• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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  • 1 week
    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

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  • 4 weeks
    Author update!

    I'm editing stuff! But also incredibly dried out of writing power atm. I'll get going again soon, but just bear with me for a bit. I'm publishing a chapter of XCOM today, then start on the daily writing (not publishing) again tomorrow morning. In the meantime, always remember:

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  • 6 weeks
    Remembering Koji Wada

    Like every year, I like to remember the man/legend responsible for the theme songs of one of my favorite shows of all time on the anniversary of his death.

    So if you were wondering about the timing for the latest Isekai chapters? There you go.

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  • 7 weeks
    Welp, here's a life update

    These last couple of weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster. Good things have happened, and also bad ones. No wonder I could relate to both Furina and Navia in the latest Isekai chapter. Sometimes pretending things are fine is really exhausting, even if they do get better.

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  • 9 weeks
    Welp, another year older and...

    ...still writing ponies. (Among other things, granted.)

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Regarding the Sweetie Chronicles · 1:00am Jul 6th, 2018

I think it's time to acknowledge a few things about TSC.

A lot of people that follow me put up with long stretches of time waiting for TSC to update, not really knowing whether it will or if it's something I just… forgot about and didn't touch again. As someone who follows quite a few stories that have slowly stalled and then just ground to a complete halt, I understand a lot of what's going through everyone's minds when I receive PMs or comments asking me what's next. When the next update is happening, when this Platinum Crown will finish its last TSC chapter.

I won't lie. TSC is a monster of a story. Not because it's long—there's a lot of stories that double, triple or quadruple its size. Not because it's the best written story in the site… it clearly isn't. And well, it's not the only mega-crossover in the site either.

What it makes it a monster of a story… is what it represents to readers and other authors. I don't agree with all of these, but hear me out. For some, it became a status thing in part. A fic that was part of TSC carried this air of authority. In a way, it was validation and vindication for fans of that story. It's not something I'm pulling out of my ass either, I have received PMs stating things like that.

It became, to others, the defacto great crossover; overarching plot, actual, real collaboration between 'great' authors…

To me, it was my big dream from when I was almost finished with The Empty Room; a chance to bring together people I admired and tell a fantastic story with them that spanned universes, their own stories… explored concepts they hadn't explored before!

Many authors jumped in at my invitation… the concept was intriguing, and we were all in a collaborative state of mind, building the brony dream, so to speak. Sharing, giving real feedback; constructive criticism; embracing the new. And yeah, TSC was new. It was unique. It was a chance to go to the playground of your story again, but you're not alone! And you can be part of something bigger, officially, if you want to!

And that is not even counting the readers. Man. Loyalty is too tame a word. I promised arcs, evolution of the story, a hundred worlds, known and unknown.

I'm not sure at what point exactly, or why, it overwhelmed me. It's not as easy as pointing at another author and saying, "hey, he stepped out, we didn't finish."

Let's face it. I am a fan of these works. And my authors, the ones that penned those works I love agreed to work with me. But they are also human. They have lives. They lose interest. I mean, who waits 6 years for the chance to write a chapter in a story?

Determamfidd, Municipal, etc. Whole planned chapters… almost complete sagas…

And the issue is, I relied on them more heavily than I should have. A lot of people have issues with the Immortal Game chapter. Let me tell you about it. I contacted AEsthetic B when he was two chapters in. Maybe three.

The story did a complete 90° turn soon after, and another turn and another. I honestly didn't like where it ended, or the Dragonball-like levels of fighting at the end. I thought Esteem was a mediocre villain. He never won a battle. He was just deadly in one on one, but not when it came to the M6 and Titan… well. Let's not go there.

The story had all the elements I loved and wanted, but I had a tough time. AB let me roll wherever I wanted, and until the chapter was done, I didn't realize fully what the actual input of the other author means. Because, I let my bias dictated the cadence of the chapter. All of the stuff that I wrote could have been done in a way that not only respected the original material more, but exalted it. That is what I wanted. What each chapter should be about, beyond Sweetie's trip.

