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Admiral Biscuit

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Official Trotcon and Bronycon 2018 announcement blog post · 9:44pm Jul 15th, 2018

Since everybody else is doing it, it’s probably time that I do, to, right?


This is the official Admiral Biscuit Trotcon and Bronycon announcment! That’s right, kids, two for the price of one!

This part here is where I’d plug the panels I’m on, or tell you that you can find me in Quills and Sofas or to let you know if you’re looking for me that I’m over six feet tall (ten meters, for all you metric folk) and will be wearing something distinctive like a top hat, or and Admiral Biscuit shirt* or a pink tutu or whatever.

*there are actually enough people with Admiral Biscuit shirts now that we may qualify as a cult. Ask me how to join!

And I’m sure that those of you who like to plan your conventions down to the finest detail are going to hate me for this, but while I am a panelest at Trotcon and I think Bronycon, too, I am of course not organized enough to know when those panels are.

I’m reasonably certain that some or all of them at Trotcon are Friday night. Bronycon, no idea.

Naturally, I’ll let you know as soon as I do, but I have no idea how soon that will be. And honestly, where’s the fun of knowing that stuff? It’s going to be a lot more fun to find myself sitting in front of a crowd and then find out it’s a shipping panel, and I legit know nothing about shipping.

Screencap from Moby Dick

Trotcon, I generally wander around and visit the merch hall and debate with other con-goers if somebody wearing a Scootaloo fursuit should be allowed into the after dark artist’s alley, and last year we played a lot of Guardians of the Galaxy or whatever that game was called. Present Perfect can tell you all about it.

I don’t think that there’s a Quill and Sofas at Trotcon. Not that I can recall, anyway.

Bronycon does have a Quills and Sofas, and that’s the best place to find me. Most of the time that I’m not doing anything else, I hang out there, freely dispensing wisdom to anyone who’s interested in gaining wisdom. Sometimes I even write stories in there, which means that if you’re ninja-like, you can probably get a sneak preview over my shoulder. And you’ll have the oppotrtunity to discover that I’m a terrible speller. :derpytongue2:

Episode Screencap

Also, for all of you that boarded the crazy train the crazy train* just recently, welcome aboard!

*I couldn't think of a better phrase. :P

Comments ( 39 )

Hope to see you there! I'll be dressed as Obi-Wan on Friday.

I and my Biscuit shirt will be at Bronycon. The two may even coincide.

Damnit people! I haven't gotten my EFNW post done yet!

I will be in my traditional Red-and-Black Alicorn outfit as usual. I say that because it sounds better than the truth: I have black pants and a lot of red shirts....

Someday I will go to a con. Some day.

Biscuit is love. Biscuit is life.

I'll be at Trotcon on Saturday for a few hours.

Im sorry, but this is the queue for the registration line for registering for intrest to enter the queue for purchasing the raffle tickets for entering the draw for the panel on queing.:derpytongue2:

I'll see you at Trotcon!

Author Interviewer

last year we played a lot of Guardians of the Galaxy or whatever that game was called. Present Perfect can tell you all about it.

Oh shit, do I need to bring that again? c.c I wasn't planning to.

The only major change is I have a better bag for it, but that's a lot of cardboard to be carrying anywhere. D:

Same here. If I do, I may as well try to make a trip out of it; if I am to fly across the border, better to at least try to discover new places.

See you at BronyCon, Biscuit. Have fun at TrotCon.

How is this for piquing interest in the cult, I mean movement:

'Excuse me, fellow Equestrian. Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and master, Admiral Biscuit?'

Soon , we can begin our work, with an army of Fimfiction readers and writers.

Just haven't worked out yet what to do.

Any thoughts?

Join the cult today! Make tax-deductible donations! Receive cookies*!
*of the browser variety

I'll be at BronyCon, I'll see if I can get my friend to wear the Biscuit T shirt. :pinkiecrazy:

I’ll keep an eye out for you!

And if the panels I’m on really are on Friday, come and heckle me! And ROBCakeran, author of My Little Dashie. :derpytongue2:

I should hope so. It’d be really weird to see the shirt without FoMe hanging out in Quills and Sofas (I’m sure that’s where the shirt would go if it chose on its own).


Damnit people! I haven't gotten my EFNW post done yet!

I think I announced that I went and that I came back. Not sure what else of that trip I covered, to be honest.

I will be in my traditional Red-and-Black Alicorn outfit as usual. I say that because it sounds better than the truth: I have black pants and a lot of red shirts....

Fun fact: back when I worked at Meijer, that was the official Meijer uniform. I think I still have some red Polo shirts left over from those days.


Someday I will go to a con. Some day.

If Trotcon is close to you (Columbus, OH), that’s a good one to go to. It’s pretty laid back, and sometimes you can catch the honored guests drinking at the bar. Larson even signed a stack of coasters last year. :rainbowlaugh:

All hail King* Admiral Biscuit!

*I’m adding to my titles. Maybe it would sound better as Admiral Biscuit, King. Still a work in progress.


I'll be at Trotcon on Saturday for a few hours.

Huzzah! If you find me, I’m always willing to talk (sometimes too willing, in fact). :derpytongue2:

“Don't quote me regulations. I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the color of the book that regulation's in...

“We kept it grey.”

Huzzah! Fun times will be had by all!


Oh shit, do I need to bring that again? c.c I wasn't planning to.
The only major change is I have a better bag for it, but that's a lot of cardboard to be carrying anywhere. D:

You don’t have to. I was thinking that this year I might want to wander around more anyway. Or find some dark corner and write fanfictions.


See you at BronyCon, Biscuit. Have fun at TrotCon.

Yay! And I shall!

How is this for piquing interest in the cult, I mean movement:
Just haven't worked out yet what to do.

Looking good so far.

Any thoughts?

Well, I think that ultimately we ought to storm the castle, but I’m still working out whose castle and how many people I need to do it.

And let’s be honest, if it isn’t Line Con, it’s probably not a fun con.

At EFNW, there were a couple of people walking by the registration line carrying LineCon signs. :rainbowlaugh:

Sure thing! I'll be in the 3PM Nerf War too, Seaponies faction. Be on the lookout for a redhead in a Columbus Zoo shark shirt and grey under armor shoes :P

There’s Ciderfest, I think that’s still a thing, and I think that’s in Madison or maybe Milwaukee.

I shall do my best :heart:

I’ll be wearing an Admiral Biscuit shirt, but I probably won’t be the only one.

That’s not too bad

It’s Milwaukee, Oct. 26-28. I have to think by the name that if you’re of age, drinking is allowed, but I could of course be horribly wrong about that.


All Hail HRH Admiral Biscuit the First, King of the SoL Spiel
Lord Admiral of the High Seas of Everypony Stories
High Priest of the Cult of the Shirt
Emperor of the Expanding Empire of Excessive of Research
Master of the Art of Automotive Repair
Pope of Pony Parables Pontification
National Man of Narration1

I think I'll go now... my lack of sleep is showing....
1. Yet to upgrade to International Man as he is not known to have been a Panellist at an overseas Con... only a matter of time...

I think that sounds pretty good so far.

It’s true I haven’t been a panelist in other nations (or gone to any cons in other nations at this point), but I’ve discussed stories with people in Toronto, so that ought to count.

Ah. So hanging out out with NCMares crew then?
Hope you didn’t have to pop for 5 adult passes to the con.


Ah. So hanging out out with NCMares crew then?

I don’t think they were there. Mostly hung out with FimFic celebrities.

Hope you didn’t have to pop for 5 adult passes to the con.

Nope, didn’t have to. Had to watch out for low doorways, though. :rainbowlaugh:

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