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Captain Unstoppable

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes

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Strange Blog Post About Friendship\State of the Author · 9:36pm Nov 15th, 2017

Couldn't find anything else

The blog post of today is kind of a strange one. Just something I needed to get off my chest.

Earlier this month I had a strange king of amphiney on my birthday, that was November 3rd. I saw a post by someone I am friends with on Facebook talking about his wife, and how it was her birthday that day and how happy he was that he had found her. Nothing really strange, except for the fact the guy who posted this used to be my best friend.

I had known him since kindergarten, and we became fast friends. Anytime one of us was free we would always want to play together, which soon evolved into sleep overs, all nighters of playing video games, and even going on drives once both of us could. We were in ever sense best friends, it was not all that rare for us to show up randomly at the others house. For a long time I thought this guy and I would always be friends, being the best man at the others wedding and such.

Then one day, he just stopped talking to me. Suddenly he didn’t want to be friends.

It was during the time Obama first ran for office, and as many people know I am more right wing and was on the side of McCain. Honestly at the time, I saw very little in this just that we had diffrent views on political subjects. We still both loved playing Halo, reading comic books, and playing with action figues. However, that seemed to be the breaking point between us, as he cut off all communication.

There wasn’t any warning, one day we were talking and the next he was not returning any of my calls or texts. I saw him in public a few times and he acted very distant, not wanting to talk to long, as though being seen with me was a slight on his character.

This hurt.

This pain hurt for years. I had known this guy for most of my life, and now he didn’t want anything to do with me over something as stupid as politics. Yes, I get into it at times but really I hate it. I hate politics with a passion. Mostly because of this, because it tore up a friendship I held so dear to me because of some differences.

I really went through a period of time where I had no friends, as when I got older I found the task of making friends a lot harder because I am kind of socialy awkward. Losing that friendship with that guy really made feel all alone in a sea of faces. That I wasn’t worth it because I couldn't do something so simple like everyone else did. There were nights I had to cry myself to sleep because of losing that friendship.

It was seeing that post that day, on my birthday of all days, that really showed me my life. I had tried to reach out to this guy, to try to find that friendship again but nothing; and quite frankly, I am happy we never talked. I have found frinedship in other people that I owe all to My Litte Pony. I made friends with people here that I see once a year, but my God does it feel good, that I am traveling across the country to see these people and they are excited to see me.

I can’t even begin to describe that sensation, that idea that people want to see me because I’m me. Mostly we do disagree about politics, in fact I think we have almost nothing in common politaclly speaking, but these people still like me for other things and not because of how I vote. To me that is huge and I am so grateful to be friends with these people. Even those I have not met have proven to be amazing friends, having almost daily conversations about the most random of crap. Even if they are no longer part of the community I can still talk to them and we get along great.

In the end, fuck that guy.

He ended a friendship because of politics. How much of a dick do you have to be for that to be okay?

Now, my goal is to make him regret that one day when I become Walt Jr. He will be begging to get into Disney for free… and on that day I am just going to smile and ask

“Who is this?”

Report Captain Unstoppable · 430 views ·
Comments ( 7 )
Wanderer D

Just whisper "No."

Life goals.

Hey, I know that feeling though. I had a friend - thought he was a pretty good friend - cut me off without warning because I drew porn. One day we were talking, next he was just silent.

You're right. Fuck that guy and his little dog too (assuming he has a little dog).

It always sucks to have someone ghost like that and I'm so glad you've been able to move past and find better friends.

Especially with the 2008 election, it doesn't seem enough to warrant ghosting a good friend.

Also, with the picture: Where the hell did the bra come from?

At the very most, I would be heavily disappointed with a friend rather than disown them over political things, and even then, it would only be if the vote was for a candidate was someone who actively strives toward persecuting a group I identify with.

when I got older I found the task of making friends a lot harder because I am kind of socialy awkward

I know what you mean. I try to talk with folks my age or my coworkers, but everything is so divergent. They're talking sports (I do follow the NFL but, they follow everything), cars, hunting, getting hammered at the bars, etc. And what do I have to talk about? Military history (or history in general), hiking, engineering.... I would talk MLP, but it's pretty taboo in the military. So yeah, I know what you mean by it's harder to make friends.

I made friends with people here that I see once a year

I'm guessing BronyCon? It was nice to meet you in person at one of the writer's panels.

Anyways, life comes in cycles. When it's good, it's good. When it sucks, it sucks. Actually, it really sucks. But that pendulum will eventually swing back.



Where the hell did the bra come from?

Human in Equestria?


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