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Episode Discussion » S8E14 - Matter of Principals · 10:10am Jul 31st, 2018


Discord becomes jealous when Twilight Sparkle leaves Starlight Glimmer in charge of the School of Friendship instead of him.

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Comments ( 343 )

Oh, boy... here we go again. God dammit, Discord. :facehoof:

But the episode hasn't aired yet. Was it leaked?

4910993 It aired early in Australia.

Starlights canon B.Ass Cannon?

And the BugBear. :twilightoops:

We carry out this evil, so that good men may sleep easy at night.:pinkiesad2:
Hmm, apparently according to Misquotes its a misquote of a misquote, but, such is how language changes over time. :twilightoops:

Always good to have more pony back on. Here's to a stronger second half of the season.

Speaking of which, good episode in my eyes. Discord's behaviour may have been slightly infuriating at first and definitely seems a point of contention for those who've seen it, but it's all understandable and in character if you give it some thought. Ultimately an episode of both Discord and Starlight having an 'old habits die hard' moment and showcasing their individual developments well, with Spike on point in the middle. Fourth out of fifteen for the season so far.

I'm with DWK on this one.:ajbemused:
As he said in his "review" of Dungeons and Discords...

Why was Starlight able to banish Discord so easily? Isn't he like a demigod or something similar, definitely something beyond an ordinary unicorn.

Ah, English grammar is half nonsense anyway.:ajbemused:

Pure anger. Just pure anger. It has been stated magic is also influence by emotions

I'm starting to think Discord's a bit of a glass cannon. He's very powerful, but he nearly dies from being normal for like a day and he got sick from some random snake thing.

Here's a good summary of this ep.

But seriously magic is broken AF in Equestria.

Also knighty first s8e18 now 14, do you even math.

No, it's been stated Starlight's magic is determined by her emotions. Which amounts to the same thing, since she's the caster of today's mega-spell du jour. What else is new?

I personally didn't think this episode was too bad. It was okay, really. It was definitely better than "Rainbow-and-Applejack-almost-get-their-students-killed" or whatever that episode was called. My biggest problems were that Discord seemed uncharacteristically meaner in this episode (post-Tirek, I mean), and they let him off way to easily.

Also, when Starlight said she had something to say to him, I thought for sure she was going to say "Fluttershy", and that would totally break him.

No using chaos magic in the halls. Detention for you. When will you learn?

4911009 There's a simple explanation for Discord's behaviour: Fluttershy wasn't there to rein him in. His actions in Dungeons and Discords were similarly malevolent when he was dealing with others on his own (though admittedly to a lesser scale then). Discord wants to be involved with friendship stuff these days but doesn't have a firm grasp on how to do it by himself. So what in his mind is the way to get others more involved with him? Be more Discord, it always worked in the past.

As for getting off easy, Starlight probably felt like she'd been making his behaviour worse (not entirely untrue) and was equally to blame for all this. Plus the mane 6 didn't actually know why he'd made up a map mission for them so they couldn't exactly do something about it yet. A sorry would have been nice but again, not something he'd do without Fluttershy's direction yet.

Good points. I think I actually feel a little better about this episode now. Thanks! :)

Yes she is... It's called a mary sue.

Egil #18 · Jul 31st, 2018 · · 2 ·

Let the Starbitching commence! (god almighty I used to be one of you...)

calinjc #19 · Jul 31st, 2018 · · 19 ·

What could only be done by the Elements of Harmony is now able to be done by one little unicorn, because "Screw the rules! I'm Starlight motherf***ing Glimmer!"

YES I can't believe it I have been waiting for ever for the next episode of MLP and finally it's out.

Conred #21 · Jul 31st, 2018 · · 2 ·

You are going to hate Discord as he is depicted as even worse than What about Discord. But you will enjoy the rest of the episode as theres plenty of jokes. It's just Discord being given to a writer who don't get him or his development toward friendship and kindness.

Slendy #22 · Jul 31st, 2018 · · 10 ·

Ahh, nothing beats seeing Starlight having the power to basically rival a Demi-God of Chaos (Intended Sarcasm).