I think, that people liked more the first series of chapters, not just because of Sweetie's greater innocence there, but also because the chapters were all about that respect. That balance.

To this day, the Best Night Ever chapters remain the best in most people's opinion. And those chapters are incredibly well balanced. They highlight Blueblood's struggles, through Sweetie who suddenly is found in the same situation. It brings out the best in Blueblood, in the way we see him become by the end of the original story.

We worked to maintain and create that balance until it was really the time for Sweetie to go back into her travels.

I often thought, that The Immortal Game had shoes too big to fill as a crossover. I thought so for the first year, as I continued, but I realize now, that at the time, I broke the balance… and a broken balance, followed by a balanced story (even if dark) as Backwards Through the Mirror, won't make up for things if you don't work to fix the imbalance from before.

And so, Sweetie's journey continued, but I was out of it in the way I should be. The energy was more about fulfilling and chasing authors that, truth be told, had better things to do than indulge a guy 4 years later.

So, what does this all mean?

Is Wanderer D dropping this off? Throwing the towel? Asking too many dramatic questions that sort of give away the answer?


Not exactly.

I need to change with this story. Sweetie has grown, changed, learned… and her future is not bright. I can't just… walk away. But I need to change how things work for the process of writing it.

I can't hold people I asked for permission so many years ago to drop everything or come back. Sometimes, you have to cut your losses. Cauterize the wound. Let the scar heal.

And that's what I'm going to do.

I'm not accepting submissions right now for world, but… I have a very clear idea and plan for her arc. Authors I loved are gone… doing their own thing. It's time to stop waiting for them. It's time to recognize that hey, they had interest and I let this grow way too big to properly give people the attention merited for the endeavor.

So I'm replacing the stories going forward. The next world remains the same. But the next? And the next? And so on?

It's time to take the reins again and steer the story through those new worlds. The fics of before are memories now, good points of reference to find something that will deal with what Sweetie needs to grow through.

It's daunting, but now I have a lot more experience with this kind of thing, and Sweetie's travels can be more focused, treating the subject matters appropriately without clogging things. If an author is gone, I'll try another.

If a world is closed, I will thank them for the amazing journey, and move on.

But TSC needs restructuring. And readers that have stuck through this, for so long, deserve better than once a year.


Comments ( 45 )
Georg #1 · Jul 6th, 2018 · · ·

*sniff* Our little filly is growing up.

Hey Wanderer D,

Thanks for the heads up on TSC. Is there any chance we could get a list of the stories that were planned? One of my favorite aspects of this story is that it keeps showing me other great stories that I never would have found on my own. In any case, thanks for being awesome!

Dezmo #3 · Jul 6th, 2018 · · ·

If I can wait for Half-Life 3, I can wait for this.

To be perfectly honest, I don't know what the behind-the-scenes plan was so I am not really disappointed when those long-planned "might have been" chapters don't happen. I just like reading the ongoing adventures of Sweetie Belle across time and space, and you do a good job writing that whether it's something six years in the making or it's an idea you just came up with at the end of the previous chapter.

So don't beat yourself up if some of those great old authors have gone on to other pastures and you missed your chance with them. There are still great new authors around and new ideas to adapt. I, as a reader, will be fine.

Going to agree with Sea Worthy. As someone who joined the fandom after its peak (I started watching last year and from what I gather, fans started moving on in 2016), TSC was a great way to find some of the great stories that otherwise I would never have looked at.

For example, "The Best Night Ever" chapters are the only reason I looked at that story.

I look forward to seeing where this goes. Best of luck with muse and drive.

You brave crazy soul. o7

As long as it continues I will patiently wait as long as it takes. :pinkiecrazy:

It’s a sign I’m going to write an essay’s worth of thoughts when I open a text document to formulate a reply. So who knows how long this’ll be.

