• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 25th, 2023


Virginibus puerisque canto. - Horace | O tempora, o mores! - Cicero | Ex Africa semper aliquid novi. - Pliny The Elder

More Blog Posts54

  • 330 weeks
    Uganda Knuckles is just new-school blackface comedy minstrel bullshit, don't @ me.

    Big googly eyes and huge lips were a staple of racist caricatures of black people. I imagine most people will pretend it isn't, but as a thought exercise, just google "racist caricatures" and you'll see the ancestors of the uganda knuckles shit that the internet is patting itself on the back over.

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    5 comments · 622 views
  • 330 weeks

    We are currently experiencing the worst economic crisis since the great depression, but it's okay because the invisible hand of the free market is going to gently caress us while our New Empire accelerates its decline.

    Apparently we have reached the part where Trump goes bankrupt and then runs away.


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  • 330 weeks
    "Communist countries are bad because death squads!"

    My child, you can get summarily executed by paramilitary death squads right here in the US of A and people not only enjoy this, but they routinely vote for MORE death squads with MORE heavy weapons and military equipment.

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    25 comments · 507 views
  • 331 weeks
    Fash the Pony Fiction: Or, How Things Work

    Good evening.

    I take a brief repose from my task of writing to report that things are not entirely good on the Home Front of the Front Lines of the Revolutionary Vanguard Party of the People here in the Military Empire of the United States (Occupied Turtle Island Territory).

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    14 comments · 555 views
  • 349 weeks
    Irma Makes Landfall; Richard Branson devastated over loss of luxury home

    Irma has made landfall on Floridian soil. The damage is exactly as bad as we imagined. It seems like an exact repeat of Harvey if not worse, with heavy flooding and high winds. Once again, it looks like you can sail your way down the streets. Looks like the oceans swallowed up Miami.

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    9 comments · 419 views

Fash the Pony Fiction: Or, How Things Work · 4:58am Jan 17th, 2018

Good evening.

I take a brief repose from my task of writing to report that things are not entirely good on the Home Front of the Front Lines of the Revolutionary Vanguard Party of the People here in the Military Empire of the United States (Occupied Turtle Island Territory).

I finally confirmed my promise at the beginning of the last year and made an appointment to be treated at an LGBT clinic and to be mentally evaluated. My appointment is in February. The place is very well hidden, which is indicative of how much danger people like myself are in at the hands of the Occupying Force in this land.

This post is a direct address regarding my recent suspension from this site. If you're the sort of person who has already decided that I am a Bloody-Handed Commie Race Terrorist, there is no need to read further, this is not an attempt to sway you from your already firmly held conviction that I should be banned, taken from my house, tortured in an internment camp, and then executed for crimes against the nation. You are entirely within your right to believe so.

I am aware I am somewhat Infamous on this site. Depending on who you ask, I am either an Evil Black Supremacist who wants to skin white people alive, a Red-Handed Bloody Marxist Terrorist, an unhinged Evil Enchantress who deludes and deceives, or whatever role of the Antagonist I have been neatly slotted into.

You need only briefly glance at my user page's comment section to see all the venom aimed at my person. And for what? My crimes against humanity are endless, depending on who you ask.

I expect lots of cleverly worded bombastic rhetoric or gloating or further threats, and I am not entirely concerned with them; however, I felt I should preface this blog post with a disclaimer that if you're here to grandstand about how I am Truly Evil, a Menace, and I deserve to be hunted down like a rabid dog by the staff of this site, you will find me singularly unsympathetic to your cause.

Yes, I am the Evil in the night that makes you scream. I am the specter that causes you to clutch your weapons and peer over your barricades, and I am absolutely deserving of the Hunting of the Reds currently underway in this site. I admit my crimes fully and am entirely guilty; there is no doubt about that.

It's my job to fight against fascists. I would expect them to find me a transgressor; a renegade, a subversive that must be stopped at all costs.


Crypto-fascismis the secret support for, or admiration of,fascism. The term is used to imply that an individual or group keeps this support or admiration hidden to avoidpolitical persecutionorpolitical suicide. The common usage is "crypto-fascist", one who practices this support.

