• Member Since 1st Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen Jul 10th, 2023

AATC Fanboy

An Aspie who does not write fanfics.

More Blog Posts98

  • 48 weeks
    Know that I am still alive..

    ..That is all.

    2 comments · 95 views
  • 147 weeks
    An Honest Question...

    Nothing I wrote had anything to do with ponies whatever.
    Therefore, why would some random bystanders who somehow found my silly writings by chance want me to submit them for approval knowing there is no way it’ll happen?

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    0 comments · 152 views
  • 155 weeks
    Need a title.

    Alexandra finds a what looks like an old diary and begins flipping through it. Along with William, Monica, and Val went to an empty city though a sparsely populated country. Following train routes for maximum probability of encounters, they found themselves in Philly.

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    0 comments · 141 views
  • 167 weeks

    The whole wide world has been a mess. Speed on back to work in soul crushing environments when working at home has never been more practical than it is right now, especially for white collar. So much illness could be avoided by simply not going anywhere, as could pollution. The last two years have been an eye opener, yet I fear nothing will have been learned by the masses when it is all over, and

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  • 178 weeks
    Useless commentaries.

    I really ought to break this unnerving habit of commenting. It never does anything useful unless annoying people is somehow useful. And I think I have made it abundantly clear I have no imagination whatever never mind creativity. Perhaps more importantly, resisting the urge to make more comments when my absence is appreciated and adds nothing, and trying Not to break this streak is

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    1 comments · 196 views

Lyle Harper. · 9:16pm Sep 17th, 2017

I haven't had a full night of sleep for the better part of the last two years. I am continuously trying to up my caffeine intake. I mustn't let her down. Her Royal Majesty would not be pleased with me to see to see me slacking off, nor quitting or even stalling for a short little afternoon nap. I must stay awake.

Lyle Harper determinedly took another swig of lukewarm coffee as he tapped on a useless device in front of him. It was made of plastic and metal, plastic front, aluminum back. Try though he might, nothing worked beyond getting himself frustrated. He'd never seen anything like this. A small, flat, somewhat disc-like rectangle with curved edges lay on an oak table within observatory, and this wondrously curious clot couldn't keep his eyes off of this seemingly magic thing when his eyelids were pried apart.

Five minutes ago, he'd been messing around with combustible fluids, accelerants. A can labeled gasoline was stashed away in the corner, and it was tightly sealed again. He took a sniff, then immediately recoiled. He had never smelled anything so repugnant in his life. The only things even remotely near it were hard liquors. Lady L had taken a drop of it outside, and it caught flame at the first touch of a spyglass beam. She had warned him not to come anywhere near it again.

This piece of delicate machinery or whatever it was seemed to function only when left out in the sun. After twelve hours, it would burn out and die seemingly. Two knobs were on the side, both of which seemed to correlate with the tiny speakers on the back. Another solo one on the other length sideed seem to power the thing up and down. Lately, it didn't seem to want to cooperate.

Lyle had finally given up. He'd been a totally useless clot with nothing to offer the worlds. In his mind. He was nearly in tears, but dried up when he heard a knock on the door. His head whipped in the double doors' direction to see a bright eye in the crack. "Come in."

A gentle push was administered, and in walked the most elegant lady Lyle had ever layed eyes on. One he had been working for for the last two and a half years. One who was queen, princess, most powerful witch, and now potential savior of an alien race. This chick had taken the managing and overseeing of the earthlings of her own volition. The future and fate of them may very well rest solely on her back. A back that was now covered in a flowing cerulean dress with tight laces around the abdomen, silver shoes, and a silver crown with sapphires embedded in it.

Lyle couldn't help but actively avoid bending his front limbs in a kneel. She had told him repeatedly she doesn't want ponies grovelling at her. Sadness evaporated, Lyle did what he'd learned to do, but still felt awkward doing: He addressed her without her title.

"I know you have been slaving away in here for the better part of this year and last. Go outside and play, will you?"

The clot shook his head vigorously. "No. The earthlings need me. And my efforts. I can't let them, nor you, down."

She cracked a smile, then giggled. Lyle hadn't heard laughter like that since his cousin Lyre wiped the floor with him during a chess game. He was naturally unsettled by this. She stopped, then cleared her throat.

"You are under no obligations to do anything at this point. You have done your duty. Earth will still be there tomorrow, and the next day. It is not going to go anywhere. You are free to go anytime. Or you can come to the bedroom with me."

Lyle had frozen at the mention of this. He had been so blinded by his determination to learn everything he can about the aliens he wanted to help, he'd forgotten to live. And he had more to do than walk outside in the world, he had often been invited into the castle to visit the royal sister in her bedroom.

"I can order you to go away, or come to my bedroom for a day. But I shall not do that, as I do not like to give orders when there is no national emergency."

"We shall see," he finally responded, then shambled out of the room.


That afternoon, Lyle Harper came to the quaint little village of PV for the sole purpose of seeing his cousin. Outside the bakery he stood, and he nearly forgot how big this place was. No matter. In he went, and Cupcake was inside stoking the oven, which was full of pies. She didn't notice him at first. When she did, she grabbed him about the neck and yanked him to her. "You clot, you... How are ye?! I've not seen you since you went to work for.." "STOP!"

She stopped and put young Mister Harper down. "I'm sorry. You just know how excitable I can get when some ponies have been away for awhile and I see them again."

When saying this, she sounded almost precisely like his own mistress, along with two others he knew: Ditsy and Rare. He often wondered why these four sounded so much alike. Only in pattern of tone and choice of words did he have any means to tell them apart. But he could never bring himself to state this outright, ever. Surely not to their faces.