You are right, TSC is a big symbol on this site (and elsewhere). I’d heard about it and been given recommendations to read it for a long time. Because I’m a moron who just lets things sit on their bookshelves for eternity and rarely reads them (instead writing), I just let it collect dust. I was prompted to actually read the monster when I was progressing through writing my own mega-crossover and was struck with the realization that ‘you know, if I don’t start including some references to certain things now, shoehorning them in later will be kinda cheep and not have the impact they should’. So I went and read this, and found it was worth almost every word of praise it had ever gotten. I became a fan (very recently, apparently) and was so enamored I went from ‘I’ll probably reference Sweetie in this chapter I’m doing’ to ‘she gets to be one of the major parts of this event AND I’ll try to seamlessly integrate it with his canon.’

The ‘air of authority’ really carried there. The fact that you liked what I had written sent little Fluttershy squees through me. There were happy dances and celebrations - it felt like a BIG piece of approval. A huge piece. And I’m just the new guy, you and TSC’s power can only be bigger for those who have been hanging around here much longer.

Yeah… six years is a bit of a long time to wait for planning a chapter. Hobbies change. College appears and takes people. Jobs occur. I myself struggled to keep writing when college came into the forefront of my life, and see that I clearly won’t be able to be the monster of words I currently produce forever. I also have to, eventually, take a step back and write a purely original story, see if I can make money off of it… I can understand what those authors are going through, I suppose, though for me it’s just a future fear.

I’ve been where you are as well - by no means with as large of a scale, or with any fans at all, but in a collaboration. When I was younger I thought it would be a good idea to lead a group of writers - started making group accounts, getting us involved in projects, etc. etc. I’m the only member of that group left, now. We were all kids, so I suppose it’s not too unbelievable… But it’s still depressing. I imagine it’s a lot harder to let go of your plans that have so much more riding on them.

I do agree, the Best Night Ever was by far the best of TSC’s arcs - though I’m particular to how far you were willing to go in Backwards through the Mirror, my second favorite arc. But after that, you’re right. The stories were still good and kept me invested, but weren't as absolutely engrossing as the things had been in the past. My interest was piqued again when Project Horizons showed up, but that’s because I’m a stupid Project Horizons fanboy and Blackjack can do no wrong. It did seem to be more of a struggle to do things - though don’t think it was a BAD story. It was still a GOOD story. Just not as phenomenal. And sometimes that’s fine.

But I am glad to hear you’re reworking things. It’s a good thing to realize that, sometimes, what we plan has to be thrown out the window because it won’t work anymore - and then we can replace it with something even better and brighter. (A philosophy I take to outlining. Step 1: make the outline. Step 2: write and feel free to destroy the outline when an idea comes). It’s also good to hear that Sweetie would be more focused.

I’d offer to help however I can here, but hey, I’m just the new guy who wrote a fanfic about your fanfic once. :twilightblush: Sweetie’s already visited over here. I can promise that I’ll keep reading and keep giving feedback. …And probably should read a little closer without the ‘sunglasses of ERMAGERSH NEW CHAPTA’ on when I go through the story. I really shoulda noticed the things about the most recent chapter.

I look forward to more rapid updates. Maybe I’ll get to take another bite of the pizza soon! And so will everyone else.

We’re cheering for you, WandererD.

-GM, master of essays.

Well I'm happy that it's still going, and looking forward to updates when they happen

Thanks for the update on the state of things. :)
This does seem like it's probably a good decision, too. Looking forward to seeing what you do. :)

(Question, though: Whatever happens going forward in the story, will that gap in it be filled, if that's not too problematic a question? I know you mentioned it in the post, but if you said something in answer to it, I missed that (sorry, if so).)

If I had the choice between getting HL3 and TSC, to the total exclusion of the other for the rest of my life, I would choose TSC without hesitation.

I have been wishing you'd do that for the last few years! :derpyderp2: No hard feelings or anything.
I'm just so relieved you made a decision. Picking new stories is the most practical course to maintain the level of collaborative spirit of the earlier chapters.