The term is sometimes credited toGore Vidal[citation needed], though theOxford English Dictionarycites several earlier uses, includingthe Guardianusing the term more than once in the 1920s. In anABCtelevision debate during the chaos of the1968 Democratic National Convention, Vidal describedWilliam F. Buckley, Jr.as a "crypto-Nazi", later correcting himself as meaning to say "crypto-fascist". However, the term had appeared five years earlier in a German-language book by the sociologistTheodor W. Adorno,Der getreue Korrepetitor(The Faithful Répétiteur).[1]

The term was famously used by German Nobel laureateHeinrich Böllin a 1972 essay (titled "Will Ulrike Gnade oder freies Geleit? (de)")[2]that was sharply critical of the tabloid newspaperBild's coverage of theBaader-Meinhof Gangleft-wing terrorist organization. In the essay, Böll stated that whatBilddoes "isn’t cryptofascist anymore, not fascistoid, but naked fascism. Agitation, lies, dirt."[2]

Fascists do not, generally, march down your street in full Nazi regalia bearing torches and chanting for blood and soil.

Unless they have won.

Nor do they openly make their intentions known on your favorite small horse fiction website.

Instead they masquerade their true belief behind a well-meaning facade of moral ambiguity.

An example: the recent propaganda campaign "It's Okay To Be White."

Yes, it is okay to be white. But has anyone ever seriously challenged this platform, outside of fringe culture figures who barely have any social currency?

We must revisit Nazi Germany once again. The average German in the Reich very likely had no opinion about the Jews and the Holocaust; indeed, it is well recorded that there was an outpouring of shock and distress from the average German once they were confronted with the reality of what had happened in their country.

Back to this site. This site has a long history of tolerating fascist users under the guise of 'free speech', but one needs only to express anti-fascist views or Socialist views to see where the boundaries of free speech come to an end.

A history lesson:

Not too long ago, there was an openly fascist group on this site called /pol/, after the well-known 4chan subforum where neonazis gather, and as you might guess, it was one of the largest and most popular groups, where all the popular fascist ideologues, such as DominatusImperator and their ilk, would gather and expound on the superiority of the White Race and the virtues of ethnic cleansing, as one does on an entirely normal pony website.

It was removed, not because it broke any rules, but because Dom overreached himself and broke the code of this website with an overly large image.

It does not bear linking here, because I am aware I am being closely monitored and targeted by the site staff in a lengthy campaign of harassment. This, of course, is being plausibly denied. I don't intend on seriously challenging them since they can make and break their own rules. This is a game in which they always win and you always lose, because it was meant to be that way: ultimately, they can do whatever they like.

That said, if you want to see the true fascist face of this fandom, simply go to google and point your browser towards a site called /mlpol/. Considering the already tenuous nature of my relationship with the site staff - I have encountered nothing but open hostility from them recently, which, depending on which camp you've chosen, is either well-earned or unreasonable - I would not put it past them to actually ban me for linking to the very site that disproves a great deal of the excuses about how fascism is not, in fact, an issue within this fandom.

That's where we're at now.

No fascist on this site will actually admit to their fascistic leanings. They will not and will never openly declare themselves to be fascist. They will instead express their fascism in subtle ways, such as professing to be 'afraid' of Socialists and Socialist thinking, A vicious ideological conflict rages on underneath the pastel-colored facade of this site, and it is one where the fascists have more or less won, since the site staff chooses to crack down on Left users with much more tenacity than those who openly express Fascist ideology, either in cryptofascist form or otherwise.


Furthermore, many users unwittingly espouse fascist views without realizing it. That is the insidious nature of fascism.

The writer and academic Umberto Eco already compiled a list of attitudes common to fascists, most of which are rife upon this site.

  1. The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.”
  2. The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”
  3. The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.”
  4. Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”
  5. Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”
  6. Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”
  7. The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.”
  8. The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
  9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.”
  10. Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.”
  11. Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”
  12. Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”
  13. Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.”
  14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”

Fimfiction.net practices many of these elements in its selective treatment of leftist users.

We are Conspiring to Spam the Site, despite this visibly being false. No proof can be given of this Conspiracy. There is no actual empirical evidence displayed of this: mere heresay is all that is necessary to launch the punitive arm of this website's staff; in a very Gestapo-like manner, one only needs to denounce one's neighbor and in an instant, sans transparency, one is whisked off in the middle of the night, leaving others to question what has happened.

This is not a call to abandon all rules. Law is necessary to ensure that a community functions properly. What I am addressing is the punishment and targeted harassment of users for the mere sin of championing Left ideology.

We won't even get into the openly white supremacist dialogue in play about 'attacking white people', but why bother arguing about that?

This is the fandom that created a white blonde female Nazi pony who talks about how she hates N-words and whatnot, and that's a very funny meme that everyone finds hilarious, but if you say something untoward about white people you should be hanged, drawn, and quartered, obviously.

