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200 Watchers and LIFE IS SO GOOD (or Pre-Ponkology) · 7:43am Oct 7th, 2012


That... I... *squee!* Thank you all so much. That means a heck of a lot. I'm glad that "The Sisters Doo" is so well-received. I'm really looking forward to writing the last stretch of the fic, and I think that all of you are going to like it just as much as me. TSD12 was the last "slow" chapter, for sure. Everything from here on out is gonna be pretty active. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

TSD13 is in the works. It's a blast to write. I anticipate that it'll be posted sometime this week, if all goes well. I'm so excited to see what you guys think! Thank you so much for your support, critiques, suggestions, and clever comments so far. It's been a blast writing this real-time, because a ton of you have had big roles to play in the shaping of "The Sisters Doo". It would be a very different fic if I had gone with my originalmost plan, and again were it not for TSD10's... er... mixed reviews. :sheepishponky:

But now we're on the fast track to awesomeness, baby! I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY AND EXCITEEEEED! And grateful, too, of course. I lurve you guys.

So, I learned a few things from my last blog's questions. 1) You guys really like Derpy Ditzy! She seems to be the general favorite between her, Daring, and Dash. Will Ditzy be able to rise above her desire to spite her sister and save Equestria?


2) You guys wanna know more about me! That's quite exciting for an egomaniac like myself!

So, welcome to Pre-Ponkology. This is the part where you guys ask me questions. It can be anything: personal questions, general and sincere alike; questions about how I write or come up with ideas; questions about my experiences, Brony and Pre-Brony; questions about life, the universe, and everything... well, anything, really. It might not work very well--the variety might overwhelm me--but we'll try it out regardless. Ponkology 101, if you will.

I can't promise to answer all of your Qs, but I Pinkie Pie Promise to answer as many as I feel are interesting and relevant to me and my friends. A'ight? A'ight.

Ask away!


Report Ponky · 761 views ·
Comments ( 22 )


Why did you decide to write in the first place?

Good for you, Ponky! :pinkiehappy:

Let me go and ask this...
Where are you from? :derpytongue2:

Would you like to join a secret collaboration that I cannot describe for it is supposed to be secretly secret. I mean, I shouldn't be saying anything about it, I should only be secretly inviting secret bronies, and I could be secretly shot before I even post this message! That's how secret this secret group is! For more secret information, secretly send a secret message to me. Make sure it's secretly secret though...

What is your favorite kind of muffin?

Your opinion on hard rock/heavy metal? (Just because...)

And for some more serious questions... What inspires you to write in the first place? Do you have any suggestions or advice for those of us who want to write casually but haven't worked up the will to attempt it yet?

Who is your third (it is third right?) favorite brony? :pinkiecrazy:

No questions, I am content to just sit here and read.

*squee* I fell in love with Sisters Doo after my lust for more action adventure after reading Whips and Wing. Man I think every big story suffers from at least one or two 'slow' chapters. I'm still stuck on half way point of Banishment Decree chapter 9 =_= which is funny because everything before going to the sewers was awesome! (doesn't help I mostly get to read long fics on my phone)

You be teasing me bro! I been following you on EQD since this started xD
I still love Derpy as a nickname though. But I was one of the only shunned ones who called out that accidental recolor of Derpy in WWU so I'm cool with either names.

Also, thank SS&E for linking that badass song you made for them <3 (it at least reminded me that I haven't added you yet since I made this account XD)

MOAR DARING DOO~ (don't hype it up too much and then pull a Crystal Pony Skull on us! That movie book was AWFUL!)


407786 Dude, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was awesome! That's my second favorite Indiana Jones flick. I don't know why people hated it so much. It was based around a ton of historical fact, and aliens are sweet no matter what.

Derpy is a super cute nickname. I use it all the time in real life. It's only in the TSDverse that Ditzy prefers her real name.

Thanks for reading! :}

Questions, questions, questions...

1. Who is your favorite non-pony author (as in, actual published stuff) and what is his/her best book (or book series)?

2. What is your favorite movie?

3. Best OC pony you've ever read about?

4. What is your favorite book (or book series), not counting the answer to #1?

5. There's a #5?

Oh, look, I'll answer my own questions!
1. Brandon Sanderson - The Way of Kings
If you haven't read his stuff, go read it. Now.

2. Hoboy. I never have an answer for this question. Why did I ask a quesiton I can't answer? WHY!? :raritydespair:

3. Mr. Smudge from Two Ponies.

4. It's a three-way tie between The Riftwar Cycle by Raymond Feist, the Shannara series by Terry Brooks, and A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin.

5. Apparently :pinkiecrazy:

407793 AWESOME till you get to that ending that leaves you wondering what Lucas was thinking!
All that stuff about aliens and stuff and you don't even get to really do anything once you discover the purpose for the skull and everything just sort of... falls flat from there.

That was the single most disappointing movie ending ever... Don't get me wrong I *do* love the movie! But all that hype and well...

I really love the beginning and all that history from the old movies and that nod to his father who was played by Sean Connery (that Last Crusade was best Crusade!) was just amazing.

407809 I guess I can understand that, even though I loved the ending. The timing worked really well for me--I was right in the middle of my "obsessed with aliens" phase, and the whole parallel-dimension thing really satisfied my interest. I think I cried a little bit. I wasn't disappointed at all. But I can see how someone without a manic obsession with aliens at the time would be.

Have some general questions:
1. What is your favorite color?
2. Do you own any pets? If not, what is your favorite animal?
3. Do you have a personal or favorite quote/saying?
4. If you had to choose a type of pony, what would you be and why?
5. What hobbies or activities do you enjoy outside of writing while either off or online?
6. Is there anything you want to better about yourself? In example: I wish to stop procrastinating (like right now) when I know there's something to be done.
7. What country or place would you like to travel to for a vacation?
Now for a silly question:
Does this look infected to you? dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra_cry.png

Congratulations on your panoply of watchers, my good sir!

Lessee... questions.

1) If My Little Pony was based on some OTHER species of animal, which would you prefer it to be?

2) How far ahead do you plan your stories? Are they as-it-goes, or are you connecting existing dots?

3) Apart from a certain pair of adventuresome Pegasus sisters, who is your favourite background/fanon character? Why?

4) What is your favourite kind of pie? If you don't like pie... come ON, man! PIE!

Do you have formal music training?
Or are you self taught?

...since when was a desire to spite her sister at the forefront of Ditzy's thoughts? If it had been, that bit in Chapter Ten wouldn't have been nonsense. Color me confused - maybe I'm just completely missing something here. :applejackconfused:

Do you have any advice for writers that can't get enough coherent material out of an idea?


How did you first meet SS&E?

Everybody should ask Ponky questions about life, the universe, and everything. He's got a great head for philosophy, and is an insightful dude.

Ponky, what is your favorite cuisine type (Mexican, Italian, Japanese, etc.)?

Also, favorite pet from MLP?

Only 200? Where's the 1000 that should exist? This is preposterous :twilightangry2:!

Oh right, questions. Umm... Aha!

1) What is the square root of 5,216,875?

2) What kind of piano do you have?

3) On a scale of one to infinity+1, how much do you love Short Skirts and Explosions?


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