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A guy who loves movies, comic books, video games, as well as stories with colorful talking ponies in them.

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    My Adventures with Superman - Season 2

    Just watched the premiere, first two episodes of the new season.

    And I think we are off to a FINE start with this season! :pinkiehappy: :yay:

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Headcanons: The Rainbooms / Humane Five · 8:11pm Jun 28th, 2018

Hey everyone, I finally finished my next set of headcanons!

This one has to do with the human counterparts of Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy.

(Sunset Shimmer and Sci-Twi will each get their own entry for headcanon material. Just so you guys know.)

But anyway, here are my own personal thoughts on the backgrounds and quirks of...

The Humane Five:

Pinkie Pie:

- Figuring out Pinkie's home situation in the EG world was interesting. When I saw her parents in "Hearth Breakers" I really got an Amish vibe from Mr. and Mrs. Pie... While I don't think that the human versions of the Pie Family are quite like that, I do see the Pies as being a very traditional and old-fashioned family, with Marble and Limestone staying on the farm while Maud and Pinkie took to life in town/the city. Pinkie grew up on the farm for the first several years of her life, and then ended up settling with Maud when it became clear she wasn't happy. (The age differences between the Pie sisters is something I haven't really considered, but considering that Pinkie seems to live with Maud - at least, based on what we've seen so far - I must conclude that there's a pretty decent gap in age between them, to allow Pinkie to live with her big sister and have no one raise a fuss.)
- Pinkie having a game system, as seen back in Rainbow Rocks (combined with her pre-ordering a game for Sunset) is something that makes perfect sense to me... even though I do imagine Pinkie's tastes to run to more family-friendly fare, like Mario, Splatoon, and those LEGO video games made by Traveller's Tales. (Admittedly, I'm a big fan of the Lego games myself, but I definitely think that their sense of humor is something Pinkie would love.)
- I also imagine that Pinkie Pie is a HUGE fan of comedy movies, and possesses a big collection of various comedians and their work. While I'm not sure yet of all her particular favorites, I *do* think that she'd be a big fan of the Muppets. :pinkiehappy:
- Another headcanon of mine, is that we only see Pinkie use a party cannon in Friendship Games, and not before, may have to do with an incident where she was banned from bringing certain party-related devices to school. (Remember that giant confetti bomb from the "Best Trends Forever" short? Maybe something like that happened earlier in freshman or sophomore year...)
- While we haven't really seen Pinkie interact with the EG versions of Mr. and Mrs. Cake, I still imagine that there is a close friendship between them. Maybe she still babysits Pound and Pumpkin Cake? :twilightsmile:
- There's a joke in the story "Sunset's Little Twilight" that has Pinkie turn out to be one of those people who cannot function without their morning coffee. While I loved that joke, my own twist on it is that most forms of coffee may make her sleepy or tired instead... (No idea what effect - God forbid - alcohol consumption may have on her... as a fan of the old sitcom WKRP in Cincinatti, I'd be tempted to make a reference to Johnny Fever and have Pinkie Pie become faster or more coherent with every drink she takes... :rainbowlaugh:)
- And finally, just as a silly little end-note, but after reading the delightful story "Fwoof!" (a spinoff of the hilarious "Flounce!" by shortskirtsandexplosions) I kind of ship Pinkie Pie with Flash Sentry...


- The family background of this one was also something to really think about, let me tell you. XD But anyway, like in Equestria, I imagine AJ to be from a massive family with a large number of farmers. However, since farming in the pony world is pretty different from our modern human way of doing things, I headcanon that the farmhouse and barn we've seen is just the "face" of Sweet Apple Acres, and they have other fields elsewhere or something. (I readily confess that I know next to NOTHING about how farms work...)
- Now it's pretty much accepted among fans of the series that Applejack's parents are dead. Now, I'm fine with that, and buy into it myself, but I am tempted to reverse things and have Bright Mac and Pear Butter be alive. Admittedly, this twist was inspired by DarthLink22's excellent story "Integration" which has the Apple Parents' living be one of the major distinctions between the human world and Equestria.
- Regardless of whether her parents are alive or not, I headcanon that AJ learned to play guitar from her mother.
- Like her pony counterpart, I imagine that Applejack knew Rara / Countess Coloratura when they were at camp as kids. (Doubt that AJ has put the dots together yet, but I do think that Rarity would absolutely flip to find that out! XD)
- Another headcanon I have about Applejack's childhood is that she spent a summer in Manhattan (Manehattan?) with her Aunt and Uncle Orange, though unlike the filly AJ trying to leave home I imagine that it was more just a long vacation. Either way, like canon, Applejack realized that she preferred life at home than that offered by the big city.
- Speaking of her Aunt Orange, since the Dance Magic special mentioned an "Aunt Orange smoothie kiosk," and since we saw her working at a smoothie kiosk in the "Shake Things Up" short, I headcanon that Applejack's Orange relatives run a chain of smoothie shops across the country, and AJ works at the Canterlot outlet. (She gets quite testy about the suggestion of nepotism though, so be careful what you say to her about it! XD)
- In terms of her interests outside of the band and school... it's quite easy to imagine Applejack as a fan of Westerns, though at the same time I really chuckle to imagine AJ watching movies like the Dollars Trilogy or Unforgiven. I do think she'd probably like Lonesome Dove though... (And, if I really wanted to give her a dark pleasure of a movie to like, it'd probably be something like Django Unchained or The Hateful Eight... something really brutal and violent XD)

