• Member Since 28th Oct, 2017
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JD McGregor

How does a hamster write fanfic?

More Blog Posts23

  • 282 weeks
    A moment to remember an actor

    W. Morgan Sheppard was an actor who appeared in many genre movies and TV series. Star Trek, Doctor Who, Babylon 5, even anime voice acting. However, the role I best remember him for was in the 1980's TV series Max Headroom, where he played Blank Reg. Reg was an aging punk rocker running a tiny pirate TV station from a caravan parked on the outskirts of the city. He was one of the best characters

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  • 284 weeks
    Merry Christmas, Everyone! No, I'm Not Dead!

    Hi everyone. I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and give you all an assurance that I'm not dead, and neither is my story.

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    2 comments · 298 views
  • 305 weeks
    Well, *that* month was hellish. Let's try not to do that again.

    Hi everyone,

    I'm alive, the car is fixed, the mortgage paid, and bank account looking a bit more positive. Let's hope I don't have to go through quite so much stress for the next few months at least. Which brings us back to the question I'm sure is on the minds of my small cadre of loyal readers:

    When the heck is the next chapter coming?

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    5 comments · 377 views
  • 310 weeks
    What's the story, JD?

    Hi everyone,

    So, you're probably wondering what's taking so damn long with the next chapter. Well, to put it simply, life happened. I ran into a money crunch combined with a bunch of new expenses. I've actually taken to driving a ride share to earn extra cash, and it was working out really well...till the AC compressor in my car blew.

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    4 comments · 309 views
  • 312 weeks
    Yes, I'm still alive.

    Hi everyone.

    I know you all haven't heard from me in a bit, but rest assured that I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth. I just had a whole bunch of grownup problems hit in the last couple of months and it's left me no time to do any writing.

    Just hang on a bit longer. Once I get through chapter 8, it'll get a lot easier for me in terms of moving the story along.

    0 comments · 258 views

A Minor Milestone, and a Small Signal Boost · 4:29am May 3rd, 2018

Hi, everyone.

Work continues on chapter 8, and Rebuilding reached a new milestone: the story has now had over 1,300 views. I think this is something worth celebrating, and so to anyone who reads this, I’ll make this offer: Ask me anything you want. I promise that I’ll answer it in some way.

Aside from that, I wanted to promote another story. Early on, the Apex Sovereign offered to be my prereader, and has since grown to be a valuable contributor to my story. His editing helps to keep me from crawling up my own ass and keeps the story on track. In return, I’ve been helping to edit his story, The Broken Bond.

The Broken Bond is incredibly ambitious, and its author has been working hard on it. I’m proud to say that I’ve had a hand in the massive rewrite its undergone, and I’d like to urge any readers out there who might have missed it to give it a look. It’s a much different sort of story than mine, and it’s been fun to see it develop. So, check it out!

TThe Broken Bond
(Featured on EqD) Starlight Glimmer was always destined for greatness. But when fate isn't all it's cracked up to be, it'll take the help of some friends to change the course she set for herself. But that's not the hard part - it's letting them try.
TheApexSovereign · 373k words  ·  293  27 · 6.5k views
Report JD McGregor · 303 views · Story: Rebuilding ·
Comments ( 16 )

Where do babies come from?

From the hospital. Next question?

How does the hospital make babies?

From the mommies in the hospital. Next?

What is the meaning of life?

To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentations of their women.

Or to find a place that makes a really, really good roast beef sandwich. Either one of those.

Epic. Thanks for the plug by the by

No prob. Glad to do it.

How'd you get into the fandom?

Best pony:

I fluctuate between Starlight and Twilight, and so I tend to just enjoy seeing them play off each other. I like Twilight's sincere nerdiness and how easily she's moved to tears. I like Starlight's joking insecurity, and how she pretends to be stronger than she is. I like both of them for having a certain eye-rolling sarcasm when dealing with the craziness that pops up around them regularly.

That said, I will always have a place in my heart for Luna. She seems to be the princess who's most involved with the lives of her subjects, and yet she's still always living in Celestia's shadow. I can totally get where she's coming from.

How'd I get into the fandom:

I come out of anime fandom, and I've always kind of preferred cartoons as my medium of choice. I first learned about FiM in early 2011, when a friend of mine and I were discussing the stuff younger fans are into that we probably never would. My friend said "Yeah, kids, I'm not gonna watch your My Little Pony show." That was the first I heard that there even was a new MLP, or that anyone but girls over the age of 5 were watching it. I was dubious, and avoided it for months. It finally took an article from the A.V. Room (specifically for The Cutie Mark Chronicles) to pique my curiosity enough to watch. I liked what I saw (Although for a while, I was convinced that Scootaloo was a boy), and ended up shotgunning the whole of series one in the summer of 2011.

After that, I was pretty much down the rabbit hole for good. I liked the fan-generated content the community was making, and the heydays of 2012-13 produced a lot of it. I never got into the fanfic, though. Honestly, most fanfic seemed to fall into the broad categories of a.) well-intentioned, but incompetently written and b.) porn. I knew about some of the big name fics, like Past Sins and (guh) My Little Dashie, but I just wasn't interested.

There were a few points in the past when I felt an urge to write a fic, though. There came a point right after Twilight became an alicorn that I really felt like I had to address my problems with Magical Mystery Cure, and even began writing something. Fortunately, I stopped; I didn't know the term "fix fic" at the time, but what I was doing came dangerously close to being that. There are some ideas I had which may or may not work their way into the story I'm currently writing, though.

Churro or Dole Whip?

I, uh... I’ve never had a Dole Whip. I haven’t been to a Disney Park in a long, long time.

So, I guess I’d have to say churros, since they’re pretty damn tasty. Especially with chocolate. I recently returned from a vacation in Spain, and the place I was staying at had churros as part of the breakfast buffet every day. That was pretty great.

** EDIT **

And a little investigation reveals that one of the very few places in my area that serves Dole Whip is only about a mile away from me. I shall report back later.

Okay, I have successfully sampled Dole Whip, and can now render a final judgement:


Dole Whip is good, and tastes like a soft serve Creamsicle, but churros have a wonderful crunch and savory taste that give them the edge for me.

I agree. Much as I like eating a Dole Whip, I can never pass up a churro, especially the ones that have chocolate filling in them.

Ah, now here’s question for you and all concerned:

White clam pizza, yea or nay?

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