Quick, harsh, decisive action is taken to suppress myself and other users. This is not a crusade against my own treatment; I have seen other Left users banned over trifles that would ordinarily be overlooked if they were the typical protofascists, cryptofascists, or just open Fascist ideologues so common to this site.

When confronted, the site staff is bombastic and responds with machismo-laden aggression.


That is generally their response. They are uninterested in diplomacy. Diplomacy is for the weak and the womanly; naked threads, machisimo, and masculine aggressiveness, the backbone of fascism, is their response to any complaints regarding the nature of their engagement with my well-reasoned complaints about their behavior.

3.) A response, and suggestion:

A year or so ago, when I was less stable, I might have been baited into a kamikaze-style suicide attack against the website staff, but that is their objective - and the objective of the chorus of disapproving cryptofascists nipping at my heels.

Instead, I shall obey their rules. You win, FimFiction. I shall limit my operation and withdraw from the field; it's suicide to march into the citadel of the Fascist Pony Site and start attacking it from within.

Therefore, I shall limit my opinion pieces on Socialist ideology to this blog and my own group. I shall no longer openly contest Fascists snce this is very clearly their turf.

You can't strike down what you can't see, after all.

Fascists, for all their talk of honor, lack the very thing they claim to have. I openly wear the Red Banner of Revolution on my breast and make no apologies for my ideology; I openly gave battle to the Fascists in the virtual streets of FimFiction, while they ran and took shelter behind the staff.

However, if they would prefer for me to play at being a hidden agent, a spy; so be it.

And speaking of rules, I think it's time some new rules were drawn up for this site.

Why not just be openly fascist, FimFiction.net? Nakedly oppose your Socalist and Leftist enemies.

Include a proscription in the rules that the espousing of Left thought in the site will result in a ban..

Mention in the rules that unless the Supremacy of the White Race is sacrosanct, you will be immediately removed.

Make clear your intentions. Declare openly your reverence to the Fascist ideology.

4.) Fascists everywhere? Surely you jest!

You leftists are full of it! You call everyone fascist!

First, actually read Umberto Eco's essay on The Ur-Fascist and see how easy it is to fall into fascist modes of thought. It is a dangerously seductive ideology, one that infects and spreads like a virus.



Read Jean-Paul Sartre's proscription on the Nazis who hide behind the bulwark of 'ironic comedy and humor'.


Instead of rabidly screaming about leftists seeing fascism everywhere, consider the following:

Maybe fascism is on the rise and more people are becoming fascist in this New Order.

Ever think of that, o great rational sage?

I've done my best to prevent this fandom from being an onramp for small children to become neonazis; I admit defeat on this particular platform but it was never really mine to win since I am not involved in the mechanisms behind the site itself. If the site staff want to create a nurturing environment for fascism then so be it. It's not my job to care, and, honestly, it was stupid of me to even bother crossing swords with them about it at all.

Wiser heads than myself have merely left the site or the fandom entirely. I remain, but in a hidden role.

We're Ghosts.

We're the Specters of Communism.

We're the sounds that go bump in the night that make Fascists reach for their Lugers in fear.

We're the Hidden Enemy.

And we'll be watching.

Report Alsvid · 555 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

to be treated at an LGBT clinic and to be mentally evaluated. My appointment is in February.

Ooh, they do a mental evaluation? I can't wait!
Of course, recent news events have lowered my trust in psychological testing processes…


If you'd quit claiming we're all fascists and spreading it around when the vast majority of us lean so far left we're about to fall over, it'd be a great start to things. And, you know, quit spamming your views everywhere. Keep them to your blogs. Don't go to every group under the sun and spam spam spam that 'oh my god, everyone's facists, wah wah wah' and you won't find yourself banned again. Literally. You were banned for excessive spamming.


Not sure what there is to be excited about. I am visibly mentally unwell or I would not have tried to take my own life or self medicate with harmful substances.

Unless you thought you were going to do something like "Of course THIS means EVERYTHING you said is THE RAVINGS OF A LUNATIC!"

Because that's not only ableist nonsense, but you can't just handwave away the pony nazis at /mlpol/ like that.


And I'm not the only one blowing the whistle here.


Wild how you can't actually provide screenshots of my spam, but far be it from me to contest your decision. I actually can obey orders.

But who cares? You Won. I am going to buckle down to my original task.

Keep them to your blogs.

Oh, I shall.