Magic + Equestria Universe = Fuck Power Scaling

Pause #23 · Jul 31st, 2018 · · 1 ·

It's clear how many people just saw the big beam of magic and then started REEEEE-ing immediately.



Do people honestly think Starlight overpowered Discord? The worst she did was inconvenience him. She isn't OP. Discord is very powerful, but as Twilight's kingdom showed: He isn't that strong compared to alicorns and their equals. It's easily his reality warping and hax that make him difficult to deal with. This doesn't make Starlight stronger than the EoH. She inconvenienced him, not straight up beat the guy.

No she isn't. Discord is just a glass cannon I mean he got sick once. Just because you have great magic doesn't mean your super durable.

Twilight you do have a laser against Tirek. Besides I think I have to be extremely angry for it to happen

"Character I hate" does not equal "Mary Sue".

Even when Starlight blasted him, it was pretty clear that it didn't do jack squat since he pretty much just sent his spirit to cause more mayhem in the school.

Also I refer you to 4911077's explanation.

I highly recommend you guys actually pay attention to certain aspects of the episode instead of looking for an excuse to throw a temper tantrum whenever Starlight so much as breathes onscreen.

Egil #29 · Jul 31st, 2018 · · 6 ·

No, you don’t understand. If they don’t bitch, cry, piss, and moan about a show they unironically despise yet still watch, they can’t physically or mentally function for the rest of the decade! HAVE SOME MERCY, MAN!

Well, their tears DO taste delicious...

But in all honesty, the whole "Starlight is the cancer of the series and needs to die" fad has gotten old to the point where them continuously harping on about it has just gotten less amusing and more pathetic.

I mean, they've already gone from hating Spike to the CMC, to Twicorn, to EQG (and Sunset & Flash by proxy), to Twilight's castle.

And each one of those "hate-fads" has pretty much died off and are barely acknowledged or taken remotely seriously, Starlight has been written much better in the more recent episodes and has developed over time, so it's about time this hate-fad keeled over as well.

Too bad it won't. This has been going on floor nearly half a decade. Let them cry.

I noticed that Discord never messed with Maud or her class. Would have been an epic showdown, but I guess Discord knows when he’s outmatched.

Egil #33 · Jul 31st, 2018 · · 7 ·

I wish they could just fuck off and save their fake outrage for something that actually matters. And again, used to be like them, saw ELTSD once, rewatched Glimmiest Glam that Glummered in the name of Glem’s apology multiple times, and now I like her. It went like Benson’s “I forgive you” from Regular Show.

I seriously thought that Starlight actually killed Discord since he returned as a Class-IV Free-Roaming Specter:twilightoops:; but then again since he's already a spirit and a god... he can't die:moustache:.

The difference is that you were mature enough to acknowledge parts where she improved and move on while enjoying the show, meanwhile they're all stuck in the past and desperate for any emotional validation they can get out of whining about the show.

In the end they don't want the show to improve, they want it to regress. I've actually seen a few of them talking about how the entire series should just end with everything after season 2 being just a dream Twilight was having....
...because completely erasing six seasons worth of character development, story progression, for expansion, and World building just for the sake of appeasing a few whiny Fanboys wouldn't be completely stupid at all...


Twilight you do have a laser against Tirek.

What on Earth are you talking about? If in the past, that was four seasons ago. These days, she can't scratch a roc. If in the future, that hasn't even been leaked yet, and you don't know what happens, only that it involves the Mane Six getting fridged for another two-parter. Only this time in Tartarus.

"Criticism of a character" does not equal "hate"

Slow down on your white knighting there, buddy. If you look at this from a story pov you would see the problem: Starlight does something that normaly takes the EoH to do (How successfull she was at it is besides the point). It isn't even the first time something like this has happened, so I wasn't too surprised it happened.

At this point I'm not arguing with people if she is a mery sue or not. If you think she's not that's fine, enjoy the show for what it is. But don't point to a tomato and expect me to call it an orange.

