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...... · 10:57pm Oct 10th, 2017

Ok, this is not related to anything on this site.

But I just got asked out by a guy, and I'm straight... and have a girlfriend already...

I told him no, but I'm not entirely sure how to feel... ya know?

Report Matthewl419 · 270 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

I'd be like, "dude, i'm totally honored, but I'm already in a relationship. also, y'know, i'm straight. but thanks for thinking i'm that great!"
it helps that I just finished reading The Ship Of The Dead, by Rick Riordan. Protagonist got in a relationship with a gender-fluid character and it was awesome.

Is “genderfluid” even a real thing?

How does that work though? How can your gender change? Is it like a hormone change or something?

It's just a term for someone who can't seem to make up their mind on which gender they want to date. And is somehow different from bisexual because reasons.

I think it's directly related to a split personality disorder.

I feel that we should start making clear scientific distinctions about what genders are legitimate. If genderfluid is related to a disorder, then it should be treated rather than legitimized.

And in terms of laws, like what bathroom you can use, we should base them on biological sex (excluding sex changes) rather than gender. Because the entire reason we have bathroom separation is because each sex has different needs and body types.

I really think many of the problems we're facing right now would be solved if we applied basic logic.

I... actually agree completely.

I mean, if you have two X chromosomes, you're a female; if you have an X and a Y chromosome, you're a male. Basic genetics.

I think most people would probably accept the things I said, but extremists on both sides are creating turmoil where the answers should be fairly clear. It's good to know that there are people willing to listen rather than immediately judge you as a bigot.


going by the way it was presented in aforementioned book, which I'm inclined to take at face value because the author does his research into the mythologies he writes about and thus has no reason to not research other things, especially since it was a main character:

a gender-fluid person literally identifies as a different gender at any given point in time. it has nothing to do with their body or their sexual orientation. they could wake up one day and say, I'm female. that afternoon, they may look in the mirror and feel like they're a male- even if their body is that of an attractive woman. it isn't something they can choose, nor is it something they can control. nor is it the same as an emotional state- they aren't female when calm and male when angry, or visa-versa.

nor is it a split personality disorder. they are the exact same person and personality. they simply identify with different pronouns.

the scientific angle was not dealt with in the book, so I'm not sure if there is something different about a gender-fluid person that can be quantified, calculated, or otherwise measured. you might want to google it. I am sure, however, that they can no more be treated with medicine than can a transgender person. and unlike a transgender person, a sex change would not help. maybe if shape-shifting technology is invented.

speaking of, the (relatively) recent episode "to change a changeling" featured a scene in which a changeling complained about feeling like they should be different colors on different days. it's more applicable to race, but the parallels to a gender-fluid person are there.

as to the bathroom thing, my personal opinion is that we should get rid of bathrooms that separate people into groups based on any physical factor, and instead simply have separate rooms for each toilet with a communal washing station, instead of just stalls. solid walls between you, no way to peek at all, complete privacy. some could have urinals, if that was a necessary thing.

While I completely respect your opinion, I will have to disagree with it. Also, thank you so much for keeping this a civilized debate. Not enough people do that, and you're awesome for it.

Norse mythology (or Greek, Roman, and Egyptian) is very different than gender. While Riordan clearly does research into mythology, there is nothing to say he did research on different gender-stuff. He maybe did, I don't know.

Gender fluidity is somewhat akin to a split personality disorder in most cases because whether or not they are a male or female probably affects how they act around other males/ females, thus altering their personality.

As to the bathroom, walls are a LOT more expensive than stalls. I believe it's better to say that if you have a dick, use the male bathroom. If you don't, then don't.

hmm. maybe he did get one aspect wrong in the book then, because the character did act exactly the same regardless of which gender they were. at several points, that character was only referred to by name without any pronouns, as if to emphasize that the audience couldn't know without it.

then again, why would it change how they act around the genders if their sexual orientation doesn't change? like, if I woke up as a woman tomorrow, I don't think I' d stop holding doors for the ladies. I don't think I'd be any more (or less) disgusted by the men in my neighborhood walking around in wife-beater shirts and such. I can't imagine I'd be less awkward around women or less confident around men. and I wouldn't stop loving my hobbies. I'd just be... me. with boobs instead of moobs.

I compare it to a fan fic in a rule 63 universe. sometimes the writer will change the names and a couple of details, but usually the only difference is that "X" character is a dude now.

You do raise a fair point. And as much as I think I would act differently around them depending on what I feel like, I'll never really know for sure.

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