• Member Since 6th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 25th, 2023


Just an introvert who likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I also like to write MLP fanfiction. Twilight Sparkle is my favorite pony.

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Radiant Update #1 · 4:05pm Jun 15th, 2018

I wish that I could tag multiple stories so I could include Reaction in this post, but alas, I have to settle for tagging Critical Mass alone. Or maybe it'd be cool if there was a feature to auto-tag all stories in a series.

Additionally, at the end of this post, there will be something special.

Right, well. I said this was an update, so I suppose without further ado... Radiant is finished. More details below the break! You know, if you're interested.

I suppose first I should specify that I'm finished drafting Radiant. It probably won't change a whole lot between now and being published during my editing sweeps.

Right now a few things need to happen before I start publishing Radiant. I need to read the whole story and make sure everything flows properly and, more importantly, make sure I've not done something stupid and shot myself in the foot, thus ruining this series (which is still an everpresent concern in my mind). I also need to do editing passes after reading the story to try to improve it as much as possible. And probably the most pressing part is I need to ensure that the ending is perfect. I cannot make the same mistake that I did with Critical Mass where the ending felt so disappointing. Right now I'm quite pleased with the ending as it is, but I feel like it's not what it needs to be. For example, I want to have a scene with Twilight and Rainbow cuddling on a cloud, stargazing and talking... right now it just ends with them walking inside...

I'm not sure how much of a spoiler that is. And I can't really go into too much more detail without a great number of spoilers.

As a second note, as the story stands right now, it's about 48,000 words long. And to be honest? I am surprised that I was able to estimate its length so accurately. It may end up being 51-52k words long if I work on the ending and add more to it. I'm not sure if I will or not, however, since it would ruin what I already have that feels like a solid ending. So I'll be attempting to get my prereaders a prereading so I can get substantial feedback.

I didn't get everything I had intended in this story, and it's a bit disappointing at points. I think that overall it's... decent. But then again, maybe I'm too hard on myself. But maybe I'm not hard enough on myself. I struggle with this.

I had intended for Cadance to play a significantly larger role than what she did, and there were scenes involving her that I wanted to have that simply didn't happen. But a couple of those scenes might be better saved for another story. Celestia plays an important role in this story, probably more important than I had planned... which may be because of my developing a crush on her. :twilightblush: But I'm still quite pleased with Celestia's role in this story. Luna plays a somewhat lesser role in this story than last. She's not a major focus, but I should reread the story before I say this since I can't remember all that well. It should come as no surprise that Rainbow and Twilight play a very important role in this story. Spike, not so much. Starlight and Sunburst? Not as much as I had planned...

There may be a couple of scenes in this story that surprise you. One, in particular, I worry about. And it'll probably be obvious when you encounter it. Well, actually two scenes. One may be a major disappointment or something really exciting. The other may be shocking...

I hope that I'm not spoiling anything. My inner Twilight Sparkle wishes that I could run tests and experiments to determine what effect this update would have on viewership, excitement, ratings, etc, compared to a control group with no information and a group that gets a lot more information. Sadly I do not possess the capabilities to test said experiments, as much as I wish I could.

Good things are in store for the future of this series. I'm not sure if this is a spoiler or not, since the ending of Critical Mass was supposed to convey that Twilight was starting her road to recovery, but Twilight is recovering...

TL;DR (or "insult Twilight Sparkle" version "ITSV"): I have finished drafting Radiant. I need to read the story and make a few editing sweeps. I need to decide if the ending is perfect, and if not, make it perfect so I don't repeat mistakes with Critical Mass, Reaction, and the story we'd all rather forget about. The story isn't everything I had wanted, and I'm slightly disappointed with that, but I put other things into it that make up for that.

There should be another update in the next few weeks, college permitting, about my progress on finishing Radiant. This story has been greatly delayed as it is... the year is half over and I had intended to get this out in January. I hope the wait will have been worth it.

But now before I go, something a little fun I wanted to do:

Comment below with guesses about what's going to happen in the future of this series. It does not necessarily have to be specifically in Radiant; you could be right in your guesses, that they would happen in the future of the series, but it could be a story or two before they come to pass.

So as an example: "I think that in Reaction Twilight and Rainbow are going to end up cuddling and kissing. Although I'm worried that Twilight might get hurt worse," would count as a guess that would apply to Reaction and Critical Mass. However, I'd request that you guess more towards more important things. Saying that "I think they'll kiss" really isn't fair. In contrast, saying that "I think Twilight will force Rainbow down and passionately make out" would be more along the lines of what I'm wanting. Basically, aim for what could be considered plot points, or things that would be important.

If you need further clarification, leave a comment asking and I will try to clarify.

Why am I doing this? Because I really want to see what you think is going to happen.

Why should you do this? Because if you get three (3) guesses correct, I will write you a short 2k-6k word long request when I have time as a reward. So this may be kind of hard to do for the later stories, but for Radiant, it should be doable. And by doable, I mean I shouldn't forget and it should occur in a timely fashion.

If you've paid attention to the Author's Commentary series, you might have a head start. And yes, for clarification, I do have plans as far out as 22 years into the future for this series. I really hope to be able to write all of that...

Now, if you manage to make three (3) correct guesses, you won't know until Radiant comes out. Once Radiant is out in full, I will try to remember to check back here to see who all has won bragging rights. If I don't contact you, feel free to send me a PM about it. We can discuss what you'd want to be written. As of right now, I don't particularly have many rules, aside from it being a short story. There are some things I won't write, but I don't expect any of that to come up. If it does, I will let you know and you can pick something else to see me flounder about at.

I look forward to reading your comments and guesses! And please, do comment.

Report SC_Orion · 235 views · Story: Critical Mass ·
Comments ( 2 )


I can’t wait for it!!!! I’ve been waiting for so long for this and it’s finally coming.:pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

Also are you planning on releasing the three chapters at once or one at a time?

So as an example: "I think that in Reaction Twilight and Rainbow are going to end up cuddling and kissing. Although I'm worried that Twilight might get hurt worse,"

I think that in Reaction (Radiant) Twilight and Rainbow are going to end up cuddling and kissing. Although I'm worried that Twilight might get hurt worse

There was also the thing you said in a previous commentary about twilight (big spoilers) no, seriously, big spoilers twilight can’t have kids, but you stated that so it doesn’t really count.

So, twilight’s horn and wing will grow back.

Rainbow and twilight will have sex, or it will at least be mentioned and/or implied, as this isn’t the type of story to have a sex scene.

There will be more hospital scenes (they’ve basically become a staple at this point)

More cuddles, though that’s so obvious I wouldn’t count it.

Relationship advice for rainbow given by cadance, because given twilight’s mental state, rainbow is probably going to be way over her head and will need help.

Maybe some history on celestia’s past love life.

I’m sure some of those will turn out to be right, can’t wait to see the story.

I somehow forgot to mention that the story is actually 4 chapters wrong in that post. My current plan is to release them every weekend or every other weekend until completion after I get finished with edits.

I'd love to comment more, but...

Plus it wouldn't be fair if I were to comment more.

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