• Member Since 20th Nov, 2013
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Foals Errand

Guess whose back?!

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  • 59 weeks
    Goodbye to Level Dasher...

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State of the Foals · 9:50pm Mar 4th, 2018

So first of all. Thank you for sticking with me through this rotten horrible last year.

I'd like to thank you all for helping us pay that horrid tax bill! I don't know what we would have done so thank you!

With that out of the way comes the more... personal stuff. Medical to be exact. If you want to hear what's going on with me continue below. If not well here's an adorable picture of Dash and Scoots

As most of you know I've been horribly ill since April of Last year when I was rushed to the hospital with vertigo and came out with fatigue and a light headed feeling that has never gone away. Since roughly December I've been having to use a cane to walk. A really awesome shark cane but that's besides the point.

I saw an ENT and did balance tests. They found my equilibrium is shot but my ears are fine. I was referred to neurologic Physical Therapy and told to revisit a neurologist. Well I had my first therapy session and cried in relief. My therapist had a bunch of print outs for me and said the words I've been craving since this all started!

"I think I know what is wrong with you."

To hear those words? To believe it possible I sobbed and then listened. It appears I have a genetic condition called Ehler-Danlos Syndromes. I'm going to link the foundation info page right here.

As I go through the symptoms list I can so many off.
Hyper mobility? Check
Scoliosis? Check
Soft velvet like skin? Check
Stretchy skin in places? Check

On, and on and on.

So what does this all mean? It means I know what is wrong with me and that there are medicines and exercises to treat it! Will I continue to need my cane. Yes, Likely for the rest of my life. Am I going to continue to have intense fatigue? Also likely yes. But there are two things that will help. Caffeine and water.

On Monday I went to bed for three days it sucked and was boring. But I felt amazing for about a day and a half once I was back up. I'm trying to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every day. It's a challenge but I'm working on it.

As for writing? My therapist encouraged me to continue as much as I can and I'm happy to report I finished a chapter of Tiny Twilight Tales earlier today. It's with an editor right now and should be up Mondayish.

So that's my news. I know what's wrong with me (Need genetics tested to 100%) I'm back to writing. And I hope to be far more active in getting stuff up from here out.

Love you guys! Take care of yourselves and each other!


PS Jumbled Thought/Michael Hudson is now living in my house It's pretty awesome to have one of my best friends here. You should go take a look at his stuff here.

Comments ( 11 )

*waves frantically!* Here's to a better year for both of us!

That is great news that they now know what has been troubling you! Hopefully the medication and treatment go well for you!

That's Awesome! welcome back!

I’m so happy you finally have a diagnosis and it’s somewhat treatable!

Oh, because I forgot to say it earlier and neither did you: #sometimesitsazebra

Good to hear that you finally have diagnosis.

It's great to hear from you, Foals! I was just thinking of you this week and wondering how things were going with you. I'm sure it's going to be a bit of an adjustment but knowing what is going on is a huge step to a positive outcome. I'll be looking forward to seeing more stories from you, too!
Take care and know that I m wishing much good fortune for you!

I’m glad they finally diagnosed it. The future has new treatments and medicines available every day!

Glad to hear you finally know what it is, not knowing is probably among the worst thing for most people.

Oh hey, Jumbled moved in? Neat. I was about to say it's a long way to anywhere from Alaska but I suppose you were right next door, comparatively speaking. Having a friend close by is always a good thing.

It's so great to hear some good news for a change. Been thinking about you and Marc every now and then. :twilightsmile:

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