Take all the time you need, I know I'm not going away. Just content in knowing that the ride still hasnt ended!

Sounds fair to me. If it was that holding you back the whole time, and not your drive then wow that must have really been depressing.

I still can't wait for more, even if I do have to catch up on this story. I remember this was probably the first I really got into and obsessed over to the point where I tried to convert one of my stories into some crazy crossover tale with other fics from the site, or stuff that I'd written. :trollestia: Still, I love this story and I'm glad you never abandoned it like so many other fics on this lovely little site.

Steping back and rethinking about how to work things through is the optimal solution.
Gives food for thought though, about what could have been. But as they say, the multiverse is infinite. Maybe those authors and worlds are now closed, but there are many others still active and may be willing to contribute.
I'll continue to eagerly wait for new chapters.

Hey, probably had to happen sometime, and that's fine.

I'll still be here waiting.👍

I look forward to wherever the story leads next. And I understand completely; while my stories have nowhere near the scale yours does, sometimes we do need to dial back a bit and take new avenues.

Again, can't wait to see what lies ahead. TSC has helped my Pony-Renaissance, as it were, and I will always look forward to the next world, even if Sweetie isn't

Quality is better than quantity. Your choice of next jumps has been so far rewarding, a bit slow but still great. If you want to do a bit of rethinking go for it. Just don't abandon TSC.

Well, hope stuff goes smoother now that you've cauterized those wounds. I'm looking forward to Sweetie's new future. Plenty of people and worlds have popped up since the early days, and it'll be a treat seeing their paths cross with hers.

Did somebody say HL3?

I had a sneaking suspicion something like this was coming for TSC, D. :twilightsmile:

While I'd heard of TSC, it was A Heart of Change that got me into it. It also showed me how clunky it can be to incorporate the Traveler into their own canon, but that's another issue entirely. Let's just say that other stories (Mente Materia, Best Night Ever) did it way better.

Since then, I've been following the story and enjoying the updates. I'm a bit behind, but it's on my to do list.

I was actually in contact with one of the authors you supposedly contacted. We were discussing a possible spin-off of her story and the subject came up. Hopefully that's still on the table. It looks like she's still occasionally active. I also just realized we haven't made contact in over a year... Crap, now I'm pouring over letters at 1 in the morning. :fluttershysad:

You do realize that at some point, people stopped waiting for Half Life 2: Episode 3, right? Just food for thought. Personally, I'm waiting for Portal 3. If they can put it in bridge construction, legos, and pinball, surely we can get another proper sequel, right? Maybe after that SteamBox platform takes off. That'll be the day.

It finally just clicked what your name reminds me of. It makes me think of Metamor Keep. Also, that was a heck of an explanation to read. If you feel we deserve better then what can we do but hope you do?

whatever you need to do buddy, you got my support.

Honestly, mad props to you for going through the effort this will require.

You mean we won't get the End of Ponies chapter!? That's it, I'm outta here!
Just kidding. I have discovered great stories with this fic (including this fic), and won't be leaving until it's over.

Can we get a list of the fics that you are no longer going to use? As you said, being considered for TSC is an endorsement and a proof that it's a good read :raritywink:

actually, that's a DAMN GOOD idea

Maybe it's about time to read this. It's hard to believe a fandom classic it's still going

I was hoping something along these lines would happen. Looking forward to the future of TSC!

I'm glad to see you are still moving forward with this, despite the setbacks. Ultimately, I had no idea you had so much left. I honestly thought Sweetie Belle had gone through so much, there wasn't any development left.
As I am a masochist, (unfortunately) I personally enjoyed the Immortal Game chapter. True, I never read the original, but I felt that it had a certain pacing of its own. The setup for Rarity attacking was fine, and I have been personally hoping for more reaction towards Rarity than just what we saw in the Mirror.
The musical parts too, I enjoyed. It was nice to see her further her relationship with Octavia. I feel like you really missed a chance to give Sweetie the Cello holding Octavia's soul, but I suppose continuity is key.
While I am saddened by the loss of some great works to come in the future, I'm glad you are continuing.

