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Rated Ponystar

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Negotations Q & A · 11:30am Aug 30th, 2017

So I'm guessing mostly everybody knows that NegotiationsVerse is completed thanks to me publishing the last chapter of Future not to long ago. So I've opened up another Q & A where people can now ask me anything about the series in general, what could or didn't go through when writing it, questions you may have for in-universe stuff, what if's, and so forth.

So go ahead and ask everybody. I got most of the day to do so.

Report Rated Ponystar · 859 views · Story: Negotiations · #negotiations #Q&A
Comments ( 42 )

Will there be a Prequel talking about the final battle that ended in surrender for Equestria?

Offers a cup of coffee.

I have debated that. It was one of the options for the final story besides Rest, but after doing Rest I really need to focus on finishing what I got and planning AssassinationVerse's next steps. Somewhere down the line I might do one, but not for a long time.

Thanks, but I don't drink coffee

What about the battle of Jerusalem? I'm curious as to what happened.

By this time in the history of NegotiationsVerse, the Thalman Generators had been made and destoryed the barrier, allowing the chance to invade Equestria and counter attack at all sides. Various nations were working together for the planned invasion, but there was still some trouble with the Middle Eastern Countries.

In Jerusalem, at that time, Middle Eastern Leaders were discussing the possibility of working together. Since it is both the center of Jewish and Muslim faith it was deemed a neutral zone despite all parties distrusting each other due to long history. Fearing that a united Middle East would cause problems Princess Luna and Princess Twilight lead a large force to destroy the city by leading the largest force possible. When they teleported in, they though they would only face the army, but every citizen of Israel is trained to fight in war, and they had drilled in to their people the possibility of an teleported attack. So the citizens fought tooth and nail, for every human killed, three ponies were killed. Middle Eastern allies soon came to the aid, especially since this was a holy city for all three religions. American Navy and Airforce were nearby and leaded their aid as well for reinforcements. For the first few hours it was dead even on all sides, however, by this time the Thalman Generators were working and were on the US ship so they used them for the first time in battle.

Using it, they managed to greatly weaken the Equestrian army and it soon became a slaughter fest as everyone worked together to push the invaders back. Realizing the battle was lost, Princess Luna ordered Twilight to prepare the retreat. She and her best guards decided to hold off the attacks, but the Thalman Generator greatly weaken her and she was soon killed by a hail of bullets. Just before Twilight activated the spell for the mass teleportation, she teleported to Luna's body, recovered it, and went home with the remaining army which only 30 percent survived. The battle united the Jewish and Arab people and they swore to serve each other in the invasion in the name of God.

Not sure if you did touch upon it, but how exactly were North and South Korea unified or at least fighting together? Did Equestria attack them both to the point where they decided that now was the time to set aside their differences?

And afterwards, did they go back to a tense relationship?

kim jong un refused to ally with anybody and believed the NK would triumph over all. The Ponies attacked Pyongyang, and didn't even bother converting them. They killed a lot of people including the high leaders and Kim. Those that survived agreed to work with South Korea and eventually they became one again

Did Rebecca ever end up taking that potion? I mean, I can get why Spike initially didn't want her to, but if they stayed together then for her to live a much longer life coupled with Spike having someone who's life won't pass his anytime soon is a temptation that doesn't seem easy to pass up.

No, she doesn't. Spike and Rebecca get married and stay together until she passes away from old age. Spike is heart broken for awhile, but soon remembers the memories they had together and continues on in life. Spike would end up marrying 5 different times in his life, first to another human, then a pegasus with adopted children, a dragon who he had kids with, but she died from birth after their sixth child, one more human and one more dragon who he had one kid with. Spike passed away of old age at 928 years old and was laid to rest inside Canterlot Mountain.

Spike died a big man, eh?

Did they all meet in a afterlife or in this universe there is no thing as Eternal heaven?

I leave readers to decide if there is an afterlife or not based on their own beliefs.

Then I guess I can say yes. Thanks for the reply.

Hey I didn't know where else to ask but where does your assassinverse start so I can begin there?

The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle

Did you ever think of sparing Twilight from the bullet that prevented her from have foals and giving her a love interest? Her death was pure tragedy and her personal choices just left a lot of what ifs.

