• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen January 5th


She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

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What love do you represent? · 12:40am Aug 22nd, 2018

“Am I dreaming? It’s hard to tell sometimes. This feels off. Wrong somehow.”

A small blue alicorn filly seemed to swim through the air, held aloft by invisible eddies and swirling currents of magic. Somehow, she flew without flapping her wings, and revelled in the freedom offered by flight. Tiny, exuberant, she radiated foalish cheer and possessed a fine reckless grin.

“Not wrong,” she said to Dim. “Changing. Rapidly changing. Dreams of Night and Dreams of Day are to be found here. What was once two is now one, as it should be. Miraculous healing has taken place, Dim, thanks to the efforts of many.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Luna’s stars.” The filly rolled through a cloud and white puffs clung to her feathers. “Love. There are many reasons… many factors. Everything has come into alignment. For so long, the scales were out of balance, but harmony is being restored. Luna is truly joyful again and each day, she recovers a little bit more of herself. Why, I do believe that Luna could once more serve as the Element of Laughter. Not that she needs to, but she could.”

Dim, who made no effort to enjoy himself while he drifted aimlessly through the sky, gave careful consideration to the words said by the Essence of Night. Daydreams? Did such things have power? Perhaps they did. He was given to daydreams… flights of fancy. Perhaps by herself, Princess Celestia held no power over dreams—but if what the Essence of Night was saying was true, and the two sisters were merging somehow—he couldn’t finish his thought. The knowledge of something greater revealed itself, but what?

“You exist in a peculiar, precarious position,” the filly said to Dim, distracting him. “The magic of the Void has changed you. Consumed you. Altered your destiny. It has given you strength, immense strength, but it is not the strength of raw power that you have always lusted after. You now stand upon the brink of greatness, Dim… the very precipice distinction… of significance. Something more than the Dark name that you’ve inherited. You have the means to become your own pony, just as Luna now possesses the means to become her own pony.”

Dim did not understand.

“Trixie Lulamoon has become her pony… one of Luna’s stars. Name and circumstance laid her low. The curse almost did her in. But she persisted. She found her way. Through altruism for another, because she learned to love another beyond the love she held for herself, she broke the shackles of narcissism that held her in bondage. Beatrix Lion Lulamoon became her own pony at long last.”

With a turn of his head, Dim watched his swooping, looping, barrel-rolling companion.

“Shining Armor,” the filly began. “Another of Luna’s stars. He faced madness and betrayal. Another came along and exploited his life. A foul temptress took on the form of his bride to be, and seduced him. Even worse, this vile creature took on his form, and using his form, drained the love from his bride to be, rendering her almost powerless. This heartless, disgusting parasite clung to the back of his bride to be and whispered sweet, sweet words into her ears while using his voice.” The filly shuddered, shook her head, and let out a sad sigh.

“For the sake of love, they had to recover. No time was given to them to heal, to sort out the great deception that had taken place. For the nation to recover, and for Princess Mi Amore Cadenza to truly take her place as the embodiment of Love, she had to possess a love that could endure betrayal and mistrust. A love that had known the pain of cheating, though done through deception. Shining Armor was but one half of a far greater whole. In time, when his heart is ready, he will fully embrace what he is meant to be.”

A pattern emerged.

“Twilight Sparkle… Princess of Friendship. Yet another of Luna’s stars.”

“And also a form of love,” Dim remarked, catching on.

“Ah, but you are a clever pony, Dim Dark.” When she turned to look at Dim, The Essence of Night’s eyes were eyeless, filled with stars and swirling galaxies.

“What terrible sin did Luna commit against love that her distant offspring had to be punished for it?”

“That is for Luna to discover, and for you to live with,” the filly replied, still starry-eyed and channeling the cosmos. “Tell me, Dim… what love do you represent? Why is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza attracted to you? For what reason is she compelled to aid you? She was Twilight’s foalsitter and Shining Armor’s soulmate. The stars continue to align. You and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza were brought together for a reason… but I don’t yet know what it is.”

Some tough questions. Some of the answers have already been seen in other stories. But that is a real doozy of a question: What love does Dim represent?

Comments ( 7 )

I am guessing parental love it’s what was taken from him, what he is confused by with erie and afraid of with celesta

Might be off here (bit of an understatement, lol), but I feel that Dim represents love of oneself...?

It could be less parental and more familial love, as a whole.

No, definitely parental. Basic familial love is powerful, but parental love is the kind of love that leads ponies to burn down entire countries. There's a vicious protectiveness parents tend to have towards their children that isn't present in the same way or strength in other familial relationships.

Pfff...who said Dim had to resemble any sort of love to get Cadance's attention, he's willing to play the monster to make evil suffer, and people love him for it, we the readers love him for it, that's good enough reason for Cadance.

Some tough questions. Some of the answers have already been seen in other stories. But that is a real doozy of a question: What love does Dim represent?

I´m SO dissapointed with ya´ll for not using this ready-to-serve joke here.

On a more serious comment, it´s pretty obvious. Dim is the Sacrificial Love, the one that would give up hiw own life for the one he loves. In a certain way, just like Cadence, that gives up her own existence for the sake of others. None noted how utterly depleted she is most of the time ?

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