Rainbow Dash:

- This should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway: Dash's parents are not going to be as *cough* enthusiastic as they were in Equestria. I'm still using Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles since that's what canon gave us, but they have a bit of a better handle on their zeal towards praising their daughter. (It's also my headcanon that Rainbow Blaze is Dash's uncle, probably Bow's younger brother or something. While the Equestrian version took her to air shows and such, I think that the EG version probably introduced her to soccer or got her that first guitar or something.)
- A big question I've wondered about, is how Rainbow Dash got introduced to the Daring Do books, if she didn't know Twilight at first... while I suppose Sci-Twi could have gotten her a book, I kind of liked this idea I had about Fluttershy giving her a copy of Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone when they were kids, as a birthday present. Putting it aside for a while, Dash eventually opened it up and got hooked. XD
- Like Pinkie, I definitely see Dash as being into games, though it'd be of a rather different stripe... stuff like Need for Speed, Burnout Paradise... and probably a couple of shooter games, the more over-the-top kind of stuff (When I saw the trailer for DOOM Eternal, I immediately thought "Rainbow would be SO enthused about shooting and chainsawing demons" XD)... Though at the same time, the thought of Dash as a gamer kind of worries me. Considering we saw her pull the plug on a game rather than lose to Applejack, I'm sure Dash has had some pretty breathtaking rage-quits in the past...
- Aside from games, I'm sure that Dash is a big movie fan. Stuff like Top Gun, but also some other fare too... to be honest, I can see Rainbow Dash liking a LOT of different films: superhero stuff (especially Iron Man and The Avengers), giant monster flicks (whether they're awesome or corny) and various horror films too (I have a very vivid mental image of Dash unwittingly scarring Fluttershy by showing her Evil Dead 2 or something)
- At the same time... There's a gag in the story "Sunset Serves Sushi" where Fluttershy accidentally mentions that Rainbow loves The Sound of Music. I may not use that exact movie, but it does tickle me to have Rainbow like some movie that scarcely anybody would EVER expect her to like. Maybe Cinderella.


- While they've only had one appearance in Friendship is Magic, and none at all in the Equestria Girls franchise, I've had some thoughts about Rarity's parents. Despite their minimal presence, I like to imagine that Rarity's family must be a pretty happy one... partly because I'm tired of so many fictitious families having members who are weird, screwed-up or dead... nothing wrong with having two loving parents, writers!
- Anyway, building on the above, I imagine Hondo to have been a football player. (Pretty obvious, given his pony self's cutie-mark). Maybe he played in college, and then eventually made a job as a sports writer or commentator. Cookie is a homemaker... it's interesting for me to speculate on this, mainly because Rarity's parents seem so domestic that I wonder what kind of jobs they must work to support their children...
- Speaking of Rarity's family, I headcanon that something like "Sisterhooves Social" happened at one point in the EG universe (maybe in sophomore year?) to really strengthen Rarity and Sweetie Bell's relationship as siblings. Probably wasn't a specifically sister-themed festival, maybe more of a school festival or field day, but regardless, I really wanted to fit one of my all-time favorite MLP episodes into the human world equivalent! XD
- Another consideration I've had about the human world Rarity is her interest in fashion and gems, and where it came from. (Since, you know, there's no giant stone full of gems for Rarity to be magically dragged to XD) I can readily imagine any number of mundane ways for her to become interested in designing clothes, but I still want to imagine something kind of special to reference the pony Rarity's connection to precious stones... maybe little Rarity found a diamond or other gem on a camping trip or something. (And isn't that a funny thing to imagine, a young Rarity on a camping trip.)
- Thinking about Rarity's job at the boutique owned by Prim Hemline, and the fact that we've seen Suri Polomare as a student at Crystal Prep Academy, I headcanon that Rarity got the boutique job after something of an intense competition/feud with Suri over the position.
- Thanks to that one gag from Rainbow Rocks with Rarity in a Daft Punk-type costume and helmet, I readily headcanon that - despite what her elegant lady image may have you think - Rarity is in fact a big fan of modern electronic music. (And of course, the episode "It Isn't the Mane Thing About You" also implies that Rarity has an appreciation of punk fashion too, so why not some of their music while I'm at it?)
- Like her pony counterpart, Rarity is a big fan of detective stories, especially the Shadow Spade novels. This love carries over into movies too, with her having a big love of The Maltese Falcon and similar classic film noir. I can really see Rarity as being a fan of classic Hollywood, in particular famous cinematic romances like Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, and also Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland. If I had to name a specific film of the latter, I'd probably say Captain Blood. Rarity seems like she'd enjoy a romantic pirate story. :rainbowlaugh:


- Imagining Fluttershy's family in a human context was another interesting exercise. I see her mother as a florist, and her dad as a meteorologist; in reference to his pony counterpart collecting cloud samples and having worked at the weather factory.
- Like in Equestria, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash first met at camp and became friends there. It was, of course, an interesting friendship to say the least, given how the former is timid and the latter so brash and cocky.
- Just to throw this one out there, I have a headcanon that Zephyr Breeze's crush on Rainbow Dash started from when she once punched him when they were kids. (Honestly, doesn't that seem like him? Zephyr would be pathetic enough to think that...)
- Back to the Fluttershy stuff! Like in canon, I imagine that her gift with animals started with butterflies. She wandered off to be alone for a while, and witnessed a butterfly migration, a real one-in-a-million sight. That helped lead her into caring for animals and eventually volunteering at the animal shelter.
- Given that EG-Fluttershy's beach outfit is a wetsuit, and we've seen her snorkeling, I had a headcanon that maybe once she went diving with sea turtles once or some other marine wildlife trip.
- Now, in terms of some favorite media I imagine Fluttershy being into... thanks to "Scare Master" it's typically a joke that Fluttershy is a big anime fan. Nothing against that, except that I really don't know much Japanese animation myself... I can say "Miyazaki," and that's about it. XD
- When it comes to movies, I definitely imagine her liking some documentaries. (I want to do a scene of her showing March of the Penguins to the other Rainbooms at some point.)
- There's a one-shot by Jay David where Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash watch Watership Down, and I love that. Some other animal films I might imagine for her would probably include Babe and Homeward Bound; which admittedly is me projecting a bit, as I watched those two movies as a kid. XD
- And if I ever wanted to be surprising about Fluttershy and a movie, I'd pick Jurassic Park for that. I can actually see her sympathizing with the Velociraptors, all cooped up in their tiny compound of an enclosure! (And remember, this is the character whose pony counterpart gave us "Nature is so fascinating"... :rainbowlaugh:)

Anyway, that's it for now.

Hope this was an entertaining read, hope that it maybe sparks some discussion. We shall see. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 60 )

I love that our headcanons mesh so well with these characters.

I imagine Fluttershy actually likes very fantastical and absurd horror movies since she knows that could never happen to her, while she's probably shy (hah) away from something that would hit closer to home.

Y'know, I can see that. And I can understand that too. Easier to watch a vampire movie than a movie about, I don't know, a stalker or serial killer.


Exactly. She's also aware of just how vicious and dangerous certain animals can be, and knows to avoid doing certain things that others mighty not know not to do around said animals. I also like to imagine she helped Zephyr gain actual confidence in EQG as well, and she's proud that he's now working part time at a local barbershop.

That's a nice headcanon. I might have to borrow that ;-)


Go right ahead. I actually kinda liked Zephyr, or found him funny at least a couple of times, so I like him actually getting over his issues and actually becoming a better person. Sure, he does annoy Fluttershy, but I don't think he's a bad person.

I don't think he's a bad person either. But his misfortune or embarrassment is pretty hilarious to me XD

Though again, I do like to see him improve. There's a funny story on this site with him working in a Manehattan salon with Babs Seed that's both very funny and later gives him a moment to step up. ^_^


Sounds fun, could you link it?

Let me get back to you.