The original idea for Twilight during the whole NegotiationsVerse was actually that she would become a sort of Friends With Benefits with Ambassador Doyle from the first fic. One of the fics I had planned but scrapped when I still had this idea was Rainbow Dash and Applejack being part of a group from The Equestrian Freedom Fighters trying to assassinate Twilight, they would fail but Doyle and Lyra would have been killed and Twilight would find out that she was pregant with Doyle half human half pony child which she would raise with Spike who she would later marry and fall in love with. Obviously I scrapped that.

I added the bullet wound thing to really hammer just how much Twilight has lost in her blind efforts of following Princess Celestia so that when the hammer of reality came down it would drive her further into the brink. Twilight, as you can no doubt, was kinda suicidal between the time of NEgotiations and Reunited, only saved by the fact that Fluttershy became her friend again and she pressed on to do whatever it took to help ponies and humanity come to peaceful terms. In some ways, I made Twilight the tragic messiah figure: one who saves others but is always destined to suffer until death.

If you could describe how the Thalman generators looked like, and what they they were used (did they emit a field that nullified all magic in a certain radius? Did they power some other weapon that pierced the Barrier?), that would be appreciated.


They look like the shield generators from mass effect. They give off an energy field that spreads out in a wide dome and expands future the more generators their are. They can be used to power up a beam weapon which was used to take down the shield protecting equestria

How did Twilight got that bullet from preventing her to have foals?

How did Twilight's parents die in the war?

And whatever happened to Blueblood?

During the invasion, both Celestia and Twilight had to fight on the shores with their army, leaving Canterlot without a princess to defend themselves yet still had magical defenses (both Luna and Cadance were dead by this time). Discord used his powers to transport a massive multi-national air force for a bombing run on Canterlot, catching them by surprise and doing massive damage. Twilight parents and Blueblood will kill in this along with many othe rimportant Canterlot poines

Did Spike hated AJ and RD for turning their backs on Twilight and for all the horrible things they did? And does he still do?

He did at first, but over time he understood why and forgave them at their funeral (Attended by only him adn Twilight)

How exactly did Celestia end up comatose?

Have you toyed with the idea of the Ponies coming across the Ark Of the Covenant and God being furious or sending Angelic forces at them for a non-cannon story?

Also, how many years pass before mass hatred of ponies subsides?

Does the MLP FiM show exit in this verse or is this a humanity where the show does not exist?

If I remember correctly, I think I read a Battle of Nashville. If this is true, what happened in this conflict?

And who discovered the Thalmann Generator's effects?

She was singly handily supporting the main shield that was protecting Canterlot during the siege, eventually it became too much and the blacklash knocked her out.

1. No

2. At least 15

3. Show doesn't exist

There was no Battle of Nashville. Also the effects were discovered by human and pony scientists, one of them being Moondancer

How come Fluttershy didn't attend?

Comment posted by Rated Ponystar deleted Aug 30th, 2017

Sorry, wrong answer originally. Shy just never forgave Dash and AJ for all the harm they did as terrorists

They were mostly used to house refugees

Whatever happened to the cities of Rome and Mecca after the war? How would Humanity go about the loss of thousands of years worth of art, architecture, and history? Did the Equestrians really lose anything worth mourning in a similar fashion? You mentioned the Crystal Empire got nuked, but it's shown to be a tasteless city anyway.

Rome and Mecca were rebuilt as best as they could, miraculously some both The Rock and objects from Christ survived in both cities further implying holy intervention. Canterlot was pretty much 70 percent destoryed by the wars end and most of the other cities suffered just as much damage if not worse. Smaller ones like Ponyville were wiped off the map.

Out of all the ponies that survived the war after Twilight's death, who was the last to die? How much did it impact Spike and Discord?

Lyra was the last one they personally knew who died, from Ponyville it was Dinky Hooves

1- Will you do something with that scene at the end of Future? Like a side-story? :ajsmug:
I'm only curious... :fluttershyouch: Don't judge me... :fluttershbad:
2- So there won't be another story of this series? or you think you'll have plans later?
3- The story finished like you had planned in the start (Negotiations)? or something/all changed?

Since the history books would be in essence be written by Spike and Discord, how much influence did Discord have in the narrative, considering his nature to be an unreliable narrator?

Also, I presume Discord forgave Twilight mainly because Fluttershy did, but did he ever forgive RD & AJ?

Speaking of forgiving, did Lyra ever forgive Bon Bon?

Love your human verse stories, and this is my question; have you ever thought about doing like a one shot taken place during the war? And is it possible you could include a flashback to the war?

Let's say discord had a hand in any cartoons made that take place during the war. No he never forgave Aj or dash
I might but not for a long time if I do

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