If you're the sort of person who has already decided that I am a Bloody-Handed Commie Race Terrorist, there is no need to read further, this is not an attempt to sway you from your already firmly held conviction that I should be banned, taken from my house, tortured in an internment camp, and then executed for crimes against the nation.

And what if I'm just a normal person who thinks you're a commie (self identified) terrorist (openly supports a group officially marked as such), but doesn't think that requires an automatic banning, that being arrested should only happen if you actually violate a law, and is against both internment camps and executions on principle (something that I'm betting you can't say)?

Yes, it is okay to be white. But has anyone ever seriously challenged this platform, outside of fringe culture figures who barely have any social currency?

How about you, when you accuse everyone with white skin of carrying an inherent sin?

linking to the very site that disproves a great deal of the excuses about how fascism is not, in fact, an issue within this fandom.

The MLP fandom is massive. You can find people of any political persuasion in it, even the most extreme ones; case in point, you. That doesn't mean that the entire fandom has a ‘problem’ with any particular viewpoint.

No fascist on this site will actually admit to their fascistic leanings.They will not and will never openly declare themselves to be fascist.

Clearly, then, anybody who denies being a fascist must be a fascist, right? I challenge you to prove you aren't a fascist.

They will instead express their fascism in subtle ways, such as professing to be 'afraid' of Socialists and Socialist thinking

So there's absolutely no possible way that someone could be neither a socialist/communist, nor a fascist, then? It's one or the other? If I express that I'm afraid of both ideologies taking over, I must be lying about one of them? Are you really that stuck in a tribalistic mindset?

those who openly express Fascist ideology, either in cryptofascist form or otherwise.

You just got done explaining how nobody ‘openly expresses’ fascism here, and how cryptofascism is the antithesis of being open about your beliefs. By your own admission, there is nobody in this category for the moderators to enforce anything on.

Furthermore, many users unwittingly espouse fascist views without realizing it. That is the insidious nature of fascism.

Maybe that includes you. Have you considered that? And before you claim that you've considered that and rejected it, let me point out that if I say I've considered that and rejected it, you'll probably just respond to the effect that someone unwittingly being a fascist just won't be able to self-judge… which means you can't self judge that you aren't a fascist, either.

The writer and academic Umberto Eco already compiled a list of attitudes common to fascists, most of which are rife upon this site.

Ooh, a list! Let's compare how I fare to how you fare (according to my admittedly limited knowledge of you based on what you've said to me):

1. The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.”
Me: I reject the idea that tradition holds any value. I do not hold ‘syncretistic’ beliefs (or indeed beliefs of any kind), and I do not associate nor believe in anything remotely occult.
You: At every opportunity, you glorify the traditional practices of African cultures. In addition, you hold a traditional thinker (Marx) to be central to your ideology. Yes, he's a traditional thinker; he's well over a century out of date at this point. Further, you identify as a ‘Germanic Neopagan’, which is not only an occult belief system, but was, ironically, the belief system of some of Hitler's top advisers, and possibly even Hitler, the top fash himself.

2. The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”
Me: Reason and critical thinking, along with humanist (applying to all humans equally) moral values, often termed ‘modernism’, is the most important development of human history.
You: Associate with the various postmodernist (that is, explicitly rejecting of modernism) ideas that pervade the radical left, particularly in the area of social behavior. This is most obvious when your response to a request for rational discourse is to cry about your emotions and how your personal perspective is being ignored… which is the opposite of rational discourse and modernism in general.

3. The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.”
Me: That's stupid. There's nothing more for me to say about it.
You: “TIP: IT'S NOT TO LATE TO FORM VANGUARD SOCIALIST PARTIES! We shouldn't think the DSA can handle everything. They need other parties to work in concordance with them. Got 4 left friends? You're a party.”
Part of a series of tweets where you call for action for action's sake.

4. Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”
Me: Disagreement is how we learn. I welcome disagreement and open discourse.
You: You've been calling me an evil misogynist white male fascist who is personally responsible for everything bad that's ever happened ever since I dared voice disagreement with you, and I've seen you do the same thing to anybody else who dares disagree. To you, disagreement in and of itself marks someone as an enemy who must be fought against. Even allowing someone else to disagree with you makes a third party culpable. To you, disagreement is treason.

5. Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”
Me: I don't rightly care about differences. Everyone is different, that's the complex nature of humanity.
You: You insist on categorizing people and denouncing certain groups. You're okay with some differences, sure, but others, like someone being a different skin color (white), or having different life experiences (not scraping money together to pay the rent), are anathema to you. You get half a point here.

6. Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”
Me: I'm so removed from this that I'm not even sure how to address it in the context of me.
You: You appeal to a frustrated black community, suffering from economic crisis, and frightened by the pressure of other demographics.

7. The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.”
Me: The world is too complicated for a plot. It's not a story book.
You: Explicitly paints your struggle as a storybook, and more broadly stakes out the position that everything wrong with the world is a white-capitalist conspiracy, with clear good guys (you) and clear enemies (white people, rich people).

8. The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
Me: I don't exactly have a single enemy that I think is in charge of all bad things, so I'm not sure how I would even apply this to me.
You: The white capitalist class is oppressing you and conspiring against you (strong and in charge), but also ripe to be kicked over by your activism, so much so that you think they are ‘confused and constantly afraid’ due to your movement (so weak that they can be taken easily if only you would stand up and fight them).

9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.”
Me: Punching someone you disagree with is wrong, and peaceful resolutions are better (both morally and by the evidence) than violent ones.
You: Merely saying that is, in your mind, an attack on you, and you took quite a stance against the idea of peaceful solutions in my last blog post. You have repeatedly glorified the idea of battle in our exchanges.

10. Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.”
Me: I don't really think much about weak and strong in the first place. People aren't that easily categorized.
You: Haven't seen anything that would count as this, but communists often take this disparaging tone against people who they think fail to fight hard enough for their cause; if you do that, then this is you, too.

11. Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”
Me: In reality, nobody is educated.
You: You repeatedly star as the hero of the stories you claim represent the reality around you, and I'm sure you encourage other people of similar ideology to think the same way.

12. Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”
Me: I have no ill will towards women, nor do I subscribe to any sexual taboos, for myself or others.
You: You have expressed an open disdain for men, which is a comparable idea. Half a point.

13. Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.”
Me: Populism sucks.
You: You and your ilk claim to speak for large groups; the oppressed, women, black people. Then you represent what the people like you have said and done as representative of these groups. Communism is, by it's very definition, an attempt to act as the Voice of the People, even when most of the ‘people’ disagree with you.

14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”
Me: I hate word games, and point them out whenever I see them.
You: All opponents are ‘Nazis’ and ‘fascists’, even when they don't actually fit the definitions. ‘Racism’, ‘sexism’, and ‘bigotry’ are redefined out of recognition to suit the ideology, the original meanings cast aside. Various words like ‘patriarchy’ and ‘misogyny’ are intended to shut down conversation rather than to actually convey meaning. A host of terms such as ‘mansplaining’, ‘whitesplaining’, ‘cis’, ‘third gender’, ‘gender fluid’, and ‘fash’ have come into your discourse as part and parcel with the ideology; nobody outside the ideology uses them, and their meanings are often flexible and ideologically motivated.

Final scores:
Me: 0/14 fascism points.
You: 12/14 fascism points. Oh look, you are a fascist! Imagine that!

We are Conspiring to Spam the Site, despite this visibly being false.

Unless there was a message you didn't post to twitter, that wasn't the problem. The problem was you, personally, spamming political stuff in groups where it didn't belong. The only person claiming any conspiracies here is you.

This is the fandom that created a white blonde female Nazi pony who talks about how she hates N-words and whatnot, and that's a very funny meme that everyone finds hilarious,

Do you find it hilarious? No. Do I find it hilarious? No. The number of people here to find it hilarious is zero, so your claim of ‘everyone’ falls a little flat. Unless you do find it hilarious, in which case I'd have to question some very basic things about your mental process.


You realize that's their response to anybody who argues with the rules, right? That has nothing to do with your ideology… except, perhaps, for the part where your ideology motivates you to argue with the rules.

Diplomacy is for the weak and the womanly;

I'm pretty sure it's you who thinks that, with your no-holds-barred ‘punch the Nazis’ mentality.

Therefore, I shall limit my opinion pieces on Socialist ideology to this blog and my own group. I shall no longer openly contest Fascists snce this is very clearly their turf.

Do you not see the contradiction, here? If this is a fascist website, then why are you allowed to blog about this at all? Why wasn't your group immediately shut down? How do you maintain this victim mentality in the face of overwhelming evidence against its reality?

You can't strike down what you can't see, after all.

Did you forget the part where you claimed they're following you around?

First, actually read Umberto Eco's essay on The Ur-Fascist and see how easy it is to fall into fascist modes of thought. It is a dangerously seductive ideology, one that infects and spreads like a virus.

I can't wait for your response to the list.

Read Jean-Paul Sartre's proscription on the Nazis who hide behind the bulwark of 'ironic comedy and humor'.