I believe that Pinkie would still live with her family, given that Maud and is attending CHS along with Pinkie but no sigh if she's a student teacher or student. But yeah she's definitely a comedy fan. I don't see her dating Flash.
I don't have much to say about Applejack, other than she might prefer some of the older Clint Eastwood westerns. But she might prefer the newer versions of Three-Ten to Yuma and True Grit, as well as a few of Clint Eastwood's post Westerns works.
Not much to say about RD.
Nor Rarity
As for Fluttershy, I highly doubt she enjoys all animals related films, but yeah she's a big closet otaku. I think that Zephyr fell for RD because of proximity, and likely they are actually the same age with Fluttershy being a year older but held back because of a lack of confidence, which she got via support from RD.

Have we ever seen Maud at CHS though? She is Pinkie's older sister, so I'd pretty well assumed that she'd have graduated by now. Nothing against Pinkie living with her family though.

Interesting headcanon about Fluttershy being held back a year. It makes a certain sense, I must say, even if I'm not fully enthusiastic about it.

Forgotten Friendship/Most Likely To Be Forgotten EQG special, Sunset and Trixie question Maud.
Choose Your Ending with Rarity on the Case of the Missing Bedazzled Boat, one of the three ending has Maud being the thief.

Forgot about those. XD

But then again, the whole age situation in EG is all over the damn charts. Fluttershy is supposed to be a year older than Pinkie, yet all the girls are in the same grade.

In my shorties Fluttershy in her flight school was held back a year and RD was bumped up on. Which explains RD's lack a maturity overall, she never had the chance to properly grow

Yeah, but again, that's your headcanon. The canon itself has these discrepancies through it.

I'll be honest, having thought about it, I still see Maud as being a TA rather than a student at Canterlot High School. Just saying. *shrugs*

That's why i said she was maybe a student teacher.

I didn't quite get if "student teacher" meant TA or teacher. Phrasing was a bit unclear, sorry.

Student teacher- someone who is in college for education, has passed all the classes and is now in the field to see if they really want to be a teacher, put their skills to the test and learn practical info of the field. Think of it like an internship. They are a TA but not for a college professor, a little more independence in their teaching, and in the school they are teaching in for a shorter period of time.

Ah, thanks for the lesson. You learn something new every day! ^_^

I like to imagine that much like her pony self, Rarity knows martial arts and well, a lady doesn't start fights. She ENDS them. She'd rather not have to fight to begin with, but if you harm a single hair on ANY of her friends' heads or God help you, Sweetie Belle, well, you will know her wrath.

I wish I'd remembered to add that. I always loved the implication that Rarity knew karate or similar martial arts. :twilightsmile:

And yeah, harm her little sister Sweetie Belle and you'll be eating through a straw for the rest of your life.


Much like if you hurt a hair on Apple Bloom's head, well first off, odds are she's stronger than you and there's a real chance you'll regret it. But when word gets to her family, well, Big Mac is bad. Applejack is worse. But if God help you GRANNY SMITH gets involved, you best start praying. Cause nothing short of divine intervention will spare you from her wrath.

I very much believe it.

And if you mess with Scootaloo, you probably would never see Dash coming for you...


You are not wrong, to put it in Japanese: "Omae wa mou shinderu." You are already dead. YOU DO NOT fuck with the pony who can go supersonic in under a second and break the visible light spectrum at once on a WHIM.


Just curious, got any other thoughts to share here? ^_^


Kinda yeah. Zephyr is VERY protective of his sister. As in, you so much as LOOK at her the wrong way and you'll see just how capable he is with scissors. He's still somewhat frosty around Sunset for that reason. For al his faults, he does love Fluttershy.

I like that. It's a good reminder that Zephyr and Shy do have a proper relationship as siblings. :twilightsmile:


Exactly. I can even justify his attraction to Rainbow, she's everything he wants to be. Brave, unafraid, heroic, smart, self confident, fast, strong, a Wonderbolt, she is what he wants to be, but can't be for varying factors.

Yeah. Especially the whole "brave and unafraid" angle.


His confidence is mostly bravado. Hers is EARNED. He's an average flyer, she can go supersonic on a WHIM. He has fairly normal colors, she has a goddamn rainbow Mane! He's just some guy, she's saved the world.


But regardless of the universe, Zephyr will END you if he finds out you hurt a single hair on his sister's head. He's STILL kinda pissed at Sunset for that, even though she's clearly greatly changed.

I like that idea. I really do. Anything that gives Zephyr more character or depth than being an entitled slacker is something I approve of.


"You hurt one hair on my sister's head and you'll WISH I was Sweeny Todd."


