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Stars Without Number: Revised Edition · 4:52am Aug 1st, 2017

Hey y'all! I know I shill for a bunch of Kickstarters around here, but this one's special. If anyone remembers me talking about Godbound last year, well, this is another game by the same fellow who made that!

Stars Without Number is a Science Fiction game set in a post-post-apocalyptic future. Mankind expanded into the Galaxy, managed to get themselves blown up, and are now yanking themselves back up by the bootheels to rebuild civilization.

And, just like the Godbound Kickstarter, it comes with a free version of the game!

I, for one, have decided at this point that Kevin Crawford is my favorite game designer of all time, so I backed it basically immediately. And now I pass it along to anyone who might possible give a shit over here. Check it out. You've got nothing to lose since there's a big, honking preview right there for free.

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