And just a note before I go. through the past year, I've been trying to imagine how Sweetie could get home, and I've come to three conclusions. One, she travels quickly back through every universe she's ever visited. Two, The Sparkle Census calls in her Twilight, and retaining pieces of the soul, Sweetie Bell is transported instead, where she is returned to her dimension. Three, Sweetie makes an appearance in an Eternity Divided, where Lady Death and Lady Life, or Twilight and Sparkle, help her return home through cross-dimensional travel.

I know you said you weren't looking for anything yet, but I felt like I should mention that anyways. I have really thought some of those out though...

In any case, I wish you the best of luck as you continue to lead us down this path.

Sholah, Tenno

I originally came to see this fic after I saw it mentioned in Arad's story, "Mente Materia". In that story, i thought a dimension-hopping Sweetie Belle was the best thing ever... and then I found out it was from an actual fanfiction.

I will be honest, I originally came just to read through everything and get to the point where Mente MAteria came into play, because I saw that at the very end of the list, Mente Materia Part I was out. I started reading fervently, trying to get to the part with the aliens and the guns and the hoomans, but as I read I became engrossed with Sweetie Belle herself and how you portrayed her.

I realized every single area was it's own fanfiction, and although i did like some more than others, I grew to love this story completely on it's own (and that's from someone who binge-read the whole thing up till the first Mente Materia Chapter in four days).

Yes, I did like the Best Day Ever arc, even though at first i thought it was dragging on too much, but after a while I realized this fic has showed me some of the best fanfics I've read on this site. I greatly enjoyed the Immortal Game, and your chapter on it was the reason I found it out in the first place, but I had tosay, I liked your take on the world more than the overall story. That story definitely had a different tone in the beginning than it did near the end, and I too disliked how dragon-ball-y it became towards the end, but your version of the world, even after reading it and seeing that there was no dimension-hopping Sweetie in the actual story, I find it to be better because it has the same emotional impact that the beginning held, and the same care for each of the characters and their development.

No matter what you do with the Sweetie Chronicles, whether it changes compared to what you originally intended or whether you decide to quit it, I was glad to be on this ride, and greatly enjoyed Sweetie's adventures. Needless to say, I will be reading and re-reading this again in the future, no matter the outcome.

Anyway, now that I've said that, I should probably stop neglecting my own readers and keep going with my own stories.

I'm both sad and glad to see that you're dropping stories that you had planned in favor of new ones, but more glad. TSC has introduced me to multiple fics that I loved. The early chapters had a feeling of life and energy that I think really only happens when the author isn't completely sure where he's going. I like that energy, and I hope it comes back to the fore with your decision.

Of course, that's not necessarily the best way to write. You can even argue that it's not a good way to write. It's easy to write yourself into a corner, or miss plot holes, or kill the pacing, or write a Mary Sue, or any of a hundred thousand other bad writing habits. It's unrefined, but I like the feel that comes with that kind of writing, it's vibrant. The honesty hasn't been polished out of it yet.

I think that preference might be why I'm one of those authors you talk about, who's updates come further and further apart until they realize that the story is dead, usually long after the readers did. My most successful story happened because I had a funny idea and wanted to see where it took me, and it died when I gave in to the temptation to plan.

Looks like our author is having some of their own character development lol.

It introduced some awesome fics, thanks for that. Tho some of those fics will always be incomplete, like Backwards, r.i.p.. 💔

I am glad tho, and good luck!

Seems fair enough. As has been said by others, I don't mind which stories fall into the line-up: I'm just happy to see new and interesting places.

I'll be waiting as long as it takes for the fic to end, even if that isn't until 2030.