I'll pass. Not applicable to me (see my earlier comment about the Aryan pony), and my general sentiment is that if you pretend to be a horrible person, then you are, at the very least, an idiot.

Instead of rabidly screaming about leftists seeing fascism everywhere, consider the following:
Maybe fascism is on the rise and more people are becoming fascist in this New Order.
Ever think of that, o great rational sage?

Instead of rabidly screaming about fascists everywhere, considering the following:
Maybe fascism isn't actually as prominent as you think, and conspiracies (as indicated by phrases like ‘New Order’) are nonsense.

I've done my best to prevent this fandom from being an onramp for small children to become neonazis;

If you don't want more people joining the neonazis, try not making the opposition look insane. That might help.

It does not bear linking here, because I am aware I am being closely monitored and targeted by the site staff in a lengthy campaign of harassment. This, of course, is being plausibly denied. I don't intend on seriously challenging them since they can make and break their own rules. This is a game in which they always win and you always lose, because it was meant to be that way: ultimately, they can do whatever they like.

You're right on one thing: They make the rules, and can do whatever they like. So the question is, why are you still here? Why have you gotten no more than a single temporary ban, despite being an open communist? Can you give a reasonable answer to this? I bet you can't; not without giving up the idea that the staff is evil and out to get you. So you'll probably just refuse to answer at all.

Your way of thinking is remarkably similar to this guy I traded words with a few days ago who was defending Alex Jones. Radical conspiracist thought is a universal, it seems.


My friend, I speak openly about the need for a strong central state and a military to defend it.

I am aware of my fascist leanings but I do not allow them to dominate the entirety of my ideology. Nor do I think we should put people in concentration camps and exterminate entire races.

You thought I would disavow any leanings I might have of that nature? You should ask me what I thought about the British Empire one of these days.

Hell, if you are that eager to play the Xanatos Gambit-style "perhaps YOU, good woman, are the real fascist" card, you could have just quoted me at any moment when I wax poetical about Ancient Rome.

And I've been banned three times this far from from this site.

You actually think my suicidal, war-scarred veteran Space Marine Zebra character is a heroine? Ha! Hahahahahaha!

She's an antihero at best and at worst a villain.

One of the things I did with her was cast her as being diametrically unlikable and the antagonist of 'normal' ponies, yet instead of being some edgy stereotype whom everyone hates, people tolerate her because she is good at her job.

And I am, personally, no hero.

I am the evil enchantress you and your allies imagine me to be. I do, actually, burn with red battle fire.

And I am absolutely the monster you imagine me to be. Unlike others, I make no pretense to hiding it.

Or did you think I imagined myself to be good and pure?

You would be wrong.


I am aware of my fascist leanings

Yet you identify as an anti-fascist, and call people who oppose all fascism, including yours, fascist when they clearly are not.
This is why people don't like you. Plain and simple, laid out, right here.


"Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise.

But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant."

- Karl Popper


And yet I have my staunch allies who defend me through thick and thin in this site, so you are once again wrong, my good man.

You and your cohorts may outnumber us. Good.


"This is why people don't like you."

Some fella on here was ranting at me about claiming to be the Voice of the People, and how those who claim to speak for others are populist Nazis.

If I were the sort of person to engage in tedious dialectic games that are ultimately meaningless, I'd say you just fell into your own ideological trap.

But I am not that sort.

If you cared to play those sorts of games, you would lose for failing to understand how any of that actually works.

Also, there's a difference between being intolerant of people who are intolerant, and calling people intolerant who aren't intolerant. As usual, you fail at basic rational thought.

But in short, I now have a screenshot of an Antifa supporter openly admitting that they're actually fascist. I'm satisfied.


Similarly, I have a cold-blooded logician claiming that those who claim to speak for large swarths of people are ridiculous, then moments later proceeding to speak for 'the people'.

So tell me, what else do the people say, since you have appointed yourself spokesperson of Fimfiction? I am genuinely interested.


I admit to some curiosity as to how you came about your post as the Chairman of FimFiction's internal liasion bureau.

Was there a referendum I was not told about? Is there a democratically appointed selection process?

How can I be certain of the validity of your role? Do you have some sort of badge of authority, or a license, or some other prop indicative of your function as internal liasion officer?

Wanderer D

You'd be surprised, we have both ends of the political spectrum in staff. Also, thanks to this blog, I brought up Umberto Eco with a coworker and I was shocked when she said: "Who?" What is the world coming to?

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