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Streams and Such · 6:27pm Oct 20th, 2017

Hey. Remember when my blarghs were about more than just regular/semiregular streams? No? Me neither.


So the first two were actually pretty snazzy, and it seems to have gotten a good reception (I'm not just saying that.)

You can bet your buttress we'll be having a third one. The schedule's gonna be a bit wonky, this time.

That being said, we're aiming for having the next Princess Robot Podcast on Sunday, October 22nd, at 10pm est (8pm Mountain / 7pm Pacific). What's more, we're gonna be having a special guest. Our first guest.

That's right, it's none other than PropMaster, sexy mustachio furby and ultimate "big brother / small brother" to Ponky and I. If Ponky is Kirk and I'm Spock, then Props is motherfukkin' McCoy. Come at me scrublord I'm ripped.

Props, of course, is in the middle of the Propaissance, a fantastical movement of horsewordery that includes such hits as Carry Me Home, Man Cannot Live on Tea Alone and its ever-sexy sequel, One Big Awkward Family and the immortal Rarisnuggles. On top of that, he's a teacher, a boyfriend, a dungeon master, and a dayum good admin of the Lemur Cave... and I couldn't be happier to have him on the show with the Fuzzhead and I.

Anyone who would like to ask questions of Props, feel free to pop them in here. I'll attempt to round up some questions on Lemur Cave as well. All in all, it should be a snazzy good time--unless craziness happens at the last second. I mean, between me and Ponky and Props there's at least two bottles of estrogen and the San Andreas Fault. So, f'naaaaaaa.

Oh. Right. And then there's this Barcast thingy happening TONIGHT. At 7:30pm EST. I'm gonna be interviewed by a bunch of swell horsefuckers marsupials over in Flutterpriest's and Anonpencil's group. I mean it; cool cats. Milk even did a Discord boost for Princess Robot, which was swell of 'em. In case you haven't already been warned, these barcasts tend to be a bit on the... how should I say it... sociopathic side. In other words, expect lots of nsfw shiet... but all around good times. You've been warned.


I need to shave.

Comments ( 9 )

It's going to be a swell time.

What? Did you expect something dirty to be here? For shame. Get your mind out of the gutter. B-baka.

Oh gosh, I gotta come back with some fire here.

First off, sup Props. You're a bro. Sup skirts, you too.

Now! On to the question... hmm...

What's the best thing Props has written in your opinion, Skirts? Also, for both of you, if there was a real Jurassic Park out there and you were gonna have to get eaten by a dionsaur due to the laws of Science-Fiction, what dinosaur would it be and how would it go down?

To Props & Skirts: what sort of D&D shenanigans have you been up to as of late? I remember Skirts telling me a few things about a game you guys were playing but haven't heard anything new in a while.

McCoy was my favorite TOS character.

One Big Happy Family, Put Out the Light, and The Sound of Diamonds look interesting; I should check them out. I have Surprises favorited, that was cute.

I listened to the entire second podcast despite not being a podcast person so I'll be giving this one a look too.

I got some questions:

Propmaster, how many props have you ACTUALLY mastered?
How did you come up with your screen name?
DO you play any other D&D games other than the one you don't play either?
Why are you a butt?

You know what else Props wrote that I enjoyed that's never been finished or cancelled?
Red Wings

Come at me Vod!


Hey Propmaster! First off thanks for all the wonderful stories you have written both for me and for this site
question 1 What is your favorite part of A Pups place?
2 what do you consider Twilight and Spike to be? I consider them Mother and Son
3 are you into baseball or any other sports? I am a huge Phillies fan
4 What is your favorite thing about Spike?
5 and the most important question of all What is your favorite brand of Paper Towels? (Mine is Bounty)

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