But in all seriousness, even though I do want it to continue, I also will wait. However, stories like Project Horizon is good because it's an already established world of it's own. The Fallout Equestria series has become its own sub-fandom. So you can take stories from said fandom and be able to return to the same world. It's a shame I don't see more fics with sub-fandoms like that. Granted, I've never actually read a Fallout Equestria fanfic beyond what was in TSC. But I'm away that it is it's own fandom.

I am however hoping that TSC: Fracture will be updated as well. I also like stories that have two separate fics to portray two different points of view. I like Arrow 18 Mission Logs so well. It has two fics to portray two different perspectives. That and it's a good story as well. And like Fracture, the secondary story of Arrow 18 is also unfinished (and like Fracture, I hope it will be continued).

I love Sweetie Chronicles, I have ever since I read the first paragraph. You are my favorite author, and, rest assured, whatever you do, I will be pleased. Unless you kill of Sweetie

Perfectly fine by me. I don't mind waiting, or supporting others. Both of those make up half my life regardless. I jumped (mentally) when I saw the new chapter. I was just as exited as when I first read the story! If you and the other authors need a break, I will be content. If I just misinterpreted everything, :twilightblush: Oops. Still, glad to see you up and about for a bit.

OK first i want to state that i did not come over hear to read TSC but dam am i so glad i did.
i have been seeing your story ranger in / on the feature list a hole bunch and than i see TSC pop in for a short bit, well i will say any thing about the CMC tends to grab my eyes,
in short i am extremely happy i found this story to put it simple it is awesome.

but the first story i ever found of yours WD is The Pain of Eternity witch sits at the vary top of my favored list and it is going to be there for ever just writing this and thinking of the story still brings a tear to my eye's.
if you need to take time to re-do parts of TSC trust in the fact that if i am alive i will still be hear.
Harts Fire

Not a fan of fallout five. But yeah been a long time abs many authors have sense moved on and left stories abandoned.

Never was a fan of platinum crown kind of quiet after chapter 30

To be honest... I think you are feeling this change more than us. I mean. We dont know what you had planned, so the fact that it won't happen wont change THAT much from our perspective... It is youthat might end up having to deal sense of abandonment for the things-that-could-be, but wont and possible feeling of guilt. But someties you jist have to move on, not dwell on "could-be"'s. In fact, it is something you had your characters realise in couple cases. :P
For us? We will just be happy that this story is still alive, that sweetie wont be stranded in multiverse forever. I will bw honest. I burned myself out with brony fandom long ago. I only stay here for the couole of great stories that I still follow. Whenever one of them dies, is abadonned... I feel like another great part of whatever is left of this brony in me dies.
I am just happy that you are still working on it.

Also, if the "platinum crown" part won't be finished, I would suggest posting YOUR OWN take on this, without the other authors. Maybe as separate story. If the author cannot contribute any more, then their story is done. You might feel like you violated them. Just treat it as "alternate universe" of their story if need be.

But these are just some sughestion from reader, I don't write, so all I can do is give my experience from reading Houndreds of stories, and interacting with other authors.

As you said, you have loyal followers, and you can always ask for help. I might have grew up a bit, got job, but I feel like I grew up ALONG with sweetie. While it might not be one of the BEST WRITTEN stories out there, but it is still one of THE BEST ones in terms of chatacters and story. Even if you don't see it like that.

Sorry for long comment. Just had to share this, and show you that you have our support.

Well "technically" he has killed her... she just got better. :P

In a way you can say that energy and uncertainty perfectly mirrors TSC when she started out. You got to feel that same energy and uncertainty in Sweets who was feeling those things. And as she develops, you can feel that development in the writing itself. As the author get as much character development as the character does ... it really adds onto the writing.

And I think that's one of the things I love the most about the story. We see them both grow, and we get pulled into the story, we see her trials and tribulations. And we feel her. It's that depth that really makes it worth waiting months or years between updates. Because I can't wait to carry on Sweetie's journey.

I think we all wish each chapter was like heart of change but it depends on the other authors(hence some either go back change or even just don't include any mention of tsc sweetie belle visiting their fic worlds

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