"So, how have things been at the castle? Working you extra hard there, are they?"

"Actually that's my own doing." He was scuffing up the floor as he said this. He caught on. "I have been needlessly working overtime, but I manage not to kill myself."

"Good news indeed. I take it you're here to see Lyre?"

"Yes," He had sighed.

"Right in that there dining room, dearest."

"Thank you very much."

Lyre sat there nearly motionless, daydreaming. Typical Lyre, head always in the clouds. One tap nearly made her leap, then she instantly recognized her cousin. Two vice-like forelimbs nearly broke his ribs. *Cannot, breathe!* A small tap on the shoulder made her set him free.

"My dearest cousin, how've ya been?!" "Very well, thank you. You wouldn't imagine the kind of day I had. I very nearly forgot what this quaint little town looked like. So little has changed since I have been here. It's practically a time capsule.."

After five hours of conversing, Lyle had to pardon himself, and step into the night. His evening would only get better from here, for there'd be an express train leading him right to the door of the observatory he loved so much. Just cross the quad from there, and the mansion whose upper floor housed his literal lady of the night stood towering above the neighborhood around it. He was lucky to have a place in this square, as only three others had the luxury to live here. He did as he was told earlier to wait for stroke of eight, then went straight in. Up the winding staircase he went, and he passed several staff excused for the night. In spite of many contemporary structures around made purely from steel and marble, this seemingly rustic house along with the other three on this block were all wooden, clay brick, and cast iron. He rather liked this place for its old timey design, one of three reasons he stayed, the third being the lady who every evening walks the balcony between the observatory and the house.

Down another flight of steps he came, and the sconces suddenly went off, like magic. He prepared to knock on the large double doors into the bedroom right when a large, booming voice shouted,"COME IN." Years of listening to those mega shouts, and he still practically gets palpitations. But he does not run off in fear, for this overseer and steward of the lands had, not even five years ago been shunned, and not spoken about. Even now ponies did not speak of her save official business. They trust her more now, but like her very minutely. Knowing her need for acceptance, he placed a hoof on the wooden door to the right which had a crescent moon engraved into it and gave a mighty push.

Before him was a very large bed for a very large mare, and anyone who would be invited in here. "I am sorry for the shout," she said in a normal voice. "I am trying to get ponies not to run away from me. And like me." An aura the precise color of Lyle's eyes, hazel, lit the entire cloak he had and cast itself into a corner where a large body length mirror with a lightning blot engraved in its frame, not unlike the blot on the other double door rested on the floor. The cloak was almost immediately hidden by a rather large dress that was cast on top of it, followed by silver shoes and a silver, sapphire studded crown.

Lyle had been here many times before; this was not the first, and certainly would not be the last. On the vanity sat a large bowl of fruit, which she began stuffing into his mouth. After his gut began to bulge, and she was satisfied with her work, she lifted him out and placed him on the floor. He hadn't seen this mirror on a while, thought it never left her room. She kept this large, body length, wheeled mirror covered for good reason, and the aquamarine clot knew what that was. He'd seen this non-mirror world though it. Inside were creepy bipedal creatures similar to his neighbor Shelly, only they didn't have faces like that of dogs, nor was their build sturdy looking as Shelly's. He often wondered how they stand up and not strike the ground whenever a big wind hit. It was here that he would stand when she placed him on the floor.

When echoy sounds came from it, it was clear transmissions were being sent. Lyle could only get the gist of it, but he knew more now than he did a year ago. Lyre had told him she's been on it even longer, and has every intention of putting it to full use.

"Lyle Harper," said the mistress and monarch. "You may stay in contact and have first news of updates if you want, but you are now relieved of all duties." His heart turned over. "NO." "yes."

She said it so cooly he nearly got chillbumps from it. "Lyre simply learns faster than you, and her skills are needed more. Did you think you could woo them by simply playing a harp? They don't need a minstrel; they need a bilinguast. Do you understand?" He nodded.

"I know you don't like this, and I never like to fire ponies, but at times I have no choice. Besides, I need you here with me." He didn't argue with that.


The following day, an announcement was made. On the balcony stood the diarch of this great country, and she was looking very solemn. She made a huge announcement, first in Latin as a test, then Equestrian. A large crowd of tens of thousands stood there to greet her then listen, which they did intently. None even breathed audibly.

"I am going to need all the help I can get. None of you are required to help out, and none will be sentenced for failing to comply. However, all of you are strongly urged to help out if you can, as an entire universe may well be left void of sentient life. Any who wish to help may stamp."

The ground shook as if an earthquake were breaking the ground. As she gave a shout and called it to a stop, Lyle came out to make an announcement exclusively to her. She almost couldn't believe what she was hearing. She remained stoic nonetheless, nodded, then told the crowd a very important update has been made, and must be tended to. The two came in leaving a deflated crowd outside. Maybe they like her more than they let on.

Inside, the mirror was glowing, and a corpse came through it. A fresh one. No apparent injuries, but both knew what was going on inside. This is the five dozenth one. A barked order to stay away and not intervene came through the mirror, undoubtedly though the waves. "We have a scheme to hide and isolate two thousand talented and skilled men underground. Don't try to do anything, as this will suffice. Lead blocks harmful waves here." There was a click, and that was it. Neither she nor the solar princess had ever been given such a straight order to shove off before.

Lyle stood there flabbergasted. Neither he nor his cousin would see a thing, nor help as they saw fit.

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