Easily PIS, an outlier, or she held back considering the freaking Bugbear noped the f**k out after a single blast from Starlight.

Pause #40 · Jul 31st, 2018 · · 5 ·

"Criticism" is not a shield for unsupported stupid comments about a character you don't like.


Slow down on your white knighting there, buddy. If you look at this from a story pov you would see the problem: Starlight does something that normaly takes the EoH to do (How successfull she was at it is besides the point). It isn't even the first time something like this has happened, so I wasn't too surprised it happened.

First of all: Claiming someone is "white knighting" is the best way to out yourself as a hater these days, especially when your best defense is "she sucks, she's always sucked, and she's always going to suck".

Second: The success of the spell actually does matter, if it didn't you wouldn't be complaining period. Starlight didn't to do something that it took the Elements of Harmony to do, if that were the case then Discord would have been a garden gnome by this point. She simply blasted him away, and even then it didn't really do anything except mildly inconvenience him. So your complaint holds no validation.

At this point I'm not arguing with people if she is a mery sue or not. If you think she's not that's fine, enjoy the show for what it is. But don't point to a tomato and expect me to call it an orange.


Look, I know you're desperate to pretend that everything in the show sucks because of one character, but I need you to stop pretending that literally everyone in the world but you was allowed to be right, it's unhealthy.

HAHAHA :rainbowlaugh: Have you even watched the episode?

Before the "Starlight is OP here" debate goes on any further, I've seen at least one report that the episode's author Nicole Dubuc stated Discord was playing along with Starlight's so-called "banishment spell." So while her horn did a good job at scaring the students and redecorating the track field, it's not powerful enough to keep Discord away. (Though the subsequent in-episode explanation of body vs. spirit kind of muddles that explanation. In fact I feel like the episode as a whole could have gone through a few more draft revisions to get rid of some of the confusion, IMO, even though I did like it overall.)

Conred #45 · Jul 31st, 2018 · · 6 ·

You can love or tolerate Starlight Glimmer. Just like you may love or tolerate Twilight as an Alicorn Princess. But you must at least accept that Starlight is as dividing for the fandom as the wings on Twilight. Attacking people who are not liking her will not change anything and won't make them like her. Telling how much bad she is will also not convince people who love her. It's really mostly a feud between people who wanted more mane6 having a better character arc and not getting it, and now blaming the impotency of writers on Glimmer, because the time focused on her could have been used on Mane6, Discord, Trixie or Diamond Tiara. But truth is, if Starlight didn't exist, we would just have many more bad mane6 episodes like Non compete Clause and more bad Discord episodes like this one. Because current staff doesn't have anyone from Season 1-5. Just new people who prefer writing new characters like Starlight, Student6 or Pillars, than old characters with a lot of baggage behind them that is hard to keep with consistency. Thus Twilight is just a secondary background, Discord just the bad guy from S4, Pinkie just some random screeching lady, Applejack just some stubborn hick etc. It's not Starlight problem, but overall writing problem. We could have live all together in friendship with both mane6 and Starlight being as vital to the show as Teen Titans with Terra in OTT if all characters had decent staff writing and developing them emotionally.

Again, I have to wonder what you're talking about. Unless I've missed something, the only bugbear we've seen was in Slice of Life, an episode Starlight wasn't in.

4911128 You know, I really should have seen where this comment was going.

Pretty much this whole thread too.

Cool story bro, but let me tell why everything you believe is wrong.

1, you called me a hater, which clearly discredits everything you said after that point.
2, you used video to make you point, because you don't have one of your own.
3, it doesn't matter how much you believe Starlight is your waifu, because no mater how many times you propose to that Starlight cut out she will never say yes.

It is hard to write a character powerful as Discord, as seemingly even the show writers vary with just how much power he has and what his limits are.

In the same way Starlight appears too OP sometimes, DIscord doesn't seem to live up to the pedestal the fandom has put him in.

My friend I don't think you can read. Rare episode is not no episode.
(Insulting line)

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