The teachers have made it a point to get the Rainbooms to NOT use their geodes, because that is a blatantly unfair advantage. Or else Sunset could brush against say, Twilight and get the answers from her mind. She wouldn't, but still. It's a matter of principle. Or Rainbow could complete the test in five minutes. And potentially set the paper on fire from the sheer friction. I imagine her speed works like most speedsters in that is protects her and the stuff she's wearing or the friction would leave her shoeless PRETTY fast. And without clothes. And while there's undoubtedly people who would enjoy the show, she's not interested in giving one to begin with.

Sci-Twi's telekinesis, while fairly impressive due to her creativity, would probably pale in comparison to Unicorn Rarity's multitasking or Princess Twilight's ability to levitate a giant star bear, give it a makeshift baby bottle and levitate it away to safety and NOT pass out from burnout. She also doesn't have THAT much more raw power than your average unicorn, she's just slightly above average, roughly on par with Trixie, but the fact that people don't have telekinesis makes it all the more impressive looking. Odds are if she took lessons from, y'know, an actual unicorn, she'd be a LOT better with it. Think of it as her being a Level 5 Wizard, among Level 1s or even people with class levels. It's impressive in comparison, but compared to someone who REALLY knows what they're doing? Even Trixie could telekinesis circles around her if only because since it's something completely natural to her, not something she's had for MAYBE a year at best, she has more experience.


I imagine her speed works like most speedsters in that is protects her and the stuff she's wearing or the friction would leave her shoeless PRETTY fast.

By that same principle, I imagine that it also took them some practice to get used to their powers and controlling them. I remember in the Monday Blues video that Rainbow destroyed her shoes when running to school... plus we have the Overpowered short to recall, so that's another reason for the girls to use their powers in moderation. (Poor Sunset, having to walk through a high school hearing what everyone around her is thinking! DX)

Interesting point about Twi's TK power. I don't know how powerful I'd say she is compared to an Equestrian unicorn (she pretty effortlessly took down Gaia Everfree's vines when she got around to it)... but I think you're onto something in terms of experience and training.


That is fair, if ANY of them overuse their powers, they enter a state of Overdrive, sorta like the pony version of Overdrive since the power in them (assuming there's a sort of consciousness, which wouldn't surprise me, magic is often depicted as alive) assumes if they're using their powers THAT much, something must be up, so, overclock. Which, can REALLY suck for Sunset because, even as relatively idyllic as the world of EQG IS, being more a parallel Equestria than a parallel Earth, she's still in a high school. That much psychic chatter, well, you saw how she took it. She's not a telepath naturally, come to think of it, I don't think we've SEEN telepathy in the show, or, overt telepathy, anyway. Discord could PROBABLY do it, but then again, there's not much he CAN'T do, that's kinda the whole point of who and what he IS.

Good points.

ome to think of it, I don't think we've SEEN telepathy in the show, or, overt telepathy, anyway.

We really haven't, now that you say it. Interesting...

And also, if Discord CAN read minds (and there's nothing to suggest that he can't), he probably doesn't do it, mainly because it makes things too easy for him. Or if he has a psychic ability of that sort, it's more of a hazy/ill-defined reading of someone's character rather than detailed thought-reading and such. Chaos is unpredictable, after all. That's why it's Chaos. Maybe it comes and goes for him.


True, And considering how complex and ill defined the concept of the mind IS, it makes sense that telepathy is, difficult at best. And Discord, as you said, isn't going to bother because that's BORING. And if things get boring? Well, making things less boring is part of the whole, y'know, part of the whole Lord of Chaos job description. And if he makes things boring, he's being a very shitty Lord of Chaos. Which would likely offend him greatly if you tell him that to his face.

Indeed on all counts. Though I can't really think of a pony or person foolhardy enough to tell Discord that last bit. XD


Pinkie unthinkingly? But even then, once she realized what she said and who she said it TO, she'd likely apologize instantly. Pinkie is not a mean spirited character. She doesn't go out of her way to hurt ponies. Quite the opposite. Which probably makes her Mirror verse character pretty friggin scary. Since she goes out of her way to make herself laugh at everyone else's expense.

Good point.
Been a while since you brought up the Mirror-verse counterparts. Which is still pretty damn frightening. Canon Pinkie is enough as it is. Giving her the mentality of someone like The Joker is a whole new boatload of nightmare fuel.


People joke about Pinkie being scary as shit but...

Yeah. Once you get past the jokes and seriously THINK a bit about it...

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