles and sort of filled this role. As for Rainbow being over her head because of Twilight's mental state? Not exactly, but I might be wrong. She's trying. I'm on the fringe about rewarding a point for this guess.

History on Celestia? Yes. History of her love life? Not really, unless you broaden 'love' to include sisterly love (which you can). I enjoyed writing Celestia into a prominent role in this story. I want her and Twilight (and Rainbow) to have special relationships. And, of course, Celestia and Twilight have a quite special relationship now. Additionally, Luna and Rainbow sort of have a special relationship, though it's not quite as developed.

1/3 points, with 2 on the edge. Maybe next time...

Now back to the part I said I'd get back to. Canonically Twilight and Rainbow are, like I said, virgins. However, you might know of my story "More Than Just Cuddles" (no link because it's rated M). I wrote that while I was still working on Radiant- at least that's what my memory says- and so it's partially inspired by Radiant. It is in no way a part of what happens following Radiant, but if you want, you can consider More Than Just Cuddles a part of it, though canonically it doesn't happen. (Though if I were to write this sort of thing in an M-rated story in this series, this might be how I would write it.)

I feel like this sort of thing really wouldn't fit in with this series- I feel like even implying it would feel out of place. Maybe that's just me- you might feel differently. Besides that, Twilight really isn't in the state I think she would want that, but then you can get into the whole "If Rainbow asks, she could agree if only as a way to 'thank her' for all of her help" which, at least in my opinion, can get kind of dark, which isn't something I want.

Now, if you're thinking that it's strange or unreasonable for the above paragraph; I believe I have stated it in my Author's Commentary- and I need to do that for Radiant now- that Twilight's quite embarrassed by the whole ordeal involving that sort of thing, at least in regards to Rainbow helping her bathe, which, maybe it's obvious, but Rainbow has seen her- though she tries to respect Twilight's privacy. This is one of the reasons that Twilight tends to be rather quiet during these scenes.

If these stories were rated Mature there would be more detail in these scenes- details which are sort of implied right now- but the details aren't there because it's only rated Teen, and I don't want to push the boundry of what is Teen and what isn't Teen. However, future plans may cause some problems...

That is all. This blog post is probably completely unnecessary, and I probably really don't need to go into the details I did with the above section. Perhaps you'll find it enlightening, or perhaps you'll want to scream at me for writing it.

Comment below and stay tuned for the second followup which will probably be sometime tomorrow, and will deal with my future plans for this series...

Report SC_Orion · 187 views · Story: Radiant ·
Comments ( 2 )

Hanif Shakiba is the only person who participated in this contest.

I wonder who this handsome and intelligent fellow is? :trollestia:

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