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Captain Unstoppable

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes

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Slightly Freaking Out (and updates) · 8:26pm Jan 2nd, 2018

Hard to find Disney Pony pics... odd...

I am freaking out. I leave in 16 days to leave for Florida to start my second internship with Disney. While I am more than excited for it, having made a few friends already down there, and getting the same job as before... I am actually more scared than excited this time. This might be my last time in Missouri before fully moving down to Florida to try to get a full time job with Disney and make it into the creative part of Disney, which is a long time dream of mine. This being working as an imaginer, going to work for Marvel, their studios, or animation. I would like to start a new position called 'Walt Jr.' where I am just making up stories all days and seeing what sticks and going on with that. Both Walt Disney and I are from Missouri, both ADD as hell, drink a bit too much, and have imaginations that are insane... so yeah...

But I am really frighten to go down there. As many people know my mom got cancer over the summer, and while she is doing much, much better now, she won't be fully treated till after I leave which sucks. A lot of the time I was the only person who was supporting my mom, my sister kept dumping her son on her to take care of, and my dad acted like nothing was different and only helped when asked. I have been her rock for most of the time, and I am getting ready to move which I don't know how my mom will react to.

Also, I am really going to miss my dog. Flash is actually my dog in the family. Out of everyone in our family he loves me the most as he always around me. Hell, his head is on my leg as I type this. He is getting older which hurts my heart, seeing the grey around his muzzle and while I am terrible at getting close to people my heart just melts for dogs. I'm afraid this is the last I will see of my dog which also is just horrifying.

There is so much getting ready to change, everything I know is about to go away and leave me in a whole other state away from everyone I know and love... and I just started to talk to this girl I had a crush on in community college! I mean we are flirting like everyday and she was trying to become a Victoria Secret model! I mean holy shit! Could a guy get any more lucky?! But I regress... I am about to leave everything that is familiar and comfortable to strike out on my own... so I am freaking out... a ton...

In other news, Jake the Army Guy kind of has a gun to my head to finish Ponyville Bacherlor Auction... so I will be working on that today and tomorrow to try and finish. A lot of its done... I just have to go back try to correct my writing skills that are always improving (go me) and try to finish off the big parts...

The most difficult part, which is hard to believe, is the MacDash... like holy shit... I am MacDash!

Anyway... um... here is my dog looking derp

Comments ( 4 )

Despite the troubles in your life, you seem to have a pretty strong handle on it. That's pretty great and I say keep at it.

Wanderer D

It might be scary, but you seem to be aiming for what you want and on the way there. Stay strong bro. And anytime you need to talk, we're around.

Good luck with your future endeavours man, I am 16 and next school year is my last for high school and I have no idea what I want to do for college so congrats on knowing what you want to do in life

I wish you blessings in Florida

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