• Member Since 6th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen April 20th


A Midwest brony who enjoys writing about adorkable unicorns and alien invasions. Come join me for XCOM 2 livestreams!

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It rose, not a phoenix shining and triumphant... but a revenant demanding its due. · 5:11pm May 28th, 2018

Hey there folks.

Over the past year I've tried multiple times to write a blog about... anything really. Off the top of my head I can think of four different times when I very nearly wrote a blog about what was currently going on but I stopped. Part of me was afraid that if I committed to writing it down into words and sharing it, I'd convince myself that my writing days were done. So I didn't. And I'm not going to now for the same reasons. If there's one thing that I've gotten damned good at is turning a willfully blind eye to my personal problems.

Suffice it to say that I am still alive, though writing isn't what it used to be for me.

To everyone who's stuck with me up to this point, thanks.

Report Arad · 1,930 views · Story: Mente Materia ·
Comments ( 39 )

Hey, as long as you remember that most people will be glad for even a few more horsewords, you've got little to worry about.

Fix yourself first, everything else will follow.

No worries. Take care of yourself first! Horsewords can always come later. Be well. :)

Yeah; though I would gratefully read more of your story, life comes first. Take however much time you need.

Real life before stories.

Funny thing, I ended up buying XCOM 2 because of your crossover. I had heard of the series before that, but had little interest in it. Was rereading your stuff when it happened to come up in a Steam sale at an attractive price, so I got it.

Sheesh, that game is brutal hard sometimes, and that Long War mod puts the screws in even deeper! Kind of wish the LW mod team hadn't fucked off and moved to other things without getting the expansion taken care of though. That WotC has some nifty features that I'd like to get in the game, but I've clawed through enough of the LW campaign that I'm loathe to toss the saves just so I can use the expansion.

Amazing to see this story again in the near future!

I can't say it sounds good for your mental or physical health to completely ignore your problems, but I can speak to the power of a stubborn refusal to let them beat you. So good on you for that.

Thanks for returning from the dead to seek vengeance. I'm pretty sure that's what revenants do.

Keep writing when you can, and keep surviving even when you can't keep writing. We'll still be there to read whatever you produce, for a long, long time to come.

And hey, you still update faster than my stories. :rainbowwild:

I don't know what this means

Life happens. :eeyup:

But thanks for checking in and adding a smile to my day. Here’s one right back at’cha! :pinkiehappy:

It is a supreme coincidence that I just finished reinstalling XCOM and had put Stardust back on my "Gotta read this again" list today. Before I saw this post. That Mente Materia might continue just made my day!!

I'm glad to see you again alive again, and if you need anything feel free to let us know.

Just be aware that I too have an XCOM/MLP crossover in my meditative pile, and it's all your fault. I'm available for anything you need (other than vital organs).


Just glad to know you're still alive and kicking. Regardless of whether or not Mente Materia reaches its conclusion know that you have created something truly remarkable in this section of the fandom.

Best of luck to you in the future. Hope that creative spark of yours stays lit.

Take your time, unlike in XCOM you don't have to worry about the impending doom of your entire species!

I hope whatever's affecting you personally will be resolved in a good manner someday...I can't say I know what you're feeling because, well, I don't, but I know that sometimes life can give you some real sucker punches and make lots of dirty moves out of nowhere. All I can honestly say is that there will always be people who appreciate what you've done, and no matter the outcome, there will be someone there if you need them.

Nice reading from you. Most of us won't go anywhere I think. Just take your time, maybe visit germany or something.

You need to take care of yourself, man. I care more about you than I do about some fanfic. That may sound strange, given we don't really know each other. But take it from me, as a struggling writer myself; the most important thing to do is to broaden one's horizons. Writers are sedentary by our very nature, but the human mind and the human body can only take so much of that. It yearns to run wild; to be free. Take a vacation. Go on a run. See things you've never seen and interact with people you've never known. And really, that's not "dealing with writer's block". That's just living. After that, the words will come, eventually. 😉

Do what you need to. I'm willing to wait.

We're always willing to wait. You're a cool dude, and you've made good stuff. Don't sweat it! We'll be here when you're ready, so take as long as you need.

Yay! :pinkiehappy: No stranger to life's little troubles, we'll keep you in our prayers and hearts. :twilightsmile:

Lol I only finally got X-COM 2 for PS4 on Black Friday, then got stuck and stopped playing until like a month ago when i finally said fuck it and used the Sid Meier cheat and OH WOW PSI TROOPS ARE USEFUL I GUESS I SHOULD BUILD THAT FACILITY

Started War of the Chosen 2 weeks ago and damn its like a new game, so yeah........you wound up giving me time to catch up with the rest of ya'll :pinkiecrazy:

I am madly looking forward tot he next chapter. Thank you for coming back. The story NEEDS to be completed.
Currently re-reading Startdust by the way. Ahh.. such simpler times. :D

I wan't you to know, that past year i came to this site every day just to see if there is a blog post from you. So yeah i am pretty much still with you.

Oh hey, welcome back commander! Good to see you're still writing.

Thanks for another chapter. Every chapter is a good chapter with this story.

Glad to see you're not ded. Like everyone has said, take your time. I've waited longer for updates :twilightblush:

interests come and go, i'm just glad you didn't delete everything and abandoned us.

i hope you don't feel shackled to your stories, all of this is supposed to be for fun or an outlet.

Do you have a PayPal? Not for commissions, but I want to send you beer money to celebrate your turnaround. Cheers!

I can't begin to express how happy this made me, thank's Arad my day was pretty crud before! I've been meaning to say this for a long time but the only reason I even check the site is to see if you've updated, needless to say seeing this return is like meeting a friend you though lost. I'm actually getting a bit emotional. Thank you.

Just glad your alive and kicking. Xd

Hope things get better for you soon! I've only just gotten around to reading Stardust and really enjoyed it.

Welcome back!

Life has a way of draining us. Im currently battling some serious stagnation myself. A lot of my old passions have faded, and nothing really hold my interest for very long these days. Ive got a TON of work to do and I find myself lacking the motivation to actually work on anything. Recently, my main passion has been sparked again, if only because I refused to let the flame truly die. Keep at it man, regardles if its writing, or something else, always try to hold on to that one thing, even if its just a few nibbles at a time rather than a buffet.

Dude, we're just glad that you are still alive.

Whatever it is, good luck :twilightsmile:

It's my luck that I started to read a fanfic after the author lost his desire to write :applecry:

I wish you good luck and hope you'll finish this one day...

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